' f . m * S ‘‘w ' 'Si* 41 '■« B A IL y OnbOLAVICDi r364 't t t A a M I ■:. I > f.y-: ■ ,>i : ’TW*---- ;iT-''5-!T ^ !T ’7.‘;-%#'f‘5 '. i .'V’- '•; ^ ,.I^I. U'.. w SQOTH MANCHBSTBB, CONN., FRID47» JtLT;|B, 198X y e n * I X , N O . 244. ->. , ' •' " ,. r n I- U. S. NOT INVOLVED WHAT WAS LEFT AFTER BIG FIRE y \ * > IN WAR DEBT PACT IL X j'v ^ J < ' ' ^ ................ Xm. « -X - V ■; ■>x-y-i5vOy5;-; r - A v ^ x - y ' yx-. .x. y .. xv-- yy'^.yX'Vxxx^^X •- - y y y y J V'vt' ' < ' ' y ' ^ y 'x '"y , t . ' '*!. "yX'yy'fb-y .yy Prendent Tells Europe Mo THOMAS C. WELDON ,y ' ' V * yy-' r'yyf vy' ^ ' ’■ X'.■i'w'*Xv>.'.V' ■ •- " PretM ait Dedares K l l i t e - llnioB of Natioiii Cm DIES* LONG ILL W b Frisd WiiH Ttni Force Reri8ioii--Took No ' V ' \ ' V V Qiite .Hdnled' Ae R«- H r t Iii ^AgreemenL” Heart Diseite Taker Only y ' y y 'X y ^ yX; X-^^y .ox. • ^V'v? X' . • X WSjfdngton, July 16 — ( ^ ) '—^orders, asdstent secretaries ft tpoanliiGii Rjut F A Sen ef Dr. and Mrs. T. E PreddiNit . Hoover today, rulbd Hlm- 9 per cent redqctlcn. WMblBgtOBt July lBiP»(APy — i ^ . a $l6,QiOO' a year- reqidotton in under the reCMit economy hill, the Ceognn — Denocrab f l i « Admlniitntloin dOM.BOt Intend salary at tHe sama time reused Wddon Early Today. President and CtHdr ■ Cabinet ^ offl- to lot the UUited States bo bludf* 'Xy'X^V the. salaries o f his cfitoet oftloers dais ara permitted to return por­ by-lSperoeHt tions of tHslr salaty t6 tHe Treas­ •onod into a rovlslon of war dobte X' -/ t Aaait ft. ' - THe order, cutting Cabinet niim- by any oonoortod afroomont of Bu- ury. Ibomas Carter Wddon, only son Heri from $15,000 a year, to $12,750 ^oa President Curtis . was the ropoan nations—If tboro Is ono. of Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Wddon, a yiwr, wasj issued wHile the Prad- first member to leave the Cabinet THo attltudo of Amorlcan ^^ dant sat witH them at his regular meeting after tha order 1^ been an­ WasHington, July IB.— ( A p ) ^ toward rapid dovolopmonte follow- of 800 Porter streot, dlod just bo- M| iMBd-weekly' Cabinet maethig. nounced. He' read die first line of W HitHer tHe mammoth relief M i Inc tbs Lausanno conforonco and foro ono o'dook this morning fd -■'Xvo-I Mr; Hoover Hlmselfi lt was said, It but tHen smiled .and Handed the wUl b(B stnt to the. WHite BonaA^i^ **Mntloaon's agroomont" was ox- lowing an lllnoss of Heart disoaso. took a 80 per cent cut as the msxl- copy back to newspapermen, say- malned . a (pisetlon today 'wMla wMSod this m by PJ^dont ■mie|ml|ow^ imder tHe law.' Ordin­ Mr. Wddon who was in His 87tH > ■ " ItoJ- ' -X .J '' Itoom in a lotW to CHaHnoim X arily Bt rsodved $75,000 a year. President Hoons served nc^oe tHa yoar Has boon oonllnod to His Home "Yes, Z Blgnlp the order myself responsibility walild'be on OoBgress Borah of tho Bonate Forolgn Rela- T to AsUowlng statement was’ Is­ yeeterday.’’ • tions Conunlttoo: and bod sinpo March. Z>oatH . was sued-at„ the WHite House: He osioulate<|: tHat Hla montHly ff tHat Section to BUkM law. MWHllo Z do not asinuno It to bo sudden despite tho 'patient’s long ’‘Tbf Preddent Has received the pay check new- would be reduced . RepriBsentattve Ralaey, dto Z^emo- tho purposo of any of ttoso Hf|[*** siege. Ho Had provloudy withstood THe flre-blaokened framework of Coney Island’s famous board-walk md^toe diaifred r i ^ o f.^ ^ p w t unuilmous request from members m m |1 JI60 to about $1,000. oratlo leader, said the House woifld naontsteaffoot a oofflbln^ action Bovoro Heart attacks and His family buildings are sHown in this graphic pHoto taken after wind-driven flames Had limped up w a te B * ^ Cf ths Cabinet tHat tHey sbould/be THa salary oil ths riot prsstdsnt, insist on ths dlsputeid . claUas amt' of our dobtors. If It sHsll bo so In- and Host, of friends Hoped tHat Ho valued at 15,000,000; THe blase Had Hardly been quencHed wHen tHousands of New Ypmers retimed, to the subject to the maxl.'*um reduction like tkat of mambars of the Cabinet “ws accept tHs rsspcnalbaity.’’ torprotod thon Z do not proposo tHat would bo able to recover from tHo teacH (as seen at tHe left) to escape the city’s mld:«ummer Heat. Hundreds were left Homdess.by the spec­ o f salaries posdbls under the coonr is $15,000 aanboUy. Cionfsrencss to adjust tha diffsr-. tho Amorlcan pooplo sH u bo prossod present lllnoss. tacular Are tHat r a v a ^ four square blocks. omy blU. THe*&§ PraaldahtP Has, thera- THe underincrataries.af tHe 9tate enoes between flenate and House on into any Hno of aetloa nr tHat our . Popular fpra. Issued the neceieary order*by Department 'and Treasury Depart­ the legislation, had yet to agree. pcdidos shall bo in w ^ W !«? «: which tHey will be reduced 16 p « ment rscslvs $10,000 yearly, as does A fter oonferrlntr witH Mr. Hoover, 40^ by sucH combination dtHor AltmugH rugged in appearance and otherwise enjoying g < ^ health edit instead of tHe. altematlvf. BoUdtor GNmml Tbaohsr, Assistant Democratlo Senatorial oooferees, in- M or ImpUod.** whicH would amount to 8 1-S pdr Bsorstaiy P a ^ of the War De­ slated He woiild. not veto tHe bill A Bntopoan FroUom Mr. Wddon’s Heart weakness Had BOYS ARE BLAMED prevented Him from enjoying an PRESaOENTIAL CAMPAIGN oent'undab tHe furlough provlilbna." partment'ind Jifllus Klein, assist­ even if nnbUdtx for the loans Is Mr. Hoovor osprossod g r a ^ ^ active life. Ho was unable to do Zt was tmderatooid auihoritetlvs- ant aeorekary o f eommaroe. kept In ft. Boms o f Jm Senate edn- tioa at sottlomont "of tho oMotl^ lyvtHat underaeoraterlM. In ,tH# Other assistant aserStarisa aHd fereea apparently were Impressed hy BUropoan proMom of roparattons manual labor of any kind and was thq^Preeldent’a objeoUons to' forced to refrain from most typos FOR CONEY BLAZE varloiu' departmdite would rafirnyf tHa . aaaiataat attcuMy general bSuMidHo wanted to nako It 'Jb- a ten par.cant out under, the same draw $9,000 