PETER JANSON For your consideration Official press kit of Boston-b ased guitarist PRESS KIT Peter Janson Contact Links and phone [email protected] Peter Janson website Peter Janson music link Peter Janson live videos Phone: 1-508-238-3270 Peter Ja nson Press K it About Peter - 180 words Peter Janson is a Boston-based solo guitarist whose passion for weaving elements of Jazz, E uropean, Celtic, and i mprovisational music into originals and arrangements (covers) have earned him critical acclaim: “the substance of great jazz presented in an original and accessible s ty le. Truly gre at ! ” (Jazz key bo ard ist St eve Hu n t), “a bsol utely o n e o f the best , heartf elt, ac ous tic p laye rs tod ay” (G r ammy winning prod u cer, Ch uc k E b ert), an d “a r are 10+” (S piri t of Cha nge M aga zin e ). He has pe rform ed exten sively th ro ughout North A m erica ; no ta b ly at Carnegie Hall Weill Recital Hall, Montreal Jazz Festival, Healdsburg Guitar Festival, Argenta Acoustic Music Series, WUMB Music Festival and mo re. H is gu itar work o n “Ol d B lack Roller” by Gr ant Maloy Smith spent 17 we e ks on th e B illbo a rd ch arts, includ ing el e ve n w ee ks in th e T op 1 0 . P eter ’s jazz- lace d “Bea u tiful Day” re cor d won Be st Con t empo rary In str u menta l Albu m ( NAR Mus ic Awa r ds), an d he’s ha d th re e solo gu i tar alb um s in the To p Fi ve o f th e N AR r ad io c h arts. Pete r has o ver 2 - million BMI verifi ed b roa dcasts ac r oss all m edia sp a nning 8 8 count r ie s. Dirty L inen Mag a zine says, “ Pete r Jan s o n i s a g ifte d a cous tic finge r style p laye r.” About Peter - 50 words Peter Janson is a Boston-based solo guitarist whose passion for weaving elements of Jazz, European, Celtic, and improvisational music into originals and arrangements (covers) have earned him critical acclaim: “the substance of great jazz presented in an original and accessible style. Truly great!” (Jazz keyboardist Steve Hunt), “a gifted acoustic fingerstyle player” (Dirty Linen Magazine) Peter Janson Press Kit Career Highlights ♦ Janson performed at the legendary Carnegie Hall ♦ Janson has performed with or shared Weill Recital Hall as guitarist for Grammy winning stages/bills with such luminaries as Tim Farrell, flutist Wouter Kellerman (2018) Michael Manring, Steve Hunt, Henrik Bridger, Bertram Lehmann, Ed Gerhard, Alex Degrassi, ♦ Janson performed on Dust Bowl: American Dakota Dave Hull, Chris Proctor, Jamie Bonk, Stories by Grant Maloy-Smith which reached #2 on Ken Bonfield, Brooks Williams, Shane BillboardI Heatseekers chart and was 11-weeks in Jackman, Greg Greenway, Tim Harrison, the Top 10 (2017) Kinobe, Aine Minogue, Aoife Clancy, Robbie O'Connell, and many others ♦ Janson played multiple American Fingerstyle tours with award-winning guitarist Steve Davison ♦ Janson performed and co-wrote music with and Tracy Moore Smooth Jazz Canada Awards”Guitarist of the Year” (2004) nominee Jamie Bonk ♦ Janson played two A World of Guitar tours with virtuoso guitarist Aaron Larget-Caplan ♦ Janson's recording of “Christe Redemptor” was featured in the CBS News documentary ♦ Janson played multiple American Guitar Masters “Living in the Shadows: Religion's response to tours with award-winning guitarists Larry Pattis human trafficking” (2015, and continued and Steve Davison rotation) Peter Janson Press Kit Tracks ● Om Bara (Peter Janson) ● Green & Golden (Ralph Towner) ● Coddiwomple (Peter Janson) ● The Magic Box (Francis Bebey) ● A Map of the World (Pat Metheny) ● One Blue Heart (Peter Janson) ● Cinema Paradiso (Ennio Morricone) ● Three English Folk Songs (John Dowland) ● Venzuelan Waltz (Antonio Lauro) Peter Jan s on 's late st a lbu m , P la ce s I n Time , w a s relea se d in A pril , 2017. H e is s cheduled to rec ord a