F. No: SW-45/3/20 I 5-SWADHAR Govelnment of India Ministry of Wornen and Chitd Developrnent Shastri Biralvan, I.Jew Deihi Dated: 16.A1.2A17 . To, The Pay and Accounts Officer Ministry of Women and Child Development Shastri Bhavan; New Delhi Subject: - Reimbursement of the Grant for the period 1.04.2014 to 31.L2.2A15 to Gram Vikas (Voluntary Organization), H.No.l6-3TlI,.Vidyanagar Road, Sathupaliy, Khammam District, Telangana-507303 for running Swadhar Shelter Home & Women Helpline under Swadhar Scheme. Sir/Madam, ln continuation of this Ministry's Sanction order of even number dated 19.06.2015. I am directed toconvey the sanction of tlre President of hidia to the payinent.of fts.13,72,298/- (Rupees Thirteer. lakh seventy two thousand two hundred and ninety eight only) for the period t.84.2:'Jl4 to 31.12.2015 to Gram Vikas (Voluntary Organizatiorr), Ftr.No.l6-3UL, Vidy*nagar lioad, Sathupally, Khammam District, Telangana-507303 for financial year 2016=2Al'7 for runniug __.: Swadhar Shelter home & Women helpline under Swadhar Scheme. The details of the projeci are as .follows: (a) Location of the Project: - At Plot No. 122, H,No. 3-5113 (new H.No. 24-1-65), Sath'.rpally, Khammam District, Telangana. (b) Number of beneficiaries: 38 womerr & 5 children (for 2014-15) & 3l r.vomen & 9 childieir (for 20 I 5- I 6) 2. The grant is subject to the following conditions: i. Before the amount is paid by an Account Payee Cheque, a ceftificate is to be furnished by tlre NGO stating that no funds have been received from any other source for the purpose for which this amount has been sauctioned. ii. They should also certify that the funds so sanctioned shall be utilized fbr the purpose for which it has been given. iii. A separate account in respect of the sanctioned amourtt shall be maintained. iv. The staff employed for running the shelter home (excluding the security personnel/Chowkidar) should be female and the.quantum of staff employed by the organization should be in conformity with the norms stipulated. v. Efforts should be made by the NGO to restore the women back to theil places of origin. vi. ln case the actual expenditure on this projecl is less than the estimated cost, the difference between the estimated cost and the actual e4penditure will be refunded by the organization to the Department. vii. As the organization has already incurred the sanctioned amount and submitted U.C., Audited.Accounts etc. for the same, this amount is being reimbursed to the organization. Therefore, no separate utilization certificate will be issued for tliis atmount. viii. The organization will spread awareness with respect to HIV/AIDS. ix. The accounts of all grantee lnstitutions or Organizatiqn shall be open to inspection by the sanctioning authority and audit, bolh by the Comptroller and Auditor-General of India under provision of CAG (DPC) Act l97l and internal audit by the Principal Accounts Officer of the Miuistry or Department, whenever the Institution cr Organization is called'upon to do so, at per GFR 2l 1(l) x. All grantee Institutions or Organizations whiclr receive more than fifty percent of tireir recurring expenditure in the forrn of granis-in aid, should ordinarily formulate terms and conditions of service of their employees which are; by and large, not higher tharr ;'i those applicable to similar categories of employees in Central Government, as per GFR 20e(6)(ivXa), -:2 i- xi When the Govt. of India/State Govt...havs reasons to believe that the grant is not being utilized, for the purpose for r,r,hich it is sanctioned, the amount paid to the grantee are liable to be refunded to the govt' of India 3. The break-up for the 1.04,2014 to 31.122014 Shelter home and Helpline is as undei': for No. Items Amount reirnbursed fbi Amount reirtibursed the period 1.04,2014 to the per:iod 1.04.2015 to 31.3.2015 ,' 31.12.2015 A Swadhar Home @ 38 r.vomen & 5 children @ 3l women & 9 chiidren 5 I - 1,12,5001- 84,3751- 1 Rent for.Building @ Rs'9,37 .o,m. 0 5o/o of Rs. I 2,5004) 2,25,0A01- 2 Admn. Exp 3,00,000/- a 1,3951- J Office contingency 2,2801- o,y l)l- 4 MedicalExp. I 1,400/- 1,39,500/- 5 Food for resident 2,28,0001- 6 Pocket Money 6,000/- ,| ?1 ?10/- For children @Rs.4,6401- P'a. t5,9131- B Helnline' I Annual lease charges for 23,9411- telephone bills of the toll fi'ee ohones I\A 2. Stationary 1,000/- Salarvforthe Staff 1.80,000/- NA Total llome + HelPline 8.81,034/- 4.91,2641- Grand total: Rs. 8,81,0341+ Rs 4,9I,264 / - : B. 13 J2 29t!:- 4. The Drawilg and Disbursing Officer of the Ministry of Women and Child Development is thousand fwo authorized to draw a sum of Rs.rs,zz,298/- (Rupees Thirteen lakh seventy two hundred and ninety eight Organization), H'No.l6-31/i, period 1.