Methodist History Volume XLV October 2006—July 2007 Robert J. Williams, Editor Published by General Commission on Archives and History The United Methodist Church Madison, New Jersey Contributors and Articles Cray, Jr., Robert E. High Style and Low Morals: John Newland Maffitt and the Methodist Church, 1794-1850 . 31 Feinman, Peter Itinerant Circuit-riding Minister: Warrior of Light in a Wilderness of Chaos . 43 Gerlach, Sandra John Wesley, Inquirer Seeking Grace: The Moravian View . 223 Hartweg, Rhonda D. All in Raptures: The Spirituality of Sarah Anderson Jones . 166 Irons, Kendra Weddle M. Madeline Southard (1877-1967) on “Ecclesial Suffrage” . 16 Kimbrough, Jr., S T Special Issue: Charles Wesley in America: Introduction . 75 Charles Wesley in Georgia . 77 Charles Wesley in Boston . 111 Larkins, Jessie Shuman John Wesley Among the Colonies: Weselyan Theology in the Face of the American Revolution . 232 267 268 Methodist History McConnell II, James E. The Character of Methodism in George Eliot’s Adam Bede . 244 Sledge, Robert W. A Model Home Base for Missions: Mary Decherd, the University of Texas Epworth League, and the Brazilian Mission . 4 What Böhler Got from Wesley . 214 Straker, Ian B. Social Status in Early American Methodism: The Case of Freeborn Garrettson . 155 Taneti, James Elisha Dalit Conversions to the Methodist Episcopal Church in Karnataka . 204 Thomas, Norman E. United Methodist History of Missions Series . 140 Vaughn, Gerald F. Allen S. Andrews, Oscar F. Casey, and the Rise and Fall of Southern University in the Late Nineteenth Century . 54 William Belton Murrah: President of Millsaps College and Southern Bishop in America’s Progressive Era . 254 Yick, Joseph K. S. Methodist-Chinese Friendship: Mr. & Mrs. John A. Pilley in Pre-1949 China . 180 GENERAL INDEX Volume XLV, October 2006—July 2007 Abbot, Benjamin, 33 217, 225, 226, 242, 250 Abortion, 40 Ann Arbor, Michigan, 20 Abingdon Press, 195 Appee, Mr., 105, 106, 120-121 Adam Bede (Eliot), 244-253 Argentina, 197 Adams, John Quincy, 37 Asbury, Francis, 33, 45, 50-51, 53, 67, Aeneid (Virgil), 86 68, 155, 156, 159-162, 165, 171, 174- Africa 6, 141, 146, 147, 148, 150, 151 175, 179, 238 African-Americans, 151, 153, 218 Asbury Theological Seminary, 146, 195 African Methodism, 156, 165 Asheville, North Carolina, 260 AIDS, 150 Ashayappa of Kandukur, 210-211 Ainsworth, William, 262 Asia, 151, 152 Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical Asia Magazine, 187 College, 61 Arkansas, 31, 41 Alabama Christian Advocate, 59, 61 Atkins, James, 262 Alabama Conference, 54, 55, 60, 61, 66, Association of American Colleges, 259 263 Auburn, Alabama, 57 Aldersgate, 223, 224-226, 229-230 Auburn, New York, 40 Allen, John, 254 Auburn University (Alabama), 61, 65 Allen, Robert, 59 Austin, Texas, 9 Allen, Richard, 156 Austin High School (Austin, TX) 5 Allison, John, 260 Avery, Charles, 141 Anglo-Chinese College (China), 181, 183, 184-186, 189 Baker, Frank, 125-126 Angola, 146 Baker, George, 14 Anthony, Susan, 16 Baltic states, 148, 150 “Amazing Grace,” 49 Bangs, Heman, 38 Ambedkar, B., 210, 212 Bangs, Nathan, 163-164 American Association of Collegiate Bareilley, India, 207 Registrars, 259 Barton, Clara, 20 American Bible Society, 