This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com :" .~. _!_;,.·~ _·____;...; _.;...· _·.-. -·+-1 -.· -- INSTRUCTIONS" fiRIOR TO :...:fi:.::.LI:.:..N::..::G:::.._ ______-1---.....r--r-~:...:.....:.:::.:::::..::...::.:::::..:..:::...=!:!!.::..::::!.! ___-4'--ol Fip in Sect. 2. i on back. Detach. qack flap · ··· '1 ·..; and forward ICj,HIJ?. ~- .,.J. \t\ U fil~ xu~. and Iitle shown are not proper, ~esi!<:>Y front•'~er sheet,' un ss it records ins,rt proper file no. below and forward su;,xuhcanl ach n taken or comments requir- ~pc~... li}ent to RID/ AN. ing preservatio r FROM; I RID/ TO: ALL ADDRESSEES I I TO I 1. I I . I A~K 9 1964 I 12. 13. 14. I / ' 15. 16. ./ 17. RID/Fl FILl:: NUMBER tPRIM•~RY CODEI ABSTR.,.CT TRACE REQUEST INDf X { OATE MICROFILMtD 14181 ·ORM IJ',t t•kt VIIJljl.) 6l0a I tJt!I(JN'_, 1 6 j 0.-· .. 14-00000 . .. -----f"" PROCESSINU i 'E C R E T PRO· ACCOM· ~~-s PATCH ...................... ·- .. ~ .... ACTION POSED PLISt<ED MI·....:ROFILM~D XX MMK£0 fOR 11100111!. Chief!~ Special Affairs Staff /1 1) U r .,,- ~ NO INO(XIHC ~fQVIII£0 i ' 1 v ~~.r-.~l-----4~~~l·Y~~~~~f~~D~~----~~--~ I H(JlOQUAiillRS O(SII i I '"' - tAll )1100( IIIOCXIIIIG I ''\ ~ 1'-Joo ____. ::.. ''-'· ~· =:f"l· :-;~~ A~ TRACT 2h ief_ of.. ~E_a t~~!1L_~~l_W_A_V_E_i ___.______ '::~:~~:~~~ -~~~~<-1!0--n-u•__ _ TYPIC/OPERATIONAL ---~.-_.~~-1-G_d_#-1-~-~-~-~~~--~ ~.Decial Activ;t.tiea_~port on ..JMWAYE's Rela.tionshin with AMCARBON-1 :QUIREO · REFERENCES i ACTION REQUIRED! Paragraph 10 REFERENCES I : A. WAVE 8981, dated 24 September 1962 1 B. WAVE 9169 1 dated 28 September 1962 c. WAVE 9343, dated 2 October 1962 I D. DIR 40975, dated 6 October 1962 I E. UFGA 14417 1 dated 4 March 1964 1. INTRODUCTION. In Reference E 1 JMWAVE forwarded a review of the nature;o£ its relationship with AMCARBON-2. This review indicates thaf the relationship with AMCARBON-2 evolved from that action which 'as taken in September 1962 to insure that a security breach would not occur as a result of an investigation which was ..~ being carriediout by the'ldentity 1 relative to th~ fact that the establisMlentlof the Identity 2 was being kept from the YOBELT South Campus ~s a result of security restrictions which were in some way l'elated t? J.MDUSK. While the relationship with AMCARBON-2 stemmed from fhe remedial action which had been taken. in. a crisis situation, thy establishment of a working relationship with the Identity'3 wa$ an.objective which JMWAVE had always hoped to obtain. As a matter of fapt, in Reference A, the reconunendation,was made that JMWAVE by given approvalto contact the major South Florida news media intan attempt to work out a relationship with these news media which w~uld insure that they did not turn the publicity spotlight on "!;hose KUBARK activities in South Florida which might come to theirlattention •. Thus, when a relationship was established . I with A.MCAHBON 12, it was carefully cultivated in order that JMWAVE might be able1to use this contact at the Ldentity 3 as a means of achieving the!objecf'fve of having a relationship with the Identity 3 1 ·• which would simultane'Ously insure the security of JMWAVE's operations . and give JMWAVE an outlet into the press which could be used for surfacing certain select propaganda items. In the period October to ! 1 (CONTINUED) Attachments: iusc Cllb J.. ~ ~\DjrnJ A - Five Newspaper Clippings . ·~·· ' 1 ~ .:(. B - Identities· ·,. ',7~ I ~_..;,I D l.S. t r1'b U t'10D:! I OATE TYPED OATE C.ISPATCHEO 3 - Chief [ SAS, 1 w/atts.INDEXx 19 March 6·1·>lPR .,, 2-=-L.....--- l!J.A I CROSS REFEREt<CE 10 DISPATCti SYMbOl AND NUMbER I UFGA-14781 --L;:~j,Tj--, : HEADQUARTERS fiLE NUMBER f4;f.l'd ::.11 , .. : ... ;, ;, 1 t-------------·- ~0 1:1 ~ ; • '· i Cl.ASSJfiCATION -" .-. ~" 1-·L ·r -~·-' L~ c-~Ji3~ E c RET • 201- dur 11.o..._ N ____ J ____ '-------------·--'-----·---..;....... _____.. CL.ASSIFICATION PAG 1 NO. Ia UGE 13 REIIIOU8 EDITION. S E C R E T 2. CONTIN.Ji:O --~------· . 