E1042 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks November 17, 2020 Jared Lerch, Nathan Lerch, Courtney Cochran RECOGNIZING MAYOR MARION Cynthia Wilbanks has decades of public and Melissa Lerch, and finally his three cher- GRAYSON service experience. She previously served as ished grandchildren. His vigilance on the lakes district director and Washtenaw County field as well as his love for family and his State will HON. JOHN R. CARTER representative for U.S. Rep. Carl Pursell and be pronounced for years to come, both on and OF TEXAS also served as a staff assistant for U.S. Rep. off the water. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Marvin Esch. Wilbanks’s extensive knowledge of the legislative process augmented her ef- f Tuesday, November 17, 2020 fectiveness as VP of Government Relations Mr. CARTER of Texas. Madam Speaker, and enabled U-M to better meet its legislative PERSONAL EXPLANATION I’m honored to celebrate and recognize the priorities. In addition, Wilbanks has been an extraordinary work of Belton, TX Mayor Marion active member of several community and civic HON. DEBBIE LESKO Grayson. After seven years of extraordinary organizations. Before joining U-M, Wilbanks work to her beloved city, Mayor Grayson re- was the president of Michigan’s Children. In OF ARIZONA tired on November 10, 2020. Her commitment addition, she has served on the board of di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to public service represents Texas values at rectors for Ann Arbor SPARK, the Riverside their best. Arts Center Foundation, the Bank of Ann Tuesday, November 17, 2020 Not only was Marion the first female Mayor Arbor, and the Center for Michigan, and has Mrs. LESKO. Madam Speaker, I was not in of Belton, but under her steady and forward- been involved in leadership roles with the Ann attendance to vote on November 16, 2020. looking leadership, Belton has seen expo- Arbor Hands-On Museum and Glacier Hills Had I been present, I would have voted YEA nential changes that have improved the quality Retirement Center. Wilbanks has been recog- on Roll Call No. 219, and YEA on Roll Call of life for all and put the city on the track for nized for her remarkable accomplishments by No. 220. continued growth in the future. Mayor Gray- a host of organizations. She was named one son’s work with Belton’s parks and recreation of the 100 most influential women in Metro f including the Nolan Creek project and the res- Detroit by Crain’s Detroit Business, has been toration of beloved public infrastructure dem- a recipient of the Spirit Award, and received a MAYOR JON ARTHUR SIMMONS onstrates that she is truly for the people and Women of Distinction Award from the Girl improving the lives of those around her. Not Scouts of the Huron Valley Council, to name HON. JOHN SHIMKUS only did she enhance the roads of Belton, but only a few. she also worked to improve everything from Throughout her career, Wilbanks has been OF ILLINOIS water quality to performing arts education. recognized as a dedicated and compassionate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In her wake, Mayor Grayson leaves behind leader who strives to effect lasting change. a city, civic organizations, and elected officials She has been a strong voice for the University Tuesday, November 17, 2020 all better off due to her involvement. She has of Michigan, expanding the breadth of the in- Mr. SHIMKUS. Madam Speaker, I rise be- brought her tremendous work ethic and com- stitution and the opportunities it can extend to fore you today to recognize and honor Mayor mitment to excellence to every challenge she students and surrounding communities. She Jon Arthur Simmons of Vienna, Illinois—a re- has encountered. It is officials like her that used her knowledge, expertise. and authority markable man who has humbly dedicated his make the City of Belton the welcoming, suc- to make a difference and positively impact the life to service, both to Southern Illinois and our cessful city that it is. I salute her leadership, lives of countless Michiganders. Without a great nation. congratulate her on her retirement, and wish doubt, Wilbanks’s impact will forever endure, and we are all grateful for the remarkable Jon was born in Goreville Township, Illinois Mayor Marion Grayson nothing but the best in the years to come. strides she made. on June 15, 1941 to John and Veneta Sim- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join f mons. He attended Vienna High School, grad- me in celebrating the retirement of Cynthia uating in 1959. Four years later, in 1963, Jon IN RECOGNITION OF CYNTHIA Wilbanks from the University of Michigan. I am was drafted into the United States Army, serv- WILBANKS FOR A DISTIN- proud to honor her work, accomplishments, ing in Vietnam until being honorably dis- GUISHED CAREER WITH THE and significant community impact. We thank charged in 1965. In 2019, Jon was honored UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN her for her outstanding leadership and wish with the opportunity to travel to Washington, her the best of luck in her future endeavors. DC as part of the Southern Illinois Honor Flight. Jon recalls the experience and the wel- HON. DEBBIE DINGELL f come home celebration as humbling, a drastic OF MICHIGAN REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF contrast to his experience coming home from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JAMES JENSEN Vietnam where the soldiers were not wel- Tuesday, November 17, 2020 comed and treated unkindly. Mrs. