© Sociedad Española de Malacología Iberus , 24 (1): 1-4, 2006 Description of a new Volvarina from the Gulf of Guinea Descripción de una nueva Volvarina del Golfo de Guinea Franck BOYER* Recibido el 26-X-2004. Aceptado el 24-I-2005 ABSTRACT Volvarina ryalli sp. nov. is described from the northern subequatorial zone of West Africa, ranging from western Liberia to central Ghana, at lower infralittoral and upper circalittoral levels. Volvarina ryalli is compared with the V. ambigua (Bavay, 1913) / V. deliciosa (Bavay, 1913) complex from off northwest Africa and with V. angolensis (Odhner, 1923) from southern Angola. RESUMEN Se describe Volvarina ryalli spec. nov. del norte de la zona subecuatorial de Africa occi - dental, cuya área de distribución va desde el oeste de Liberia a la parte central de Ghana, y que se encuentra desde niveles infralitorales bajos hasta circalitorales altos. Volvarina ryalli se compara con el complejo V. ambigua (Bavay, 1913) / V. deliciosa (Bavay, 1913) de la zona noroccidental de Africa y con V. angolensis (Odhner, 1923) del sur de Angola. KEY WORDS: Volvarina , Gulf of Guinea, circalittoral, new species. PALABRAS CLAVE : Volvarina, Golfo de Guinea, circalitoral, especie nueva. INTRODUCTION Like most marine molluscan fami - Boyer, Ryall and Wakefield, 1999, closely lies, the marginelliform gastropods are related to M. tyermani Marrat, 1876 from believed to have poor specific diversity shallow waters of the eastern Gulf of in the Gulf of Guinea. This commonly Guinea, has been described from Ghana held point of view has been qualified (B OYER , R YALL AND WAKEFIELD , 1999) over the last 20 years by the discovery and M. reeveana Petit, 1851, closely or rediscovery of a noticeable number of related to M. denticulata Link, 1807 from marginelliform species in this area. Senegal, has been rediscovered also in GOFAS AND FERNANDES (1988) recorded Ghana ( BOYER , R YALL AND WAKEFIELD , a rich local assemblage and high levels 2004 ). Marginella bellii Sowerby, 1846, of endemism from São Tome, both in from the eastern Gulf of Guinea, has Marginellidae and Cystiscidae. ROLÁN been reevaluated together with a sibling AND FERNANDES (1997) recorded a species described as M. aequinoctialis similar situation from Ghana for the Boyer and Simbille, 2004 from northern Cystiscidae. Five Marginella species Gabon ( BOYER AND SIMBILLE , 2004). from the Gulf of Guinea have been Some other Marginella species come recently brought to light. Marginella xicoi from the Gulf of Guinea, like M. hel - * 110 chemin de Marais du Souci, 93270 Sevran, France. 1 Iberus , 24 (1), 2006 matina Rang, 1832 described from the In this situation the discovery of a “African coast” and the closely related new centimeter-long Volvarina species M. amazona Bavay, 1913 described from from the northern Gulf of Guinea “Cotonou”, both currently under revi - deserves a special mention, demonstrat - sion by the present author, and like the ing that the knowledge of the marginel - distinctive but elusive M. vexillum Red - lid fauna (and more generally the mol - field, 1852 described from “Cape luscan marine fauna) from this area is Palmas, West Africa”. far from complete. The present article is The genus Volvarina , well-repre - dedicated to the description of this new sented by several species groups from Volvarina species . northwest Africa ( GOFAS , 1989), the Cape Verde Islands ( MORENO AND BUR - Abbreviations: NAY , 1999) and Angola ( GOFAS AND FER - NANDES , 1992), seems to be less diversi - ORSTOM: French organism of public fied in the Gulf of Guinea. Only V. cincta research regarding the economic (Kiener, 1834), ranging from Senegal to development, now IRD (Institut de the central coast of Ghana (P. Ryall, pers. Recherche pour le Développement comm.) and perhaps as far as the east - en Coopération, Paris) ern Gulf of Benin (in KNUDSEN , 1956 as MNHN: Muséum national d’Histoire “M. marginata Born” in stn. 102), V. cf . naturelle, Paris monilis (Linné, 1758), ranging appar - FBC: collection of the author ently from Gran Canaria (pers. coll.) to PRC: Peter Ryall collection northern Gabon (as “ M. deliciosa efasciata l: length/size Bavay” in BERNARD , 1984), and V. insu - sh: shells lana Gofas and Fernandes, 1988 from spm: specimens São Tomé, are recorded from this area. stn: station TAXONOMY Family MARGINELLIDAE Fleming, 1828 Genus Volvarina Hinds, 1844 Type species by subsequent designation (Redfield, 1870): Marginella nitida Hinds, 1844 = Voluta mitrella Risso, 1826. Volvarina ryalli sp. nov. (Figs. 1-4) Type material : Holotype (Fig. 1) and paratype (Fig. 2) deposited in MNHN, both from the type locality. Together with the type lot there are several juvenile shells of Volvarina , the larger ones clearly belonging to V. cincta and the smaller ones being impossible to identify. The label attached to the