Bundeslnstitut fur Sportwissenschaft 12 Avery Brundage Collection Avery Brundage Collection 1908 - 1975 Schriftenreihe des Bundesinstituts fur Sportwissenschaft Band 12 Avery Brundage Collection 1908-1975 Herausgegeben von / Edited by Bundesinstitut fiir Sportwissensdiaft und University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Zusammengestellt von / Compiled by Maynard Brichford Koln 1977 VERLAG KARL HOFMANN SCHORNDORF Sdiriftenreihe des Bundesinstituts fiir Sportwissensdiaft, Band 12 CIP-Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek Avery Brundage Collection: 1908— 1975 / hrsg. vom Bundeslnst. fiir Sportwiss. u. Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Zsgest. von Maynard Bridiford. — 1. Aufl. — Sdborndorf: Hofmann, 1977. (Sdiriftenreihe des Bundesinstituts fiir Sportwissensdiaft; Bd. 12) ISBN 3-7780-3941-5 NE: Bridiford, Maynard (Hrsg.); Bundesinstitut fiir Sportwissensdiaft (Koln); University of Illinois (Urbana, 111.) / Urbana-Champaign Campus DK 04 Brundage Redaktion: Hans-Jurgen Miiller Bestellnummer 394 40 © by Bundesinstitut fur Sportwissensdiaft, Hertzstrafie 1, 5000 Koln (Lovenidi) und University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois 61801, USA Verlag Karl Hofmann, Sdiorndorf bei Stuttgart Gesamtherstellung in der Hausdrudserei des Verlags Printed in Germany • ISBN 3-7780-3941-5 yj'"' •'•^ UIUC g. % / Avery Brundage Collection, 1908-1975 * r Record Series 26/20/37 Contents Section Box No. Geleitwort /Preface Vcrwort/Forward Biographical Note Provenance Sub-series listings Amateur Athletic Union Colleges and Universities Individuals International Olympic Committee Presidents and Secretariat Member s Bulletin Circular Letters Meetings Minutes Commissions and Committees Subject File National Oljrmpic Committees Olympic Games Olympic Games Bids Regional Games Sports Federations Sports Organizations Sports Publications United States Oljmpic Association and Committee Avery Brundage Articles and Speeches Periodicals Clippings Photographs Programs Scrapbooks and Photograph Albums Subject File Travel Book Manuscripts and Notes Important Letters Films and Tapes Microfilm Oversize File Index 295 UiUC ''" (je.J~e.A.Jiwo/iJi Oen. voA.aeX.eaten VeA-d^^ent/jLcfiuna "AveA-u-Bnundaae- ' (^oJJ.ecJ.A.on me^^e. jLck rvLcrut nuA. ^poAMuA^>ieri4cna^i.lj.cne - - Beaeutuna ^u. S^e -<l<j^ daJiiloeM. runau^ ^i-ckeJiJUick aucn von aJJ.aemeAjie.m denn ^rvteA.e^^e, zu>eA.^eJJ.o^ woA. AveJiu Bnjundaae. eXne Pe.-t^dnJJ.ckhe-it deA. Ze.jit- ae^ckjuckte.. SeJjn Leoen kaJULe. vx.ele OXmerviA.onen. ^n. woa. e.JJi ^aoe-K UnJ.eAne.kmeA. and Baumei^teA., Jn.eund deA. Ackonen Kun^jLe und deA. j6Aj.eM.eA WjLi^en^cka'^i.en. SeXn WoajL auck Jji den. WeJj.. gxi-lt poJUitjLicken AoeA. in Ljjvie eA^JLeA. woa eA eoen dock eXn SpoAJbi- mann und duAck ^e.A. ^akAzekruLe deA unoe^iAJJJLene Ju.kA.eA. deA. oXumpjUicken Beweauna. Q6 jiii. veAdX-enAivoU., dafo daui BunderXn^jAjLut tua jtn SpoAjjvjLi^en^c.ka'^J., KoJn, .40Ag.^dJljijtneA AAoeXi OA^keA weJJ.aekend unoekannte SpuAen AveAu BAundag.e>6 veAroZat und ^^.e nuit dle^em Band deA. JuvteAe^Ai-eAjLen OrreniyLickkeAjt ruadnaU.a aemackt kcut. ^onckeA UAjLaXneiJ-e. , aoA. ^X.aen.4XnnX.ae wjbid zutaae kommen. AoeA AveAu Bfiundaae dalb wuOjLe, Olump^iicke SpjieJie., von den auien ^eX^ieAn veAJjCLd^en, dXe aMnv6eJUia>ii.e Sacke deA WeJjL ^eUn kdnnen. Oe^weaen .4ei.zi.e eA ^ein Qi^aaemenJL und .^exne ^onze g.e^±Xn.e Suo^Janz TUA. dJ.e Au^ieJunandeA^eJLzunQ. mJJL aJJjen QA^ckeXnung^- toAmen eXn. 0x.e>6eA wJjid de^ SpoAjLe^ zweji<^eJUjOA auck von dem, woa nackaeJUu^ien jLiJi, pAO<fJjtA.eKen kdnnen. ( WULi Oaume ^ Da. ^poAtwX^A. e.k. rAcUjident de^ Najbiona-Len OlumpxAcken KonuLtee^ TUM. OeuiyickJjind Preface I attribute to the "Avery Brundage Collection" presented here as a publication a significance not only in the area of sport. It is - beyond that - certainly of general interest as well, for Avery Brundage was without doubt an historical personality of our times. His life had many dimensions. He was a great entrepreneur and master-builder, friend of the fine arts and patron of learning. His word was also heeded in the political world. But above all he was a sportsman and for two decades the undisputed leader of the Olympic movement. It is worthy of merit that the Bimdesinstitut fUr Sportwissenschaft in Cologne has, in painstaking labor, traced hitherto largely unknown footsteps of Avery Brundage and made them available in this volume to the interested public. Many original, indeed eccentric facts will come to light. But Avery Brundage knew that Olympic Games deserted by good spirits could be the poorest thing in the world. And for that reason he employed his commitment and his entire intellectual resources in coming to terms with all aspects of sports. The latter will doubtless be able to profit from all he has bequeathed. CWilli Daume) Dr. sport