'Bobbing about in the ocean* Truck is tough, but waves win in battle of Monmouth Beach *1 IOIIN GOLDSTEIN But, with three feet of water beneath It, and waves breaking atop, the truck soon stalled out and Just floated, MONMOUTH BEACH - It fit a power struggle with Its passengers, In the ocean. ••*••• taM**tMrtw and Mother Nature, and Mother Police arrived at the scene after a passerby called, and Nature, MtaraUy, prevaUed. then towing crews set to work, running a line from the M two young Bayonne men, who early this morning floating vehicle up the beach and to the tow truck la the . mad tktmaelvw and Ike truck they were driving bobbing parking lot. After the truck was hauled out of the ocean, it about la the AUanUc Ocean, discovered that four-wheel still had to be towed, somehow, off the beach. *1ve doeani make a truck an amphibious vehicle. Patrolman Michael Murray, who Investigated the Inci- According to borough ponce, the two men, John O'Hara, dent, said that no summonses were Issued to the drivers of B, ol Eighth Avenue, Bayonne, the truck's owner, and Pat the now land-locked vehicle since motor vehicle regulations Rosace, II, of West Urd Street, Bayonne, were driving apply only to driving on roads. down Ocean Avenue, here, at about 1:M this morning, when Trespassing ordinances limiting access to the beach at they spotted the entrance onto the municipal beach. night are also apparently only In effect during the summer. MT. O'Hara, apparently wanted to find out how his One bystander Joked that the vehicle's owners could be braad-oew track would handle on sand ticketed for not carrying BfeJackeU. He and Mr Rouce. his passenger, were doing just fine "People think that four-wheel-drive trucks can do any- until they reached the ead of the beach and attempted to thing," Patrolman Murray commented. "But one thing drive around a Jetty Jutting out Into the ocean. they can't do is walk on water." They find the Bayonne water un V to rough. (Eli Herman photo) The Daily Register VOL. 101 NO. 83 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10,1978 15 CENTS Coe, Howard unite on bus problem By MARK GRAVEN has resulted In more commuters using the Hazlet terminal. HAZLET — Rep. James J. Howard, D-N.J., and Bruce Coe, The Bayshore Mayors Conference has also unanimously his Republican opponent for Congress, yesterday said they endorsed the township's plan to seek state funds for a commuter would urge the state Department of Transportation (DOT) to parking lot. release funds for a bus commuter parking lot in Hatlet. Mr. Howard has been in touch with the Interstate Com- Township officials are seeking a meeting with DOT repre- merce Commission, DOT, and the state mediator, In an effort to sentatives on Oct. 18 to ask for funding for a bus commuter help resolve the strike, his spokesperson said. parking lot in the vicinity of the New York-KeansburgLong The M Teamster Union bus drivers have been on strike for Branch Bus Company's Airport Plata terminal, and additional over three months, and intervention by a state mediator has subsidies for increased service. failed to solve the dispute, which Is related to pension plan A spokesperson for Mr. Howard said that the congressman's disagreements. $•0.8 million mass transportation bill, passed by the House and According to a DOT report delivered to Mr. Howard, more now being considered by the Senate, has targeted $10 million to than 1,100 commuters use the APN Y line, owned by Louis hillo. New Jersey for bus purchases or construction of related facil- Because Mr. Rollo has not accepted state subsidies suice ities. lMt, the DOT Is hesitant to interfere In the strike, the report "And the Congressman would certainly encourage Com- states missioner Gambaccini (DOT Commissioner Louis J Gambac- The APNY Transit Corp. hasn't been accepting state sub- dni) to release some of the funds for construction of a bus sidies, because the state refused to pay Mr. Rollo for "question- commuter parking facility," said the spokesperson. able expenses" to his relatives, according to the report Mr. Township Commltteeman John Pierce, who is heading up Howard received. the ad hoc committee to solve bus commuter problems, has said The APNY line has not submitted an application tor finan- that be plans to present DOT officials with Information on cial assistance for the past two years. Instead, the company has properties that would be feasible to purchase for use as a sought fare increases from the ICC, Mr. Howard's office said. parking lot. — and then let DOT choose which one to purchase. Last year, Mr. Howard opposed a rate Increase, but was Mr. Coe yesterday urged state tranportation officials to overruled