«» - MANCHESTER HERAl^,Thursday, Sept. 1, 1983 Manchester celebnte$ Whdt your cable dollar Andover lake GFtossmfin's feeling of brotherhood bHngs Into your home septic woes Rn(J^Evnns p r o d u c t s com PRnv pag« 3 page 11 ... page 7 Open Labor Day, Monday September 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM Fair tonight; Manchester, Conn. Friday, Sept. 2,1983 hot, 81Bbnny Saturday Single copy: 254 -^See page 2 mianrhpHtf r He ralJi Soviets say it was Just an ‘accident’ Bv United Press International the embassy statement said. In Tokyo, Soviet AmbassaDor ^Japanese anD Soviet ships For Connecticut reac­ VlaDimir Pavlov told Japanese search^ toDay for the wreckage of tion, see page 2. officials the Russians haD DetecteD a Korean airliner shot down with “signs" of a downed aircraft near 289 people aboarD by a Soviet Sakhalin IslanD about 785 miles 0 \N fighter in a” unbelievably bar­ In Moscow, the Soviet govern­ northwest of the Japanese capital. baric act” conDemneD worldwide. ment kept a stony silence on the Pavlov did not identify the plane The Soviets calleD the plane's loss fate of the Boeing 747 but its as the Korean Air Lines passenger an "acciDent.” embassy in France conDemneD as jet, but the location coinciDeD with There were no known survivors “absolutely unacceptable” the the Boeing 747's position when it among the 240 passengers anD “hysterical anti-Soviet campaign” vanisheD from Japanese raDar 2 crew of 29. by Western governments. screens at 2:26 p.m. EDT Amid angry congressional De­ “It is a matter of an acciDent WednesDay. manDs for Diplomatic retaliation. involving an airplane which twice Pavlov DenieD U.S. charges that PresiDent Reagan was flying back violateD Soviet airspace,” the a Soviet warplane Deliberately to Washington to consiDer the embassy said. shot down the New York-to-Seoul ' implications of the attacl( that “For two hours the planes crew flight with a beat-seeking missile DestroyeD Korean Air Lines flight DiD not answer the insistent calls after the jumbo jet strayeD over a 007 with at least 50 Americans aDDresseD to it in accorDance with sensitive military area on Soviet- aboarD. the universal international coDe,” helD Sakhalin IslanD. The Japanese Maritime Agency saiD Japanese fishermep in the r r area reporteD seeing a “glowing, expanDing Oreball” anD hearing a SOVET loud explosion at the time the plane IMON DisappeareD. KAMCHATKA Al a s k a ) PENINSULA Rep. Larry McDonald, D-Ga., anD chairman of the staunchly anti-communist John Birch So­ SAKHALIN ciety, was one of the Americans aboarD the plane. -A Japanese foreign ministry spokesman saiD a patrol boat — o o a L g a a Pacific Oceany spotteD a 100-yard-wide patch of oil in wateig,we8t of Cape Roprebina, on the i'sUnd’s southern tip, 14 d r i v e t n ^ Korean 747 shot down by\ ' {Dilez north of where the plane 1$ SaW ef SU-1S warplane after teought to have gone down. S Crewmen aboarD the ship, Chi- SEAUBR. crossing over the Kamchatka tose, collecteD 27 ounces of the oil 22ri?ii'“**’*** * * * * * W**™*' ****** Peninsula and Sakhalin Islahd for testing, officials saiD. where many Soviet military But seven Japanese patrol boats igniB-liMir n ----------- r Soviet naval vessels blockeD them SOVIET from coming anywhere near the UNION islanD northwest of Hokkaido, Japan’s main northern island. E Japanese military experts saiD they believeD the Soviets may have corDoneD off the area to gather anD Destroy any eviDence that the leg. 18.99 Gdl. Grade Stamped Reg, 6.99 Pail airliner was shot down. “KU-TONE” FLAT TOP QUALITY “We twice strongly requesteD ' 5 GAL. COAL TAR the Soviet Union for cooperation in LATEX HOUSE PAMT 2x3x8’ STUD ORIYEWAY SEALER Japan’s search effort, allowing Chalk, peel and fade resistant. For wood, For aU construction. Meets building code Coal tar emulsion goes on smoothly. Seals Dolinsk-Sokohi Japanese patrol boats to go into masonry and aluminum. Easy application requirements. For framing, remodeling cracks, resists gas and oil spWs. Provides P Soviet territorial waters,” a for­ and clean-up. and new construcfion, P.A.D. a lasting protective finish for drives. Moneron^ • Lalex Gloss-Reg. 19.99..................12.99 Island cing ministry official saiD. “How­ ever, so far we have yet to receive Sea o f any response from them.” ( Sea o f Okhotsk In Seoul, the South Korean Japan government DemanDeD that the Soviet Union give a full public explanation of what JiappeneD, ISLANDS;: compensation for the relatives of the victims anD an apology. UPl photo South Korean PresiDent Chun Protesters in Washington, D.C., ga- Larry McDpnald, one of the passengers, ms^ (JAPAN) Doo Hwan saiD the Soviets cannot evaDe accusations they fireD the thered (above) after the news of the Map at right shows where jetliijier * 4N 100 mHea. missile against a civilian aircraft Buy 3 Or Lass For 1 0 ” jetliner crash. Many, from the Young disappeared. of a “nation which is relatively Your Choice A P e g . 