S tudia Historica S lovenica Studia Historica Slovenica Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije Humanities and Social Studies Review letnik 11 (2011), št. 1 MARIBOR 2011 Studia Historica Slovenica ISNN 1580-8122 Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije / Humanities and Social Studies Review Izdajatelj / Published by ZGODOVINSKO DRUŠTVO DR. FRANCA KOVAČIČA V MARIBORU/ HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF DR. FRANC KOVAČIČ IN MARIBOR http://www.zgodovinsko-drustvo-kovacic.si/ Uredniški odbor / Editorial Board dr. Ivo Banac (ZDA / USA), dr. Rajko Bratuž, dr. Neven Budak, (Hrvaška / Croatia), dr. Darko Darovec, dr. Darko Friš, dr. Stane Granda, dr. Andrej Hozjan, dr. Tomaž Kladnik, dr. Mateja Matjašič Friš, dr. Jože Mlinarič, dr. Jurij Perovšek, dr. Jože Pirjevec (Italija / Italy), dr. Dragan Potočnik, dr. Tone Ravnikar, dr. Imre Szilágyi, (Madžarska / Hungary), dr. Peter Štih, dr. Andrej Vovko, dr. Marija Wakounig (Avstrija / Austria), dr. Zinka Zorko Glavni in odgovorni urednik / Chief and Responsible Editor dr. Darko Friš Zgodovinsko društvo dr. Franca Kovačiča Koroška cesta 160, SI – 2000 Maribor, Slovenija telefon / Phone: 00386 2 229 36 58 fax / Fax: 00386 2 229 36 25 e-pošta / e-mail: [email protected] Urednica / Editor dr. Mateja Matjašič Friš Članki so recenzirani. Za znanstveno vsebino prispevkov so odgovorni avtorji. Ponatis člankov je mogoč samo z dovoljenjem uredništva in navedbo vira. The articles have been reviewed. The authors are solely responsible for the content of their articles. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the publisher’s prior consent and a full mention of the source. Žiro račun / Bank Account: Nova KBM d.d. SI 56041730001421147 Prevajanje / Translation: Knjižni studio, d.o.o. Lektoriranje / Language-editing: Knjižni studio, d.o.o. Oblikovanje naslovnice / Cover Design: Knjižni studio, d.o.o. Oblikovanje in računalniški prelom / Design and Computer Typesetting: Knjižni studio, d.o.o. Tisk / Printed by: ČukGraf, d.o.o. http: //shs.zgodovinsko-drustvo-kovacic.si/ Izvlečke prispevkov v tem časopisu objavljata 'Historical – Abstracts' in 'America: History and Life'. Časopis je uvrščen v 'Ulrich's Periodicals Directory' in evropsko humanistično bazo ERIH. Abstracts of this review are included in 'Historical – Abstracts' and 'America: History and Life'. This review is included in 'Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory' and european humanistic database ERIH. Studia historica Slovenica, Časopis za humanistične in družboslovne študije, je vpisan v razvid medijev, ki ga vodi Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, pod zaporedno številko 487. Izdajo časopisa sta omogočila Agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS in Mestna občina Maribor. Co-financed by the Slovenian Research Agency and City of Maribor. S tudia Historica S lovenica Ka za lo / Con tents Član ki in raz pra ve / Pa pers and Es says NATAŠA VAMPELJ SUHADOLNIK: An Interpretation of 'Two Creatures with the Sun and the Moon' in Han Tomb Murals ..................... 9 Interpretacija dveh bitij s soncem in luno v grobnem slikarstvu dinastije Han DEJAN ZADRAVEC: Peripeteias in the Seigneury of Podčetrtek between the Years 1670 and 1686 ............................................................. 31 (Ne)vsakdanje dogodivščine na gospostvu Podčetrtek med letoma 1670 in 1686 STANISLAV JUŽNIČ: Ljubljana Franciscan Books and Their Users in the Enlightenment Times ........................................................................ 53 Ljubljanske frančiškanske knjige in njihovi uporabniki v času razsvetljenstva PETRA SVOLJŠAK: Gorizia (Gorica), a Damned and Sacred City between Two Fires ....................................................................................... 79 Gorica, prekleto in sveto mesto med dvema ognjema ILARIA MONTANAR: Der Bischof Ivan Jožef Tomažič (1876–1949) im Licht der Korrespondenz mit P. Michael Hofmann (1860–1946) .............................................................................................. 111 Škof Ivan Jožef Tomažič (1876–1949) v luči korespondence s p. Michaelom Hofmannom (1860–1946) BLAŽ TORKAR: American Intelligence Team 'Dania' and its Activities among Slovenian Partisans during World War II .................... 137 Ameriška obveščevalna skupina 'Dania' in njeno delovanje med slovenskimi partizani med drugo svetovno vojno S tudia Historica S lovenica DARKO ŠČAVNIČAR: Confiscation of Church Property by Agrarian Reform after 1945 on the Example of Dobrovnik, Lendava and Bogojina Parishes ........................................ 147 Odvzem cerkvenega premoženja z agrarno reformo po letu 1945 na primeru župnij Dobrovnik, Lendava in Bogojina BOŠTJAN UDOVIČ: The Problem of Hard-currency Savings in Ljubljanska banka d.d., Ljubljana: between Politics and (International) Law .................................................................................... 