A compendium of workshop proceedings Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries Government of India SOUTH ASIA Pro Poor Livestock Policy Programme June 2016 यह बकरी का जो ्यापार है - कभी खबू घना कभी मु्ठी भर चना और कभी वोह भी मना जैनुलअ्दीन, प्चचम बंगाल Yeh bakri ka jo yaapar hai – Kabhi khoob ghana Kabhi mutthi bhar chanaa Aur kabhi ho bhi aaa This business of goats – Sometimes it flourishes Sometimes it yields only a handful of chickpeas And sometimes even that is denied Jainulabdeen, West Bengal Strengthening Small Ruminant Based Livelihoods: A Compendium of Workshop Proceedings Photo Credits: Front cover: Atanu De; Back cover: Ibtada; all other images sourced from presentations made by speakers at the workshop; SA PPLPP Suggested Citation: DADF, GoI and SAPPLPP. 2016. Strengthening Small Ruminant Based Livelihoods: A Compendium of Workshop Proceedings, South Asia Pro-Poor Livestock Policy Programme, New Delhi, pp iv, 205 Strengthening Small Ruminant Based Livelihoods Compendium of Proceedings of National and Regional Workshops organised by Department of Animal Husbandry Dairying and Fisheries, Government of India and South Asia Pro Poor Livestock Policy Programme between January 2015 and January 2016 Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries Government of India SOUTH ASIA Pro Poor Livestock Policy Programme June 2016 Contents Abbreviations i I. Proceedings of National Workshop on Strengthening Small 1 Ruminant Based Livelihoods, January 2015, New Delhi 1. Introduction 2 2. Inaugural Session 3 3. Technical Sessions 4 Session I: Small Ruminant Health and Veterinary Care: 3.1 4 Challenges and Opportunities 3.2 Session II: Feed and Fodder Resources for Small Ruminants 6 Session III: Long-term Measures for Small Ruminant Livelihood 3.3 7 Development 4. Recommendations 10 II. Proceedings of Regional Workshop on Strengthening Small 13 Ruminant Based Livelihoods, May 2015, Jaipur 1. Introduction and Objectives 14 2. Inaugural Session 15 Session I: Policies and Programmes for Small Ruminants in Gujarat 3. 16 and Rajasthan 3.1 Rajasthan Presentations: Salient Points 16 3.2 Gujarat Presentations: Salient Points 18 3.3 Open House Discussions: Salient Points 19 4. Session II: Experience Sharing 19 4.1 MPoWeR (Mitigating Poverty in Western Rajasthan) 20 4.2 Urmul Khejadi Sansthan (UKS) 22 4.3 Centre for microfinance (CmF) 23 4.4 PGIVER, Jaipur, RAJUVAS 24 5. Session III: Primary stakeholder perspectives 25 5.1 Pashu Sakhis 25 5.2 Goat keepers 25 6. Session IV: Sub-group discussion and presentation 26 6.1 Group I: Strengthening goat-based livelihoods 26 6.2 Group II: Strengthening sheep-based livelihoods 26 6.3 Group III: Integrating primary producers with markets 26 7. Plenary 27 7.1 Enhancing productivity 27 7.2 Livestock farmers’ associations 27 7.3 Marketing, value-addition and market infrastructure 27 7.4 Financial and risk management services 28 7.5 Challenges specific to sheep-based livelihoods 28 8. Recommendations from the workshop 28 III. Proceedings of Regional Workshop on Strengthening Small 31 Ruminant Based Livelihoods, July 2015, Bhubaneswar 1. Introduction and Objectives 32 2. Inaugural Session 33 Session I: Small Ruminant Policy and Programmes, Challenges and 3. 36 Success Stories – Odisha and West Bengal 3.1 Odisha Directorate of AH&VS 37 West Bengal Directorate of Animal Resources and Animal 3.2 39 Health 3.3 Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN) 41 3.4 Unnayan 44 3.5 Regional Centre for Development Cooperation (RCDC) 45 Development Research Communication and Service Centre 3.6 46 (DRCSC) 3.7 Society for People’s Awareness (SPAN) 47 Session II: Small Ruminant Policy and Programmes, Challenges and 4. 48 Success Stories – Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand 4.1 Bihar Animal and Fisheries Resource Department 49 4.2 Chhattisgarh Directorate of AH&VS 51 4.3 Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gram Nirman Mandal, Nawada, Bihar 54 Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN), 4.4 54 Gumla 4.5 Jharkhand Goat Trust 56 4.6 Margdarshak Seva Sansthan, Chhattisgarh 57 4.7 Gramodaya Kendra, Chhattisgarh 57 5. Session III: Sub-group discussion and presentations 57 5.1 Group I: Disease Management 58 5.2 Group II: Fodder and Nutrition Management 58 5.3 Group III: Housing and Hygiene Requirements 59 5.4 Group IV: Conservation of Indigenous Breeds 59 Group V: Marketing of Small Ruminants; Value Addition 5.5 60 Prospects IV. Proceedings of Regional Workshop on Strengthening Small 61 Ruminant Based Livelihoods, August 2015, Bengaluru 1. Introduction and Objectives 62 2. Inaugural Session 62 Small Ruminant Policy and Programmes Presentations by State 3. – 64 Animal Husbandry Departments 3.1 Karnataka Directorate of AH&VS 64 3.2 Andhra Pradesh Animal Husbandry Department 69 Telangana Animal Husbandry Department (TAHD) and 3.3 Telangana State Sheep and Goat Development Cooperative 74 Federation (TSSGDCF) Tamil Nadu Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and 3.4 78 Fisheries 3.5 Kerala Department of Animal Husbandry 82 Presentations by Rainfed Livestock Network (RLN) on Research 4. 