Eдиный портал корпоративной информации Отчеты "Chorsu buyum savdo kompleksi" AJ Annual reports of joint-stock companies The body of the issuer who took the decision 123 Дата утверждения отчета 14.06.2019 1 NAME OF THE ISSUER: Full "Chorsu buyum savdo kompleksi" aksiyadorlik jamiyati Short: "Chorsu buyum savdo kompleksi" AJ Name of stock exchange ticker: No 2 CORPORATE NEWS Location: г. Ташкент, Шайхантахурский район, ул.Заркайнар 1 Postal address: г. Ташкент, Шайхантахурский район, ул.Заркайнар 1 E-mail address: [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) Official Website: www.chorsubsk.uz (http:// www.chorsubsk.uz) 3 БАНКОВСКИЕ РЕКВИЗИТЫ Наименование обслуживающего банка: АТИБ Ипотека банк Шайхонтохур филиали Current account: 20208000203965521001 MFI: 925 4 РЕГИСТРАЦИОННЫЕ И ИДЕНТИФИКАЦИОННЫЕ НОМЕРА присвоенные регистрирующим органом: 4783-09 присвоенные органом государственной 202707084 налоговой службы (ИНН): присвоенные органами государственной статистики &'(: 144 ОКПО: 17161701 ОКОНХ: 83200 СОАТО: 1726277 5 Показатели финансово-экономического состояни* эмитента Profitability of the authorized capital, coefficient 0.05 Coverage of total solvency, coefficient 1.25 Ratio of absolute liquidity, coefficient 0.2 8 Изменения в составе наблюдательного совета, ревизионной комиссии или исполнительного органа дата дата '.$.О. Должность Орган Избран принятия вступления эмитента, (назначен) / решения к принявший выведен из обязанностям решение состава (уволен, истечение срока полномочий) 14.05.2019 Муниципал Ирматов .. ДУК бош протокол Избран активларни директори общего (назначен) бошкариш собрания маркази 14.05.2019 Муниципал Акбарходжаев ДУК бош протокол Избран активларни 0. директор общего (назначен) бошкариш уринбосари собрания маркази 14.05.2019 Муниципал Туляганов '. ДУК етакчи протокол Избран активларни мутахасисси общего (назначен) бошкариш собрания маркази 10 Information on the important facts for the year Наименование 1 Дата наступления Дата публикации существенного факта существенного существенного существенного факта факта факта Изменение состава 123 14.05.2019 14.05.2019 наблюдательного совета 11 Balance sheet Наименование показателя Код стр. На начало На конец отчетного отчетного периода периода ASSETS I. Long-term assets Non-Current Assets: 000 Initial (replacement) value (01,03) 010 3085702.20 3099027.20 Depreciation amount (0200) 011 668904.20 611538.80 Residual (book) value (lines 010-011) 012 2416798.00 2487488.40 Intangible assets: 000 Initial value (0400) 020 Depreciation amount (0500) 021 Residual value (carrying amount) 022 (020-021) Long-term investments, total (lines: 030 38605.20 38605.20 040+050+060+070+080), including: Securities (0610) 040 38605.20 38605.20 Investments in subsidiaries (0620) 050 Investments in associated companies 060 (0630) Investments in enterprises with 070 foreign capital (0640) Other long-term investments (0690) 080 Equipment for installation (0700) 090 Capital investments (0800) 100 2649.20 Long-term receivables (0910, 0920, 110 0930, 0940) Out of which,over due receivables 111 Long-term deferred expenses (0950, 120 0960, 0990) TOTAL ON SECTION I (012+022 130 2458052.40 2526093.60 +030+090+100+110+120) II. CURRENT ASSETS Inventories, total (lines 150+160+170 140 1419528.50 17125.00 +180), including: Inventories in stock 150 21211.00 17125.00 (1000,1100,1500,1600) Work in progress (2000, 2100, 2300, 160 2700) Finished products (2800) 170 Goods (2900 less 2980) 180 1398317.50 Future expenses (3100) 190 Deferred expenses (3200) 200 Receivables, total (lines 220+240 210 210467.60 149898.60 +250+260+270+280+290+300+310) out of which: receivables in arrears 211 Receivables due from buyers and 220 104564.60 customers (4000 less 4900) Receivables due from subdivisions 230 (4110) Receivables due from subsidiaries 240 and associates (4120) Advances to employees (4200) 250 Advances to suppliers and contractors 260 (4300) Advances for taxes and levies on 270 5252.60 43259.00 budget (4400) Advances to target funds and on 280 insurance (4500) Receivables due from founders to 290 authorized capital (4600) Receivables due from personnel on 300 other operations (4700) Other account receivables (4800) 310 205215.00 2075.00 Cash, total (lines 330+340+350+360), 320 80699.80 3686.20 including: Cash on hand (5000) 330 Cash on settlement account (5100) 340 80699.80 3686.20 Cash in foreign currency (5200) 350 Other cash and cash equivalents 360 (5500, 5800, 5700) Short-term investments (5800) 370 Other current assets (5900) 380 TOTAL ON SECTION II (lines 140 390 1710695.90 170709.80 +190+200+210+320+370+380) Total on assets of balance (130 400 4168748.30 2696803.40 +390) LIABILITIES I. Sources of own funds Authorized capital (8300) 410 1040000.00 1040000.00 Additional paid-in capital (8400) 420 Reserve capital (8500) 430 1561731.20 1617316.60 Treasury stock (8600) 440 Retained earnings (uncovered loss) 450 82218.80 1345145.00 (8700) Special-purpose receipts (8800) 460 91433.00 Reserves for future expenses and 470 payments (8900) TOTAL ON SECTION I (lines 410 480 2610945.40 1312171.60 +420+430+440+450+460+470) II. LIABILITIES Long-term liabilities, total (lines 500 490 +520+530+540+550+560+570+580 +590) including: long-termaccounts payable 491 (lines 500+520+540+580+590) Out of which: Long term accounts 492 payable Long-term accounts due to suppliers 500 and contractors (7000) Long-term accounts due to 510 subdivisions (7110) Long term accounts due to 520 subsidiaries and associates (7120) Long-term deferred income (7210, 530 7220, 7230) Long-term deferred tax liabilities and 540 other mandatory payments (7240) Other long-term deferred liabilities 550 (7250, 7290) Advances from buyers and customers 560 (7300) Long-term bank loans (7810) 570 Long-term borrowings (7820, 7830, 580 7840) Other long-term accounts payable 590 (7900) Current liabilities, total (lines 610+630 600 1557802.90 1384631.80 +640+650+660+670+680+690+700 +710+720+ +730+740+750+760) including: current accounts payable 601 157802.90 91364.80 (lines 610+630+650+670+6 80+6 90 +700+710+720+760) Out of which: accounts payable – in 602 arrears Due from suppliers and contractors 610 (6000) Due to subdivisions (6110) 620 Due to subsidiaries and associates 630 699.80 (6120) Deferred income (6210, 6220, 6230) 640 Deferred liabilities for taxes and 650 mandatory payments (6240) Other deferred liabilities (6250, 6290) 660 Advances received (6300) 670 Due to budget (6400) 680 2636.40 1076.40 Due to insurance (6510) 690 385.80 Due to state target funds (6520) 700 16711.80 12960.40 Due to founders (6600) 710 Salaries payable (6700) 720 22897.00 29579.00 Short-term bank loans (6810) 730 Short-term borrowings (6820, 6830, 740 1400000.00 1293267.00 6840) Current portion of long-term liabilities 750 (6950) Other accounts payable (6900 except 760 114472.10 47749.00 6950) Total on section II (lines 490+600) 770 1557802.90 1384631.80 Total on liabilities of balance sheet 780 4168748.30 2696803.40 (lines 480+770) 12 Report on financial results Наименование Код За соответствующий За отчетный период показателя стр. период прошлого года доходы расходы доходы расходы (прибыль) (убытки) (прибыль) (убытки) Net revenue from sales of 010 1626708.20 1787956.00 products (goods, works and services) Cost of goods sold (goods, 020 1398317.00 works and services) Gross profit (loss) from 030 1626708.20 389639.00 sales of production (goods, works and services) (lines 010-020) Period expenditures, total 040 756719.60 957633.50 (lines 050+060+070+080), including: Costs to Sell 050 Administrative expenses 060 Other operating expenses 070 Expenses of the reporting 080 period excluded from the tax base in the future Other income from 090 65604.00 operating activities Income (loss) from main 100 869988.60 502390.50 activity (lines 0З0-040+090) Earnings from financial 110 9720.50 101998.00 activities, total (lines 120 +130+140+150+160), including: Dividend income 120 380.10 Interest income 130 Income from long-term 140 lease Income from foreign 150 exchange rate differences Other income from 160 9720.50 101617.90 financing activities Expenses from financial 170 15604.40 6536.60 operations (lines 180+190 +200+210), including: Expenses in the form of 180 15604.40 6536.60 interest Expenses in the form of 190 interest on long-term lease Loss from foreign exchange 200 rate differences Other expenses from 210 financial operations Income (loss) from general 220 864104.70 406929.10 operations (lines 100 +110-170) Extraordinary profits and 230 losses Profit (loss) before income 240 864104.70 406929.10 tax (lines 220+/-230) Income tax 250 871398.30 931712.30 Other taxes and fees on 260 profits Net profit (loss) of the 270 7293.60 1338641.40 reporting period (lines 240-250-260) 13 Information on audit report Наименование Дата Номер Вид Дата Номер '.$.О. Копия аудиторского заключения аудиторской выдачи лицензиизаключения выдачи аудиторскогоаудитора организации лицензии аудиторского заключения(аудиторов), заключения проводившего проверку FTF-LEA- 2008-02-18 202( 2019-04-12 19 Гулямова Загрузить (http://openinfo.uz/ AUDIT выражением '.3. media/ положительного audit_conclusion/2_LOEQGKc.pdf) мнения 16 Список аффилированных лиц (по состоянию на конец отчетного года) '.$.О. или полное Местонахождение Основание, по Дата наименование (местожительство) которому они (наступления (государство, область, признаются основания город, район) аффилированными (-ий) лицами Хокимият г.Ташкент, ул.Амира Юридическое лицо, 2012-04-14 г.Ташкента Темура обладающее более Городской 20% уставного фонда департамент
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