14-00000 ., :1 --------· 1 CON.TlNUATION Of [. • --······· .. I DISPATCH ·, S E C R E T UFGA-1•1781 >ecember 1962] all o:::WAVE's business with the Identity 3 ras handled vifl. AMCAROON -2. In mid-DecembE.:r 1962 1 AMCARBON -2 tade the sugge.stion that he introduce REUTEMAN to AMCARBON-1 .n order that ~here be a backup contact, in the event that ·MCARBON -2 wer:e out of town or unavailable at such times as tEUTEMAN might/ require assistanc~ trom the Identity 3. REUTEh~N Lgreed to AMCA~BON-2 1 s suggestion, and, as a result, AMCARBON-2 wsted a lunchfon on 12 December 1962 at the Miami Club in the lotel Columbus;, Miami, Florida, at which AMCARBON-2 introc:luced LMCARBON -1 to ~EUTEMAN. As a result of th ts initial meeting on L2 December 19~2 1 -an operational relationship has developed with ~MCARBON-1 1 an;d it is believed that this r(llationship contributes to the fulfillment of the over-all JMWAVE :mission. In view of this 1 a speciail acti.vi ties report is being submitted to cover the .1a ture of JMWAVE t s 1·ela tionship with AMCARBON-1 during the •Jeriod Decemb~rI 1962 to March 1964. 2. FRAM~ OF Rl:FERENCE FOR JMWAVE'S RELATIONSHIP WITH AMCARBON-1 When AM CARBON 12 in t1·oduced i\lJ'CARBON -1 to RlroTEM:AN 1 AMC1UU30N -2 . reviewed the ground rules under which he had been cooperating with REU'i'EMAN. 1 Thi~; review was conducted for AMCARBON-1 1 s benefit, in or:der that he might clearly understand the frame of reference whidh should prevail in his rela·,;ionships with REUTEMAN. In this revie~, AMCl,ROON-2 pointed out tha·c it was the policy of the Identity 3 that it would take no ac·cion which would · purposely, embarrass KUBARK or its South Florida operations. As a result, if any emlJarrassing items relative to KUBARK's operations in South 'Florida dicl come to the attention of the Identity 3 1 this material would be bJ·ought to REUTEMAN's inunediate attention. AMCARBON -2 maqe it <:lear to AMCARBON -1 that such items should be discussed witt\ REUTEMAN in a frank manner.· In addition, AMCARBON-2 made the poin"G that. after an item was dis,::ussed 1 A.MCARBON-1 should follow /REUTEii.AN's guidance relative to how any particularly . I embarrassing item might be l1an~led by the '[dentity 3 1 so that it would not expose KUI3.A.:RK operat"ions and, at. the same time, would not jeopardize the :journalistic reputation of the Identity 3. In addition a J\MCARBON ..-2 pointed out that, if AMCARBON -1 brought a potentially emban.·assing item to REOTEMA~~ 1 s attention and remedial action on ·che ma ttt3r was not taken by REUTEMAN within a reasonable ~eriod of time, then the Identity 3 would feel free to expose any :ineptness on KUBARK's part. AMCARBON-2 pointed out that in r~turn for this cooperation from the Identity 3 1 REUTE1-1A.N had agreed that he would be available for contact by telephone or perio'dlc personal meetings at which A.MCARBON-1 and AMCARBON-2 could discuss broad trends and developments in La tin American affairs. AMCARBON-2 advised A.MCARBON-·1 that this arrangement did not mean that AMCARBON-1 could expect ta obtain any classified info.cmation from REUTEMAN. The point was also 11H1.de that AMCARBON -l should not press for the obtaining of classified information, but he should be alert to stoering tips which REUTEMAN might furnish him on fast-breaking news stories. AMCARI~N-1 in~icatej that he understood the frame of reference which had been outlined by AlJCARBON-2. This frame oj: reference has p1·evailed throushout JMWAVE' s relationship with AMCARBON-1 during the period December 1962 to :March 1~64. 3. AMCARBON -1 1 S JOURNALISTIC CAREER. AMCARBON ·-1 originally started to work for the Identity 3 in 1957 on the Ci~y Desk, and subsequently advanced from this assignment to an assignment which entailed covering major political developments in Florida. At a later date, AMCARBON-1 became a feature writer :for the Identity 3. Then in July or August 1962, AMCARBON-1 was ~adE;• _ · the Identity 4 •. This assignment was conside1·ed to be a s1.gni.f1.cant ---------------·--·--.. -- -- cL:.A.ssiFICATION PA:>E NO • ;3a U6C: PREVIOUS IO;O!TION. S E C R E T .l Ex I coN~~---------~~ .. ---- __ 14-00000 --..-...-....,,_,,~ 1-llll~lf'l- . ·:CONTINUA 1'101'1 Of ' ................ __ ...:> ... ....'. ·.~ ,. ••-- DISPAT.CH ---------k---------------S E C R E T UFGA-11781 promotion_foJ~ AMCARDON-1, and it l'ePEJcted confidence in him by the Ident1ty 3 management. AMCARI3(H-l is by no means ;a,n expert on Latin AmeJ•ica, but he is developlng his knowledge OJl the area and, at the uoment, he gives every lndication of wanting to be a long-term La~.:ill American specialist. QDELF has been questioned about AMCARrn>N-1 1 aud he has indicated that AMCARBON-1 is regarded in the journalistic trade as an ext:cemely likeable fellow who has a keen mind hut who lacks experienc.a in depth on Latin American affairs.
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