Panama's Brilliant Butterflies Trip List, August 11-18, 2018

Panama's Brilliant Butterflies Trip List, August 11-18, 2018

Panama's Brilliant Butterflies August 11 - 18, 2018 Guides: Faustino "Tino" Sanchez Daily Itinerary : Linda Harrison Day 1 - August 11th; Arrival, Canopy Lodge gardens Day 2 - August 12th; Cara Iguana am & Las Minas Road pm Total Species: 244 Day 3 - August 13th; Valle Chiquito am & Finca Macarena pm Day 4 - August 14th; Juan Hombron & Santa Clara beach house Blue= new species: 11 Day 5 - August 15th; Canopy Lodge am & Canopy Tower pm Day 6 - August 16th; Ammo Ponds & Pipeline Road list complied by: Linda Harrison Day 7 - August 17th; Metropolitan Park am & Old Gamboa Road pm Day 8 - August 18th; Canopy Tower & Departure 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th PAPILIONIDAE SWALLOWTAILS Papilioninae Swallowtails & Cattlehearts 1 Parides childrenae childrenae Green-celled Cattleheart X X X 2 Parides sesostris tarquinius Emerald-patched Cattleheart X 3 Heraclides anchisiades Ruby-spotted Swallowtail X 4 Heraclides thoas Thoas Swallowtail X PIERIDAE WHITES & SULPHURS Dismorphiinae Mimic-Whites 5 Dismorphia amphione praxinoe Tiger Mimic-White X X 6 Enantia jethys Jethys Mimic-White X Coliadinae Sulphurs & Yellows 7 Eurema daira Barred Yellow X 8 Eurema a. agave Agave Yellow X 9 Eurema albula White Yellow X 10 Eurema salome jamapa Salome Yellow X 11 Pyrisitia dina westwoodi Dina Yellow X 12 Pyrisitia nise Mimosa Yellow X X X 13 Phoebis sennae Cloudless Sulphur X X 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 14 Phoebis argante Apricot Sulphur X X X 15 Phoebis agarithe Large Orange Sulphur X Pierinae Whites 16 Leptophobia caesia tenuciornis Bluish White X X 17 Itaballia demophile centralis Black-banded White X 18 Archonias brassolis approximata Cattleheart White X X X 19 Catasticta sisamnus smallii Whitened Dartwhite X X 20 Melete polyhymnia florinda Golden White X X X LYCAENIDAE HAIRSTREAKS & BLUES Theclinae Hairstreaks 21 Eumaeus godartii White-tipped Cycadian X 22 Evenus regalis Regal Hairstreak X X 23 Atlides inachus Spying Hairstreak X 24 Atlides bacis Bacis Hairstreak X 25 Arcas imperialis Imperial Arcas X 26 Theritas mavors Deep-green Hairstreak X 27 Arawacus tograna Togarna Hairstreak X X X 28 Arawacus sito Fine-lined Hairsteak X 29 Lamprospilus collucia Two-toned Groundstreak X X 30 Calycopis isobeon Dusky-blue Groundstreak X 31 Tmolus echion echiolus Red-spotted Hairstreak X X 32 Chalybs hassan Hassan Greenstreak X Polyommatinae Blues 33 Cupido comyntas Eastern Tailed-blue X RIODINIDAE METALMARKS Euselasilinae Euselasias 34 Euselasia chrysippe Golden Euselasia X X X Riodinianae Metalmarks 35 Mesosemia carissima Blue-patched Eyed-Metalmark X X 36 Mesosemia asa Deep-blue Eyed-Metalmark X 37 Leucochimona lagora Lagora Metalmark X X 38 Perophthalma tullius Tullius Metalmark X 39 Napaea eucharila White-stitched Metalmark X 40 Eurybia unxia Azure-winged Eurybia X 41 Eurybia lycisca Blue-winged Eurybia X 42 Eurybia patrona persona Great Eurybia X 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 43 Ancyluris jurgensenii Costa-spotted Metalmark X 44 Ancyluris i. inca Inca Metalmark X X 45 Detritivora barnesi Barne's Metalmark X X X X 46 Calephelis fulmen Fulmen Calephelis X X X 47 Calephelis