85 Findings and Good Practices in the Sector 4.1 Improving Animal Health Services – A Farmers’ Perspective 85 4.2 Small Ruminant Markets 88 Identification, documentation and recognition of lesser known 4.3 89 breeds 4.4 Biocultural protocols of livestock keeping communities 91 Promoting integrated small ruminant production for 4.5 93 enhancement of rural livelihoods 4.6 Commons and livestock 95 5. Conclusion 96 5.1 Health 96 5.2 Breed 97 5.3 Shelter 97 5.4 Feed and fodder 97 5.5 Markets 97 5.6 Financial services to livestock keepers 98 5.7 Others 98 V. Proceedings of Regional Workshop on Strengthening Small 99 Ruminant Based Livelihoods, September 2015, Bhopal 1. Introduction and Objectives 100 2. Inaugural Session 100 3. Session I: Presentations from Madhya Pradesh 102 3.1 Animal Husbandry Department, Madhya Pradesh 102 3.2 Sampark Samaj Sevi Sansthan, Raipuria, MP 105 3.3 Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India), MP 108 3.4 Goat and Sheep Farmers’ Welfare Association 111 4. Session II: Presentations from Maharashtra 113 4.1 Maharashtra State Presentations 113 4.2 Watershed Organisation Trust (WoTR) – CPR and Livestock 118 5. Session III: Presentation from Uttar Pradesh 120 5.1 Department of Animal Husbandry, Uttar Pradesh 120 5.2 Aga Khan Foundation – Pashu Sakhi model 122 6. Concluding Session 125 6.1 Preventive Veterinary Care Services 125 6.2 Fodder and Nutrition Management 126 6.3 Housing and Hygiene Requirements for Small Ruminants 126 6.4 Breeds and their Conservation 127 6.5 Marketing of Small Ruminants 127 VI. Proceedings of National Concluding Workshop on Strengthening Small Ruminant Based Livelihoods, January 129 2016, New Delhi 1. Summary 130 Annexures 133 Annexure 1 135 Annexure 2-A 145 Annexure 2-B 153 Annexure 2-C 163 Annexure 2-D 171 Annexure 2-E 181 Annexure 2-F 187 Annexure 3 193 Annexure 4 197 Annexure 5 199 Annexure 6 201 Annexure 7 203 Abbreviations ABG Activity Based Group AFRD Animal and Fisheries Resources Department AH Animal Husbandry AH&VS Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services AHD Animal Husbandry Department AI Artificial Insemination AKRSP(I) Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) APMC Agricultural Produce Marketing Committee AnGR Animal Genetic Resources ANLM Administration and National Livestock Mission AR&AH Animal Resources and Animal Health ARAVALI Association for Rural Advancement through Voluntary Action and Local Involvement ART Assisted Reproductive Technology ASCI Agriculture Skill Council of India ASCAD Assistance to States for Control of Animal Diseases BAIF BAIF Development Research Foundation BCP Biocultural Community Protocols CAGR Compounded Annual Growth Rate CAHW Community Animal Health Worker CALPI Capitalisation of Livestock Programme Experiences India CCAP Climate Change Adaptation Project CCPP Contagious Caprine Pleuro Pneumonia cELISA Competitive Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay CIRG Central Institute for Research on Goats CmF Centre for microFinance CPR Common Property Resource CSP Community Service Provider CSR Corporate Social Responsibility CSS Centrally Sponsored Scheme CSWRI Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute CVO Community and Voluntary Organization CWDB Central Wool Development Board DADF Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries DFID Department for International Development, United Kingdom DoAH Department of Animal Husbandry DPIP District Poverty Initiatives Project DRCSC Development Research Communication and Services Centre DSBCS District Sheep Breeders’ Cooperative Society ET Enterotoxaemia F&ARDD Fisheries and Animal Resources Development Department Page i Page i Page i Page i FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FAOR Food and Agriculture Organisation Representative FES Foundation for Ecological Security FGD Focus Group Discussion FMD Foot and Mouth Disease FPO Farmer Producer Organisation FSSAI Food Safety and Standards Authority of India GAG Goat Activity Groups GALVmed The Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines GBLDC Goat Based Livelihood Development Committee GDP Gross Domestic Product GDS Grameen Development Services GO Government Organization GoB Government of Bihar GoG Government of Gujarat GoI Government of India GoK Government of Karnataka GoMP Government of Madhya Pradesh GoO Government of Odisha GoR Government of Rajasthan GP Gram Panchayat GSDP Gross State Domestic Product GSFWA Goat and Sheep Farmers’ Welfare Association HH Household HS Haemorrhagic Septicaemia IAMP Improved Animal Management
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