Weather **f MLY nUd tomorrew, Ugh Red Bank Area f to upper «% Outlook Friday, "V Copyiiiit-tto Red Bank Register, lac, MS, fair tad coatlaued mm. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S HOME NEWSPAPER FOR 87 YEARS DIAL 741-0010 . 178 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1966 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE 650 Junior High Students Evacuated in Fire School Building in Long Branch LONG BRANCH — Fire officials were scheduled to begin • burn throughout the rest of the afternoon, but was confined fire hoses to prevent blowing sparks from igniting them. Elec- hurst, Wanamaasa, Deal and Alfenhurst fought tfie blaze. The their probe this morning into the cause of the fire which yester- within the gutted 67-year-old structure. tricity was cut off shortly after the blaze began, and the Wanamassa company used its newly acquired snorkel fire day destroyed the Chattle School Building and forced the evac- Firemen were recalled to the scene last night at 6:4$ and Willow Ave. houses were without electric power for most of truck, which carried the aerial rig from the Allenhurst.com* uation of some 65Q junior high school students. - 9:45 to extinguish flames which broke out. the afternoon. 1 • '•"••" •>'.•••••'•*• party. The-city used its two aerial trucks. The investigation was delayed because four feet of water BUILDINGS EVACUATED Chief Richter said the*fire quickly spread through the air tilled the basement area where the fire was believed to have ' School children and teachers were evacuated from the duct system of the buildings the' flames being carried' almost T^ie fire, was discovered by School Principal James J. started, Fire Chief Walter Richter said. Chattle Building and the adjoining Intermediate school in one Immediately to the roof. I i . Mazzacco alter Michael Marchltto, a teacher, smelled smoke. Mr. Mazzacco said he discovered the blaze in a basement store- No serious injuries were reported aa flames, beginning in minute and 15 seconds, John H. Ronan, a janitor in the Inter- - Firemen arriving first - on, the scene were hard-pressed to room used to house civil defense supplies, the basement storage area, quickly spread and Consumed the mediate School, said. find the fire's core because of the dense smoke, he added. 3'/£-story brick building. Firemen fought desperately to keep the blaze from spread- Veteran firefighters said the oil and wax accumulated on the He immediately ordered the evacuation of the building. The Are was discovered shortly after 11:30 a.m. and taxed' ing to the Intermediate School and the ancient Grammar school's floors throughout the years spurred the blaze and The .children were standing in the school playground for the efforts of some 250 firemen from 13 fire companies before School, which faces on Prospect St. multiplied its intensity. } ' about 15 minutes before the fire showed evidence of its full it was brought under, control two hours later. It continued to' Houses on Willow Ave. received continued dousings from Besides the city's nine fire companies, firemen from Oak- (See FIRE, Page 3) ,. On Laotian Border Outpost SAIGON (AP) - An isolated with the Special Forces canip at Montagnard defenders and their into South Viet Nam through camp of U.S. Special Forces men sunrise .after several hours of American advisers. „ Laos. Its air strip is under con' and mountain tribesmen came fighting in the heavily, wooded Usually a dozen American tinual Viet Cong sniper fire. Wider fierce attack near the Lao- hills.along the border. "Green Berets" are stationed at Last year a plane carrying tian 'border early today. The Contact was regained late In such lonely camps which stand Gen. William C. Westmoreland, Communists shot down a U.S. the day and an American spokes- vigil against the Communists In commander of U.S. forces in Viet Army C47 plane sent to help the man said the triangular mud and areas under Viet Cong domina- Nam, was hit while he was pay- besieged garrison, but the de- log fortress was holding out tion. ing a visit to the camp. He es- fenders battled back, through the against the onslaught. The Ashau outpost overlooks a caped injury. *vr-: '• " Some casualties were reported number of trails the Communists However, the report did not . U.S. forces lost radio contact among the three companies of use (o infiltrate men and supplies (See VIET NAM. Page 3) Howard Will Request Funding For Sandy Hook Inlet Studies SANDY HOOK — Rep. James The congressman announced The $8 millidn inlet project ha Corps of Engineers, dealing with 3. Howard, D4U., 3d Dist., will the move after leaning that pol- been signed into law by Presi- the subjects of pollution and seek funds for further tidal lution and flooding were the main dent Johnson, but funds for its flooding. •tudles in the vicinity of the pro- causes for concern at a public for- construction have not yet been The letter noted that "The pol- posed Sandy Hook inlet. um on the proposed inlet held appropriated by Congress. lution effect on the inlet would Purpose of the studies will be last week In Highlands. I Pollution and Flooding result from the high and low to determine the possible effects He, indicated that the tidal In November,. 