iris Iris Calephelis X X X X 48 Baeotis zonata Bumblebee Metalmark X 49 Melanis pixie Pixie X X 50 Melanis electron Electron Metalmark X 51 Xenadra desora Red-patched Metalmark X 52 Symmachia rubina Rubina Metalmark X 53 Symmachia l. leena Rusted Metalmark X 54 Sarota chrysus Stoll's Sarota X X 55 Emesis lucinda White-patched Emesis X X X 56 Emesis ocypore aethalia Dark Emesis X 57 Pixus corculum Pixus Metalmark X 58 Ariconias albinus Albinus Metalmark X 59 Juditha odites praeclarum Odites Metalmark X X 60 Juditha caucana Molpe Metalmark X 61 Menander menander purpurata Menander Metalmark X 62 Calospila lucianus Lucianus Metalmark X 63 Calicosama lilina White-posted Metalmark X X 64 Archaeonympha smalli Panamanian Metalmark X 65 Theope basilea Straight-lined Theope X X NYMPHALIDAE BRUSHFOOTS Danainae Monarchs & Clearwings 66 Lycorea halia atergatis Tiger Mimic-Queen X X X X 67 Tithorea tarricina Cream-spotted Tigerwing X X 68 Mechanitis menapis saturata Menapis Tigerwing X 69 Napeogenes tolosa amara Tolosa Tigerwing X 70 Ithomia diasia hippocrenis Diasia Clearwing X X X 71 Ithomia heraldica Heraldica Clearwing X 72 Ithomia iphianassa Iphinassa Clearwing X X 73 Oleria paula Paula's Clearwing X 74 Callithomia hezia smalli Hezia Clearwing X X 75 Godyris kedema furina Kedema Clearwing X 76 Godyris zavaleta zygia Variegated Clearwing X X 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 77 Hypoleria lavinia vanilia Lavinia Clearwing X 78 Greta morgane oto Rusty Clearwing X 79 Pseudoscada timnia pusio Timnia Clearwing X Heliconiinae Longwings 80 Dione juno Juno Longwing X 81 Dryadula phaetusa Banded Longwing X X 82 Dryas iulia Julia X X X 83 Philaethria dido panamensis Green Longwing X 84 Eueides aliphera Fine-lined Longwing X X 85 Heliconius charithonia Zebra Longwing X X 86 Heliconius cydno chioneus Cydno Longwing X 87 Heliconius doris Doris Longwing X X X 88 Heliconius erato hydara Crimson-patched Longwing X 89 Heliconius erato petiverana Crimson-patched Longwing X X X X X X X 90 Heliconius hecale anderida Hecale Longwing X 91 Heliconius hecale melicerta Hecale Longwing X X 92 Heliconius sara Sara Longwing X X X 93 Euptoieta hegesia meridiania Mexican Fritillary X Limenitidnae Sisters 94 Adelpha basiloides Spot-celled Sister X 95 Adelpha b. boeotia Oberthur's Sister X X 96 Adelpha boeotia oberthurii Oberthur's Sister X 97 Adelpha cytherea daguana Cytherea Sister X X X 98 Adelpha erotia Erotia Sister X 99 Adelpha iphiclus iphiclus Iphiclus Sister X X 100 Adelpha melanthe Rayed Sister X 101 Adelpha paraena massilia Massilia Sister X Apaturinae Emperors 102 Doxocopa pavon Pavon Emperor X X Biblidinae Banners, Crackers & Eighty-eights 103 Catonephele mexicana East-Mexican Banner X X X X 104 Catonephele numilia esite Blue-frosted Banner X 105 Ectima erycinoides Northern Ectima X X 106 Hamadryas amphinome mexicana Red Cracker X X X 107 Hamadryas feronia Variable Cracker X X X 108 Hamadryas laodamia Starry Cracker X 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 109 Epiphile adrasta Common Banner X X 110 Nica flavilla Little Banner X X X X X 111 Temenis laothoe Orange Banner X 112 Dynamine agacles core Pale Sailor X X 113 Callicore lyca Six-spotted Eighty-eight X X 114 Callicore pitheas Two-eyed Eighty-eight X 115 Callicore tolima