Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1963-1964 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1964 Eastern Progress - 10 Jan 1964 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1963-64/14 • Who's Yeary In Red? 'Straitjacket' Pafce 3 Pafee 2 6asteR OQR&SS>t "Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era Friday, January 10, 1964 Student Publication of Eastern State College, Richmond, Kentucky 41st Year Number 13 Smith, Taylor Elected Rev. Overcash Highwaymen To Present Concert Adresses Mr. and Miss Popularity Assembly Roger Smith and Mildred Tay- Tonight In Brock Auditorium lor were elected Mr. and Miss "There is value in diacon- Popularity in the recently held all-campus election, sponsored tentment, but the value is real- by the Milestone. ized when discontentment is- Student Council Miss Taylor, a senior from sues Into action," the Reverend Eminence, is an elementary ed- ucation major. She is presen- Edward H. Overcash, minister tly serving as secretary for the of the First Presbyterian _' senior class and is past secre- Church, told students at the, Sponsors Event tary for the junior class. She weekly assembly at Eastern. was a candidate for Miss East- Speaking in Hiram Brock The Highwaymen, popular ern, a member of Big Sisters, folk-singing group, will present Student Council, Burnam and Auditorium to a gathering of a concert at 8 p.m. tonight in Case House Councils, and i more than 1,600 students and Hiram Brock Auditorium. junior attendant at the Senior faculty, Rev. Overcash deliv Tickets for the concert, spon- Prom last year. •! sored by the Student Council, are When Miss Taylor's room- ered the annual inspirational $1.50 in advance and $2.00 at the mate told her that she had won message for the new year. door. They may be purchased the election her only reaction His subject was entitled "Th* this afternoon in the lobby or in was a scream. Value of Discontent." the grille of the Student Union Following graduation Miss Building or from any member of Taylor hopes to work at a sum- "You may be discontented, 1 the Student Council entertain- mer camp or resort, and plans over the grades you are male- ment committee. to teach next year. ing," he said, "but there is no There are no reserve seats but Smith, a senior biology major value, however, in merely beJ tickets purchased in advance are from Harlan, is president of ing discontented over youf' for seats in the front part of the Sigma Chi Delta, a newly form- auditorium, main floor and bal- ed service fraternity, and KYMA grades." Value over your dis- cony. The doors will open at Club. He is also a member of contentment will be realized as 7:15 p.m. for the concert. the Harlan County Club. you devote more time to your; Have First Hit When told that he had won the books and perhaps have a con- With 20 albums in their name, election. Smith said that he was the Highwaymen hit the show so surprised that he really had ference with your teacher as" business jackpot with their very no reaction. to how you can improve in first recording. "Michael," a Upon graduation, he plans to your work. TO SING TONIGHT . Four members of the Highwaymen, a folk singing group, are pre-Civil War Negro spiritual. teach high school biology and shown above. The entire group willl present a concert tonight at 8 p.m. in Hiram Brock sold over a million copies, to English. "Discontentment is truly the auditorium. make the group a favorite with The criteria for selection In- instrument which God has used folk-music fans in the United cluded a 2.0 "standing; senior in the past and uses today Stales and throughout the world. standing, with at least 90 se- to urge us on to greater The Highwaymen follow this mester hours; and absence from achievements and to needed re- with a succession of other hit social or academic probation. forms," the minister stated. singles, including "C o t t o n. ROGER SMITH and MILDRED TAYLOR Other candidates in the elec- Debaters Record At Stake Fields," "Well, Well, WeU" and tion included: Isabelle Brown, Back of every movement for reform in history there can be "Praetona," and albums, "The Melva Groot, Sue Sherman, Bar- Highwaymen," "Standing Room bara Bunch, BUI Allison, Richie traced a deep discontent, he Only," "Encore" and "March On Emmons, George Proctor, and said. Such examples are the Brothers." Don Showalter. journey of the children of IB- In Ball State Tournament Their success on records re- rael from Egypt Into tbe Prom- ■uUsd Itt a, tjemendpus demand ise* Land; the unrest ** *#> Members of Eastern's debate by Jay Roberts at the Bowling The team will leave for Ball for personal appearences at the Nancy Evans, Co-Author Catholic Church gave forth the leading colleges and universities team will be defending their re- Green Debate Tournament; and State Friday afternoon at 8:00 BOOK LOST Protestant Reformation,' the the first team, novice division, and return Sunday. Mrs. Aimee in the country, on the Ed Sullivan wrongs and injustices of the cord as they, enter the Gavel and "Tonight" television