ROOM TO GROW Tuscaloosa, Alabama Syracuse, New York Lubbock, Texas Lawrence, Kansas Walla Walla, Washington o o o This Spring at Province Meetings over the country Kappas met to make new friends, Sally Moore Nitschke share ideas, and capture again that special spirit that generates when Kappas congre­ BN - Ohio State gate. Fraternity President The theme of this year's meeting, Room to Grow, builds on the theme of the 1980 Convention, Listen to the Nautilus. The nautilus concept of growth, moving from " Room To Grow" continues with ProviDe Meeting coverage on pages 37-41. chamber to chamber through stages of its life, provides rich comparisons in our own lives. As a representative of your Council it is my pleasure to share with you some COVER: " Kappa Kappa Gamma," newly devel thoughts about this theme and what it means to you and me. oped iri bl oom . See page 2 for story. The Fraternity offers each individual the opportunity for self-growth through a group experience. We all have known the feeling as a pledge, an active, or an alumna. Kappa creates an environment where people can motivate themselves. The Fraternity presents The Key'----.. opportunities where we can maximiile our strengths and minimize our weaknesses. By of Kappa Kappa Gamma creating a sense of belonging, a share in planning, a purpose worthy of our efforts, and EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL confidence in each other, Kappa helps us become responsible for our own growth. The sense of worth that a person feels when others express support and commitment is the Vol. 98 No.2 greatest motivation possible. Summer, 1981 Ardis Whitman in an article, " Invitation to Live," says it another way: The first college women's magazine. Published continuously since 1882 We help or hinder one another, summon another to be and to grow, or to surrender and retreat , influencing one another as sun and frost "influence" a field. The life Fraternity Headquarters, 530 East Town St., we touch for good or ill will touch another and that in tum another, until who Columbus, OH 43215. (Mailing Address: P.O. knows how far that touch will be felt. Box 2079, Columbus, OH 43216) Send all editorial material and correspon­ How many people do you know who have added to your life in just this way . dence to the: unforgettable people who invite us to love and grow by encouraging, inspiring, EDITOR - Mrs. David B. Selby, 6750 Merwin renewing, and building. Such people, Mrs. Whitman concludes, " inspirit" us. They Place, Worthington, OH 43085 Send all active chapter news and pictures to: make life real. They give us room to grow. ACTIVE CHAPTER EDITOR - Mrs. Willis C We are challenged to be our best. A return to the basics makes that clear. Let's look Pllugh, Jr., 2359 Juan St. , San Diego, CA anew at the Fraternity purpose and its symbolic expression in our beautiful ritual. We 92103 Send all alumnae news and pictures to: have a standard of excellence to use as the measure for our own performance. The ALUMN,AE EDITOR - Mrs. Paul Heenehan, Greeks had a word for it- arete. P.O. Box 292, Mifflinburg, PA 17844 A highly regarded music teacher was once asked the secret to his extraordinary suc­ Send all business items and change of address, six weeks prior to month of publica­ cess with his students. He thought for a moment and then replied, " I tell them it is bet­ tion to : ter to do well than to do badly." FRATERNITY HEADOUARTERs-P.O. Box The goals that a person sets for himself are greatly affected by the framework of the 2079, Columbus, OH 43216. (Duplicate copies cannot be sent to replace those undelivered expectations of those around him. If much is expected, the chances are that he will ex­ through failure to send advance notice.) pect much of himself. And so we return to the unalterable fact that through Kappa each Second class postage paid at Columbus, OH individual can be her best. Our challenge is there .. define fo r yourself again " the and at additional mailing offices. USPS 294- 160. Copyright, Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraterni­ nobler qualities of the mind." ty 1981 . Price $1.50 single copy. Deadline Finally, Kappa develops within u an ethic of service which embraces a concern for dates are August 1, November 1, February 1, the world we li ve in . The ties that bind us to a larger world are strong ones. As women, and April 1 for Fall, Winter, Spring, and Sum· mer issues respectively. Printed in U.S.A. balancing the new and traditional roles now open to us, the opportunities and responsi­ bilitie are great. For each one of us knows deep within our Kappa heart that because of the clo e rela­ Table ol Contents tionships we have developed with each other, we have a greater capacity for under- Kappa Blooms ........... ... .........• .... 2 Loyally Fund Contributors ....... .....•..... 3 tanding all human nature, a compa sion for those less fo rtunate, a tolerance of opin­ Alumnae ews .. .... ..........