sc. h.c. President of the National Olympic Committee of Germany VORWORT "Deutschland hat grosse Verdienste um die Verbreitung der Olympischen Idee", Musserte Avery Brundage anlHsslich seines Besuches im Bundesinstitut ftlr Sportwissenschaf t im Sommer ^ 1974. Deswegen sei er auch bereit, seine umfangreiche Materialsammlung dem Bundesinstitut fUr Sportwissenschaf t zu Uberlassen. Der Umfang des Nachlasses wurde von ihm auf ca. 60 Kisten geschStzt, in denen er alles gesammelt hat, seitdem er 1912 zum ersten Mai als Aktiver bei den Olympischen Spielen in Stockholm teilnahm. Inzwischen hat die UniversitSt von Illinois in Urbana (USA) - Brundage 's Alma Mater - das Archiv Ubernommen and f estgestellt, dass es nicht ca. 60 Kisten, sondern 325 wohlgeordnete Archiv-Boxen sind, in denen die gesamte Sammlung Ubersichtlich und leicht zugMnglich in den ArchivrHumen der UniversitHt aufbewahrt wird. Das Bundesinstitut hat grosses VerstHndnis fUr die Entscheidung des ehemaligen IOC-Pr€sidenten, seinen Kachlass an seine UniversitMt (Iberstellt zu haben. Avery Brundage hat aber dem Bundesinstitut fUr Sportwissenschaf t als einzigem ausl^ndischen Institut die Genehmigung erteilt, das gesamte Material auf Mikrofilm aufzunehmen. Diese Arbeiten werden zur Zeit in Illinois durchgefUhrt, so dass in etwa einem iialben Jahr ca. 400.00 Seiten sporthistorisch wertvolles Material auf Mikrofilm dem Institut in K8ln zur VerfUgung stehen. Die vorliegende, von Maynard J. Brichford erstellte Ubersicht der Brundage-Sammlung gibt einen eindrucksvollen Einblick in das demnSchst dem Bundesinstitut zur VerfUgung stehende Material und dlirfte alien an Sport- und Zeitgeschichte Interessierten bereits in dieser Form von grossem Wert sein. Prof. Dr. A. Kirsch Direktor des BUNDESINSTITUTS FUR SPORTWISSENSCHAFT FORWARD "Germany deserves great appreciation for the diffusion of the Olympic idea", asserted Avery Brundage on the occasion of his visit to the Bund es ins ti tut fUr Sportwissenschaf t (Federal Institute of Sport Science) in the summer of 1974. Therefore ne provided for the Bundesinstitut fUr Sportwissenschaf t to have access to his extensive collection of materials. The volume of the papers from him was estimated to be about 60 transfer cases, in which he gathered everything since he took part for the first time in the activities of the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm. Meanwhile the University of Illinois in Urbana (USA) - Brundage 's Alma Mater - acquired the archives and found that there were not about 60 transfer cases, but 325 well arranged archives boxes, in which the entire clearly arranged and easily accessible collection will be kept in the University Archives. The Bundesinstitut greatly appreciates the decision of the late President of the International Olympic Committee to transfer his collection to his former university. However, Avery Brundage granted his permission to the Bundesinstitut fUr Sportwissenschaft as the only foreign institute to record all of the material on microfilm. This work will be accomplished in time in Illinois; in about a half year about 400,000 pages of valuable sports history material will be on microfilm at the disposal of the institute in K8ln. The submitted survey of the Brundage Collection drawn up by Maynard J. Brichford gives a complete, concise view of the material soon to be at the disposal of the Bundesinstitut and, prepared in this form, likely to be of great value for those interested in contemporary history and the history of sport. Prof. Dr. A. Kirsch Director of the BUNDESINSTITUT FUR SPORTWISSENSCHAFT Avery Brundage Collection, 1908-1975 Record Series 26/20/37 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Avery Brundage Sept. 28, 1887 Born at Detroit, Michigan, son of Charles and Amelia (Lloyd) Brundage 1905 Graduated from Chicago English High School 1909 Received B.S. in Civil Engineering from University of Illinois 1912 Represented the United States in the Games of the Olympiad at Stockholm - decathlon 1914, 1916, 1918 U.S. all-around amateur champion 1915-47 Founder and President, Avery Brundage Company, builders 1926 Director, Chicago Trust Company 1927 Married Elizabeth Dunlap of Chicago (d. 1971) 1928-33 President of Central A.A.U. 1928-33, 1935 President of the Amateur Athletic Union of the United States 1929-33 President of the United States Olympic Association and Committee 1930-52 Vice President, International Amateur Athletic Federation 1932- Chairman, Roanoke Real Estate Company 1934 Received James E. Sullivan Trophy from A.A.U. 1936-73 Member of International Olympic Committee 1937 Vice President and Director, Chicago Association of Commerce 1939-45 President, Roanoke Hotel Corporation 1945-52 Vice President of International Olympic Committee 1940-51 President, Pan-American Games Sporting
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