THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY • „_.„ xr« ylO Entered ai Second Class Matter Published YEAR NO. 4S Fost OHIoe. Wentfleld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1955 Every Thursday 28 P«gei—S Cento Water Show On List tate Director Of French Students Will Tour Playfields Close Adult School To Events AidingPolioFund USO Commends Municipal Building, Library With All-Time Local Committee A cookout for the 10 French stu- Registration High dents who are being entertained 28 Children Given Open In October here for a month, was held Monday Salk Make-Up Shots s Carnival night at the home of Mayor 15. Children Receive Sporti Urges Attendance merson Thomas in Stoneleigh AtBellStadinm At Military Ball, Park. The affair was postponed Twenty-eight children received Trophies, Awards; 27 Different Rtwue October 1 rom Saturday when hurricane booster Salk vaccine polio shots Clean Grounds 'Connie", an uninvited guest, last week during a special make-up caused a change in plans. session for those who missed the Courses Offered Clotworthy Among •Declaring that the need of USO original boosters last month. • The Westfield p 1 a y g r o u n d s The students grilled fiaroburgrers, losed Friday, following their most Those Performing s greater today than at any time and watermelon vvas served for Inoculations were given in the in its history, Col. C. B. Strome, dessert with cold drinks.' Mrs. Wuteunk Room of the Municipal uccessful season. Final reiiistra- Women Voters To state director of the organization Thomas and Mrs. Talbot Malcolm Building- umlm' direction of Health ion reached the all-time high of A water show by the Dolphins told members of the USO commit- of the College Woman's Club were Olncer Joseph J. Mottley. :83fi; daily attendance, 43,100. Sponsor Series at Shackamaxon Swimming Club tee currently arranging for the ,n charge of arrangements. Follow- Mr. Mottley said the group in- On Wednesday, Aug. 10 West- Thursday, Aug. 25; an afternoon Military Ball and Revue in West- ,ng supper, Softball and badminton cluded several children who had .t'ld champions journeyed to Eli«- The Weatfleld Adult School will iports carnival Sunday, Aug.. 28 field Oct. 1 at a recent meeting games were organized. received original Salk shots out- bcth to participate in the play- open Monday, Oct. 3, to bejin the ,t Bell stadium, North avenue, ground championships sponsored here, that more than 500 young Guests Bt the picnic, members of side of Westiield. They included 16th year of a co-operative com- featuring entertainment by the men and women from this com- vacationers and visitors, he ex- iy the Union County Park Com- munity project, which begin In Girwood PAL drill team and the sponsoring committee, were nisaion. Representing Westiield munity were currently serving in Mr. and Mrs. Carleton H. Bunker, plained. the fall of 1!K8, under the spon- niMS between the Garwood and the Armed Forces. More than 25 were 1'atty Ilowarth in girls teth- loiship of some 30 local organiia- Winfield AH Girls and between Mr. and Mra. Frank Ketcham, Mv. The health officer said 152 of r ball; Jean Peterson, girls horso- per cent of these, he said, were and Mrs. Robert Mills, Mr. ami 180 children who received Salk tions. After a period of six years, , the Garwood Little League All under 25 years of age. ihoea; Maryann Hofbauer, gills it wus discontinued for four ye»rs Sturs and the Cranford East Side Mrs. Wally Ruckert, Mr. and Mra. vaccine here huve been given laddie tennis; Ronnie Ricci, hop Colonel Strome said that there Ernest Alpers, Or. and Mrs. Ed- booster shots. during; the vur. In the fall of All Stars; a tag day fund rais- are, currently serving military per- icotch; Claudia Cagnassola, foul 1047 it WHS reorganized and haa ing, Sept. 6 and 10, and other ward Bourns and Dr. and Mrs. Lor- hooting, and Margaret Seeinim, sonnel, in this country, 207 USO imer Armstrong. been in operutlon ever since. events, are already scheduled by units while 25 operations arc be- ing tennis. In the boys events: the Westfield committee which is Today, Mayor Thomas and mem- lorseahoes, Phil LantbeYt; puddle This project was organized to ing conducted overseas in Alaska, bers of the Town Council are en- Named Campaign answer u community need by pro- Beking to raise $2,000 locally to Guam, Okinawa, the Philllpines, .ennia, Doug Jones; foul shooting, support the Sister Elizabeth Ken- tertaining the students at luncheon Pwight Stern; tether ball, Bob ALBERT R. BOBAL viding; a variety of courses in the Japan, Fiance, Greece, Turkey, at Echo Lake Country Club, to be fields of acudemic, practical and ny Fund for polio treatment and Six Troops Attend North Africa, Italy, Korea and the Sectional Aides Mulvihill, and quoits, Joe Waynes. research. Mrs. Helmuth Sucho- followed by a