Pr. Michel Salzet Distinguished Professor, PRCE2 25/10/1965, 51 years old Maried, 2 children Laboratoire Proteomique, Réponse Inflammatoire, Spectrométrie de masse (PRISM), U1192 INSERM/Université Lille 1/COL/CHU/Lille 2 I-Carrier Synthesis Scientific Titles 1998-2003 Member of the Institut Universitaire de France Junior, then Honorary position 1998-2000 Senior Scientist at the Mind Body Institute of Harvard Medical School, USA 31/05/1995 Habilitation for directing research in Natural Sciences, University Lille 1 3/02/1993 PhD in Life Science and Heath, University Lille 1 Cursus 1993-1994 Post-doctoral fellows, Neurosciences Research Institute, Old Westbury, USA 1993 PhD Life Sciences and Health at the University of Lille 1991-1992 Pre-doctoral at Biopharm, Hendy, UK 1990 National Service, Aspirant, Medal of National Defense 1989 Master degree Science of Life and Health, University of Lille 1, Honors Current Situation 1998-Present Laboratory director (CNRS then Inserm Laboratory) Functions 2014 Distinguish Professor (PRCE2) 2009 Distinguish Professor (PRCE1) 2002 Full Professor Class I (PR1) 1997 Full Professor Class II (PR2) 1995 Associate Professor, University Lille 1 II-National and International Knowledge Awards & Medals 2015 Award from the international board of MATWIN for the cutting edge technology “SpiderMass” 2014 Finalist selected project for the ALTRAN Award of Innovation in cancer 2013 Award from Quebec Sciences for the best innovation of the year about alternative ORF in collaboration with Xavier Roucou Lab. 2008 Innovation Price INPI, Nord-Pas de Calais Council 2003 Great Price of Science of the Society of Sciences, Agriculture and Arts of Lille 1998 Institut Universitaire de France Medal, Paris 1993 Wicart-Hagenstien Medal of the Society of Sciences, Agriculture and Arts of Lille Scientific Assessment 256 Original publications, reviews, Book chapters (H Factor: 55, 9412 citations, Google Scholar) 29 Books chapters and coordination, 4 vulgarization 16 Patents 158 Proceedings 145 Conferences among which 95 on invitation in international conferences 26 PhD Supervised, 32 Masters, 6 Residencies 1996-Present PEDR then Prime of Scientific Excellence since 1996 2010 Ranked among the 150 scientist of Excellence in Class 5 to 6 in Biologie ² Médecine (Investigation Necker : Investigation IN 09- M) 2007 Ranked among the 250 scientist of Excellence class A+ in Biologie ² Médecine (Investigation Necker, Claude Even) International Functions 2017 Vice Chair FET-OPEN 2012-Present Board Member of the governing board of the European School of Neurosciences (EURON) 2011- Present Board Member of the Managing group for personalized medecine for European citizen (ESF) 2010-2016 Board Member of the interdisciplinary committee for the FWO Vlaanderen, Belgium 2009-2012 Board Member of the Core Group of LESC, and of LFUI from European Sciences Foundation 2012- Present Board member of the FCI from FRSQ, Canada International Expertises since 1996 International: 5th PRDC, LECMA-AFI-ISAO, Grants Pierre & Marie Curie, FWO, Portugal Sciences Foundation, Netherlands Genomics Initiative, Austrian Science Fund, National Science Centre, ARC, FNRS, ISF, IBSF, Marsden Found of Science, CRSNG, FRSQ, FCI, NIH, NIDA, H2020, FET-OPEN National: French Ministry of Science (1998-2002, 2009), MAE (2009), National Committee of University (since 2000) and medical Research Foundation since 2003, AERES (since 2008), ANR (since 2008) Scientific Committee of international conferences 2013 European Proteomic Congress, Saint Malo, October 2013 2013 7th International Symposium on Experimental and Clinical Neurobiology (June 23-27, Kosice, Slovak Republic) 1999 International Society of Comparative Immunology, St Andrews, June 30- July 4, 2003 1999 International Symposium on Advances in Neuroimmunology, Shangaï, 14-18 May, 1999 1997 International Symposium on Advances in Neuroimmunology, Pekin, 14-18 May, 1997 International Conferences Organization 2014 Workshop EURON PHD Days, October 2014 Workshop Cost: ”Mass spectrometry imaging”, June 2010 Workshop ESF, MNHN, Paris, March 15, 2010 2004 International Congress on leech Neurosciences, Lille, 25-30 September 2004 2001 Congress of Comparative Immunology, Lille, 10-15 September 2001 Summer School Organisation 1996-Present Neuroimmune Summer School for American students (undergraduates & graduates). Learning biochemical techniques for proteins analyses (2 months). NIH-Fogarty Grant (obtained in 1996 and renewed in en 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012) Congress Chairman 2017 Accelerating Clinical Mass Spectromtry , Salzburg 2006 Clinical Protomics in Oncology, Dijon 2003 Congrès de l’ISDCI, St Andrews, Scotland 1999 Symposium of Neuroimmunology, Shangai 1999 Congrès de la Société Française d’Immunologie, Lille 1999 Congrès de La société