eacH. provlalon and indicated tH w were Bolutely doar” tHat tho Unltod of recreation. Despite his long Ill­ OFF TO AN EARLY START not ready to yield to tHs .Houas. on Stetes Is not "In any w ness He was j o ^ In nature and 4 tt. mltted to sucH possessed of a winning personality. it fipeaksr Gamer ei^Moted tjat^ He was very popular here and at PoBce SeBeTo Womin LoM to yield, sito-told newspaper- Crescent BeacH i ^ r e He frequent- loA Partitt Ifnore Dry dtoigress jprobabl;y would' ad- aSiW iSrw ss ^ s JUDGES’ASSAILANT AmiKATUm iFAnWUMiaTES v;; summered at tHe Wddon cottage. jouiii tomorrow la view of ftial- Buropoan THomas Carter Wddon was bom Her. Lifo-JoirdAqi die out any Improsston ban For Pretoit— Are dent Hoover’s *surrender" on tHi nations'wort comblnln f to fpico w x on October 1,1895, the oldest of Z>r. pubUdte Issue. dobt rovlslon to to e U tiM Btetea and Mrs. Wddon’s seven cHildren. RELEASED BY COURT RidBs Teday. Hoime Statement. THo9 osprtssir ploasuro at tHo B rl^ He attended scHool In the NintH Coiewiniqi (k Ece^ A WHite Hoube statement paid Sipodficm tt»o district and was graduated from the . 1^-. tHat slnee objections to the omuse leoord would not HigH scHool Here. His Illness' tre- now arere known "tHen tHe respem- from In f Hor dobte Individ'- quentIy^.ln^mqpted■ his pursuit of Domes. Refiuis To NWrvTork, July 15.—(AP) — A m l - C w e b r s lb lll^ ia the last aaatysla tie otto wltHTtHoUnltod States. education and after studylag for a raaswsd searcH of tHe rulHa of tHe wHatever mlxbt! HAdnen muiri Qnoto BOBtaoct time at JbQlhgm University in New Ant ttmt swept several aqimre rkflttffee P a Da w ^ Congress, add Tedili AfUHt Wtosa iog m l Ib alb Te Spyk] VoSl^OD fO iW InffiQlPtoe board to „ Boms state dopartment oM d ali York he was forced to leave there By BYBON'PBtOB.. lltCbka o f CbHey island Wsdnesdsy wHen He suffered a severe Heart at­ aftariioott was ordered tbday^wbenlt pocatlon met 'late' yeaterdAy oWphsslaod tho Imo In tho Anglo- Ater Advised the President to tod' Frmt^aooord binding tHO two gov- tack. Later He attended Conneotl- Washington,. July ZBi—(A P ) WM rsp orted n Brooklyn' wotofan out Agricultural College at B k ^ H id been mlssing.stece 'Jam ftogt to OrerPiib FHlten.' dAPsags toaV. wpuHtoMSiilt to top . tmmente to consult on "dny quM- I': cfsdlt structure If ' .ttm (tHe .-gifin tlons X * B sUnilar in osigte to tHat 1^ , ^ , -;a, x.»' ft.} .. ' i t - ..‘. a - f a . I Uolty proriso)^WAratosistedApoau** , m ^ s o Haupay sottlod aC % In aa totervfew^ittiorty AfltowArd •VwScH m a/aH ^ tHo Buropoin.rq- ’ell HBewa^ sdiH'^sr-ia swift ^epdix' oJ ' MtoriHB Pstsont l^pilea^ty, -^Wy 16r-fAP)—1 ln)ye;;i6;—(AP)-r Frank i p t o tots. 'Ft Bpesher Otoner Hfldeed up Rainey , M f. Wddon Itob ikortet^stdpitoii 'tarn; ■ ■ M ia kdtol '_jliffWsi9dfiiitrffl, D^^.|briH-. glmol*’ wtot^to 'tHS resoi tod said ^ arapartoctly. d i l i g H l ^ .
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