NEWS VOLUMS XXVl—NO. 3» ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY AFTBRNOON—APRIL 22, 1915. ONE DOLLAR A YEAN A 4MNNI APTMirmilT PBBBAVB UBUBT BBIMt rtupl P*. I* Hurk will «tt«ad a maat- Kdgar Burk, the newly aieetad an- ' Jahn H. Rohaan of Ovid, haa baan Ing of naiiibar of arbool iMiard* and paniaor of (iraanbuah haa baan ap> nppalated admtalntrator of tha eatnta sriiE niESttii aupartntandaata of arhoola of lha atala polntad aollcltor tor that townahlp at Mary A. Web. iganaaed* In lAnalag Thurada) aftam«Min and for the Peopla'a Mutual Fire Ibou T' la the entnta ^ P’lUiam H. Johnson, Etlday. aare (Company of loala. Mantealm and D. U'lfacannan will ailMMl a iaaa«> a h an rlng wan ligM Ust 'Thuradny, tor (itatoo Couatlaa. aad all agMilfatIfaia datoamlulng tha halra. Mnmrr . HBEIBMESMT tag of agrtrultiira laackara of Uh * LESTKSW for inaurance In tbla atrong aad pepa- la the Christian Jutting astnte of HfR RMII _____ aUla at tha II. A. Fiiday aftaraoon ------------ lar coaipany will raeeltre prompt at- —— ____ and Snturda). Ha will glra a talk Uawltl. the finni Moouat of tha ad- B FIBft: UKHTBIIVH BUMBH BBLONtt. ^"*"* ***■• “‘I'*' BBFBABB mwm AM PBWAM FBI- mhilgtrgtor wna hangd ■an. B. B. AHHBAliiMAHHBArHM Ol'OV DETBiHTDCTBll no the aubjart, “The Kalatlon of E*- I7A nF.BE PBBMBBT L.tBT WBBB company will be found on another Aman da Hnaa has been appolntad IBBBBMIRH WOBA.^S I'LI’H. tenalan Work to Adticuliure." inn TV W. B. BBl'MMOir. BAT ABB HATlfBBAT. In a ball game with aa'enth grade -administrator of tha satate of Joseph nr KIIBKIMI.4V at t^e eaat ward aehool laat HTMay Haas. MNIAB PABTT. Judge D. W’. Kallay held court for aftemiMio. the eigth grade woo with laNtan'a orchaatra of l.aaalng fur* acora 20 40 10. Tha»- will play tha Judge (iardaer of Lauislag Hnturdny. MHIV RIEPBNIIUTY ^me t«4iii next Friday afternoon. OF ifE OMON ntabad inualc at a dancing party at the FEOMEIl S HBVniinK (Charles Covert of Ovid has been ap- Tha aigth grade will have a <lacla- Uaaooic tampli- Friday evening. Tha polated administrator of the estate of following were among thoae from out- Anna Covert, deceased. inatlon vunieal uest ThunHla>. Thart* lAABBft UNNIBLT FLATBB UB BBTM HK4 EFTIOK HKM» tT J»TKKI. HUME are aaven coniaetanta. IIKIMHTBI'IVT I’ALLKB tMT I tSi' of*town : Mr. Verguaon. Mr. Addamay- l»l>\EK n 4K HBRVKB AT .TtNEN BT er. lainalng; Mr. Crownar. Ann Arbor; tih W \I.Ki:il ?*T«KKT. Ih MBBH. ■ABBIAflB UrBBMBH Mlaa Mack. Mlaa 0'('onnt»r. Mlaa May Hater U Weber, nallks: Anna M BKnrrr iibabubm B.tHBIKII. I Lnunalein and Mr. PVmm of Owoaoo; — (•oerge. Dallas. MIm Inrta W. .MerrIHeld and Hugh E Large Crowd tt BatbadNl < barrb la Mr. Hraawan the iUlph Aultniaii. Mr. H«wlaml and Nt. Jahn* Mill Pint Mnaan On B Cniaatine 8. Smith. Dallas; Man' Bow|ei> were united in marriage at the Miaa Ethel (Mark. Ovid; J 11. r>ean. Kedeara. Dalla*. IK Hngermaa of fit. Jahna, lisd Bla. Plaid, dtni dny, Eteaiag llear» Kiae Methodist Kplarcipal itaraonage. Sat- Maaon; Mlaa Kdiia Barlow. Ionia; Mr. Vernon J. I*adgett. Bingham; Flos­ cN**iao* M«'**Heul .