SUPPLEMENT TO THE CEYLON GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PART I. No. 8,779—FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1941. GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATIONS. The Cross is intended primarily for civilians and award m Our military services is to be confined to actions for which purely military A copy of His Majesty’s Warrart dated September 24, 1940, Honours are not normally granted embodying the Statutes for the governance of “ The George Cross ” F o u rth ly —It is ordained that awards shall be made only on a is herewith published for general information. recommendation to Us, for civilians by Our Prime Munster and First Lord of the Treasury, and for Officers and members of Our By His Excellency’s command, Naval, Military or Air Forces, as described m the previous Clause E, R. Sudbury, of this Our Warrant, only on a recommendation by Our First Lord Colombo, August 2, 1941. ' Secretary to the Governor of the Admiralty. Our Secretary of State for War or Our Secretary of State for Air, as the ease may bo F ifth ly It is ordained that the Cross shall be awarded only for THE GEORGE CROSS. acts of the greatest heroism or of the most conspicuous courage GEORGE R.I. m circumstances of extreme dangor, and that the Cross may be GEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, awarded posthumously. Ireland and the British Dominions bevond the Sea,, King, Defender S ix th ly It is ordained that every recommendation for the award of the Faith, Emperor of India, to all to whom these Presents shall of the Cross shall he submitted with such description and conclusive come, proof as the circumstances of the ease will allow, and attestation of the act as the Minister or Ministers concerned may think requisite. GREETING 1 S even th ly It is ordamed that the Cross shall be worn by recipients WHEREAS We hai e taken into Our Royal consideration the o n the left breast suspended fiom a ribbon one and a quarter inches many acts of heroism performed both by male and by female m width, of dark blue, that it shall bo worn immediately after the persons, especially during the present war . Victoria Cross and m front, of the Insignia of all British Orders o f And whereas We are desirous of honouring those who perform Chivalry, and that on those occasions when only the ribbon is worn, such deeds a replica m silver of the Cross in miniature shall be affixed to the We do by these presents for TTs, Onr Heirs and Successors institute centre of the ribbon and create a new Decoration which we desire shoo’d he highly Provided that when the Cross is worn by a woman, it may be prized and eagerly sought after. worn on the left shoulder, suspended from a ribbon of the same • Xt is oi darned that the Decoration shall be designated and width and colour fashioned into a bow styled “ The George Cross ” E i'jh lhly • It is ordamed that the award of the George Cross Secondly It is ordained that the Decoration shall consist o f a shall entitle the recipient on all occasions when the use of such plain cross with four equal limbs, the cross having m the centre a letters is customary, to have placed after his or h6r names the letters circular medallion bearing a design showing St George and the “ G C.” Dragon, that the inscription “ For Gallantry ” shall appear round N in th ly It is oidamed that an aetion which is worthy of recog­ this medallion, and m the angle of each limb of the cross the Royal nition by the award of th i Cross, but is performed by one upon cypher “ G VI ” forming a circle concentric with the medallion, that whom the Decoration has been conferred, may he recorded by the the reverse of the Cross shall be plain and bear the name of the award of a Bar to be attached to the ribbon by which the Cross recipient and the date of the award, that the Cross shall be sus­ is suspended, that for each such additional award an additional pended by a ring from a bar adorned with laurel leaves, and that Bar shall be added, and that for each Bar awarded a replica m sdver the whole shall be m sdver of the Cross in immature, in addition to the emblem already worn, T hird ly It is ordained that the persons eligible for the Decora­ shall be added to the ribbon when worn alone tion of the Cross shall be T en th ly It is ordamed that the names of all those upon or on (1) Our faithful subjects and persons under Our protection m account of whom we may be pleased to confer or present the Cioss, civil life, male and female/ of Our United Kingdom of Great or a Bar to the Cross, shall be published m the