PETER JANSON For your consideration Official press kit of Boston-b ased guitarist PRESS KIT Peter Janson Contact Links and phone [email protected] Peter Janson website Peter Janson music link Peter Janson live videos Phone: 1-508-238-3270 https://peterjanson.com Peter Ja nson Press K it About Peter - 180 words Peter Janson is a Boston-based solo guitarist whose passion for weaving elements of Jazz, E uropean, Celtic, and i mprovisational music into originals and arrangements (covers) have earned him critical acclaim: “the substance of great jazz presented in an original and accessible s ty le. Truly gre at ! ” (Jazz key bo ard ist St eve Hu n t), “a bsol utely o n e o f the best , heartf elt, ac ous tic p laye rs tod ay” (G r ammy winning prod u cer, Ch uc k E b ert), an d “a r are 10+” (S piri t of Cha nge M aga zin e ). He has pe rform ed exten sively th ro ughout North A m erica ; no ta b ly at Carnegie Hall Weill Recital Hall, Montreal Jazz Festival, Healdsburg Guitar Festival, Argenta Acoustic Music Series, WUMB Music Festival and mo re. H is gu itar work o n “Ol d B lack Roller” by Gr ant Maloy Smith spent 17 we e ks on th e B illbo a rd ch arts, includ ing el e ve n w ee ks in th e T op 1 0 . P eter ’s jazz- lace d “Bea u tiful Day” re cor d won Be st Con t empo rary In str u menta l Albu m ( NAR Mus ic Awa r ds), an d he’s ha d th re e solo gu i tar alb um s in the To p Fi ve o f th e N AR r ad io c h arts. Pete r has o ver 2 - million BMI verifi ed b roa dcasts ac r oss all m edia sp a nning 8 8 count r ie s. Dirty L inen Mag a zine says, “ Pete r Jan s o n i s a g ifte d a cous tic finge r style p laye r.” About Peter - 50 words Peter Janson is a Boston-based solo guitarist whose passion for weaving elements of Jazz, European, Celtic, and improvisational music into originals and arrangements (covers) have earned him critical acclaim: “the substance of great jazz presented in an original and accessible style. Truly great!” (Jazz keyboardist Steve Hunt), “a gifted acoustic fingerstyle player” (Dirty Linen Magazine) https://peterjanson.com Peter Janson Press Kit Career Highlights ♦ Janson performed at the legendary Carnegie Hall ♦ Janson has performed with or shared Weill Recital Hall as guitarist for Grammy winning stages/bills with such luminaries as Tim Farrell, flutist Wouter Kellerman (2018) Michael Manring, Steve Hunt, Henrik Bridger, Bertram Lehmann, Ed Gerhard, Alex Degrassi, ♦ Janson performed on Dust Bowl: American Dakota Dave Hull, Chris Proctor, Jamie Bonk, Stories by Grant Maloy-Smith which reached #2 on Ken Bonfield, Brooks Williams, Shane BillboardI Heatseekers chart and was 11-weeks in Jackman, Greg Greenway, Tim Harrison, the Top 10 (2017) Kinobe, Aine Minogue, Aoife Clancy, Robbie O'Connell, and many others ♦ Janson played multiple American Fingerstyle tours with award-winning guitarist Steve Davison ♦ Janson performed and co-wrote music with and Tracy Moore Smooth Jazz Canada Awards”Guitarist of the Year” (2004) nominee Jamie Bonk ♦ Janson played two A World of Guitar tours with virtuoso guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan ♦ Janson's recording of “Christe Redemptor” was featured in the CBS News documentary ♦ Janson played multiple American Guitar Masters “Living in the Shadows: Religion's response to tours with award-winning guitarists Larry Pattis human trafficking” (2015, and continued and Steve Davison rotation) https://peterjanson.com Peter Janson Press Kit Tracks ● Om Bara (Peter Janson) ● Green & Golden (Ralph Towner) ● Coddiwomple (Peter Janson) ● The Magic Box (Francis Bebey) ● A Map of the World (Pat Metheny) ● One Blue Heart (Peter Janson) ● Cinema Paradiso (Ennio Morricone) ● Three English Folk Songs (John Dowland) ● Venzuelan Waltz (Antonio Lauro) Peter Jan s on 's late st a lbu m , P la ce s I n Time , w a s relea se d in A pril , 2017. H e is s cheduled to rec ord