%ced af urdu> evening. April 17 Itev l\ J. .lddre»». powering IMerre. lainaliig; .Mr. Ulley, Ann Ar- .Ipril «4. sie I) Hill. Hengal Krua* performed the ceremony Itoth lior; .Mlaa Opal Jonea. Hattie ('reek; Hugh K Iktwiea. Hi Johns; Indu W. Organ!/at Ian ’' }ounx |»e*»|ile are well-known In St and .Mia* Ciirtla of Kdmnr*' •Meriirteld. St. John* John* .Miaa .Merritleld la the grand* St. John* email) defeated Ovid on a Mr* U H. A*hlM gi. n: li tndt. Cuitsiderable excitement was caus**4i Clinton Co Homona grange met with dauKhlerof Mr. and Mr> Ceorge Wo«l „„,ming , about 1.30 o ’clock, HI K\M HfILE l\ HfNIF alow diamond. Friday attirnoon with president <'t th«- Ml< higai: Sr<»i«- Feder* and Mr Howie*, ihe aon of M, and OINTKII T Cl»>Ti;.'»T. l>ew|Cf grange Wednesday, April 14. ntlon of Wonoii * (Muha wa* nier- out in the lioine of A liuiiite on south l.analng str«'at. a scon* of l.l to 4. in favor of .St. Johns The district declatiiallun and Mr^ Fred Howie* owned by James Chapman, and «»ccu- Score ira* .\bout 17.’. of tin grangers of the cogn- laiae<t \Vt-dueaua> > t^e .St John- Will II. Hrunaon im east Cast* street loricul contest will lie held In Char ­ ty .itiended and enloyed the feast pre ­ Woman * ( liih. In. th*- ifterimon a re- Hetween six and <-ight hundred vol- pb^i u) Huy Merrill, was slightly dani- .M. Johso. lotte. Friday >-veninK. April 3o. Five •Mggd by tire Sunday rooming, about AH H pared l>> Dewitt and Ihe good ppo- (■•'Ptton w'ii* helu a> t'te ..oiiie ot Mi lilLKN MOTttKN. lime* of law liiMika wiVr**Vr destroyed, and rcliools will be represented. Edwin grai. and Mr» H C Ste»l. <>n east Walker , . , . _ « ' -H' o ’clo«-k A hole was bum<*d In S. Clark, ss 4 1 Hos*«iw. who won flrst plai-e in the To- Wolcott has thi* received several mom dainagerl by water, ttm Townaeiid. 2 The morning program was opened atix'i t In the e^enluK. Mt- .Xahbuugu t «»■■ Ollr*- “inolora,-iMrs, for which he isla theth« i,nd smoke. There is considerable ,, , ,, k . sub'disirirt lontest at Elsie will rep- spark from Casteel. by .Mr. Wililaiua of Banner grange, addr« H»<d an audieni e. prlnclj'allv of local agent Ixwk out for his Held d.ty ’iitsier) almut the urigiii of the Are. chimney rea« ni Ht lotin* l.:dica. at the Kn»«< opal |- rtUeuieiit Harks, p. who siNtke on the question. "How to t tiext wi-ek || appear* to have started underneath Wilson, 1 b. ii..r. li. grow a good com crop." He preferred the liooks. and to ha>e l>een smoulder­ Hrlttoti, I. r It o 1 a clover sod as com ground ought Tin Steel home vxa- ry attrartiie- ing for some lime. Matter, c f METHODIST CHOIR iLL to In* fertile and one of the main aa* ly .nnd prettily decorated in pink aii<l Mr Hrunsou, who was the only w MAYOR MMVS APPOINTMENT Van