MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Docun1ents of Maine: BEING 'I'HE ANNUAL REPOR~rs OF THE VARIOUS Departments ~ Institutions FOR THI<: YEAR 1899. VOLUME II. AUGUSTA KENNEBEC JOURNAL PRINT 1900 REGISTER OF THE IxecutiVe Departmef\t OF THE ST.A TE OF MAINE, WITH RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT THEREOF; ALSO COKTAI~I~G THE Names of State and County Officers and Trustees and Officers of Various State Institutions for l899-l900. AUGUSTA KENNEBEC JO URN AL PRINT 1899 STATE OF MAINE. IN CouNCIL, January 5, 1899. Ordered, That the Messenger prepare and print fifteen hundred copies of the Register of the Executive Department with rules for the govern­ ment thereof. IN CouNCIL, January 5, 1899. Read and passed by the Council, and by the Governor approved. BYRON BOYD, Secretary of State. STATE Of· MAINE. Executive Department for 1899-1900 GOVERNOR: LLEWELLYN POWERS, HOULTON. PRIVATE SECRETARY: ORAMANDAL SMITH, LITCHFIELD. COUNCILLORS. HENRY W. MAYO, HAMPDEN, Chairman. ALBION P. GORDON, FRYEBURG. CHARLES SUMNER COOK, PORTLAND. ALBERT G. BLUNT, SKOWHEGAN. JOHN F. HILL, AUGUSTA. SIDNEY M. BIRD, ROCKLAND. DON A. H. POWERS, HOULTON. SECRETARY OF STATE: BYRON BOYD, AUGUSTA. MESSENGER: NATHANIEL s. PURINTON, WEST BOWDOIN. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL COMMITTEES. 1899-1900. On vVarrants-Messrs. HILL) BLUNT) PowERS. On Accounts-Messrs. HILL) GORDON) MAYO. On State Prison and Pardons-Messrs. GORDON) Brno) CooK. On Election Returns-l\1essrs. GORDON) _BLUNT) HILL. On Taxation and Expenditures-Messrs. CooK) MAYO) BLUNT. On Public Lands and Buildings-Messrs. Brno) PowERS) HrLL. Un State Beneficiaries and Pensions-Messrs. MAYO) CooK, GORDON. On Reform School-Messrs. CooK) MAYO) Brno. On Insane Hospital-Messrs. Brno) POWERS) MAYO. On Public Instruction-Messrs. PowERS~ CooK) GORDON. On Military Affairs-Messrs. BLUNT) BIRDJ PowERs. On Indian Affairs-Messrs. Powrrns) HILL) BLUNT. On Library-Messrs. l\lIAYO) HILL) CooK. On Pay Roll-Messr3. BLUNT) GORDON) BIRD. On Visiting Committee to Insane Hospital-Messrs. BIRD) BLUNT. ( Mrs. Waldo Pettengill of Rumford Falls, is asso­ ciated with this Committee.) On Visiting Committee to State Prison-Mr. GORDON. On Visiting Committee to Reform School-Messrs. CooK, BLUNT) POWERS. ( Mrs. Clark H. Barker of Portland, is associated with this Committee.) On Special Committee on Liquor Agency-Messrs. CooKJ HILL, MAYO. Window. Llewellyn Powers Governor. Byron Boyd I I Secretary of State. lzj ::;· (1) 'd ~ 0 0 A r ~ i COUNCIL CHAMBER. l899. Door. Door. N. S. Purinton, Messenger lzj ::;· ~ 0 I A i-:g f A ANTE-ROOM. GovERNOR's PRIVATE RooM. ~ ~- ~ ~ s· ~ g- ~ ~('\ '·{ Window. Window, liiiiiiiiiii ~ RULES. I. At the time appointed for the meeting of the board, it shall be the duty of the members to be in their places. 2. When the board shall have been called to order by the gover­ nor, the journal of the preceding day shall be read by the secretary of state. 3. The following standing committee3 shall be appointed, viz : On warrants; on accounts; on taxation and expenditures; on election returns : on state beneficiaries and pensions ; on state prison and pardons ; on reform school ; on insane hospital; on public lands and buildings; on public imtruction; on military affairs; on Indian affairs; on library; on pay roll. 4. All committees shall be appointed by the governor, and shall consist of three members, unless otherwise ordered. 5. In case the governor shall be absent at or during the meeting of the board, members shall be called to order by the .senior councillor present, who shall act as chairman. The seats at the council table shall be numbered commencing at the left of the governor's chair, and each councillor shall have and occupy the seat, which in number corresponds to the num­ ber of the district which such councillor represents. 6 RULES. 6. In debate upon any question, or in the presentation of any business, the members shall address the governor, standing in their places. 7. A majority of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 8. All communications to the two branches of the legislature shall be transmitted by the secretary of state. 9. The general business of the council may be prepared by the secretary of state, and placed by him in the hands of appropriate committees without formal action of the board. Every memlJer who shall present a petition shall place his name thereon, and a brief statement of its contents. IO. The yeas and nays shall be called upon the nomination of .all officers of important grade. Upon the nomination of state officers, the call shall proceed alphabetically; upon district nominations, with the councillor representing s'aid district and then alphabetically. Yeas and nays shall be called upon any question before the council by request of two member:,. I I. The nomination oi_ all officers of important grade shall have consideration in executive session and the council may go into executive session for deliberation at any time. No person other than ,the secretary of state or his deputy, shall be admitted to the council chamber during executive ses3ion, except by vote of the council. The messenger will be in attendance in the .ante-chamber to secure the enforcement of this rule. RULES. 