Blue-and-orange Eighty-eight X X Cyrestinae Daggerwings 116 Marpesia merops Spot-banded Daggerwing X Nymphalinae Beauties & Crescents 117 Historis odius dious Orion Cecropian X X 118 Colobura dirce Dirce Beauty X X 119 Hypanartia lethe Orange Mapwing X X 120 Anartia fatima Banded Peacock X X X X X X 121 Anartia jatrophae White Peacock X X 122 Siproeta epaphus Rusty-tipped Page X 123 Siproeta stelenes Malachite X X X 124 Junonia evarete Tropical Buckeye X 125 Chlosyne narva Narva Checkerspot X X 126 Chlosyne janais Crimson-patch Checkerspot X X 127 Anthanassa d. drusilla Orange-patched Crescent X X X X X 128 Anthanassa tulcis Pale-banded Crescent X 129 Castilia ofella White-dotted Crescent X X 130 Eresia clio Clio Crescent X 131 Eresia ithomioides alsina Variable Crescent X X X 132 Eresia ithomioides eutropia Variable Crescent X 133 Janatella leucodesma Whitened Crescent X 134 Tegosa anieta anieta Black-bordered Crescent X X X X Charaxinae Leafwings 135 Consul fabius Tiger-striped Leafwing X 136 Siderone galanthis Red-striped Leafwing X 137 Zaretis isidora Isidora Leafwing X 138 Fountainea glycerium Angled Leafwing X 139 Memphis arginussa eubaena Mottled Leafwing X 140 Memphis elara Elara Leafwing X Satyrinae Morphos, Owls & Satyrs 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 141 Morpho cypris Cypris Morpho X X 142 Morpho helenor peleides Common Morpho X X X X X X X 143 Morpho menelaus amathonte Menelaus Morpho X X X X 144 Morpho theseus Stub-tailed Morpho X X 145 Caligo telamonius menus Pale Owl-Butterfly X X X X 146 Opsiphanes quiteria Scalloped Owl-Butterfly X 147 Opsiphanes tamarindi Narrow-banded Owl-Butterfly X X 148 Narope testacea Brown Owl-Butterfly X 149 Pierella luna luna Moon Satyr X X 150 Cissia labe Labe Satyr X 151 Cissia pompilia Plain Satyr X X 152 Cissia pseudoconfusa Gold-stained Satyr X X 153 Euptychia hilara Tawny-cornered Satyr X 154 Euptychia jesia Jesia Satyr X 155 Euptychia westwoodi Westwood's Satyr X X 156 Hermeuptychia hermes Hermes Satyr X X X X X 157 Magneuptychia gomezi Gomez' Satyr X 158 Magneuptychia libye Blue-gray Satyr X X X 159 Pareuptychia metaleuca White-banded Satyr X X 160 Pareuptychia ocirrhoe White Satyr X X 161 Taygetis kerea Kerea Satyr X 162 Taygetis thamyra Thamyra Satyr X 163 Taygetis uzza Uzza Satyr X X 164 Yphthimoides renata Renata Satyr X X X HESPERIIDAE SKIPPERS Eudaminae Longwtails, Flashers, Scarlet-eyes 165 Phanus marshalli Common Phanus X X 166 Hyalothyrus neleus pemphigargyra Dimorphic Skipper X X 167 Epargyreus exadeus Broken Silverdrop X X X 168 Epargyreus sp. Unknown Silverdrop X 169 Chioides catillus albius Blurry-striped Longtail X 170 Chioides zilpa Zilpa Longtail X 171 Polythrix octomaculata Eight-spotted Longtail X 172 Urbanus esmeraldus Esmeralda Longtail X X X X X 173 Urbanus dorantes Dorantes Longtail X X X X 174 Urbanus simplicius Plain Longtail X 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 175 Urbanus procne Brown Longtail X X 176 Urbanus chalco Great White Longtail X X 177 Astraptes talus Green Flasher X 178 Astraptes egregius Small-spotted Flasher X X 179 Astraptes alardus latia Frosted Flasher X 180 Autochton neis Broad Banded-Skipper X X 181 Autochton longipennis Spike Banded-Skipper X

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