a ne w album in A ugu st of 2021 w ith release set for M arch 2022. This i s h is se venth do mesti c solo rec or ding, and feat ur es or ig i na l co m positi ons as well as his arrangeme nts of songs w ritten by s ome of the w orlds greatest co m po se rs (Ralph Tow n er, Fra nc is B ebe y, Pat M eth en y, E nn i o M orric o ne , John Dowl and, and Antonio La uro). When Peter w as a st udent at N ew E ngland Conservat ory he w as int rodu ced to the music of these grea t mu sicia ns/ ♦ composer s, and their m usic became very inspiration al to h im. At that time he played mostly nylon- string acoustic guitar, and this album has Peter return ing ♦ to his nylon-string gu itar; br inging to you hi s joy of the instrument, his interpretion of these legends and the ♦or iginal compositi ons resu lting from decades of musical inspiration. Places In Time i s a n album of guitar b eauty laced with Peter's trademark fusion of jazz, Europ ean, and wor ld-fol k styles played with passion, artistry, and technica l mastery . https://peterjanson.com Peter J ans on Pr ess Kit Reviews & Testimonials “P eter J anson 's music has the sub stance of gr eat jazz presente d in a n origina l and ac cessibl e style. T ruly great!” ~ Steve Hunt, keyboardist (Allan Holdsworth, Stanley Clarke, Billy Cobham, Angela Bofill, Elektrik Market) "h ad th e audience on their feet time and time aga in. Sup erb playing and material" ~ Steve Davison, producer, Argenta Arts Acoustic Music Series "One of the most enjoyable evenings I have had, attending a concert, in almost 40 years – and I have been to LOTS of concerts." ~ Lee Greene, concert reviewer, Jacksonville Review, Medford OR "You know that I hear A LOT of great guitar playing; I’m very lucky. But your concert was among the very b est that I’ve ever heard!" ~ Jennifer Martin, concert promoter, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo CA “Peter Janson is a gifted acoustic fingerstyle player.” ~ Dirty Linen Magazine “Pet er Jan son’s lu scious tone and e lega nt composi tional ideas permeat e this CD of wi stful and e vocative solo guitar pieces. Jans on is a s ubtle and expre ssive player who ex chews flashy fretboard fa nfa re: he i mbues every note with musical meaning and nuance.” ~ Acoustic Guitar Magazine “Peter Janson amazed audiences with several numbers off his latest CD ~ Salt Lake City Entertainment Industry Examiner “The listener fol lows Jan son’s irresis tible melodies, a ware the re is no telling w here they will lea d. He is not going to go where you think he will: he will stop for several moments at unexpected junctions before sliding do wn a path f ew trav el. In a market glutted wi th songwriters’ fre nzied attempts t o communicate in toda y’s fast and furious style, Jan son has slipp ed out the back door along wit h other artist s like Nora h Jones and Bruce C ockburn.” ~ The Carver Reporter “The musicianship that you displayed, the emotion, sensitivity and technical prowess, was really remarkable. I couldn't have imagined a more enjoyable evening. “ ~ Rick Simboli, concert promoter and owner, Cock ‘n’ Bull, Galway NY “Peter Janson is one of the best acoustic guitarists recording today... a true ‘artist’s soul’... Highly recommended for acoustic music fans everywhere.” ~ Wind & Wire “ Peter, Your work Friday night in Chico was astounding. As an amateur musician with a music degree, I h ave an appreciation for w h at it takes, and an ear for many asp ects of w hat's going on in the music. E specially your 2nd piece, the Metheny/Janson piece, was art in its highest form. In the middle of the piece I noticed the whole room was still except for each note. The soft passages were still crystal clear. It's the kind of thing I live for.” ~ Chris Wolf, Chico CA https://peterjanson.com Peter Janson Press Kit https://peterjanson.com.
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