LONGHORNS IN THE PROS *DraftedLONGHORNS but did not sign IN THE MAJOR LEAGUE DRAFT Since 1965 when Major League Baseball started its professional draft, Longhorn players have been drafted 316 times by major league teams RD. PLAYER, POS. TEAM RD. PLAYER, POS. TEAM RD. PLAYER, POS. TEAM 1965 4 SELECTIONS 1973 7 SELECTIONS 1980 7 SELECTIONS 11 *Samuel Scheschuk, C Reds JANUARY REGULAR PHASE JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE 28 Gary Moore, OF Dodgers 3 Zane Grubbs, LHP Rangers 1 (2nd) Ricky Wright, LHP Dodgers 49 Michael Thompson, C Cardinals JUNE REGULAR PHASE 1 (6th) Keith Creel, RHP Pirates 59 Robert Oliver, LHP Mets 5 Ken Pape, SS Rangers JUNE REGULAR PHASE 11 Ronald Roznowsky, RHP Astros 1 (21st) Jim Acker, RHP Braves 1966 3 SELECTIONS 16 Samuel Nicholson, RHP PADRES 13 Quinton Lloyd, OF Braves JUNE REGULAR PHASE 21 Stephen Clancy, C Cubs 14 Kevin Shannon, C Yankees 14 *Minton White, 1B Orioles 29 Rudy Jaramillo, OF Rangers 28 *Doug Laufer, RHP Angels 17 Richard Summers, C Mets 49 Jimmy Kelley, C ROYALS JUNE SECONDARY PHASE JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 1 (4th) Keith Creel, RHP Royals 2 *Samuel Scheschuk, C Orioles 1974 3 SELECTIONS 4 James Reeves, OF REDS 1981 10 SELECTIONS 1967 5 SELECTIONS 19 Terry Pyka, OF Rangers JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE 29 Bobby Cuellar, RHP Rangers 2 *Doug Laufer, RHP Phillies 1 (9th) *Samuel Scheschuk, C Cardinals JUNE REGULAR PHASE 10 Minton White, RHP Angels 1975 8 SELECTIONS 5 Burk Goldthorn, C Padres JUNE REGULAR PHASE 1 (17th) Jim Gideon, RHP Rangers 7 Mike Withrow, RHP White Sox 47 Allan Clements, RHP Mets 2 Richard Bradley, C Giants 8 Dave Seiler, LHP Phillies JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 5 Blair Stouffer, 3B Rangers 10 Tony Arnold, RHP Orioles 1 (14th) *Pat Brown, OF Dodgers 7 Keith Moreland, 3B Phillies 29 Larry Long, OF Rangers 5 Samuel scheschuk, C Dodgers 14 Michael Anderson, OF Cubs 29 Jimmy Tompkins, RHP Braves 14 *Rick Wortham, LHP Mets 30 Michael Hamer, RHP Braves 1968 2 SELECTIONS 23 Martin Flores, LHP Giants 38 Chris Campbell, 1B Expos JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE 31 Michael Reichenbach, 1B Rangers JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 7 *Pat Brown, OF Red Sox 1 (17th) Doug Laufer, RHP Rangers JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 1976 6 SELECTIONS 2 *Pat Brown, OF Indians JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE 1982 8 SELECTIONS 2 Rick Wortham, LHP White Sox JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE 1969 3 SELECTIONS JUNE REGULAR PHASE 1 (4th) Burk Goldthorn, C Pirates JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE 7 RONALD JACOBS, C Brewers JUNE REGULAR PHASE 1 (1st) *Gene Salmon, 1B Expos 12 GARRY PYKA, 2B Brewers 1 (6th) Spike Owen, SS Mariners JUNE REGULAR PHASE 20 DOUGLAS DUNCAN, C Rangers 3 Mike Konderla, RHP Reds 24 Pat Brown, OF Yankees 36 *STEVEN DAY, SS Giants 6 Rich Thompson, OF Braves 25 *Larry Hardy, RHP Yankees JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 12 Kirk Killingsworth, RHP Mariners 1 (20th) KARL PAGEL, 1B Cubs 13 Tracy Dophied, OF Astros 1970 4 SELECTIONS 23 Rusty Uresti, C Braves JUNE REGULAR PHASE 1977 6 SELECTIONS 23 Milo Choate, 3B Phillies 23 Larry Hardy, RHP Padres 2 Tony Brizzolara, RHP Braves 31 James Street, RHP Indians 