(t4.2014 to ViOyunugur Road, Sathupally 03'for the duly' 31.12.2015 for disbursement in favour of organization incorporating the following Bank details:- 34, Opp. (a) Bank's Name & Address -State Bank of India, Ramanlhapur, Plot No. syndicate Bank street, No. 8 , Habsiguda, Hyderabad 500007, Telangana (b) Account No.30401734035 (c) IFSC Code No. - sBIN0010L00 and MICR Code No.500002088. 5. The exfenditure is No.gZ; Department of Women and Chiid Development, Major Head' nd Welfare, Q2lSocial Welfare, 103-Women- Welfare, T0-Swadhar Groh, ,2016'l'7 (PIan)' 6. The Scheme of Swadhar has the approval of the Ministry of Finance vide tlieir vide U.O.No.42(3)pF.tf/ 2001 dated 12.12.2001. This issue with the approval of JS & FA(WCD) Dy.No.8633 dated 09.01 .2011 - 7. Entries have been made in the Grant-in-aid Register at S,No.207. Deputy Secretary to the G,overnment of India Tel:233 84488 -: 3: Copy forwarded to:- 1. secretary, women and thild^Development, Government of relangana, Hyderabad, 2. The Audit Officer, Office of Director Genegal,of Audit, Central-Reuenues, indraprastha * Estate, New Delhi- I 1 0002 3. The,Accountant General, Government of Telan gana, Hyderabad. 4. The,,Principal Pay aild'Account Officer, Miniqtry of Women and Child Development, Sjrastri: Bhawarl New Delhi 5. The District Col lector, D i stt. - K hammam, Tel an gana. 6, The Suporintendent of Police, Distt.- Kammam,lelangana. The secretary, Granr Vikas (voluntary organization),.H.No.16-3111, Vidyanagar Road, Sathupally, Khammam District, Telangana-S07303 for excution of the prograrime. It is requested that the following documents nray please be furnished to this Ministry before the _ amount is remitted through a Demand Dlaff/ECS/RTCS rn favour of organizatiol. a) An Agreement Bond on the stamped paper as per the enclosed proforma, b) , The Name and Address of th6 Barik of the organization; Bank Code No. & Bank Account Number of the organizatiorr should be mentioned at tlre bottom of the prestamped receipt, 8 &nction Folder/Cash and Budget. : Deputy Secretary to the Government of India Tel:2338448_8 .jrt ,'11 No. 54- 125 120 I 5 - Sr,vadliar Government of india Ministry of Wonen and Child Development Shastri Bhar,van. l\ erv De ih i Dated: 18.01.2017 To The Pay and Accounts Officer Ministry of Women and Child Development Shastri Bhavan. New Delhi Subject:-Reimbursment of Grant-in-aid to J&K State Social Wellare Board, Oici Secretariat, JammuiSrinagar, Jammu & Ifushmir for the period 1.04.2011 to 31.3.2C12 fr:r u ' running Swadhar Home at Poonch, J&K under Swadhar Scirerne. Sir/Madarn, ln continuation to this Ministry's Sanction order of even number clated 15.02,2C16, I am directed to convey the sanbtion of the President of lndia to the payment o1'Rs.4,2E,1-18/- {Rupees Four lakh twe+ty eight thousand one hundred and thirty eigiit oniS') to i&Ii St.rie Social Welfare Board, 3'o Floor, Pragati Bhawan. Rail Head Complex, Jarnnru, J&l( for the peliod I.04,201L to 31.3.2012 for running shelter Home undel Srvaclhar Scherne cluring financial year 2016-2017 after adjustir,g the unspent balances, if any of the previous released grani a.s pel GFR 209 (6) (iii). The details of the ploject are as follows: (a) L,ocation of the Project : At Poonci-r Dist., Jarnmu & Kashrnir. (b) l\urnber of benef'rciaries: 3 woffren & 23 childr:en. 2. The grant is subjeot to the following conditions: Before the amount is paid by an Account Payee Cheque, a certiflcate is to be firrrrisl-re'd by the NGO stating that no furtds have been received flom any other soufce firr the lllrrpose for which this amount has been sanctioned. ii. They should also certify that the funds so sanctioned shall be Lrtilized for the purpose for which it has been given. iii. A separate account in respect of the sanctioned alnolult shall be mainlained. iv. The staff ernployed for running the shelter horne (exclLrding tlre securitl, personnel/Chowkidar) should be t-emale and the quantum of statT enrployed by tlie organization should be in confbrmity with the norms stipulated. v. Efforls should be made by the NGO to restore the rvornen bacl< to their places of origin. vi. ln case the actual expenditure on this project is less than the estimated cost, the c-lif'l'erence between the estimated cost and the actual expenditure witl be refunclecl by the oisanizatioir to the Department.
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