SHENANDOAH, IOWA 25 CENTS VOL. 38 DECEMBER, 1974 NUMBER 12 PAGE 2 KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, DECEMBER, 1974 "I followed their instructions right down to the last degree," she said, Kitchen·Klatte1~ "and I had a stomach that churned for <Res. U. S. Pat. Oft.) two days after it was all over. They wanted bright orange cakes decorated MAGAZINE with green and black, and to my eyes "More Than Just Paper And Ink" they were a terrible sight. But all of EDITORIAL STAFF the kids just loved them!" Leanna Field Driftmier, Recently we had a far too short but Lucile Driftmier Verness, Margery Driftmier Strom wonderfully good visit with our old Subscription Price $2.50 per year (12 issues) in the U.S.A. friend (and your old friend too) Mabel Foreign Countries $3.00 per year. Nair Brown, who has written faithfully Advertising rates made known on application. Entered as second class matter May 21, 1937, at the post for this magazine every month since office at Shenandoah, Iowa, under the Act of March 3, 1879. 1944. She and her daughter, Regina Published monthly by Brown Fineran, both came for a Meth­ THE DRIFTMIER COMPANY LEANNA FIELD DRIFTMIER Shenandoah, Iowa 51601 odist Work Shop held here in Shenan­ Copyright 1974 by The Driftmier Company doah, and they were kind enough t.o stay over a night after the conference LETTER FROM LUCILE Gretchen Fischer Harshbarger and her broke up so they could visit with you husband, Clay, will be able to make it folks on the radio. Dear Good Friends: here from their home in Iowa City. I really felt that Mabel, Regina and I There's a note here on my desk that Since arthritis is such an extremely cotild spend endless hours viSiting to­ says: "Lucile, aside from your letter commonplace ailment I'm sure that gether because they have such a tre­ the December issue has been com­ Gretchen won't mind if I go ahead and mendous variety of interests and activ­ pleted." say that this last year has been a ities.. Regina, for instance, has four I know it's the truth but it's hard t.o dreadful one for her. children ranging in age from Bryce believe - seems as if I wrote my De­ In early March, I believe it was, she (he's a first grader so I cotilc\, associ­ cember letter to you folks not more was stricken without warning by rheu­ ate him with James) and Kristin, thir­ than a couple of months ago. All of my matoid arthritis, and that's a truly vi­ teen - and I could associate her with life I've heard that the older you get cious var!ety. It's been an uphill fight Hanna Tilsen who now makes her the faster time goes, and there surely h. to achieve every small gain since that here with her mother and me. ·· must be a lot to this old phrase. initial onslaught, and once on the On top of all this she has an ~ - The house smells mighty good today phone she said that for several months tremely busy minister husband an' because we have a cooky sheet of she actually thought she'd be joining full-time job of her own in what is n spiced nuts in the oven, and with a Mother and me in our wheelchair exist­ referred to in cities (Des Moine~ three hour or so time limit at a very ence! their case) as the Inner City. I g p low temperature it gives plenty of op­ When I heard this I was left virtually when I thought of the organ~e,ti portunity for this caves of Araby fra­ speechless. Gretchen h~ always had took to keep that household i·a grance to penetrate every nook and more tremendous physical vigor and PLUS holding down a job ou d cranny. vitality than anyone I've ever known, home. Betty and I have had some happy and it was inconceivable to me to try "All of the kids have their r hours this last month testing all kinds and imagine her living anything but a bilities," she said, "and t know of holid!).y recipes. we make .Quite a tremendously active life. exactly what must be done and·· THEY team for I can fool around with the (When I .called Howard and gave him DO IT!" time-consuming jobs such as chopping this news he said something that MY! I like to hear such steady, old­ candied fruits, nuts, etc., and she can struck me as extremely funny. time talk! I'm hopeful that if circum­ whip up the batter, lift heavy or awk­ ("I still remember," he said, "the· stances permit they can both come ward pans in and out of the oven, etc. terrible licking she gave me when we back now and then to have other visits I think that any time spent in the were little kids and lived across the with you folks. kitchen that is shared is a happy ex­ street from each other years ago. I al­ Now . • with Thanksgiving still perience. ways figured it would take a saber­ hanging fire, so to speak, it seems Mother and Ruby got their mincemeat tooth tiger to get Gretchen." taking the bull by the horns to mention made long ago, of course, so that de­ ("Well," I said, ."rheumatoid arthri­ Christmas plans, but I'll tell you what partment is all taken care of. It's real­ tis was the saber-tooth tiger that fin­ I have in mind. ly a chore to pack jars for shipment, ally got her.") I am mo st hopeful that Betty and I and thus we're hoping that someone in Anyway, if her health permits and IF can drive out to Albuquerque and spend the family will be heading out for Den­ the weather is decent (such a tricky that holiday with Juliana, Jed, James v er and can cart along a box of this issue in late November) we hope that and Katharine. Heaven knows after mincement for Wa,vne. It's by far his Gretchen and Clay can make it. Thank that one dreadful storm-bound stay in favorite pie and we always have him goodness health doesn't enter into any Tucumcari when Dorothy, Eula and I firmly in mind when mincemeat time plans where Dorothy and Frank are thought we'd NEVER get on the road rolls around. concerned, but the weather certainly again, it seems a poor time t.o tackle With our printing schedul.es rigidly does, so you can see why Thanks­ the trip, but things have worked out to fixed we are al wa.vs compelled to get giving dinner plans are hanging in the the point where it is just about our the December issue together before air. only chance. Thanksgiving, and this is why I do not Halloween is long past, of course, I've been tied down with the dentist know myself (to say nothing of passing but Juliana went into the cupcake AND business problems to the point on any information about it) exactly business for James and Katharine to where I just cotildn't get out to Albu­ who will be here to sit down at the take to their respective schools and querque at any time before the forth­ table. all told made a grand collection of coming Christmas holiday season. And we are very hopeful that Cousin ninety. (Continued on page 22) KITCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, DECEMBER, 1974 PAGE 3 MARGERY'S LETTER Dear Friends: How exciting the month of December is! I expect by the time you receive this magazine you'll be busy with candy and cooky making, wrapping packages and decorating the house. If you have youngsters in your home, they no doubt are in the midst of these activities, sharing the joys of preparing for the holidays. But I'm writing to you in November so this issue will be ready for the mail when December rolls around, and the actual "doing" for Christmas is still bubbling around in my head. I'm giving thought to gift giving, have sorted out the recipes for cookies and candies, Lovejoy Homestead in Princeton, Ill., is now o Notional Historic Site. but it will be a few weeks before I launch into all these happy "goings of days together. jewelry store, and about eight years ons ". The morning she left, Oliver and I ago he started buying dishes, silver Mother and I were visiting over a cup left, too, for a trip to Illinois. Lucile and crystal from estate sales, jewelry of coffee this morning, discussing this had mentioned in late summer - Au­ store close-outs and from private par­ and that, and she commented on the gust, I believe - that she wanted me to ties. Now he has an enormous room fact that it would soon be "shut in" drive to Princeton, Illinois, sometime that houses so many dishes you just time for her. As the days get colder this fall to visit a store called "Pat­ can't believe your eyes! He has over and the weather more uncertain, she terns of the Past". Perhaps some of 4000 discontinued patterns, and likely doesn't venture out of the house very you will recall her mentioning it on the about as many patterns that are cur­ much. Then she depends on our com­ radio visit one day. One of our listen­ rently being manufactured but possibly ings and goings to bring in a bit of the ers in Princeton, Mrs.
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