164 Bastrop, Texas, 5 American College (Porto Alegre, Beckerlegge, Oliver, 130 Brazil), 9 Belcher, Jonathan, 118-119, 129 American Council on Education, 259 Bellary Mission, India, 207 American Historical Society, 500 Belmont College, Tennessee, 188 “The American War” (C. Wesley), 192 Bethsesda, Georgia, 109 Americans Against Liberty (Serle), 191 Betts, D., 9, 13 Anderson, K., 208 “The Bible in the School-Room” Andrews, Allen, 54-66 (Andrews), 54, 62-63 Andrews, Delana, 55 Biblical interpretation by women, 16, Andrews, Elizabeth, see Brandon, 20-29, 169-175, 176-177, 178-179 Elizabeth Bidar, India, 205, 210 Andrews, Hezekiah, 55 Bing, Do, 189 Anglican Church, 44, 69, 76, 78, 112- Birmingham-Southern College, 56, 66 117, 128-129, 132, 155, 158-159, Bloody Marsh, Battle of, 216 269 270 Methodist History Board of Missions of the Evangelical Calvinism, 32, 34 United Brethren Church, 147 Cambodia, 148, 150 Board of Missions of the Methodist Campbellites, 19 Church, 182 Campmeeting movement, 32, 33, 265 Board of Missions of the Methodist Canada, 259 Episcopal Church, South, 6-11 Candler, Warren, 262, 263 Boehm, Henry, 68 Cannon, James, 262 Boehm, Martin, 68 Carnic, Ann, see Maffitt, Ann Böhler (Boehler), Peter, 217-222, 223, Caribbean Islands, 70, 149 224-231 Carter, Cullen, 260, 261, 262, 263 Bolivia, 197 Cartwright, Peter, 33, 37, 47, 52, 194- Book of Common Prayer, 84-85 195 Boorstin, Daniel, 216 Carwardine, Richard, 36 Booth, Cullom 6 Casey, Levi, 56 Boston, Massachusetts, 76, 106, 111- Casey, Oscar, 56-58 133 Causton, Thomas, 104 Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 119 Cecil County, Maryland, 68 Botswana, 150 Celibacy, 50 Bovey, Miss, 101, 105, 121 Centenary Church (Brooklyn, NY), 39 Bradford, J., 260 Centenary College (Louisiana), 55, 255 Bradley, Brenton, 208 Centenary “movement,” 10-11, 263 Brandon, Elizabeth (nee Andrews), 66 Central Jurisdiction, 197 Brandon, William, 66 Chachi, Tomo, 104 Bray, Thomas, 214-217, 227, 229 Challenger, Mary Hynson, 69 Brazil, 5-14 Challenger, Paul, 69 Brazil Committee (Texas), 11 Chaplaincy, U.S. House of Brig, Mr., 119, 120 Representatives, 31, 37 Briggs, A., 260-261 Charles Wesley As Revealed by His Brunswick, Virginia, 161 Letters (Baker), 125-126 Brockwell, Mr., 130 Charlestown, South Carolina, 75, 76, Brooklyn, New York, 51 100-101, 105-106, 109, 122, 229 Brown, E., 63 Checkley, John, 113, 116-118 Brown, John, 68 Chesapeake Bay, 69 Brown, Mary, 9 China, 142, 181-189, 262 “Brush College,” 48 China, Communist Bureau of Religious Buck, Pearl, 187 Affairs, 189 Buckingham, Joseph, 34 Christ Church (Boston), see Old North Buddhism, 204 Church (Boston) Burma, 184 Christenberry, Daniel, 57, 58 Burundi, 150 Christian Advocate and Journal, 35, 40, Bushnll, Horace, 45 41 Butler, William, 107 “Christian College,” 63 Christian Endeavor, 28 Caldwell, Harry, 181, 188 A Christian Library (J. Wesley), 225 Caldwell, Muriel, see Pilley, Muriel Christian Mass Movements in India Caldwell, Morris, 181-182, 188 (Pickett), 205 Caldwell, Oliver, 181-182, 188 Christian perfection, 174, 233-236, 242- Calm Address to our American Colonies 243 (J. Wesley), 190-191, 233, 237-240 “Christmas Conference,” 156 Calvary Tokens, 40 Chung-Yung, 152 General