1_1__1__ __ I_ _II_ _____lllL__IIII_ _ l~-----^I~CI_- ~-I --- I -I -lal-^IIIIIYII--IY-~- ---- _ ___ _ __ 111_-- ---~- The annual fund raising luncheon takes place April 9. For the story and . photosSe p fromgeK Blast year, See page 1B.. ... Volume 1 Number 12 Published in the interest of the personnel at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri Thursday, March 25, 1999 iLlill^l~~ll^--~I~s~-~^~-~ -II-LI-YIIL*YI*-WYIYLIIIIXLIILIIIII~YL Warfighters 11 11-11 - ----I I~----LI~~----LL-~_I-illlp--l Blood drive Friday The American Red Cross will conduct a blood drive Fri- gather here day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the chaplain's office in Building for annual 315. Baseball team seeks players, coaches The Fort Leonard Wood Mountaineers Traveling Base- conference ball Team will be registering players ages 15 and under at ® MPs to get first look at the Pippin Youth Center from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Saturday and Maneuver Support Center Sunday, and again April 10- 11. Cost of registration is $18. By Spe. Kim Brown The team visits towns in GUIDON Staff the area to play other teams in its league, as well as playing The fifth annual Military Police some games here at Fort Warfighter Symposium will be held here Leonard Wood. March 30 through April 1. Senior leaders The single team can ac- from all over the globe will converge at cept only the first 14 players Fort Leonard Wood to discuss the future of because alackof coaches. Any- the Military Police Corps. This is the first time the installation one who wants to be a coach will host the annual event. In the past, the should contact Staff Sgt. Troy Miller at 596-0131, ext. 3- symposium was held at Fort McClellan, 7223, or at 329-4919 after 5 Ala., the previous home of the MP Corps. Fort McClellan p.m. will close its gates for good Sept. 30. The MP and Chemical Schools that once called the Alabama post April children's fair Photo by MasterSgt. Vike Alley needs donations home are moving here. "We felt this was the perfect opportu- It's time again for the Child nity to showcase the new home of the MP and Youth Services "Month of Corps. We'll be showing off our new facili- Around about the Military Child" annual ties in the hopes of getting the idea into Tyler Johnson displays the roller coaster that was contestants at the fair Thurs- fun fair. The event will be held joined by about 80 other everybody's mind that this is the new home his entry in the Wood Middle School science fair last day. There were entries in physical, biological and April 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at of the MP Corps," said Lt. Col. Rod week. As illustrated by the car speeding up the loop at earth sciences. the Child Development Cen- centripetal people attended the open house at the ter. Johnson, commander of the 14th Military left, the entry demonstrated the effects of About 100 Police Brigade (Provisional). force. school in conjunction with the science fair, an annual Organizers need donations This year's symposium expects to draw Johnson is a seventh grader at the school. He was springtime event. of supplies to make hats. Paper more than 150 attendees. Among those grocer bags, newspapers, rib- g(a~l~nmnsslsr..rrrao~.8aas~* iarwa~dM~ invited to attend are 12 general officers bons and bows, yarn, feathers, and their spouses. The guest speaker at artificial flowers, scraps of fab- Wednesday night's banquest will be Brig. Corps is headed, said Johnson. In addition to the normal agenda, this will be the MP village. They will be seeing icad buttons are some of the Gen. Donald Ryder, commandant The Essavons lul' will house the bulk year's attendees will tour the new facilities the new state of the art training center far materials needed. Donations of the recently constructed here. the first time. should be delivered to the CDC, MP School. of the activities in its main ballroom. The Those in attendance will share ideas, attendees will also participate in break out "We'll be taking the guests out and "We are convinced that they will all Building 615, or the Family review the latest information on doctrine sessions, discussing current and future con- conducting tours so they can see first hand come away impressed," said Maj. Alan Child Care office in Room 1111 and discuss the direction in which the MP cerns, said Johnson. the new facilities, the highlight of which Thompson, brigade executive officer. of the Soldier Service Center, Building 470 by April 9. Last year more than 1,200 people, including some 500 children, took part in the fes- Quarters to be named for Ike Ske