8 Steven Day, SS Brewers 1983 8 SELECTIONS JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 13 Don Kainer, RHP Rangers 1 (19th) Roger Clemens, RHP Red Sox 1 (2nd) Tom Harmon, C Royals 14 Bob Kearney, C Giants 1 (27th) Calvin Schiraldi, RHP Mets 7 Gene Salmon, 1B Orioles 14 Michael Reichenbach, RHP Royals 2 Mike Brumley, SS Red Sox 19 Gary Hibbett, OF Pirates 4 Jeff Hearron, C Blue Jays 1971 4 SELECTIONS 7 Kirk Killingsworth, RHP Rangers JUNE REGULAR PHASE 1978 3 SELECTIONS 7 Jose Tolentino, 1B Athletics 8 Walter Rothe, OF Expos 18 Robert Heuck, LHP Blue Jays 13 Mike Capel, RHP Cubs JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 23 Jim McCoy, RHP Royals 33 Bryan Burrows, 3B Pirates 1 (2nd) Burt Hooton, RHP Cubs 24 Ken Wright, RHP Giants 1 (18th) Mike Beard, LHP Braves 1984 4 SELECTIONS 3 *John Langerhans, 1B Brewers 1979 8 SELECTIONS JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE 1 (17th) Jerry Don Gleaton, LHP Rangers 10 Edward McIvor, RHP Braves 1972 6 SELECTIONS 4 Andre Robertson, 2B Blue Jays JUNE REGULAR PHASE JANUARY REGULAR PHASE 5 Keith Walker, LHP Blue Jays 10 *David Denny, 3B Athletics 7 Gary Erskine, OF Reds 6 Ron Gardenhire, if Mets 11 Darren Loy, C Phillies JANUARY SECONDARY PHASE 12 Terrell Salazar, 1B Pirates 13 Jamie Doughty, SS Rangers 3 *John Langerhans, 1B Cubs 18 Russ Jones, OF Reds JUNE REGULAR PHASE 30 Mark Chelette, 3B Mariners 1 (10th) Dave Chalk, 3B Angels JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 16 Mike Markl, 2B Astros 1 (13th) Ken Wright, RHP Blue Jays 18 Lonnie Salvers, RHP Reds JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 2 John Langerhans, 1B Indians TEXAS BASEBALL LONGHORNS IN THE PROS LONGHORNS*Drafted but did not sign IN THE MAJOR LEAGUE DRAFT RD. PLAYER, POS. TEAM RD. PLAYER, POS. TEAM RD. PLAYER, POS. TEAM 1985 9 SELECTIONS 1991 7 SELECTIONS 1999 2 SELECTIONS JUNE REGULAR PHASE 2 Rod Pedraza, RHP Expos 4 Jason Moore, SS Padres 1 (9th) Michael Poehl, RHP Indians 5 Shane Halter, SS Royals 10 Scott Dunn, RHP Reds 2 Bruce Ruffin, LHP Phillies 8 Roger Luce, C Rangers 4 Billy Bates, 2B Brewers 11 Scott Pugh, 1B Padres 2000 7 SELECTIONS 16 Rick Parker, SS Phillies 45 Mike Morland, C Blue Jays 1 (14th) Beau Hale, RHP Orioles 18 Dennis Cook, OF Giants 48 Kyle Moody, 2B Padres 4 Charlie Thames, RHP Angels 18 Michael Simon, OF Mariners 56 *Scott Harrison, RHP Royals 8 Phil Seibel, LHP Expos 28 Charles Phillips, RHP Angels 11 Tommy Nicholson, 2B White Sox 33 David Denny, 3B Phillies 1992 7 SELECTIONS 14 Todd West, SS Brewers JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 1 (7th) Calvin Murray, OF Giants 16 D.J. Jones, LHP Orioles 1 (14th) Dodd Johnson, 3B Braves 5 Chris Abbe, C Dodgers 24 Chris Houser, 3B Indians 10 John Dickens, LHP Royals 1986 6 SELECTIONS 24 Clay King, 3B Giants 2001 2 SELECTIONS JANUARY REGULAR PHASE 27 Scott Harrison, RHP Expos 5 Gerrit Simpson, RHP Rockies 15 *Jay searcy, 3B angels 38 Roberto DeLeon, 2B Padres 12 Albert Montez, RHP Giants JUNE REGULAR PHASE 41 Doug Pettit, RHP Marlins 1 (2nd) Greg Swindell, LHP Indians 2002 8 SELECTIONS 9 Wade Phillips, RHP Tigers 1993 8 SELECTIONS 4 Alan Bomer, RHP Yankees 12 Daniel Pena, LHP Dodgers 1 (10th) Brooks Kieschnick, OF Cubs 8 Ryan Hubele, C Orioles 14 Doug Hodo, OF Phillies 8 Tim Harkrider, SS Angels 8 Brad Halsey, LHP Yankees JUNE SECONDARY PHASE 12 Darrick