The VOL. XXXI VANCOUVER, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1948 No. 21 Gala Homecoming Begins With Convocation Today CONGREGATION 400 Graduates, Eight Officials TICKETS OPEN TO STUDENTS Honored; Library Wing Opened •Students may obtain tickets for the Fall Congregation Ceremonies UlBC's Homecoming promises to be bigger than a three- by applying for tlicm at the Presi­ ring circus. dent's office. The Ceremonies will begin at 2:30 sharp today. Today, there will be more attractions than a skidway can offer. Degrees will be conferred on foui3>— — Sidelights hundred, black-robed students at the | Annual Fall Congregation. In ad- I Want Anscombe dilion, honorary degrees will be con­ Library Gets ferred on eight prominent citizens of I Canada and the United States. Tories Snubbed; Congregation will bc held at 2:30 Spit V Polish p.m. in the Arories. TRUE AT LAST Winch To Speak For Dedication Dream will come true for Dr. Kaye Lamb, when the new addition to thc Workmen are putting the fin- library is opened at 4:00 p.m. Dr. 'JEEZ, MORE BOOKS' al spit and polish on the new I Lamb has been planning the new ad- At Noon Today wing of the Library this morn­ dition for "many years". His dream Tween Classes ing for the formal opening at lias come true at last. Socialists today snubbed At thc same time, there will be 4:30 p.m. this afternoon. Progressive-Conservative over­ tho official opening of the new art Dollar To Democracy The library addition will bc form­ tures to attend what CCF club Engineers Shy gallery in the library basement. ally opened by the Hon. Mr. E. C. president Isabel Cameron term­ Those receiving honorary degrees Carson, Minister ef Public Works. will be: Mr. Ira Dilworth, author ed "a minor tea party." Two paintings of Dr. L. S. Klink and critic and International Di rector "We'll show up in full force," Mlas From Beer Duel Plan Lauded By Boardan d of Chancellor E. W, Humber will of CBC; Mis.s Jessie Fisher Gordon, Cameron threatened, "When t'he Tory oh elevund shrdlu cmfwyp sTirdluuu Engineers may sing of beers, founder of Crofton House School for Club brings out such arch-reaction­ Fee Increase For German bc unveiled. but they haven't, yet f°und a Cirls in 1898 and a leading education­ aries Herbert Anscombe or George They were executed by famous Education Effective January 1 alist here; Colonel Francis Fairey. Drew." worthy who can drink forty. Oitaw.'i artist Mies. Uilias Newton. Students will pay one more dollar with their second term Deputy Minister of Education for "It's not a test of sincerity," she ad­ That in limping rhyme, is the situa­ A portrait of late Chancellor R. S. B.C.; Alexander Russell Lord, Pres­ ded, "to force us to attend a minor tion as it existed at press time last fees in January. McKon/ie will be hung with thc ident of Canadian Education Associ­ mutual admiration tea party of a few night in regard to the challenge At a meeting of thc Board of Gov-<3> • other two. students from University of Hamburg. ation; John Bennett deLong, retired student Tory speakers. We, for our hurled Tuesday by Les Bewley, Daily eenors Monday night, adtlition of one Portraits of Chancellor F. Carter part, invite the Conservatives to hear dollar to the fees, as requested by a Provincial Inspector of Schools; Dr. Ubyssey columnst, to the Engineers. VISITED GERMANY Cet'on and of President F. F. West- William Stewart' Wallace, author and a major political figure at >vhose Bewley said that he doubted that general meeting of the Alma Mater Thc plan was originated by Cliff biook are beinfi transferred from the words they often tremble," Society, was wholeheartedly approv- historian and librarian at University any Engineer could drink thc forty Board Room to t'he library. G'cer and Gregory Belkov, who at­ of Toronto; Dr. William Kaye Lamb, The Progressive-Conservatives can beers, which the old redshirt war cry tended the ISS seminar in Germany The plaque to Mr. 'John Ridington UBC Librarian; and Dr. Luther Evans take up t'he challenge to hear Winch insists is possible, and offered to pro­ HIGHLY PRAISED this summer. wil he unveiled by Mrs. John Riding­ U.S. Librarian of Congress. today at 12:30 in Arts 100. vide any Engineer chosen by that ton in the Ridington Reference Room. President Norman MacKenzie high­ At thc AMS general meeting, a GALA WEEK faculty with enough ale to make that resolution was passed almost unan­ Chief Billy Scow will be flown to ly commended "this practical and Along with thc usual football game, boast good, imously by thc 4500 students pres­ L'BC by Queen Charlotte Airlines, unanimous demonstration of the stu­ basketball