Française d’immunologie des Invertébrés, Strasbourg 1997 1ères journées de LARC Neurosciences, Rouen Consortiums 1997-2005: Creator of an international international consortium in Neuroimmunology (Directors Pr. M. Salzet et Pr. G.B.Stefano (SUNY)) regrouping Lille 1, SUNY (Old Westbury, USA) & Beth Israel Institute from Harvard school(Boston, USA) University 2010-Present : Creator of an internationanl consortium in genomic and psot-genomic of the lophochotrozoans (Directors Pr. M. Salzet et Pr. E. Macagno (UVSD)) Editorial Board Member • BMC Immunology • Annals of Trauma and Acute Care Reviewer for journals I expertise 2 papers per Weeks for more 40 journals including PNAS, Nature, Nature Immunology, Nature Neurosciences et Science. Research Valorisation a- Relationships with media Press ü Local 1999, 2008, 2011 Voix du Nord 2000 Nord Éclair 2001 Voix du Nord ü National 2004-present Le Monde (expert for the price from le Monde de la recherche) 2004 Le Figaro, Le nouvel observateur, le Parisien, Libération, Femme actuelle 2005 Sciences et Avenir, Libération 2006 Top Santé Magazine, Viva, Ouest France 2007 AFP, UFC Que Choisir 2008 Femina 2009 La Dépêche du midi 2010 SUD-OUEST 2011 Pause Santé, Viva 2014, 2016 Nouvel Observateur ü International 12/2001 Discover: (http://www.discover.com) 2005 El Mundo 05/2005 Welt des Wissend, Peter Moosleitners Magazin 2013 http://www.quebecscience.qc.ca/10-decouvertes-2013/10-Un-univers- parallele-chez-les-proteines Radio 2008 La tête au carrée, Décembre TV 2017 E= M6 2010 France 2, ADN 2008 C9, Arte 2005 "C’est pas sorcier", France 3 2004 France 3 et France 2 popularization 2005 2000-2002 Bars of Science in the context of interventions for the IUF 2006 2002 Involvement in the relationship between the University and Schools 2007 10/2001 Science Week, Lille "Proteomics" 2008 23/10/1999 Conference on Science Day Industrial Valorization & Property 2013 Funder of the CLIC-Imaging (Clinical Chemistry-Imaging) platform 2013 Co-funder of "Hirupharm" 2013 incubation Cré'Inov, Laureat Peptite Concourse (2014) 2008 Co-funder of the company ImaBiotech (http://www.imabiotech.com) Company service Imaging Mass Spectrometry with Prof. I. Fournier and Dr. J. Stauber 2008 Winner of OSEO ANR-2008 regional INPI ISEG 2008 and 2009 2002-Present Scientist of the “Ricarimpex” compagny. Expert in production of leech for hospitals (FDA agreement) 2000-Present Expert at the Chamber of trade and Industry of Lille for creation of start-up biotechnology since 2000 2002-present Member of the Scientific Committee Genoscreen, Phenoswitch Inc. 2005 Contracts with industrial Beaufourt Ipsen, Galderma, L'OREAL, Schimadzu, Bruker, Phlipp Morris, Laboratoire Fabre 2004 Completion of 16 foreign patents, 6 envelopes Soleau Grant (PI or CO(PI) International NSF (200k€), NIH (600k€), NIDA (120k€), IRSC (300k€), FRSQ (60k€), MDEIE (400k€), EU (1150k€), FWO (8k€), ISOA (150k€), FRSQ Centre d’excellence (750k€), Stefanick (24k€) National INCA (460k€), SATT (550k€), ANVAR (233k€), IFREMER (8k€), RMNT (45k€), SFI (3k€), Genopole (245k€) ; Inserm (45k€), CNRS (50k€) ; ANR (as partner (1523k€) Regional Univeristy (50k€) Industrial OSEO (100k€), Industrial contracts (2068k€ Student PhD Grants 26 x 90k€: 2340k€ Total :11432k€ III-Scientific Animation Laboratory Direction 2015-2020 Director of PRISM (Protéomique, Réponse Inflammatoire, Spectrométrie de Masse) – U1192 INSERM (65 members) 2011-2012- Director of Lab. de Spectrométrie de Masse Biologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (FABMS) - EA 4550 convention between University Lille 1/Centre Oscar Lambret (25 permanents in 2011 then 45 members with 34 permanents in 2012 after clinicians integration) 2009-2011 Director of Laboratoire de Neuroimmunologie et Neurochimie Evolutives, FRE CNRS 3249 and the international associated laboratory CNRS/Universite de Sherbrooke (Pr R. Day) 2006-2009 Director of FRE-CNRS 2933, Lab. de Neurobiologie des Annélides (38 members) 2002-2006 Director of UMR-CNRS 8017, Lab. De Neuroimmunologie des Annélides (38 members) 1998-2002 Director of UPRESA-CNRS 8017, Lab. de Neuroimmunologie des Annélides (38 members) 1996-1998 Scientific member of Lab. de Neuroimmunologie des Annélides (20 permanents) Other Function 2011-2012 Members of the INCA Board « PAIR Gynecology » 2009-2012 Scientific delegate at the Institute Ecology & Environment of the CNRS 2008-2012 Member of the Scientific Council of the MNHN Paris 1998-2003 Director of the Genopole program for the University of Lille 1 1999-2012 Member of the National Council of University (CNU) section 68 1999-2002 Director of the Doctoral School of Biology and Health of Lille 2009-2010 Expert for National Laboratory for Horse Control Member of the Scientific 2013-2015 Honorary President of the
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