Duke, OF Padres 12 Brandon Fahey, 3B Orioles 1 (23rd) Jay Searcy, 3B Giants 14 Braxton Hickman, 1B Royals 12 Dustin Majewski, OF Red Sox 22 Jay Vaught, RHP Astros 14 Ray Clark, RHP Yankees 1987 9 SELECTIONS 29 Greg Hillman, LHP Cubs 20 Ben King, LHP Yankees 1 (10th) Kevin Garner, RHP Padres 34 Joel Williamson, C Pirates 41 Danny Muegge, RHP Giants 1 (29th) Mark Petkovsek, RHP Rangers 57 Brian Carpenter, RHP Dodgers 2 Curt Krippner, RHP Brewers 2003 10 SELECTIONS 3 Scott Coolbaugh, 3B Rangers 1994 7 SELECTIONS 1 (33rd) Omar Quintanilla, SS Athletics 24 Lenny Bell, 1B Cubs 6 Clint Koppe, RHP Reds 3 Tim Moss, 2B Phillies 29 Brian Cisarik, OF Mariners 10 Jay Vaught, RHP Indians 3 Dustin Majewski, OF Athletics 29 John Morton, RHP Rangers 10 Ryan Kjos, RHP Tigers 6 Eric Sultemeier, OF Orioles 38 Todd Haney, 2B Mariners 10 Stephen Larkin, 1B Rangers 8 Josh Smith, RHP Yankees 47 Elanis Westbrooks, SS Giants 34 Jose Flores, 3B Phillies 18 Ryan Roberts, 3B Blue Jays 37 Jeffrey Conway, OF Padres 19 Danny Muegge, RHP Diamondbacks 1988 9 SELECTIONS 38 Brandon Peters, LHP Twins 29 B.J. Jordan, LHP Cardinals 2 Brian Johnson, C Indians 47 Justin Simmons, LHP Cubs 3 Preston Watson, RHP Braves 1995 6 SELECTIONS 49 Michael Hollimon, SS Twins 6 Greg Landry, RHP Brewers 1 (27th) Shea Morenz, OF Yankees 6 Eric Stone, RHP Tigers 4 J.D. Smart, RHP Expos 2004 9 SELECTIONS 11 Joel Chimelis, SS Athletics 18 Steve Randolph, LHP Yankees 1 (31st) J.P. Howell, LHP Royals 14 Michael Patrick, C Rangers 22 J.R. Webb, C Tigers 1 (40th) Huston Street, RHP Athletics 16 Brian Cisarik, 1B Padres 27 Ryan Kjos, RHP Athletics 2 Curtis Thigpen, C Blue Jays 30 John Jensen, OF Cubs 36 Jerry Taylor, OF Indians 7 Seth Johnston, 2B Orioles 46 Rusty Crockett, SS Cubs 7 Buck Cody, LHP Cardinals 1996 9 SELECTIONS 13 Kyle Yates, RHP Blue Jays 1989 6 SELECTIONS 1 (28th) Danny Peoples, 1B Indians 15 J.D. Reininger, 3B Reds 1 (11th) *Calvin Murray, 3B Indians 7 Wylie Campbell, 2B Reds 21 Justin Simmons, LHP Dodgers 1 (20th) Scott Bryant, OF Reds 11 Jake O’Dell, RHP Athletics 23 Matt Goodson, RHP Red Sox 3 Shane Reynolds, RHP Astros 17 Roman Escamilla, C Royals 20 Arthur Butcher, OF Brewers 21 Trey Salinas, C Rays 2005 6 SELECTIONS 26 Steve Bethea, SS Padres 28 Donny Barker, RHP Rays 2 J. Brent Cox, RHP Yankees 62 Mike Morland, C Expos 52 Mark Cridland, OF Indians 3 Taylor Teagarden, C Rangers 53 Matt Splawn, RHP Mets 5 Seth Johnston, SS Padres 1990 11 SELECTIONS 53 Scott Leon, RHP Rays 16 Buck Cody, LHP Giants 1 (36th) Kirk Dressendorfer, RHP Athletics 23 David Maroul, 3B Giants 4 John Walker, OF Braves 1997 3 SELECTIONS 28 Clayton Stewart, RHP Phillies 6 David Tollison, 2B Blue Jays 5 Kip Harkrider, SS Dodgers 10 *Roger Luce, C Tigers 21 Mark Cridland, OF Brewers 2006 5 SELECTIONS 10 Mark Smith, OF Cardinals 38 Mike Scarborough, OF Pirates 1 (8th) Drew Stubbs, OF Reds 14 Scott Frederickson, RHP Padres 1 (29th) Kyle McCulloch, RHP White Sox 31 Todd Hotz, LHP White Sox 1998 1 SELECTION 14 Carson Kainer, OF Reds 31 Michael Bradley, RHP Padres 34 Curt Kautsch, RHP Brewers 36 *Adrian Alaniz, RHP Cardinals 36 Brian Dare, LHP Braves 38 *Randy Boone, RHP Twins 36 *Mike Morland, C Expos 46 Lance Jones, OF Rangers TEXAS BASEBALL LONGHORNS IN THE PROS LONGHORNS IN THE MAJOR LEAGUE DRAFT *Drafted but did not sign RD.
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