The WIT ESS March 15, 1956 1op publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. THE LONE SURVIVOR Copyright HE DRAWING which was used in announc- ing the current articles on Atomic Energy and which Canon Martin says need not happen in his contribution in this issue ARTICLE BY CHARLES S. MARTIN SSERVICES j The WITNESSI SERVICES j in Leading Churches j In Leading Churches 1 For Christ and His Church j 1 I I 9 NEW YORK CATHEDRAL ICHRIST CHURCH CATHEDRAL (St. John the Divine) S112th St. and Amtra IMain & Church Sts., Hartford, Conn. EDITORIAL BOARD Sunday: 8 annd 10.10 am., Holy Comn- 9 Sunday: Holy Communion 7, 8, 9, 10:- sunion;m 9:10, Morning Prayer, Sermon and HolyI Church School; 11 a.m , JOAN PAIRMIAN BnowN, Editor; W. 13. Ss'or- SMorning Prayer; 8 p.m., Evening Prayer. * Cmuion, 11; Evensong and scr- 9 IWeekdays: Holy Communion, Mon. 12 I oRD, KENNETIt Managing Edlitor; IL FORBES, noon; Tues., Fri. and Sat., 8; WVed.,11; g Weekdays: Morning Prayer, 8:30; Holy j GORDON C. GRAHAM, IIOBIiIT HAMPSHIRE, Communion, 7:30 (and 10 Wednes- Thurs., 9; Wed., Noonday Service, 12:15. 9 day); Evensong, 5. GEORGE Hi. MA4CMURBAY, PAUL MOORE JR., JOSEPHi H-.TITUS, C01ln1nniSt S; CLINTON J. ICHRIST CHURCH ITHE HEAVENLY REST NEW YORK KEw, Religion and the Mind; MSSEY H1. 9CAMBIGE, MASS. S5th Avenue at 90t'l Street SHZEPHIERD JR., Living Liturgy; JOSEPH F. 9 Riev. Gardiner M. Day, Rector 1 Rev. Frederic B. Kellogg, Chaplain 9 Rev. John Ellis Large, D.D. - Fr ETCHEr, Problems of Conscience. 1Sundays: Holy Communion, 7:30 and Sunday Services: 8, 9, 10 and 11 a m. 9 1 W~eekdays: Wednesday, 8 and 11 sa . Morning Service and Sermon, 11. 9aim.;Thursdays and Holy Days; Holy Corn- I Thursdays, 7:30 a.m. 12. Wednesdays: Healing Serv- publication. 9musnion, 91cc, 12. Daily: Morning Prayer, 9; CONTRIBUTING EDITORS: Frederick C. Grant, ST. JOHN'S CATHEDRAL Evening Prayer, 5:30. F. 0. Ayres Jr., L. W. Barton, D. H. Brown DENVER, COLORADO and Jr., R. S. Emrich, T. P. Ferris, J. F. Fletcher, Very Rev. Paul Roberts, Dean C. K. Gilbert, C. L. Glenn, G. 1. Hiller, A. Rev. Harry Watts, Canon S T. BARTHOLOMEW'S CHURCH C. Lichitenberger, C. S. Martin, R. C. Miller, Sundays: 7:30, 8:10, 9:30 and 11. reuse Park Avenue and 51st Street E. L. Parsons, J. A. Paul, Paul Roberts, W. M. Sharp, W. B. Sperry, W. B. Spofford Jr., J" W. 4:10 p.m. recitals. 8and 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion. Weekdays Holy Communion, Wednes- for 9:30 and 11 a.m. Church School. Suter, S. E. Sweet, S. A. Temple, W. N. Welsh. day, 7:15; Thursday, 10:30. 11 a.m. Mlorning Service and Sermon. Holy Days: Holy Communion, 10:30. 4 ~.Evensong. Special Music. Weekday: Holy Communion Tueaday at 9 10:30 am.; Wednesdays and Saints CHRIST CHURCH required Dys at 8 a.m.; Thursday at 12:10 INDIANAPOLIS, lIND. p.m. Organ Recitals, Fridays, 12:10. THE WITNESS is published weekly from Monument Circle, Downtown 9 September 15th to June 15th inclusive, with Rev. John P. Craine, D.D., Rector 9The Church is open daily for prayer. the exception of the first week in January and Rev. Messrs. F. P. Williams, semi-monthly from June 15th to September 15th E. L. Conner by the Episcopal Church Publishing Co. on Sun. 11C. 8 12:15, 11, 1st S. Pamily I CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY behalf of the Witness Advisory Board. Permission 1316 East 88th Street 9:30; M. P'. and Ser., 11. 'Weekdays: H. C. daily 8, ex. Wed, and 9NEw YoRE CITT g Fri. 7; H. D. 12:05. Noonday I Revi. Janmes A. Paul, D.D., Rector Prayers 12:05. The subscription price is $4.00 a year; in SSundays: Holy Communion, 8: Church d Office hours daily by appointment._ DFMS. Sho,9:3 0; Morning Service, 11; Eve - bundles for sale in parishes the magazine sells / for 10c a copy, we will bill quarterly at 7c a ning Prayer, 5. 1 copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, August TRINITY CHURCH 5, 1948, at the Post Office at Tunkbannock, WASHINGTON CATHEDRAL Pa., under the act of March 3, 1879. Rev. G. Irvine Hiller, S.T.D., Rectr Church MOUNT SAINT ALBAN Sunday Services 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. The Rt. Rev. Angus Dun, Bishop f TRINITY CHURCH The Very Rev. Francis B. Sayre, Jr., Dean 1 Broad and Third Streets COL.UMBUS, OHIO Sunday 8, 9:30, Holy Communion; 11, f SERVICES Episcopal ser. (generally with NIP, Lit or proces- Rev. Robert W. Fay, D.D. sion) (1, S. HC); 4, Ev. Weekdays:I Rev. A. Freeman Traverse, Associate the 11G. 7:30; Int., 12 Ev., 4. Open daily, In Leading Churches Sun. 8 HC; 11 MP; 1st Sun. HG; Pr. of 12 N, HG; Evening, Weekday, Lenatens 7 to 6. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Noons.Day, Special services announced. Tenth Street, above Chestnut ST. PAUL'S PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION 13 Vict Park B The Rev. Alfred W. Price, D.D., Rector 3966 McKinney Avenue Archives ROCHSTER, N. Y. DALLAS 4, TERAS 9 The Rev. Gustav C. Meckling, B.D., The Rev. Edward E. Tate, Rector The Rev. George * Minister to the Hard of Hearing L. Cadigan, Rector - j The Rev. Donald G. Smith, Associate The Rev. Frederick P. Taft, Assistant 1Sunday: 9 and 11 am., 7:30 p.m. The Rev. W. W. Mahan, Assistant 2020. The Rev. Edward IV. Mills, Assistant 9 IWeekdays: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Rev. J. M. Washington, Assistanst -Fri., IThe 12:30-12:55 p.m. Sundav': 8, 9:20 and 11. Sundays: 7:30, 9:15, 11 a.m. & 7:30 'Services of Spiritual Healing, Thurs., p.m. Weekdays: Wednesdays & Holy llolyDays: 11; Fri. 7. 12:10 and 5:10 p.m. Days 10:30 a.m. Copyright S.JAMES' CHRIST CH URCH CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL 11.Lafayette AND ST. GEORGE SAINT Lours, MISSOUaI 2nd Street above Market The Rev. J. Francis Sanst, Rector 9 The Rev. Robert F. Royster, Rector SWhere the Protestant Episcopal Church The Rev. Alfred Mattes, Minister oyCm Sunday: 8, 9:15, 1.Te. I was Founded ThIle Rlev. Do',ald Stauffer Asst. and 9 mIunion, 8:15. Thursday, H-oly Cm SRev. F. A. de Bordenave Rector mnunion, 9:30. Friday, Hloly Com-- College Chaplain I 1 Rev. Erik H. Allen, Assistant ISundays: 9, 9:30, 11 a. m., High 7. School, 4:30 p.mi.; Canterbury Club, 9mrunion, Sunday Services, 9 and 11. NodyPrayers W~eekdavs. 700 1. M PRO-CATHEDRAL OF THE HOLY 9to S. I SChurchiopn daily ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL I Shelton Square PARIS, FRANCE jBUFF'ALO, NEW YORKt 23, Avenue George V 104 ST. PAUL'S CATHEDRAL OKLAHOMA CIrY, OKCLA. Verv Rev. Philip F. McNair)y D.D.. Dean Srie:8:30, 10:30 (S.S.),104 9 1 Very Rev. John S. Willey, Dean I Casnon Mitchell H-addad; 1Ale Rev. Srie:Boulevard Raspail -J. D. Furlong j Student and Artists Center I Sunday: 11. C., 8; 11, first S.; Church Ii SSin., 8, 9:30, 11; Mon., Fri., Sat., q The Re. Rev. Stephen i School, 10:50; M. P., 11. 8a~m K~eeler, Bishop - 12:05; Tues., Thurs., H.C. Lee Riddle, Dean 'Weekday: Thurs., 10. Other services SHGC.prayers. senmon 12:05; Wed., H.C. ' e+Te Very Rev. Sturgis aisannounced. "A Church for All Americans" j am., 11 am., Hlealing Service 12:05. VOL. 43, NO. 8 The WITNESS MARCH 15, 1956 FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH Editorial and Publication Office, Eaton Road, Tnkchkomeok, Pa Story of the Week Lessons Business Can Learn The long-term benefit of avoiding nepotism in the hier- From Catholic Church archy of any management. The value of instilling all publication. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT PRESENTS employees with a sense of and public contribution and social FINDINGS FOR BUSINESS EXECUTIVES values. reuse The advantage of realizing for * Thirty - two lessons in lutely certain concerning each that monetary reward by itself management that businessmen individual's integrity, ability has never been a great moti- everywhere can learn from the and industry before he is required vating force for man's best Roman Catholic Church were given any authority whatever. activities. listed by the American Insti- of promotion tute of Management. The benefit The need to abandon activ- from the ranks. ities that have lost their use- Permission They were included in the fulness. summary of a "management The wisdom of not too much audit" of the Church under- obvious zeal once a position of The benefit of choosing DFMS. / taken by the Institute on its influence has been attained. directors that can be ut lized in own initiative, over an eight- The beneficial result of not some manner at advisory level through their knowledge of the Church year period as a service to too frequent reports to head- American business and in- quarters. operation. dustrial executives. The importance of striving The pointers for business- The advantage of haste in Episcopal constantly to maintain unity of some directions and delay in men were gleaned from a study command. the of the Catholic Church's ad- others. of The advantage of activities ministrative practices over the The requirement of con- within all national boundaries, past 50 years. They are: stantly defensive action where to the extent possible. Archives The value of widespread authority is imperiled. diversification to a continuing The wisdom of publicly hon- The need to utilize the know- 2020.
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