128 -SUMMARY THE FEUD BET~iEEN MARCUS TULLIUS CICERO AND PUBLIUS CLODIUS PULCHER The purpose of this tb ~ sis was to i:vestigate the cause and nature of the feud between Cicero and Clodius. I As introduction a historical outline was given with special reference to factork which had an influence on I the feud such as violence, bribery and change-over of forces. Then a character af alysis of b oth Cice ro and Clodius was done to show thr ir distinct differences in this regard. Research showed t hat tfue essence of the feud be- l tween Cicero and Clodius cef tred on the Clodius' revenge. Three prominent events const ituted the stages of the feud i.e. the Bona Dea matt~ r, Clodius' tribunate and Cicero's exile. The feud e h ded with events sur rounding the death of Clodius and Cibero's defence of Milo i.e. his 11 pro Milone 11 in which mb re light was shed on his attitude towards Clodius. The conclusion we reached was that the nature of the feud was a persona l one lwhich developed in time to a political conflict in whif h the members of the Trium­ virate, especially Caesar ai d Pompey! played an impor­ tant role. The fundame ntal caus e of t h e f e ud was that Clodius' too viole nt a nd an ipa triotic b ehavior oft en clashed with Cice ro's p a trib t i s m, bec ause for him e v ery­ thing concerned his "re s pu~ l ica " . Whereas Cice ro fought for 11 concordia ordin um .. , clb d i us' b a ttle was for his own I benefit a f t e r he h a d initial ly been use d by the Tr ium- virate to furt h er the ir c as ~ . l29 The feud between Cicero and Clodius was typical of those times i.e. a conflict between the maintenance of the old order and violence and dispotic power. It was aggravated by the absolute differences in character between Cicero and Clodius and their ambitions. Cicero, a patron of the arts, a man of peace, an advocate of the old order, an upholder of tradition and religion, came into conflict with Clodius, a man of violence, violator of the law, a supporter of 11 ambitus", an abuser of tradition and religion and an exploiter of the class differences. l30 BRONNELYS ~. PRIMeRE BRONNE ~.1 TEKSTE ASCONIUS, In Miloniam. (Clark, A.C. Oxford, ~966.) CICERO, M. T. Ciceronis Orationes. (Deel I, II, III, IV. Long, G. Brighton College, 1851-1858.) De Domo Sua. De Haruspicum Responsis. Die Provinciis Consularibus. In Catilinam. (Deel I, I I, III, IV.) In Pisonem. Phillipica. (Deel II, v.) Post Reditum in Senatu. Pro Caelio. Pro Cluentio. Pro Flacco. Pro Hi lone. Pro Murena. Pro Rabirio. Pro Sestio. Pro Sulla. Cicero's Letters to A.tticus. (Vol. I, II. Shackle­ ten-Bailey, D. R. Cambridge, 1965.) The Correspondence of Cicero. (Deel I, II, III, IV. Tyrrel en Purser, London, 1904-1918.) CICERO, Select Letters. (Watson, A. Oxford, 1891.) 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