•........ 17 ions different from our own, and a realization that individual freedom can and should be Campus Highlights ..... ... ....... .... .. .. 27 The Kappa Way . Pledge .....•.. .. ....... 35 exerci ed onl y to the extent that it doe not interfere with the rights of others. From our " Room To Grow" .......... .. ............ 37 clo e a sociation with one another we indeed learn ''the real element of sympatheti c " Stretch Exerci es" ............. .. ........ 38 Kappas In Print ........• .. .•.... ..•...... 42 intere t in others.'' Heritage Mu eum ..........•.............. 44 And thu the nautilu concept pre ail . We grow all our li ve . We a Kappa have the ln Memoriam .. .. ..... ..... ... ...... .. 46 Fraternity Directory .......•........ ...... 47 opportunity to grow through the variou chamber of our life motivated by the caring, Membership Data Form ..... .. .....•....... 55 challenging atmo phere of a fraternity that belie e that the good and the beautiful are Letters to Editor .........•................ 51 Alumnae Boutique ...........•...• . ..•.... 58 within each one of u . Convention Announced ... ...... ......... 59 Campu Sights & Sounds ........ ........ 60 Our heritage ha been gi en to u . The pre ent i now. Our future lie in the kind of Travelers for Kappa ........... inside back cover people we > ill become. The Fratemit ' greate t re ource are women thu in pired. ppa colonizes at wrence University On April 23-25 the Zeta Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma colonized at Lawrence University in Appleton , Wiscon in. The ver ity is a merger of Downer Women' College in Milwaukee and College in Appleton and is a small, private, liberal arts insti­ with I, 100 tudents. Lawrence ha a picturesque setting with graceful, limestone academ­ buildings and residential hall overlooking the Fox River. A magnifi­ ent memorial Chapel inspires the compact campus & the quaint resi­ community in downtown Appleton. The city i famous for its companie (both Kimberly-Clarke and Appleton Paper Compa­ ie ). Paper mills line the Fox River which cuts through the center of The Zeta Epsilon""' charter members: bottom left to right : Louise Oppedahl, Lawrence University is a well-known and respected undergraduate Sara Lauman, Jeanna Hicks, Tirzah Strom, Lisa Wingfield. Top row: . titution . It is proud of the opportunities it presents the tudents: the Allison Galbraith, Holly Lyon, Nancy Olson, Jennifer Peterson, Janine uaoo"'"·"'"'"' academic programs , diverse extra-curricular activities, Tea, Ann Sanders. port program , a strong Greek ystem, and especially the close On Thursday evening a reception was held in the Gold Room in ity between the faculty, the administration and the tudents . Downer Hall on the Lawrence campus. The Gold Room is appropriate­ Univer ity is especially proud of the Conservatory of Mu ic which ly named for the exquisite teak furniture , woodwork and beautiful tap­ many student . estries decorating the room . The e trea ure were brought from a col ­ The Greek ystem at Lawrence is small, but strong, with six fraterni- lection at Downer College in Milwaukee. Punch , cookies, a Iide show ic~ and three ororitie . The fraternities are housed and the ororities "The Spirit of Kappa", many enthusia tic Kappa and the beautiful chapter room in a Panhellenic corridor in one of the residence voice of the Eta Kappas filled thi pecial evening . lntere ted ru hee Demand was high among the women for a new group to come on signed up for interview to be held the next day. and thus Panhellenic voted in the Fall of 1980 to form an ex­ On Saturday, rushees, the colonization team , local alumnae, Eta big en ion committee tore earch national groups and asked four groups to sisters and Cathy Hyde a si tant Dean of Student enjoyed a luncheon a pre entation in February, 1981. in Colman Hall . The menu featured deliciou chicken crepe and once Sally Nit chke travelled to Appleton in February to give a presenta­ again the Eta Kappas entertained the group with their vocal talents. All ion to member of the Panhellenic and to the exten ion committee. of the rushees were given bid at the Luncheon and , to the thrill of l ""'l'"::~""''a,ive of the three groups, Pi Beta Phi , Kappa Alpha Theta, everyone, accepted their bid unanimou ly. A hart pledging ervice Delta Gamma, attended the presentation. Joining Sally were: Jane immediately followed the luncheon and the remainder of the day wa Ep ilon PDC, Ginny Rose, president of the Fox River Alum spent with picture taking, lot of Kappa ongs , more hug and an over­ Talby Hardy, field secretary, and Katie Quirk , an Eta Kappa and flow of joy and anticipation for the future of thi dynamic group of of Panhellenic at University of Wisconsin. The presentation women . a ucce , and the next month the committee informed u that we The charter members are a diverse and multi-talented group.
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