Deusen. r. f. seiitials. was selection of good seed. while -weet (teas and lariiatinns M’ed SEVERELY INJURED IN ciiiianl of till house, managed to climb i^ee, :i b. I-ots of seed will grow but does not nesday afternoon in honor of Mrs .Xa.i- out of Ihe upstairs window and get to UF UUlinilll ILLd IBUIVIIIII <Hld. OWE ANOre MUSICALE have the vitality that other com ban luiugh. There was a large crowd of the (elephone in the difiing-room. but OF COMMITTEES MONDAY {{ and thoae ears should be thrown awax ladie* preaent. the Musical Art aoci' ty RUNMVIIY LAST THURSDAY by I bat tlnw- he wa* nearly overcome Downing, i . 3 (•IHMl HHODHtM HKEH4HED FDR *»<^H>g tested I’low early, culti­ Mother*' club, and County Fed»-nnlon by the amoke and heat. For some HI LI vate shallow wjth small tooth cultl* Hrealdent Mr*. A. .s Jnrae of Ovid, hav ­ a.lKE .4HP<MXT!IIE>T ME Crane, p. Tl IINFM sMITM n 4h I’BCOMW MM’S reason a part of the tire department Hathaway. 2 h Sl'MMV EVENIX4; vator ing lieen Invited by Ihe St. Johns Wo­ hlaried to the home of \V. H. Henson, OFFICEMh L.ITKR. man's Club. Mrs Ashbaugh. Mra K SIXTEEN HtM’BM. , .N’owlin. I. f. Mr. Hyde of Ovid thought mora pe<«* but *oon found where the lire was Snyder, 3 h. should be taken In the fall In aalact- M Spaulding and Mr* H. W Morrt* Alt trough the loss of the law books Kollowing la the program for a mu- rei-elved the guest* as lhe> came down Schoch. c. f. sicale to l»e given b> the .Methodist lle thought one could tall Considerable excitement wa* caused ‘li'He large. Mr. HruDMn consider* ... Mavor hy look* of an ear whether It will the stairway. Ceorge If. Schoeii- i*,rter. r. f. 3 (• 1 Episcopal choir Sund-) evening. A|»rU last Thiirsda) afternoon by a runa* l•Hu•eIf fortunate that he awakened 25: grow .N'o one can raise a good crop The ladle* were sealed In the t«r- hals .Monday evening at the council Holland ss ' 4 13 ever) year. Seaaona differ and maCh- lor. -Mm. J. H. Dodge rendered a pia ­ way on the Fowler road, near A. I» when he did. meeting; Committee on claims. Cor- Sacriflee hit* ('lark 1, ” I’relude. "Itoiiiance. ' F*aure; chorus. .. ... MeCiinim k'a. D I* Herrlott. who Hves Hleaa the I gird ' Williams; solo. One mutt differ. .Moat of the farmara no solo, after which Mrs Ashbaugh ad­ kin, Walsworth and Walker; aireeis parks pitched H innings, liee I present thought com must be ti dressed the ladles in a short talk on we*t of town on the Dunn farm, and and sewers. Hloomer, Walker and Bai­ Sweetly .Solemn Thought." S. !«. Mar- the coming state federation In October Turner Smith were driving home from Hnaer- irrades and walks Trnnchelt The game with Hewamo Saturday, shall; quartette. "Even .Me." Harks. as It, . has l»een, proved. not one kamsi^ at Lansing, at which she will presid town on a wagon with a cultivator SEHLE CASE OUT OF COURT; Walsw'ortli and Hallinger; Are.
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