CISCONTENT:CONTENTRREPORTEPORT C ReviewОбзор of новостейaudiovisual рынка content производства production and и дистрибуции distribution аудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries контента Media«»«МЕДИ ResourcesА РЕСУРСЫ МManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТ» №№9 1(9) №2 31 13 October, января,1 April, 20122011 тема номераFOCUS DEARслово COLLEAGUESредакции WeУже are в happyпервые to presentдни нового you the года October нам, issueредак ofц theии LastПервый month номер CG Event Content EURO Report 2012 выходитinternational в к ануconн- КИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ Й CISContent Content Report, Report сразу where стало we понятно,tried to gather что в the 2011 mostм ferenceСтарого on Нового computer года, graphics который (CG) (наконецто) and visual зefа- все мы будем усердно и неустанно трудиться. За вершает череду праздников, поэтому еще раз KIEVРЫН О К ВMEDIA УКРАИН Е : interesting up-to-date information about rapidly devel- fects (VFX) took place in Kiev. Some of the reports opingнимаясь content подготовкой production первого and distribution выпуска обзора markets н оof хотимon the mainпожелать topic ofнаши the conferenceм подписчик wereам presented в 2011 WEEKЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ 2012:Я КА К theвостей CIS region.рынка Asпроизводства far as most ofи theаудиовизуальног locally producedо годуby the найти specialists свой ofверный one of путь the Russia’sи следо ватьlargest ему and с seriesконтента and в TV этом movies год areу, мы further с радостью distributed обнаружили and broad-, упорством,most recognizable трудясь post-productionне покладая ру кhouses. У каждог CGо ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН Д что даже в новогодние праздники работа во мно своя дорога, но цель у нас одна – развивать и thE way It was cast mainly inside the CIS territories, we picked up the Factory (CGF, created visual effects for Chronicle РАЗВИТИ Я (25) гих продакшнах идет полным ходом, а дальше, как улучшать отечественный рынок. По коням, го (24) most interesting and original projects with those script- (2012), Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012), ideasговорится, that have станет international еще больше. appeal Как and неоднократн may furtherо сподаWanted! (2008), etc.) that was the general partner travelбыло отмечено,abroad to вследствиеEurope, Asia кризиса or the основательнNorth Americaо of the event. According to Alexander Gorokhov, the bothизменилась as readymade конъюнктура product рынка,or formats. поменялась Besides thereрас founder and the head of CGF, one of the main rea- areстановка a lot of сил full-length и возможностей, features recently поэтому launched работат intoь sons for his company to support the Артемorganizers Вакалю wasк интервью номера productionдействительно in Russia, есть иUkraine, будет над Kazakhstan чем. Подтвержд and otherе to announce the launch of its UkrainianГлавный branch редакто – CGFр CISнием states тому thatявляется for sure количество may have собранногоnot only successful в этом Kiev. In an exclusive interview to ContentContent Report Repor Al-t INTERVIEW international(полупраздничном) distribution номере but also материала be the award. winners exander Gorokhov told about the aim of foundation сергей каратаев : and nominees of different international film festivals. of the local office as well as the reorganization of the «на данный момент ВDespite сегодняшней large portion теме of information on the new movies, whole company and the state of the industry in CIS ещеALEXANDER остаютс я номераshows and мы series останови you’ll also find the detailed report on countries. нераGOROKHOV:”VFXспроданные филь мы, лисьthe recent на однойdistribution из саdeals with the CIS-partners. которые были созданы до мых болезненных тем And one more thing we’d like to remind you. Planning PRODUCTION IS THE Inотечественной our analytical articleкиноин we would like to tell about KIEV you business calendar for 2013 do not forget to book ONLYкр INDUSTRYизиса» (31 IN) CIS MEDIAдустрии WEEK – рынке - a unique кино project for media market in time to visit the major event for television and media COUNTRIES – RUSSIA, theтеатров. CIS countries На страницах and Central and Eastern Europe. professionals in the CIS region - KIEV MEDIA WEEK TheContent event Report took place мы неon September 11-14 gathering 2013. Organized by Media Resources Management UKRAINE, KAZAKHSTAN, moreоднократно than thousand публико of television, movie and media company, this unique media industry project, one BELARUS – THAT businessвали мнения experts о том, from что all over the world. This year and only of a kind in the CIS and Central and Eastern KIEVедва MEDIAли не WEEK основной presented high-level consolidation Europe is a one stop destination for five international DEVELOPEDСОДЕРЖАНИЕ ON LOCAL ofпроблемой four professional (хотя conferences, эту international content media trade events. Please do not forget that we are RULES IRRESPECTIVE OF marketтему активно and several поднима special events in order to achieve here to be your local source of information and ana- ют все, кому не безраз ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) synergy, learn about current trends of the international lytics. THE USA” (26) mediaлична businessсудьба andнацио create unified communication СЕРИАЛ (2) platformнального for кинематогра media professionals worldwide. фа), сдерживающей We wish a pleasant reading! ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) развитие индустрии ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) «полного метра» на постсоветском про АНИМАЦИЯ (12) Contents странстве, является ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) roDuctIon (2) катастрофическая не P : хватка кинозалов. Од К ИНОФИЛЬМ (14) SerieS (2) нако рынок продолжа ет стремительно раз Д И СТР ИTV Б moУЦИЯVieS (8)(15) виваться. И если по КАДРЫ TV (20) ShowS (10) водов для оптимизма относительно увеличе FeaTure FilmS (13) Т ЕЛЕ ПО КАЗ (21) ния количества кино DIstrIbutIon (18) театров попрежнему Т ЕХНОЛОГИИ (22) не так много , то по cInEMA DIstrIbutIon внедрению совре ПРО КАТ В УКРАИНЕ (24) менных технологий за о yEAr 2012 прошлый год имеются нк О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е ве In uKrAInE (23) все основания для гор а МЕР О ПР ИЯТИЯ (29) дости за это. Между тем попытаемся разо focus (24) леси С браться, есть ли свет в О IntErVIEW (26) конце тоннеля?!. Рис. MediaMedia ResourcesResources Management.Management, 22ул. ZakrevskyЗакревско St.,го, 22,Kiev К 02660,иев, 02660, Ukraine Укр аина 1 www.mrm.uaТел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua PRODUCTION PRODUCTION C PRODUCTION №9 31 October, 2012 SERIES LOCAL NEWS Russian film company Artist started shooting 20-series dram- Director: Victor Shamir. ARTIST edy with tentative title Local news about the routine life of the Script: Sergei Medvedev. provincial newspaper crew. Currently the shooting of the proj- caSt: Yuri Dobrinsky, Raisa Pash- ect, commissioned by TV-channel Russia 2, is taking place in chenko, Pavel Kravtsov. Rostov-na-Donu. Number of epiSoDeS: 20. GeNre: dramedi. Synopsis: team of journalists who want to make sensations and find the most stunning events is in the centre of this story. But a press photographer Maxim will soon have some really incredible adventures. By a strange quirk of fate the guy has to come back to his native town Rostov-na-Donu. After long time spent abroad Maxim has forgotten about the way of life in Russia and its moral principles. However he has to earn for living and is looking for a job in one of the local newspapers. This decision marks a turning point in his career and future. SERIES RARE BLOOD TYPE Russian director Alexander Basayev has recently launched into Director: Alexander Basayev. ALEXANDER production his new project – multi-episode drama with a tenta- caSt: Ekaterina Parubel, Prokhor BASAYEV PROJECT tive title Rare Blood Type. Currently the shooting is taking place Dubravin, Dmitry Orlov, etc. in Kherson region and then will move to Odessa film studio. The GeNre: drama. drama is planned to premier on Channel One Russia and Ukrai- nian TV-channel Inter next spring. Synopsis: it’s a true-to-life story about a young woman who works as a nurse in a municipal hospital. She lives far away from it in a deserted village along with old people. This disappointing situation affects all spheres of her monotonous life. But the way she treats her parents, relatives, neighbors and colleagues really amuses the viewer. Her soul is open and sincere to everyone. One can come across such a person very rarely, especially in modern society. The series tells the dramatic story of true kind- Alexander Basayev ness without using some special effects or criminal scenes. SERIES THE THIRD WORLD WAR ALEXANDER KOTT PROJECT Russian filmmaker Alexander Kott is directing 4-episode proj- Director: Alexander Kott. ect with a tentative title The Third World War. Shooting is held caSt: Sergei Umanov, Mikhail in the Tver region. The project is commissioned by Channel One Gavrilov. Russia. Series premiere is set for 2013. Number of epiSoDeS: 4. Synopsis: the scene is set during the Cuban missile crisis be- tween the United States and the Soviet Union brought the world to the brink of nuclear war in October 1962. At those times the USSR was desperately behind the USA in the arms race. So the Soviet Union announced general mobilization of the man-power. Everybody is waiting for the worst while two hearts find each oth- er. The plot presents a tragic love-story. Alexander Kott Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine 2 www.mrm.ua Tel.: +380 (44) 459-4610; e-mail: [email protected] PRODUCTION PRODUCTION C PRODUCTION №9 31 October, 2012 SERIES CESAR Russian film company DT Production kicked off the produc- proDucerS: Alexei Moiseyev, David DT PRODUCTION tion of 8-episode suspense detective with a tentative title Cesar. Dishdishyan. Currently the filming is taking place in Moscow and its outskirts. Director: Eldar Salavat. The project premiere is planned for 2013. Script: Ivan Serbin. caSt: Daniil Strakhov, Victor Synopsis: Alexei Govorkov works as a journalist and press pho- Verzhbitsky, Artem Tkachenko, tographer with a nickname Cesar unveiling all failures of police Anastasia Makeeva. and officials on his own internet-portal. The police chief in order Number of epiSoDeS: 8. to save his own reputation makes unexpected step and invites GeNre: detective.
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