7 12. All debates or remarks m executive session are understood to be strictly confidential. 13. When a motion has been made and carried, a motion to reconsider shall only be in order within the seven succeeding day.s; if seven days shall not intervene before adjournment, then within the first three days after the next meeting of the council. 14. No member shall absent himself without leave; nor shall leave be asked or granted unless a quorum be still left at the board; and no member absenting himself without leave shall be entitled to pay for the time of his absence. 15. No member shall act as counsel for any party before a com­ mittee of the legi.slature. 16. No rule shall be dispensed with, except by the consent of a majority of all the members. 17. No entry on the appropriation book shall be made, except by, or under the direction of the committee on accounts. COUNCILLOR DISTRICTS. The following arrangement for Councillor Districts, for the ten years ending 1902, was adopted in convention of the mem­ bers of the two branches of the Legislarture of 1891-2. DISTRICTS. The counties of York and Oxford, to constitute the first district. The county of Cumberland, to constitute the second district. The counties of Androscoggin, Somerset and Franklin, to constitute the third district. The counties of Kennebec., Lincoln and Sagadahoc, to con­ stitute the fourth district. The counties of Hancock, Knox and Waldo, to constitute the fifth district. The counties of Penobscot and Piscataquis, to constitute the sixth district. ' The counties of Aroostook and Washington, to constitute the seventh district. Under this arrangement Councillors were apportioned p,S follows: York-1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1901, 1902. Oxford-1893, 1894, 1899, 1900. Cumberland-One for each year. Androscoggin-1897, 1898, 1901, 1902. Sornerset-1893, 1894, 1899, 1900. Franklin-1895, 1896. Kennebec-1895, 1896, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. Lincoln-1893, 1894. Sagadahoc-1897, 1898. Hancock-1897, 1898, 1901, 1902. Knox-1895, 1896, 1899, 1900. Waldo-1893, 1894. Penobscot-1893, 1894, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. Piscataquis-1895, 1896. Aroostook-1895, 1896, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902. Washington-1893, 1894, 1897, 1898. STATE INSTITUTIONS AND COMMISSIONS. STATE LIBRARY. Messrs. MAYO, HILL, COOK, Committee of Council on. LEONARD D. CARVER, Librarian. ERNEST w. EMERY, Assistant Librarian. STATE BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. E. E. LIGHT, Union, President. JOHN M. WINSLOW, Nobleboro, Vice President. B. WALKER l\IcKEEN, Augusta, Secretary. Miss R. L. WINSLOW, St. Albans, Clerk. MEMBERS CHOSEN BY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES. Term expires ,January, 1900. JOHN J. FRYE, .................. Portland I S. H. GOODWIN ............... St. Albans ,JOHN F. TALBOT ................ Andover T. E. SKOLFIELD.' ........... Brunswick L. o. STRAW ................... Newfieltl NAHUM HINCKLEY ..............Bluehill Term expires January, 1901. JONATHAN BENN ............... Hodgdon I GEORGE N. HOLLAND .........Hampden F. H. ROLLINS ........ Farmington Falls w. H. SNOW .........................Milo E. E. LIGHT ........................ Union Term expires January, 1902. B. F. BRIGGS .................... Auburn I E. F. ALLEN ............. Columbia Falls JOSEPH ELLIS' ................... Brooks JOHN l\I. WINSLOW ........... Nobleboro MEMBERS FROM STATE COLLEGE. A. W. HARRIS ...................... Orono I CHARLES D. WOODS .............. Orono STATE BENEFICIARIES AND PENSIONS. Messrs. MAYO, CooK, GORDON, Committee of Council on. Applications for State Pensions should be sent to Edwin G. Milliken, State Pension Office, Augusta, Maine. IO STATE lNSTITUTIONS. THE UNIVERSITY OF MAINE, ORONO. Trustees. Residence. Term expires. Hon. Russell B. Shepherd ................... Skowhegan .............. April 17, 18£l!l. Hon. Arthur L. Moore ......................... Camden .................. April 17, 1900. Hon. Henry Lord ............................ Bangor .................. April 17, 1901. Hon. Elliott Woocl. ............................ Winthrop ................ April 17, 1902. Hon. Chas. P. Allen .........................
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