mine. M. Grinaaud the Governor of the and Ligonier, whh the Ensigns of the Order of Town writes Word, that only 50 Men of his the Bath, was perform'd by his Majesty, in the' Garrison remained, which consisted of 1500; Presence of all the Nobility, General Officers, and that he had caused a Party fo go through and other Persons of Distinction. the Streets,,beating their Drums, to engage the Mentz, Aug. 14, N. S. This Morning the Inhabitants to shew themselves at their Win­ Austrian Troops pass'd the Rhine: The Britifli dows, but that very few appeared ; that he had are to follow in a Day or two, a'nd the caused some of the Houses to be broke open, Hanoverian and Heflian as soon as the Britiih where whole Families were found dead ; from are pass'd. all which it was conjectured, that there were not Copenhagen, August 13. Preparations are ma­ •above 4 or 5000 remaining in the Town. The king here as for an immediate War. The Court of Rome has at last prohibited free Troops of Denmark have repeated Orders to be Communication with the Kingdom of Naples, in Readiness to take the Field upon the first notwithstanding the Opposition Cardinal Acqua­ Call, and those of Norway, to the Number os viva had made; it is however affirmed, that there 1200 Men, are by this Time as we hear actu­ is no Symptom of Illness in Calabria ; on which ally aflembled about Frederickfliall. The Fleet Account the King of Naples, who was on the is equipped, and waits only for his Danish Ma­ Point of retiring with the whole Court to Mon­ jesty's Commands to set sail. nr* te Casino on the Confines of the Roman State, Hamburgh, August 14, N. S. The Prince has for the present laid aside all Thoughts ofit. William of Saxe-Gotha with his Princels, who Naples, July 30, N. S. On the 25 th a is Sister to the Bishop of Lubeck, arrived in Courier from Calabria arrived here, with an Town the Day before Yesterday j and this Account, that besides fourteen Persons, who Evening the Prince of Zerbst, and the Princess, died in the Beginning of this Month of the a Sister likewise of the Bishop's, are expected. Plague at Fossa St. Giovanni, the Mortality con­ General Steynflicht, the late Commandant of tinued there, the Sickness having broke out at this Town, is expected here every Day to Mefla, a Place near the City of Reggio in Ca­ compliment the Piince Royal of Sweden. labria, where several Families of Messina had retired before the Barriers had been formed-, and Whitehall, August 13. where, from the 7th to the 20th Instant, 24 The King has been pleased to constitute and ofthem died with Symptoms ofthe Plague. appoint Major General Huske, to be Colonel Hanau, August 10, N. S. The King of of his Majesty's own Royal Regimentos Welsh Great Britain having given his Orders for the Fuzileers, in the Room of Newfliam Peers, British, Hanoverian and Hessian Troops march­ Esq; deceased. ing from their Camps in this Neighbourhood, struck their Tents about Three this Morning, Admiralty Office, August n, 1743. and were in full March in four Columns about In Pursuance of His Majesty's Pleasure, the Four. His Majesty, accompanied by his Royal Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners of Highness the Duke of Cumberland, set out from the Admiralty have made the following Promo­ this Place about Five this Morning for Rud- tion of Flag Officers, to fill up the Vacancies theilm, about four English Miles beyond Franc­ occasioned by the Death of the Right Honour­ fort, and was saluted by a triple Discharge of able Sir Charles Wager, Admiral of the White, the Cannon from the Ramparts. and of Philip Cavendish* Esq; Admiral of the Rudtheilm, Aug. 1 o, N. S. His Britannick Blue. Majesty arrived here about Eleven this Forenoon, John Balchen, Esq; Admiral of the White. and his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland Thomas Mathews, Esq; Admiral ofthe Blue. between Nine and Ten. His Majesty and his Edward Vernon, Esq; Vice-Admiral of the Royal Highness were lodged in the Castle be­ Red. longing to Count Zohm. The British, Hano­ Nicholas Haddock, Esq; Vice-Admiral of the verian, and Hessian Troops, are incamped with­ White. in an English Mile from this Place. The Britifli, Sir Chaloner Ogle, Kt. Vice-Admiral of the and Hessians march To-morrow to Hoffheim, Blue. and the Hanoverians will follow on Tuesday Richard Lestock, Esq; Rear-Admiral of the next. It is supposed the Austrians, under the Red. Command of Prince Charles of Lorrain, will James Steuart, Esq; Rear-Admiral of the pass the Rhine To-morrow at Brisac ; and those White. under that of Marflial Neipperg will this Day a little below Mayence, the' Bridges of Boats be­ Victualling Office, August 10, 1743. ing laid a-cross that River. The Commiffioners for ViQualling his Majesty's Navy Wisbaden, Aug. 13 N.S. This Afternoon give Notice, That on Wednesday the \*\th of September Major- General Sinclair's Battalion, Charles next, they jhall be ready ta receive Propojds, and treat Howard's, Earl of Rothes's, and the Highland ivith such Persons its are incUneable ta furnish Oxen and Hogs at tbe Ports of London, Portsmouth, Plymouth Regiments, passed through this Place, having in and Dover, for thi Service of his Majesty's Navy. Escorte the Cloathing for the whole British Troops. Hereas the acting Commiilioners in the Commiliion Biberich, Aug. 14, N. S. Yesterday in the of Bankrupt awarded against Joseph Thorpe, of the WParilh of St. Paul Covent-Garden in the County of Mid­ Forenoon hb Britannick Majesty, accompanied dlesex, Vinfner, have certified to the Right Honourable by his Royal Highness the Duke, arrived here Philip Lord Hardwicke, Baron of Hardwicke, Lord Higb Chancellor of Great Britain, that the said Joseph Thorpe from Ridelheim. The, Britifl), Hanoverian, hath in all Things conformed himself according to the and Heflian Troops are all arrived and incamped Directions of the several Acts of Parliament made con­ in this Neighbourhood; and the four Regiments cerning Bankrupts ; This is to give Notice, that by Vir­ tus of an Act passed in the Fifth Year of his present Ma­ above-named have joined the Army. This Day jesty's Reign, his Certificate will be allowed and confirmed as about Noon, the Ceremony of investing General the said .Act- directs, -unless Causp be (hewn to the contrary Honywood, Lieutenant General Campbell, Cope, on or before thc 3I. qf September next. .
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