by the ICC, his spokesperson said. "step In and assist commuters who use the bus stop oa Route M Mr. Coe said that greater use should be made of mass in Hailet in resolving their parking crisis." He said he would transprortation facilities. support state funding for a bus commuter parking lot in the "If we can convince more people to use the buses and trains ana. It would help conserve energy, improve the air quality and CATCH THAT BUS) GOP Congressional cadldate Mr. Coe said that he would be willing to help the ad hoc generally up-grade the quality of life in this area," said Mr. Coe. Bruce Coe, right, clambers over a divider on Route committee, which has been set up by the township to help solve "But we can't expect more people to use mass transit if those 36 by Airport Plaza In Hazier, behind a bus com- bus commuter parking woes, when it meets with DOT officials who already use it aren't getting clean, reliable and safe muter who hurtles the barrier a la O.J. Simpson. to seek aid. service, he said. Faced with a lock of parking space, commuters Both Mr. Howard and Mr. Coe agree that a bus commuter Mr. Coe asserted that there is a danger of people in Hazlet have been forced to ditch their cars whereever they parking lot is needed regardless of the outcome of the strike by getting "turned off" to mass transit bus service because of the can, and make a dash to catch their buses. drivers on the Asbury Park-New York Transit Corp. line which See H.»inJ. Cee, page II Chiefs agree: Their biggest problem not crime, but politicians By SHERRY FIGDORE Bauer's Beaumont, Texas, department numbers nearly 300 SHREWSBURY - Whether they hall from Beaumont, persons. Including tit uniformed officers, and has an Tana - with a half-million people to protect - or Fargo, annual budget of »5 million. North Dakota, population, 57.000, or Shrewsbury, N.J., with "There's always been some emnity between officers i,JW residents, police chiefs share the same problems, and local administration," Chief Bauer said. frustrations and satisfactions. "The politicians want control over the local police. Right at the top of the list of problems, although That's human nature. perhaps not in order, are drug-related crimes, local polltl- "A little emnity Is probably a good thing for a communi- cians and visiting politicians, according to four veteran ty," he said. cssets who gathered.here last weekend for a visit with "A chief has to be a bumper," added Thomas Durrett, Raymond "Bucky" Mass, police chief here for the past 20 the scholarly head of the Beckley, West Virginia, police years. department. "He cannot let his men become Involved In It was a happy reunion for the five chiefs and their politics. wives, all on their way to this year's conference of the Chief Durrett foresees police officials spending more International Association of Chiefs of Police, being held in and more time in nonpolice areas like labor bargaining and RvtHltr iWt pftato fer DM L *« New York for the first time since 1KI. •alary negotiations since the chiefs agreed generally that CHIEFS' REUNION— Shrewsbury Police Chief Raymond "Bucky" And despite armed robberies, assaults and a tremen- unionization was coming in states where police were not Mass, far left, outlines weekend's "tourist trips" for four fellow chiefs dous rise In drug-related crimes, the chiefs agreed with organised already. stopping by In Shrewsbury on their way to the annual conference of the Roy Kekb, head of the Logan, Ohio, department for 15 Visiting politicians are probably easier to deal with, but International Association of Chiefs ot Police In New York. From left, years, that "PoHUclani are our biggest single problem." cost more and can play havoc with tight police budgets. ore Chief Mass, Chief Roy Kelch, Logan, Ohio ; Chief Edwin Anderson,' Police departments — growing In site, budgets and When President Carter paid a JO-minute visit to Beau- Fargo, N. Oak.; Chief Willie Bauer, Beaumont, Tex.; and Chief Thomas spedattsaUon - are becoming big business. Chief Willie See Chiefs agree, page 11 Durrett, Beckley, W. Va. The Inside Story Aides say John Paul fretted over papal workload TIE WEATHER VATICAN CITY (AP) - have been a cause of the heart to Mm. He Is bead of a state without changing the concept solitude of their office. mlnlstrative detail, to the ex- Sssay Ml MM tttty, fair leaerrew. Craiplete The sudden death of Pope John seisin that killed the OS-year- recognised by over 100 coun- of the papacy," says one ob- "The time has come to re- tent ot changing punctuation weather reeert page}. Paul I Is again raising the old "pastor" pope who ad- tries.
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