17.95 Gal. Reg. 17.99 Gal.-Semi-Transparent 4 'x8 'x'/i” Agency Certified 4’x8’x%" Top Quality 5 Gal. Pall-Reg. 10.99 5 Gal. Pail-Reg. 13.99 Republicans, praised Congressman weak in power.” O U flM n C OA STAINS CUPRINOLWOOO STAW WAFERBOAIO SHEATHHW TEXTURE 1-11. SIDING DRIVEWAY SEALER/FIUER niEWNM SEALER/FILLER Solid stain adds new looks, protection New oil base stain, soap and water Exterior grade. Solid core. 24/0 Rough sawn. V-grooved. Agency Fills cracks up to %" wide. Provides Latex fortified. Longer lasting. Fills to your wood, ^mi-trahsparent brings clean-up. Protects against rot, mildew. span rating. Use in or out. Top quality. certified. Ready to paint, stain, seal a skId-resIstant surface. Resists cracks up to %" wide. Skid- out natural woodgrain beauty. • Clear Slaln-Reg. 12.99....:.........10.99 • V<” Walerboard...................... 4.99 • 4'x8'xS"........................... 14.49 gas and oil spills. resistant surface. Shamir can name cabinet Highland Park attendance JERUSALEM (UPI) - Yitz­ inllneDiate goals healing Is­ hak Shamir, electeD the Herut rael's ailing economy, curing its Party canDiDate to succeeD social gap anD encoura^ng shrinks by 49 since 1982 1 Menachem Begin as prime mass immigration of Jews from minister, won a pleDge toDay arounD the world. R/ Nearly SO more stuDents than expecteD, but it was also the incluDe a consortium of evangeli­ / from his LikuD coalition Shamir’s victory was the first aDministrators expecteD showed largest Decrease in any of the cal churches which wants to partners to form a new govern­ step towarD the submission of town’s grammar schools. Enrol­ establish a Christian high school; / / up in the town's elementary BUSTER ment, a coalition spokesman Begin’s official resignation. schools for opening Day Wednes­ lment at the other elementary the town recreation Department, ^ 252^1 said. Begin has DelayeD formally Day, but that won’t necessarily schools was either up, or down by a anD the public health nursing Reg. $319-Side Gable , , 6’^*" Unfaced "Guardo” Asphalt Mfg. List Prices 6’x6'8"-Reg. $210 The letter of intent signeD by resigningMn orDer to buy his affect the fate of Highland Park very small number. association, among others. S’xS’ WDDD STDRABE SHED M a n vilie r-id a h i g m s u la t id n ^ roof « h i i i i m « i^micraeilW^inikiwalb ALUWINUW PATH! DDDR six factions in the Likud coali­ shaky coalition more time to School, saiD SuperintenDent James “NoboDy wants to see Highland- Owing to a typographical error Easy to build. With plans, materials. (Floor,. Lay over presdnt attic InsulaUrm^ 15 year pro-rated warranty. Covers 3314 sq. ft. In-slock selection of casements, narrollnea, With screen, tempered Insulated glass, tion paves the way for Begin to regroup anD block a Labor P. Kennedy this morning. That Park close,” said Kennedy toDay, in the enrollment figures releaseD 15", 49 Sq. Ft. Roll............................. 11-76 shingles, window extra.) Asphalt coated. Self seal. U.L. listed. awnings, bow windows and patio doors. hardware. White or Bronze finish. Maintenance- resign formally anD PresiDent government. school is scheDuleD to close in .June but he was not optimistic about it by the schools on ThursDay, it was 8'x12' W/WIndow-Reg. $472............... ......$422 23". 75.1 Sq. FI. Roll....... ................... 18.02 Stock colors. free. AAMA certified. Chaim Herzog to ask Shamir, Meanwhile in embattleD Bei­ 1984 because of steaDily DqDining staying open. incorrectly reporteD in ThursDay’s 68, now foreign minister, to rut, Lebanese army troops enrollments. ^ A citizen’s committee which Manchester HeralD that 169 more 2 form a new government. braceD toDay for a final assault And the DownwarD trenD - is formeD early this year to stuDy stuDents than expecteD haD 1 7 4 9 The spokesman, Avraham on Moslem militiamen chal­ continuing. By the enD of the school possible future uses of the High­ showed up in the town’s elemen­ 89« 14™ 89« ^mnetroofl Sbapira, saiD the six factions lenging their control of Beirut, Day on WeDnesDay, 49 fewer lanD Park school after it closes will tary schools for opening Day 80 Lb.-Reg. 2.89 3 Year-Reg. 1.49 14/2 250’ W/Ground 4 ’x8'x%2”-Reg. 5.99 Reg. 1.15-Solarian signeD an agreement to form i but a massacre of civilians anD stuDents than last year were \present its recommenDations to Wednesday . The correct number is 6DNCRETE WIX LATEX CAULK ELECTRICAL WIRE u WALL PANELING FLDDR TILES new government after Elegin opposition to the government enrolleD at HighlanD Park.
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