185 Problem deviznih vlog varčevalcev Ljubljanske banke d. d., Ljubljana: med politiko in (mednarodnim) pravom SERGEJ FLERE: Recent History of the Post-Yugoslav Family ......................... 215 Sodobna zgodovina post-jugoslovanskih družin Avtorski izvlečki / Authors' Abstracts ................... 233 Uredniška navodila avtorjem / Editor’s Instructions to Authors ................................ 241 S tudia Historica S lovenica Članki in razprave / Papers and Essays S tudia H istorica S lovenica UDK 7.032(315) 726 .821(510) 1.01 Original Scientific Paper An Interpretation of 'Two Creatures with the Sun and the Moon' in Han Tomb Murals Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik Ph.D. in History, Assistant Professor University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Asian and African Studies Aškerčeva 2, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: In the heavenly realm depicted in the central part of the Qianjingtou tomb ceiling from Luoyang (the later period of the Western Han Dynasty; 206 BC–9 AD) there are two creatures with a human face and dragon-snake body. They are located next to the sun with a black bird and the moon with a green toad. A thorough examination and analysis of the mural grave paintings of all 61 Han tombs with murals unearthed by 2006 frequently reveal the sun and the moon to be closely linked to these two creatures. They either embrace them with their snake's bodies or raise them above their heads with both hands. Who are these two creatures, and what is their symbolical role in the Han tomb murals is the main topic of the present paper. Key words: Grave paintings, the Han Dynasty, Fuxi, Nüwa, the sun, the moon, the cosmic forces of yin and yang. Studia Historica Slovenica Humanities and Social Studies Review Maribor, 11 (2011), No. 1, pp. 9–30, 37 notes, 8 pictures Language: Original in English (Abstract in English and Slovene, Summary in Slovene) 9 N. Vampelj Suhadolnik: An Interpretation of 'Two Creatures ... Introduction The research materials of the present paper were tombs with murals from the Han1 汉Dynasty (206 BC–220 AD), of which up to 61 had been excavated by 20062. All the tombs that have been unearthed so far, are located north of the Yangtze River, however the majority of them are situated in Henan 河南 prov- ince, especially around Luoyang 洛阳 city3. The city was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty and thus an important economical, political and cultural centre. The debates on the political, philosophical, cultural and cosmological aspects unfolding in the capital and other larger cities had a great ascendancy over the officials and the other members of the ruling class. Thus they got an even more prominent reflection in the symbolic grave paintings of that region. Due to larger ruined parts and unrecognizable images, the content design of the entire tomb's murals many times offers an incomplete picture and disa- bles a thorough reconstruction of pictorial motifs, which by themselves always preserve their interpretative nature. Numerous experts used different analytical and methodical approaches to attribute individual images a functional, sym- bolic, social or political meaning, while one should be careful not to disregard the "meaning of position" of individual motifs defined by their location in the entire compositional design, their position in relation to numerous other imag- es and the spatial arrangement of individual architectural and constructional elements. In attempting to classify the images by content, we can see numerous different and opposing arrangements of images into individual content frame- works. It is only after having considered the entire compositional design that numerous motifs that at first glance appeared disconnected, gradually reveal a hidden image, whereby one should not forget to consider also the connec- tion between the iconographic classification and architectural structure. By transposing certain images from the mythological or real world into a picto- rial representation of three-dimensional structures the form and meaning of 1 For all Chinese terms except for longer quotes from classical works, the official latinized version of the People's Republic of China, called pinyin, is used. The character is written only when a particular expression is used for the first time. In case the understanding of a character contributes to the under- standing of the content, this is exceptionally added also when an individual expression is repeated. When citing literature, primary sources excluded, the characters are not cited. 2 Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik, Prostorska in umetnostna zasnova kitajskih cesarskih grobnic dinastije Qin in Han kot odraz kozmološke percepcije
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