type lot reads: “région d’Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire drag. plateau continental coll. Le Loeuff – ORSTOM MNHN Paris - Malacologie”. Other material examined : Liberia: 1 sh (l = 10.3 mm), Calypso 1956, stn. 12, 6°40’ N, 11°23’ W, 51 m, silt (MNHN, ex-coll. Marche-Marchad). Ivory Coast: 1 sh (l = 10.5 mm), off Grand Bassam, cir - calittoral (FBC). Ghana: 1 spm [l = 12 mm (Fig. 3)], 15 miles off Takoradi, 20 m, coral rubble (FBC, ex-PRC); 3 spm [l = 12.25 mm, 12.25 mm, 11.20 mm (Fig. 4)], same locality (PRC, 05-1980); 2 sh (l = 13 mm and 10.6 mm), off Mia Mia Bay, 27-32 m (PRC, 03-1999). Type locality : Off Abidjan, central Ivory Coast. Etymology : The specific name is dedicated to Peter S. Ryall, who first attracted the author’s atten - tion to the distinctive shell morphology of the species. Description : Holotype (Fig. 1): shell narrow, triangular, rather convex, with 4 slender, subcylindrical, protoconch pau - 1/4 whorls. Body whorl long, with base cispiral, very small, low. Spire short, truncated. Aperture moderate, widened 2 BOYER: Description of a new Volvarina from the Gulf of Guinea 1 2 3 4 Figs. 1-4. Volvarina ryalli sp. nov. 1: holotype, off Abidjan region, continental slope (MNHN; 13.85 x 6.40 mm): 2: paratype, off Abidjan region, continental slope (MNHN; 13.15 x 6.40 mm); 3: off Sekondi, Ghana, 20 m (FBC, ex-PRC; 11.90 x 5.45 mm), 4: off Sekondi, Ghana, 20 m (PRC; 11.20 x 5.20 mm). Figs. 1-4. Volvarina ryalli spec. nov. 1: holotipo, costa de la región de Abidjan, plataforma continental (MNHN; 13,85 x 6,40 mm): 2: paratipo, costa de la región de Abidjan, plataforma continental (MNHN; 13,15 x 6,40 mm); 3: costa de Sekondi, Ghana, 20 m (FBC, ex-PRC; 11,90 x 5,45 mm), 4: costa de Sekondi, Ghana, 20 m (PRC; 11,20 x 5,20 mm). in its anterior part. Outer lip vertical, phology in the context of the Eastern At- shouldered, with two discontinuities of lantic Volvarina. The Volvarina species from the outline, one posteriorly, and another this area showing the most comparable more progressive before the base. Outer shell features are, on the one hand, V. am- margin thickened, rather narrow, bigua (Bavay, 1913) and V. deliciosa (Bavay, strongly stepped, gently rounded, inner 1913), both corresponding to a complex of lip smooth, faintly convex in its medium closely matching forms (possibly conspe- part. Four well separated columellar cific) distributed from off western Morocco plaits, the two anterior ones larger, the to off northern Mauritania (cf. BAVAY in second very long and sinuous, the two DAUTZENBERG, 1913 and GOFAS, 1989), and upper ones smaller and short. on the the other hand, the elusive V. an- Colour ground pale yellowish (dis- golensis (Odhner, 1923), only known with coloured). certainty from two Angolan type speci- Animal and radula unknown. mens (cf. GOFAS AND FERNANDES, 1992) Dimensions: The holotype measures showing close affinities with the V. am- 13.85 x 6.40 mm, the paratype 13.15 x bigua / V. deliciosa complex. 6.40 mm. The shell of V. ryalli differs from Distribution: From the western coast those of V. ambigua, V. deliciosa and V. of Liberia to the central coast of Ghana, angolensis by its taller spire, more pyri- lower infralittoral and upper circalit- form outline, more shouldered labrum, toral. aperture wider throughout its length, Habitat: Live specimens have been and uniformly cream to pale tan sub- trawled off Ghana (20 m) in coral hyalinous ground colour, sometimes rubble. with a paler spiral gap slightly below Remarks: Volvarina ryalli sp. nov. shows the mid part of the body whorl, and a very distinctive and original shell mor- never any darker spiral band. 3 Iberus , 24 (1), 2006 Due to the close similarity of their ing stations made by the Atlantide shell morphology, the V. ambigua / V. Expedition in 1945-1946 throughout the deliciosa complex and V. angolensis are Gulf of Guinea did not yield any speci - assumed to belong to the same species men matching V. ryalli . The specimens group, whereas the possible belonging attributed by KNUDSEN (1956: 82, 84) to of V. ryalli to this species group is con - “Marginella ambigua Bavay” (Stn. 113, 4° sidered with reserve, awaiting further 05’ N, 7° 09’ E, 32 m, 7sh) and to “ Mar - data about the variability of shell mor - ginella deliciosa Bavay” (Stn. 148, 9° 57’ phology and decoration, radula charac - N, 15° 22’ W, 25 m, 1 sh) have been ters and soft parts chromatism in these checked. They all belong to the V. cf. different species. monilis complex, easy to separate from V. ryalli has not been recorded in the the species discussed above by the literature and is not represented in pattern of its columellar plaits, with a public or private collections except by very small anterior plait closely paired the material presented here.
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