London' Gazette, Britain and Northern Ireland, Tndia, Burma, Our Colonies, and and that a Register of such names shall be kept m tne Central of Territories under Our Suzerainty, Protection or Jurisdiction, Chancery of the Orders of Knighthood. (2) Persons of any rank m the Naval, Military or Air Forces E leven th ly It is ordained that from the date of this Our Warrant, of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the grant of the Medal of the Order of the British Empire, for Gallan­ of India, of Burma, of Our Colonies, and of Territories under try which was instituted and created by His late Majesty King Our Suzerainty, Protection or Jurisdiction, Including the Home George the Fifth shall cease, and a recipient, of that Medal, living at - Guard and m India members of Frontier Corps and Military the date of this Our Warrant, shall return it to the Central Chancery Police and members of Indian States’ Forces and in Burma of the Orders of Knighthood and become mstead a holder of the members of the Burma Frontier Force and Military Police,’ and Georee Cross : provided that there shall be a similar change m relation including also the military Nursing Services and the \\ omen s to any posthumous grant of the Medal of the Order of the British Auxiliary. Services, . , . Empire, for Gallantry, made since the commencement of the present (3) Our faithful subjects and persons under Our protection, in war. civil l,fe, male and female, within, and members of the Naval, Military or Air Forces belonging to. any othei part of Our Domi­ T w elfth ly It is ordamed that reproductions of the Cross, known nions, Our Government whereof has signified its desire that the as a Miniature Cross, which may be'worn on certain occasions by , Cross should bo awarded under the provisions of this Our Warrant those to whom the -Deeoiation is awarded shall be half the size of and any Territory being administered by Us in such Government. the George Cross. J. N. A 5551 (8/41) 2 Thu teenthly It is ordained that it shall bo competent for Us, E ig h th ly It is ordainod that the award of the Medal shall entitle Our Heirs and Successors by an Order under Our Sign Manual the recipient, on all occasions when the use of such letters is and on a recommendation to that offoct by or through Our Prime customary to have placed after his or her names the letters G M ” Minister and First Lord of the Tioasiuy, Our First Lord of the N in th ly It is ordained that an action which is worthy of Admiralty, Our Secretary of Stato for Wai, or Our Secretary of State recognition by the award of the Medal, but is performed by one for Air, as tho case may be, to cancel and annul tho award to any upon whom the Modal has been conferred, may be recorded by the person of tho Georgo Cross and that theioupon tho name of such award of a Bar to be attached to the ribbon by which the Medal is person m tho Rogistor shall bo orasod , piovidod that it shall be suspended, that for each such additional award an additional Bar competent for Us, Our Boirs and Successors to restore tho Deco­ shall be added, and that for each Bar awarded a silver rosette shall ration so forfeited whon such roconunondation has boon withdrawn be added to the ribbon when worn alone L a s tly Weresorvoto Ourself, our IToirs and Successors, full power T en th ly It is ordained that, the names of all those upon whom of annulling, altering, abiogating, augmenting, interpreting, or We may be pleased to confer or present the Medal, or a Bai to the dispensing with thsso rules and ordinances, or any part thereof, Medal, shall bo published m the London Gazette, and that a Register by a notification under Our Sign Manual of such namos shall be kept m the Central Chancery of the Orders of Given at Our Court of St James’s, tho twonty-fourth of Sep­ Knighthood tember, one thousand nmo liundiod and foity, in the fourth year of E leven th ly It is ordained that reproductions of the Medal, Our Reign known as a Miniature Medal, which may be worn on certain occasions By His Majesty’s command, by those to whom the Medal is awarded shall be half the size of the Winston S Churchill George Medal T w elfth ly It is ordained that it shall be competent for Us, Our Heirs and Successors by an Order under Our Sign Manual and on a recommendation to that effect by or through Our Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury, Our First Lord of the Admiralty, A copy of His Majesty’s Warrant dated September 24, 1940, Our Secretary of State for War, or Our Secretary of State for Air.
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