shows The person who borrowed tielng for second place with As- Alexander, assistant professor of English rulers resulted in our Debate Tournament at Ball bury College In the Kentucky English and sponsor of the de- and in such major night clubs as the "Summer Jobs" book own democratic government, the Blue Angel in New York, the from the placement office is State Teachers College In Mun- Inter-Collegiate Forensic Con- bate team, will accompany the Of Alma Mater, Dies and past discoveries urged sci- ference. group. Casino Royala in Washington, asked to return it Immediately entists to discover new ways cie, Indiana this weekend. the Hungry i in San Francisco to the office located In the of conquering diseases. Participants in this tournament Miss Nancy Evans of New Or- sociation of Social Workers. and the Living Room in Chicago. basement of the administra- "To be sure there is ^alne in will include teams representing Begin in Fraternity leans, and a former resident of A Nancy C. Evans Memorial tion building. discontentment in education." colleges from Ohio, Indiana. Twelfth Night Cast The Highwaymen began their Richmond, died December 21, Fund for Kingsley House has he said. "A wholesome dissat- Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois, and career when they were honor 1963 in New Orleans. been established in her honor. isfaction with one's attain- possibly Missouri. students at Wesleyan University, Miss Evans wrote the text of ments lies at the root of vir- Mlddletown, Connecticut, Class The debates jivill be held on of 1982. They were members of the Eastern "Alma Mater." The tually all intellectual growth." the current national topic: "Re- Selected This Week music was composed by Miss the same fraternity. At one of "Discontentment also has solved : That the federal govern- Try-outs for William Shake- March 16-20 at 8 p.m. in the Jane Campbell, associate pro- value in the realm of the spir- the fraternity's social functions, fessor of music at Eastern. Book On Assassination ment guarantee an opportunity speare's play Twelfth Night were Little Theater. Director is Mr. members were invited to offer itual." So long as we are dis- for higher education to all quali- impromptu entertainment, and The "Alma Mater" was print- satisfied with our spiritual re- fied high school graduates." held Tuesday and Wednesday of Joe M. Johnson, assistant pro- ed in the first edition of the mod- this week. fessor of speech and drama. As- they volunteered a program com- lationship with Christ we will Attending will be Ronald Els- bining the latest rock 'n roll ern Eastern aongbook, which be eager to seek for more, new, wick and Helen Fagan for the Appearing in the cast will be sistant director is Jennifer Mar- waa first published in 1936. Is Made Available cum and stage manager is Roger chants with some serious folk and better ways to improvo our affirmative, and Jay Roberts and Con Robinson as Duke Orsino, songs. Miss Evans was graduated prayer life and to deepen our Bob Chappell as Sebastian, Larry Smith. The Progress is making avail- will not be available in any book- Gordon Camuel, in the negative, During a concert, the group from Agnes Scott College in De- worship experiences and to varsity team. In the novice di- Measle as Antonio, Bill Bogard In the Twelfth Night, Shake- may use a score of Instruments, ratur, Georgia, - and taught in able the fully illustrated, drama- store. as Valentine, Roger Smith as speare reaches high achieve- Uc record of the late President render greater services to oui vision, Jim Reld and Shirley in addition to the guitar, their public schools In Richmond for Orders for the book may be Maker. .• Green will attend for the affir- Cuilo, John Durrans as 81r Toby ment in sheer comedy — the unorthodox instruments include 19 years. Kennedy's assassination compil- Belch, Al Allison as Sir Andrew comedy of merriment and gaiety ed by the Associated Press, with placed in the Publicity Office, ,Hc urged the studants at the mative side, and David Hill and five-string banjo, recorder, au- She became known nationally room four of the Administration Jim Glass for the negative. Aguecheex. untlnged with any shadow of un- toharp, maracas, ten-string the cooperation of the Richmond outset of a new year to ex- happy implication. The audience as" a leader in settlement house Dally Register. Building. The coupon must be amine the record of last year The record Eastern will be de- Winston Roberts appears as South American charango made social work and since 1949 had filled in and brought to the of- Malvolio, Jim Stevenson as forgets that the plot turns on an from an armadillo shell, and a "The Torch is Passed," a honestly and find now little we fending includes such honors as: Improbable set of coincidences been head resident at Kinglsy handsome 100-page book, Is a fice With $2.06 before noon, next have for satisfaction, and then winning the opening tournament Fabian, Kenn Keith as Feste, guitarron, a Mexican bass.
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