Index, Volume XLV 271 Church Center for the United Nations, Darlington, Urban, 262 146 Davenport, Addington, 120-121, 132 Church of the Moravian Brethren, 217 Davison, Davison (Constable), 91 Churchey, Walter, 191-191 de Lamberti, Don Pedro, 99, 103 Cicero, 85 Decherd, Mary, 4-15 Cik, Ke “Kenny,” 185 Delamotte, Mr., 79, 101, 102, 109, 229 Cincinnati, Ohio, 36 Delaware, 192, 240 Circuit riders, 31, 32, 33, 36, 43-53, Delegall, Ensign, 103 165, 171-172 Democratic Party, 195 The Circuit Rider: A Tale of the Heroic Dempsey, Captain, 103-104 Age (Eggleston), 51-52 Devadhar, Sudarshana, 142 Civil War and Reconstruction, 41, 51, Diaries of John Wesley, 224 56, 64, 141, 143, 196 Dickey, L., 60 Clifford, Mr., 214 Ding, Heng, 185 Colored Methodist Episcopal Church, Diocese of Massachusetts, 114 143 Dissenters, 76, 112-113, 116, 128, 130 Colwell, Mrs., 104 Dison, Mr., 104 Communism, 181, 183, 184, 185-186, Doctrine of Original Sin (J. Wesley), 189 234 Confederate States Army, 41, 56 Doughtery, Ruth, 141-142 Congo, 146 Dow, Lorenzo, 33, 37, 37 Congregationalists, 76, 113, 116, 128, Drew University, 191 129, 155 Dublin, Ireland, 32 Connecticut, 33 DuBose, Horace, 262 Cook, Edmund 6 Duke University, 55 Coke, Thomas, 70-71, 156, 193 Dwyer, James, 152-153 Cole, Charles, 153-154 Copeland, Kenneth, 197 East Alabama Male College (Auburn, Coram, Thomas, 214-215 Alabama), 56 Cornish, John, 79 Easter, “Bros.,” 177-178 Council of Evangelical Methodist Easter, Mary, 177 Churches in Latin America, 149 Eastern Europe, 150 Crane, Henry, 182 Eastland, Sally, 178 Craven, Braxton, 55 “Ecclesial Suffrage,” 16 Creek Indians, 99, 105 Ecclesiastical investigation, 35, 38, 39- Crocker, Nathan, 35 40, 41 Crowell, Seth, 33 Ecumenical Methodist Conference, 59, Cruz Alta, Brazil, 7, 9 259 Cuban immigrants, 143 Eggleston, Edward, 50, 51-52 Cumberland Island, 99 Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans), 244- Cunnyngham, W., 43 253 Curnock, Nehemiah, 75, 88 Emory University (Atlanta), 261 Cutler, John, 115, 119, 123, 124 England, Revivalism, 44 Cutler, Timothy, 112, 113, 115-116 Episcopal Church, 37, 113, 132, 217 Epistles (Horace), 86-87, 107 Dalit Christians: A History (Webster), Epworth League, 8, 10, 28 205 Ernsberger, David, 208, Dalits, 204-213 The Evangelical Association, 148 Daniel, Jerome, 6-14 Evangelical United Brethren Church, Daniel, Maggie (nee Kenney), 9 144, 146-148, 154, 197 272 Methodist History Farewell Letter (Böhler), 225 Episcopal Church (1832), 45-46 Female Institute (Columbis, General Conference of the Methodist Mississippi), 56 Episcopal Church (1844), 143, 194- Ferguson, Captain, 104 195 Filipinos, 152 General Conference of the Methodist Finley, James, 45, 52 Episcopal Church (1848), 194-195 Finney, Charles, 21 General Conference of the Methodist Fitzhugh, Beulah, see Murrah, Beulah Episcopal Church (1860), 194-195 Fitzhugh, Guston, 255, 260-261 General Conference of the Methodist Fitzhugh, Lewis, 255 Episcopal Church (1880), 27 Fletcher, John, 238-239 General Conference of the Methodist Fletcher, Mary, 247-252 Episcopal Church (1920), 26, 27, 30 Florence Wesleyan University, 56 General Conference of the Methodist Fluvanna Controversey,
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