1965, Congress- tides occurring earlier on the of the Inlet on pollution of Sandy measurements would, be taken man Hcward received, a letter ocean side than on the bay side Hook Bay and' flooding in during the preconstructiori plari- from Maj. Gen. Jackson Graham, of the inlet. If this tidal relation Highlands. nlng period of the Iplet project. director of'Civil Works, Army at the inlet causes a greater flow from the bay into the ocean, than in the> opposite direction, die wa- ter lost from the bay adjacent to SCHOOL COMSUlitifcpC— Firemen watch helplessly as soaring flames contume thc'Cfitftf* School flitfWiftg, j tine proposed inlet'would be re- of the- Lon<r Branch Junior High School. Th« fir* broke out shortly-before noon And forced th* •ytfeuctfon of som* placed by more highly .polluted water flowing from Lower New 650 eighth 4nd ntnth orads students. No serious Injuriei wer*. reported. IDftify Register jUtf photos, by Don Lord! Vbrfe Bay, thus leaving the in- and Bruce* Brody). ' ]-':'' ' •• . ' • , let bay area more polluted than at present." "Our studies," Gen. Graham NEW SHREWSBURY - The Blue Cross, Blue Shield and premiums on individual employ- went on," do not indicate that Meskill Sees Double Sessions Tinton Falls Board of Education major medical insurance for all ees, but not on their dependents. the flow to the ocean would be last night voted unanimously to employees was approved, effec- ^reater: However, it is recog- LONG BRANCH — "It looks ready • 'been hired from the its contents were insured for Chattle School consumed yester- Louis A. Steinmujier, board sec- like double sessions ,''• a weary Crane Co. of Belmar to dean $45,000. Insurance ; adjusters day by flames was a reading Invite the Monmouth Regional tive July 1. The'board Will pay nized that the five days during ; and Eatontown boards to join a retary, was authorized to ad- which the simultaneous ocean school superintendent Conceded up the-Intermedial .School' from were already at :work yester- center, which Mr. Meskill -called proposed study of regionalization vertise for bids on janitor sup- and bay tide records were ob- last night, after fire had'.de- the ravages of smoke "and water day, ha noted. •'•,-• . ; ; a "very severe loss" because it plies for the 1966-67 school year. tf (he three school districts. Petillo Critical tained are not of sufficient du- stroyed the Chattle School Build- and that the school would' be But the new junior high-school was '"one of the best equipped At Ms recommendation, a special open • tomorrow. ' ' • '• . on; Eastbourne Ave. igi not; ex- Object of the study, John ration to be conclusive. ing. In the state." 'The contents of meeting to receive bids on these : pected to be completed for a Thomson, board president, ex- At Riverview The superintendent, William Adjusters at Work the center, which'was designed as well as other supplies, in- More Determination The Chattle School was In- year and until then double ses- plained, Is to determine whether H. Meskill, had arrived. at> the for remedial reading and test- RED BANK-John A. Petillo, "Therefore, it was agreed with sured at its appraised value of sions appear unavoidable. there are economies and ef- (See REGIONAL. Page 3) (See INLET, Page 3) fire scene shortly after the of 114 Maple Ave.; an assistant $272,250, Mr. Meskill said, and Among the facilities in the (See MESKILL, Page 7) ficiencies to be gained by con- county prosecutor, remained in bla'zej'a sjart--jwd been heralded solidating the three districts. critical condition today in Riv- by 'heavyi placfc smokfe-; While the blaze was' consuming, the "This Is an attempt at a joint erview Hospital, where he was Mixed Emotions admitted last Wednesday after Chattle Building, Mr. Meskill and study," Mr.-Thomson said. "We Budget Adopted Boand of Education' members want to get at the facts." suffering a heart attack at his home. were already' considering the fu- Board '. member Anson W. ture. • , • . • . , Peckham was put in charge of Also reported still in critical the proposed study. condition in the same hospital In Middletown No classes will be held today MtmdredsWdMh It Burn is Red Bank Detective Capt. Irv- Summer Pay Plan for the 650; .eighth and ninth ing L. Krakowitch, of 106 Hard- grade junior high school students By SANFORD R. STAROBIN ried," forgetting', about the- jack- from home for their children. The board also approved' a MIDDLETOWN - The Town- not serviced by the municipal ing RtLj who was admitted after evacuated after the: fire started.
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