t- tivities, so organizers hope to vated Red Cross building - the new of the things that Cons.. m receive plenty of donations. U Former Red Cross distinguished visitors quarters - after Skelton has done to support this i For more information, call building renovated for Congressman Ike Skelton. stallation, to support the military Esther Englehorn at 596-0185. Post officials decided last year to general, there's really not an ins distinguished visitors name the building after the congress- vidual out there more desecrvi Big Piney Road closed man, a longtime champion of military some sort of recognition to early morning PT By Anne Marriott Stroud issues. Approval for the facility dedi- He added that this is ict Big Piney Road, (Fort GUIDON Staff cation came through last week, thing to name a facility after him as Leonard Wood Highway 15) officials said. dedicate it in his honor, as a grey has been closed to all soldiers Fort Leonard Wood will honor "I can't think of a better friend for friend of this installation - performing physical training one of its staunchest supporters next Fort Leonard Wood," said Col. Larry present and continuing." from 4 to 7 a.m. The closure month by naming the recently reno- Davis, chief of staff. "If you look at all The 4,100-square-foot build comes as a result of several near which used to house the local chaptr misses involving soldiers per- of the American Red Cross, includes forming PT and ammunition two suites, a kitchen, dining roon, trucks on the road during early lobby, small conference area and mn,- morning hours of darkness. dia room for guests to use. Each suk's The trucks were going up then has two bedrooms --- one witha the wrong side of the road to king-sized bed and the other with a avoid troops, posing a danger queen-sized bed - that sit off a cen- to oncoming traffic as well as to tral living room. Both rooms have themselves private bathrooms for the guests stay- Signs detailing the hours ing at the DVQ. of closure have been ordered to Some of the amenities incluc, supplement signs already in maid service, televisions, microwaves. place, and will soon be in place. cookware, telephone service and even access to the Internet, said Jim Nunley, Pippin talent show chief of billeting for the Directorate Pippin Youth Center will of Public Works. The facility will als-, host its ninth annual talent show have a limited meal service, wit April 24 from 7-10 p.m. atBaker breakfast and the occasional lunc, Theatre. Registration to enter he said. the show is open to all youth. Photo by Anne Marriott Stroud The color scheme is very tradition. Deadline to enter is Wednes- Another worker fixes a leaking pipe in the basement of day. Age categories are: 6-8 A DPW worker puts down adhesive for parquet flooring in the dining room. See SKELTON. page 7A the old Red Cross building. years; 9-12 years; 13-15 years, and; 16-18 years. Group entries are limited to four people. For more infor- Task force seeks to reduce stress for unaccompanied families mation and to register, call reaching themn. There's no system in place been returned so far, the common thread 596-0209. stress in our lives can motivate us to ac- ® Questionnaires go out complish our goals, too much stress can be which tracks these families," Call said. seems to be issues concerning children. to target detrimental. At present there is a task force The survey's main objective is to iden- Without the other parent, there seems to be audience here on post whose aim is to help reduce stress tify the causes of stress in the lives of the little time for spouse who remains behind," By Spc. Kim Brown for families whose sponsors are away on target group. Once these factors are identi- said Alguire. GUIDON Staff unaccompanied tours. The Quality of Life fied, the task force will determine if there In addition to the survey, the task force Army news ......... 5A Council formed the task force, which is are resources in place that could assist these conducted two meetings aimed at discuss- Chapel ................. 2B Stress is not always a negative in our attempting to locate this special stratum of families. If these resources are not avail- ing the causes of stress and ways to reduce lives. For example, college students are Fort Leonard Wood's population. able, the task force will be looking at ways stress for the focus group. Once the infor- Dental news ........ 3B notorious for putting off major projects The task force has devised a survey to modify existing services, Call said. mation from these mediums is compiled, Medical news .....
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