ne w album in A ugu st of 2021 w ith release set for M arch 2022. This i s h is se venth do mesti c solo rec or ding, and feat ur es or ig i na l co m positi ons as well as his arrangeme nts of songs w ritten by s ome of the w orlds greatest co m po se rs (Ralph Tow n er, Fra nc is B ebe y, Pat M eth en y, E nn i o M orric o ne , John Dowl and, and Antonio La uro). When Peter w as a st udent at N ew E ngland Conservat ory he w as int rodu ced to the music of these grea t mu sicia ns/ ♦ composer s, and their m usic became very inspiration al to h im. At that time he played mostly nylon- string acoustic guitar, and this album has Peter return ing ♦ to his nylon-string gu itar; br inging to you hi s joy of the instrument, his interpretion of these legends and the ♦or iginal compositi ons resu lting from decades of musical inspiration. Places In Time i s a n album of guitar b eauty laced with Peter's trademark fusion of jazz, Europ ean, and wor ld-fol k styles played with passion, artistry, and technica l mastery . Peter J ans on Pr ess Kit Reviews & Testimonials “P eter J anson 's music has the sub stance of gr eat jazz presente d in a n origina l and ac cessibl e style. T ruly great!” ~ Steve Hunt, keyboardist (Allan Holdsworth, Stanley Clarke, Billy Cobham, Angela Bofill, Elektrik Market) "h ad th e audience on their feet time and time aga in. Sup erb playing and material" ~ Steve Davison, producer, Argenta Arts Acoustic Music Series "One of the most enjoyable evenings I have had, attending a concert, in almost 40 years – and I have been to LOTS of concerts." ~ Lee Greene, concert reviewer, Jacksonville Review, Medford OR "You know that I hear A LOT of great guitar playing; I’m very lucky. But your concert was among the very b est that I’ve ever heard!" ~ Jennifer Martin, concert promoter, Cuesta College, San Luis Obispo CA “Peter Janson is a gifted acoustic fingerstyle player.” ~ Dirty Linen Magazine “Pet er Jan son’s lu scious tone and e lega nt composi tional ideas permeat e this CD of wi stful and e vocative solo guitar pieces. Jans on is a s ubtle and expre ssive player who ex chews flashy fretboard fa nfa re: he i mbues every note with musical meaning and nuance.” ~ Acoustic Guitar Magazine “Peter Janson amazed audiences with several numbers off his latest CD ~ Salt Lake City Entertainment Industry Examiner “The listener fol lows Jan son’s irresis tible melodies, a ware the re is no telling w here they will lea d. He is not going to go where you think he will: he will stop for several moments at unexpected junctions before sliding do wn a path f ew trav el. In a market glutted wi th songwriters’ fre nzied attempts t o communicate in toda y’s fast and furious style, Jan son has slipp ed out the back door along wit h other artist s like Nora h Jones and Bruce C ockburn.” ~ The Carver Reporter “The musicianship that you displayed, the emotion, sensitivity and technical prowess, was really remarkable. I couldn't have imagined a more enjoyable evening. “ ~ Rick Simboli, concert promoter and owner, Cock ‘n’ Bull, Galway NY “Peter Janson is one of the best acoustic guitarists recording today... a true ‘artist’s soul’... Highly recommended for acoustic music fans everywhere.” ~ Wind & Wire “ Peter, Your work Friday night in Chico was astounding. As an amateur musician with a music degree, I h ave an appreciation for w h at it takes, and an ear for many asp ects of w hat's going on in the music. E specially your 2nd piece, the Metheny/Janson piece, was art in its highest form. In the middle of the piece I noticed the whole room was still except for each note. The soft passages were still crystal clear. It's the kind of thing I live for.” ~ Chris Wolf, Chico CA Peter Janson Press Kit
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