guided tour of the leisure time activities. The school Canal Zone. Last year, he said, Municipal Building and Memorial Claudia Cagnassola and Mar- will continue to bt a non-profit, ' mel, general chairman of the West- military personnel used USO club ;arct Sceman took second place In Resident's Kin On lield drive, reports that committees Camp Watchung Library. Advanced Gifts self-supporting community enter- services 43,556,835 times and USO Tomorrow morning a visit to tho he county championships in their prise, receiving no financial sup- ire being expanded as the com- camp shows alone had played to respective sports. Joe Waynes munity rallies fh support to' the New York Stock Exchange \\&& Workers Organize Ill-Fated Schooner port from any source other than audiences close to three million. placed third in quoits. course fees. Kenny Fund which maintains fa- Graef Is Awarded been arranged, foltowed by lunch- Badminton Tournament cilities for polio treatment and Pointing out that the govern- eon and a shopping trip on Fifth Appointment of sectional vice A total of 27 different couraoi Eagle Scout Badge ment does not support USO, Col-Avenue in the afternoon, and "the chairmen fov the advance gifts Timmy Sharkey of Wilson won will be offered, according to an an- therapy for people of this area at the singles chmnpionship in the Woman Rescued the Jersey City Medical Center. onel Strome said "its program can lights of Broadway" at night Each section of the 1955 United Cam- nouncement made today by Wey.' Al Florence, District Four camp- be carried on only with the support weekend is kept open for family paign for Wostliold Social Agen- ladminlon tournament held at Jef- In Cht'HujH'uke Bay man O. Steengrafo, director. Sev. "While we hope and pray that of the communities from which activities. ferson playground last Thursday. en of the courtes have never been ing chairman, announced today cies has been announced by Don- Roosevelt, Grant, McKtnley und the polio epidemic now sweeping that six Scout troops of District young men and women come into The students, including four ald Rindell, 'ill Mountain avenue. Miss Meryle V, Hutchison of offered before nnd include: Newer New England will not be repeated the armed forces," and cited tho Columbus forfeited in the first Ways to Better Meetings; Your Four, Watchung Area Council, girls and six boys, are between the Mr. Rindcll will lead about 100 round. The second round found New York, a cousin of Mrs. lictte In New Jersey, experience in past Boy Scouts of America, attended action of the Westfield committee ages of 22 and 27. All speak Eng- volunteer workers in seeking sub- St'lmfer, (150 Raymond street, was Indiylduul Lidertics; Now Aspect! yean indicates that there will be as typical of the concern of the Sharkey defeating Dennis Burke of Child Care; Music In Kvvryday :he seventh period of summer camp lish and are under the guidance of stantial advunca gifts to the an- of Washington and Richie Hooper one of 1,'i persons rescued Friday gn increase in the number of polio at Camp Watchung, Glen Gardner. people of the community for Us a trained leader, Joan Jacques from Chesuiietike Hay, after an an- Living; Undt'i'stuiiding Children) 1 nual drive fov local social agen- if Lincoln defeating Jeff Eckert cases following a period of exces- Units attending were as follows: :'viee men. "Wcro it not, ' he Guilbert, a medical student. Th« cies. cient schooner, off on a pleasure Decorutc It Yourself, and Inter- srrely hot weather such as we are of Jefferson. Shurkey finally beat mediate Blueprint Reading. Three Troop 73, sponsored by Holy Trin- said, "for the support thus given, group arrived in Westfield Aug. 8 As vice chairmen of the advance Hooper to clinch first place, while crulHe, broke up In storm-lashed experiencing," Mrs. Suchomel said. ity Church, under the leadership of welfare and recreational services The program is sponsored by Lht waters ott' North Hcach, M<l. Four- of tho courses have not been of- "During the next several weeks gifts section, Mr. Rindcll has Eckert outplayed Burke for third fered for several years and in- Ken Wilson, scoutmaster; Troop provided your service people Westfield Rotory Club and College named Jutlson T. rierson, 842 place. Wilson's team of Sharkey teen lost their lives in the tragedy, we can expect increasing demands 22, sponsored by the Fanwood Fire through this program would have Woman's Club, in cooperation with cuused by hurricane Connie. clude beginning ami intermediate on the facilities which are main- .Bradford avenue, and W. Earl and Joe Petruccione also captured Contract Bridge and Survey of. Co., under the leadership f Lou to be met by some other commun the Experiment in International Wyman, 230 Sylvania place.
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