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise HON. MARCY KAPTUR Jon became an auctioneer in 1974 which today to offer my heartfelt congratulations to OF OHIO has sent him all over Southern Illinois. His slo- Cynthia Wilbanks as she celebrates her retire- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gan states, ‘‘Auction means action, and we ment. We are proud to recognize her many Tuesday, November 17, 2020 guarantee satisfaction’’. The people with years of distinguished service with the Univer- Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise today whom he has interacted throughout the years sity of Michigan and the profound impact she to commemorate the life and career of James would agree. Furthermore, Jon has dem- has left on our community. D. Jensen—a lawyer, assistant U.S. attorney, onstrated this motto in his local community, al- In September 1998, Cynthia Wilbanks was and a judge who resided for nearly two dec- ways being a reliable helping hand to whoever appointed to Vice President of Government ades in our court systems. is in need. For the last 12 years, Jon has Relations at the University of Michigan. In this Born in Denver, OH, Judge Jensen built an served as the Mayor of Vienna, Illinois and capacity, Wilbanks has directed U-M’s govern- educational career as well as a professional has spent his career working to progress the ment relation efforts at the local, state, and career out of Ohio institutions. Graduating city he loves. federal level and has been tirelessly advocate from Buchtel High School he pursued his At the end of 2020, Jon will retire from for the university’s students, faculty, and staff. bachelors at Wittenberg University then his auctioneering after 46 years and serving as Wilbanks has also held other notable leader- law degree at the University of Toledo, where Mayor of Vienna after 12 years. Diabetes, a ship positions at U-M. She has served on the he later taught as a professor of law inspiring heart attack, and cancer of the bladder has Bentley Historical Library Executive Com- a new generation of public servants. impacted Jon’s health, a consequence of his mittee, the Bicentennial Planning Committee, Jensen’s career found its beginning in pri- exposure to agent orange while serving our the Ginsberg Center Board, the Honorary De- vate practice and soon transformed into a country. gree Committee, the Michigan in Washington public endeavor as an assistant U.S. attorney Madam Speaker, Jon Simmons has proven Program Faculty Advisory Committee, and the in Toledo, and in this position was appointed to be an asset to his family, community, and Residency Appeals Committee. In addition, to senior litigation counsel. He then served a country. I want to thank Mayor Simmons for she served as Interim Vice President for Com- year at the Department of Justice as the as- his service throughout the years and wish him munications in 2007 and Interim Vice Presi- sistant director for the attorney general Advo- well in his retirement. dent for Development from 2002 to 2003. cacy Institute, teaching courses at the institute VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:51 Nov 18, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17NO8.023 E17NOPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with REMARKS November 17, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1043 and at the FBI. After signing onto a firm for a cluding the Association of Bay Area Govern- Most recently, Bishop Serratelli was Chairman span of his career he was appointed to a ments (ABAG), where has previously served of the International Committee on English in Common Pleas Bench in 1995 which pro- as both President and Vice President. Julie’s the Liturgy and co-chair of the Vatican’s Inter- pelled him to his eventual election onto the work has been instrumental in advancing ini- national Dialogue with the Baptist World Alli- Ohio 6th District Court of Appeals Bench in tiatives that focus on the growth of the Bay ance. Additionally, Arthur was also a member 2012 where he ended his career honorably. Area, including closing the wage gap. She has of the Congregation for Divine Worship and His professional career was studded with also been a delegate of the California Council the Discipline of the Sacraments with the Vati- honor and recognition of his valor and kind of Governments, Commissioner of the Contra can.
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