E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 No. 16 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was pay for abortion services. While I op- more control over when and how they called to order by the Speaker pro tem- pose this restriction, it is important to start their families; let’s support com- pore (Mr. WEBSTER of Florida). emphasize that this statute is already prehensive sex education so that teen- f the law. It was passed in 1976. Yet the agers know how to be safe and prevent legislation we are considering today unintended pregnancies; let’s make DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO would take that restriction even fur- adoption easier for loving families so TEMPORE ther. that no child is left spending his entire The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- My friends on the other side of the youth as a ward of the State. fore the House the following commu- aisle are no longer content with simply Mr. Speaker, I know that many of us nication from the Speaker: banning Federal funding for abortions. will never agree on the very personal WASHINGTON, DC, Now even private funding for this con- and emotional issue of abortion, but in- January 28, 2014. stitutional right is up for debate. A stead of rehashing the same fights, I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL vote in favor of this bill will authorize let’s focus on things we can agree on. WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on for the first time penalties for private Let’s reconsider the definition of ‘‘pro- this day. insurance companies that offer plans life’’ to include efforts that improve JOHN A. BOEHNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. that cover abortion services. Let me the quality of life for people in Amer- say that again. This bill will allow the ica. Being pro-life should mean sup- f Federal Government to use tax policy porting programs like Head Start and MORNING-HOUR DEBATE to punish private companies that even school lunches, which help our young The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- offer coverage for abortion as part of people succeed. Being pro-life should ant to the order of the House of Janu- their insurance plans. mean supporting investments in job ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- And the penalties don’t stop at insur- training programs to help people find nize Members from lists submitted by ance companies. This bill also goes well-paying jobs so they can provide the majority and minority leaders for after consumers, penalizing those who for their families. Being pro-life should morning-hour debate. choose insurance plans in the Federal mean supporting a raise in the min- The Chair will alternate recognition exchange that include coverage for imum wage so a single mother who is between the parties, with each party abortion services by removing their working 40 hours a week isn’t living limited to 1 hour and each Member eligibility for income-based subsidies. below the poverty line. Being pro-life other than the majority and minority Mr. Speaker, the hypocrisy is stag- should mean supporting SNAP benefits leaders and the minority whip limited gering. so that working families don’t have to to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- Every day on the floor, my col- choose between feeding their children bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. leagues lecture about their mission to and paying their rent. f keep the Federal Government out of The list of things this Congress can the daily lives of the American people, do to support the lives of Americans A WOMAN’S RIGHT TO CHOOSE but apparently those principles don’t whom we represent is endless. It is a The SPEAKER pro tempore. The extend to a doctor’s office or to the shame we waste so much time having Chair recognizes the gentleman from most private and intimate choices a the same old arguments. I am afraid we Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. woman can make about her own body. have lost sight of what our constitu- Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, as Yogi A woman who makes the choice to end ents sent us here to do. Let’s stop at- Bera once said, ‘‘It’s deja vu all over her pregnancy should not have her mo- tacking women’s health, and instead again.’’ tives questioned. It is a choice no one let’s focus on making investments in How many times can we have the wants to make, but the unfortunate re- our future that will help Americans re- same argument? ality is that many people have to. If alize their full potential and live the Forty-one years ago, the Supreme my colleagues are looking to end abor- American Dream. Court affirmed a woman’s constitu- tion, let’s take actions that will actu- f tional right to choose. Yet, four dec- ally reduce the number of abortions in- ades later, this Chamber will vote yet stead of making policies that embar- A QUIET LEGACY OF CONVICTION again to rob women of their right to rass and demonize women. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The control their own bodies. Here are a few suggestions: Chair recognizes the gentleman from Today, the Hyde amendment pro- Let’s invest in family planning pro- South Carolina (Mr. GOWDY) for 5 min- hibits the use of taxpayer dollars to grams that help men and women have utes. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1433 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:24 Feb 01, 2014 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\H28JA4.REC H28JA4 bjneal on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H1434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 28, 2014 Mr. GOWDY. Mr. Speaker, one of the name of his pharmacy. He left on his December, and he discussed the issue most enjoyable parts of our job is pharmacy the name of the man who at length in his past two State of the speaking to children at schools, and owned it before him. Union addresses. I expect him to return you get some tough and interesting He had the quality that best defined to the theme tonight and in the coming questions. A couple of months ago, a the Lord Jesus that he believed in, months of the 113th Congress as we pre- precious child at a school in upstate which is humility. He didn’t want to pare to go to the polls in November. South Carolina asked me who was the talk about himself; he wanted to talk There is a broadly held, national con- most famous person I had ever met. about you. He didn’t want to tell you sensus that an overly high concentra- That is a very good question, I told the his opinion; he wanted to ask you your tion of wealth spawns a host of eco- child. I have met President Bush; I opinion. He didn’t want to talk about nomic social and political ills, but that have met President Obama; I have met his illness; he wanted to talk about agreement has not fostered a concerted JOHN LEWIS; I have met PAUL RYAN; I your illness. He didn’t want to talk strategy on expanding opportunity and have met Bono, the lead singer of U2; I about how life had dealt him an closing the wealth gap. America has al- have met McGruff, the Crime Dog—I unplayable hand of cards; he wanted to ways rewarded hard work, and the pos- have even met TIM SCOTT—but I told talk about grace and hope and things sibility for a better life has been part the child the most famous person I had that last beyond our lifetime. of the attraction for generations of im- ever met was his teacher, and we all In conclusion, Bruce was humble, and migrants and others struggling to smiled and laughed. he believed it was more important to climb the economic ladder; but eco- But it did get me thinking, Mr. live a sermon than to preach one. nomic mobility, as a recent study from Speaker, that we are surrounded by So I want to thank you, Bruce, for Harvard and Cal demonstrates, varies fame. We fly into an airport named for setting an example of average, ordi- greatly within the United States, and Reagan. We work in a town named for nary people building this country, and while economic mobility has not Washington. We pass monuments to the next time a child asks me who the changed significantly over time, it is Jefferson and Lincoln and Dr. King. most famous person is I have met, I consistently less prevalent in the The buildings we work in are named for will tell him it is you. United States than in most developed famous people, and within those build- f countries. We should never seek to ings are statues and portraits of still punish success or to, as some describe more famous people. We are surrounded THE STATE OF OUR ECONOMIC UNION it, soak the rich, but we must take by fame, Mr. Speaker, and it is easy to steps to address the problem of growing forget that, while those people made The SPEAKER pro tempore.
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