game, dances, teas smokers Up to press time, no communication ent aking that the Board of Governors Saturday, for presentation of his 22- Council Quits dents desire o re-educate the Ger­ and class reunions, special events will had been redeived by the Daily Uby­ authorize addition of dne dollar to foot tribal totem gift t'o thc campus mans in the way of true democracy." be held in many places en thc campus ssey from either EUS or individual at the football game. The extra dollar will be collected the fees each year. engineering students. for returning grads. Move To Relieve by the Bursar and put in a special *%., "frJPJi ULgUEyffiPfr" commented Bew;_ Thc United Nations Litt'lc Assembly trust fund. * '""""' ley when informed no engineer had will bc held in thc main lounge of'fhe From this fund, four scholarships put in an appearance. Brock at 8:00 p.m. tonight. Caf Overcrowding of $1500 each will be given to German 'tittle Assembly' Tonight "They have been getting away with Graduates returning to the campus this hollow boast for the last quarter will bc registered and all issued with Students' Council Monday century and probably won't try to buttons signifying their grad year. night threw up its hands and make it good now. It's impressive to Sparks Campus UN Week Homecoming Princess. Pat'sy Jordan said it was "powerless" to do the freshmen anyway." UBC Fire Chief wiJil be presented at all official The accepfanco of a delegate from Israel will open UBCs fund io:v-' on Ihe campus. anything about overcrowding But the offer, he says, still stands. 1 # if- # "Little United Nations' general assembly tonight in flag-draped !'!!'F, I'AHAFM: it the Cafeteria, Cliff Greer will fly to Toronto a.s For 20 Years Brock Hall a 8 p.m. W'l UK I,'a .VhleSr. Association Wiil Tlie Undergraduate Societies Com- UBC's representative to the Canadian The student -eonduclcd galhi ring, pla.v host to ail Big Block Alumni in initiec had asked council to take ac- A ,.-o tain Tin sday. that ibe so- Convention of the International Stu­ sponsored by campus United Nations li't Mddivd Brock Room in Brick 'ion to restrict social usee of the Caf called war of ideologies is "pure bal- dent Service. Club, will highlight CM weep. IBM. Men's Athletic Association wili by campus groups. ( nay" to cover up the real machina­ Greer will try to interest other Can­ Dies Sunday Don Lanskail, president of the UN sponsor a Big Block Smoker in the Plant replied, "You just can't do' tions of power politics, adian universities in tho same schol­ Club, said that the seating of the dele­ P.A. Room. Both functions will be anything about it" arship plan for German students as Lieut, Arnold George of the gate from Israel would rest with the As long as we have big powers we held Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Dave Williams, chairman of USC, he has started al' UBC. University Fire Department vote of the assembly. wil! have conflicts of interest's which Homecoming pep meet will be held •aid the university had found that if, if, tf, has answered his last alarm. Nathan Landau, native Israelite may at any time develop into world in the Armories Friday, Phil Shier, Commissionaries made no appreciable University Extension Department delegation which wilLa.sk fcr a seat \\;u'S, he maintained. pep meet chairman, announced today difference, and so had withdrawn Struck with a heart seizure at his is sponsoring a special course in now attending UBC, will head the Even in 1885 there was a great hue thai there will be door prizes galore them, home, No. 2 Acadia circle, Sunday, Journalism. at tonight's "little assembly" spons­ and cry demanding that a fort, be including nylon hose. Nancy Davidson, secretary, said halator treatment and passed away ored by the United Nations Club, established on Point Grey to protect UBC's pipe band will be parading that some people had refused to go Every Tuesday from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Lieut George failed to respond to in- Chairman of the assembly will be us from a Russian invasion, lie seiid, on the campus throughout Homecom­ to the caf while the Commissionaries at the Vancouver Normal School, as­ quietly. lie was 5(5 years old. Prof. Geoffrey Andrew, assistant to He stressed an optimitic point of ing ceremonies as well as at the were there. piring newsmen will practice the One of the most popular men in the the opening sessions of the United view on the chances of the UN and Hnmecofming Football game Satur­ techniques of reporting, feature wait­ department he has been on thc camp­ the president.
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