eu»te iabrary. Cuma, LAS VLGAS WBATHER Boulder Dam Project January it—Maximum. 46; minimum. 26. The progress of this Vast Engineering Work is METAL MARKETS Fully and Accurately Coverrd. Associated Press NEW YORK. Jan. 14. 0J.P>—Copper, electrolytic. and United Press Wire Service Bring News of the 7'i and IK cents a pound. Lead. 3.75 cents a pound. World to This Paper—A Leader For More Than Zinc, 3.05 cents a pound. Bar silver, 30\ cents A Quarter of a Century an ounce. VOL. XXVIII. LAS VECAS. CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA, FRIDAY MORNINC, JANUARY 15, 1932 Death Penalty May Be Set Ski Girl Linked in Dempsey Rumor K^^Pretty Mystery ASK TO SUE For Attackers In Honolulu BONDSMEN Girl Hangs Self NATIVES ARE FORMER L. D. S. ON P. 0. iLocal Concerns Would In City Prison AMONG JURY MISSIONARY I Attempt To Recover NAMES IN DEFENDS I $17,000 Said Due IS BOOKED ON i Resumption of Work DRUNKC0UNT, TRIAL RACE ! On Federal Building! Urged by Vegans Extreme Penalty May W. J. Flowers Blames! IDENTITY 1 Asking federal authorities in Curb Sex Crimes in Outsiders For Woe I Washington, D 0>, to grant per­ mission to creditors to bring suit SECRET Pacific Playground Of Pacific Isles against the bondsmen of J. O. Pier- j .son, owner of the Plains Construe- | Measure to Be Given Spent Some Time With I i tion company which held the con Uses Silken Scarf To tract for building the new post Takes Her Own Life, Legislature At Its Hawaiians; Telfe of j [office, a letter was mailed last night | Miss La Von Vincent, right, to whom .lark Dempsey, former heavy- | b>' the Las v<"gas Credit bureau Jumps From Bunk Session Monday Upright Attitude weight champion, reportedly was engaged, shown with her sister- [_• thc treasury department. I W. J. Flowers, United States in-law, Mrs. Gladys Snow Vincent. Salt I_ike City. Both principals PRELIMINARY STEP This-, the preliminary stiep to in­ By DAN CAMPBELL Commissioner in Las Vegas, resided denied the rumor but they have < Hen been seen in each other's ' Address Is Fictitious, stituting suit for losses allegedly (l'nited Press Staff Correspondent) I for 42 months in the Hawaiian Is­ company, tooth g-rls havc taken up skiing in a big way and are | HONOLULU, T. H.. Jan. 14. (U.R)— now making twin leaps. incurred by local builders and con­ Police Find, Wants lands as a missionary for the L. D. tractors in the federal building up­ Recommendation that the criminal I S. church, leaving there in 1911 statutes be revised to provide thej set, is taken by a group of Pier- To Save Family for the United States. While then- son's principal creditors in this death penalty for assaults on women i he lived with the natives, learned will be made by Governor Lawrence I city, who are rnported to have suf­ LOS ANGELES, Jan. 14. 0J.P> — their language and customs, sang WEATHER SCALES OFF BALANCE fered a loss of $17,000 through Stricken with remorse after being Judd when the special session of' their songs, ate their food, cared the territorial legislature convenes I Pierson's asserted failure to meet booked on a charge of drunken­ for their sick, buried their dead, ness, a pretty yc/ung woman hanged next Monday, the executive reveal­ taught their children, and met b i,lcurr( (1 ta construction ed' tonight. SOUTH SUBMERGED BY HEAVY SNOWS!tk t ' herself in a cell at Lincoln Heights them on a religious footing. He vis- jail late today. JUDO'S REPORT Too much police laxity and loo Wed almost every island in the ...... The principal creditors, who are Gov. Judd made public his report signing the letter to the supervising GAY NOOSE much department politics were Rroup and became closely attached IMIIII rme»$ ID Secretary of Interior Ray Lyman [ architect of the treasury depart-j Using her expensive, gay colored blamed by W. F. Frear. former to them. HP Ls in a position to leave Hart, well known pilot for the scarf as a noose, the girl jumped Wilbur in which he promised toj know the Hawaiian race and to ment. are Mahoney and Cline, eon- j urge adoption of a bill providing. governor of Hawaii, for the pres­ NEW ENGLANDERS PICK POSIES tractors and builders, Las Vegeas, Varney Speed Lines, set a new from the top bunk in her cell, ent island crisis when he arrived speak authoritatively on their char­ that those convicted on charges of' acteristics, morals and standards. Lumber company, and L. Holt. San Francisro-Glcndalc record by: .strangled herself into unconscious- attacking women would be hanged, i in San Francisco from Honolulu. CHICAGO, Jan. 14. ru.W—Amer­ frees below zero. Marietta. Ohio- Plumbing company. There are sev-1 making the journey in one hour!ness, and died a short time later in There must be a change in the eral other minor creditors involv- i 1 he measure would be intended By W. J. FLOWERS ica's weather scales balanced some­ em* run second to the Pennsylva- and 28 minutes, averaging 238^ hospital. pclice department before an im­ ed, who are interestted and spon­ to decrease the number of sex U S. Commissioner thing like this tonight: •ians by reporting thc mercury ris­ miles an hour. He carried six pas­ Police believed she was a mem­ provement can be expected, he soring the letter, but who have not ; crimes in Honolulu, brought to pub­ (Former L. I). S. Missionary Twenty degre.s below zero at ing to 95 in the sun, sap running, sengers with him to beat by sev­ ber of a refined family, and sought said. signed it. Tlie action Ls taken un- | lic attention aften the arrest of j in Hawaii) Butte. Mont.; one hundred and four iutterflys flittering, snakes skit- eral minutes the record recently death rather than face the ridicule der the supervision of the Las Ve- j Mrs. Grace Hubbard Fortescue. so­ Upon seing flaring headlines de­ degrees abov0 (in the sun) at Al- ticring and robins twittering. set by James Wedell in a regula­ cl her husband and friends. gas Credit bureau, which is also >. cial leader, her son-in-law, Lieut. picting the recent attacks by Ha­ toona. Pa. Southern Californians try to ex- tion speed plane, and flying alone. She had given th-* name of Elsie sending a let-er to the department. | (J. Ci.) Thomas H. Massie. and two I waiians upon white women in the Snow-plows snowed in on. Rocky tllaln the first snowfall in 50 years. McClane, said she was 21, and list­ 1 URGE \CTION e enlisted men of Pearl Harbor, on i OTHER CLUBS Islands, I cannot help but attempt mountain highways; roses bloom­ tnd schoolboys go swimmin**- ed a fictitious add*r ~- charges at lirst degree murder. ! to correct thc erroneous impression ing at Lakewood. O. • f.eike Enc with temperatures at The creditors have asked the .T e,o.- morer; inc1 "• 1 They were- arrested after the slay- | many Americans are going to rc- A record-breaking "heat wave" 70. ' Chamber of Com-rerre tn -tend a 2 CHEAT DEATH : In New York City with thermom­ in-; of Joseph Hahahawai, who had ; PRESENT AT ceive regarding one of the most. Tall end of blizzard heads for letter also to th<* Tre.isurv depart - • •• • .!• been accused of attacking Mrs. i peaceful, kindly and moral peoples ieter s at C4—a veritabl." blizzard ami Oklahoma panhandle; housewives , ment, explaining the Ice-! situation i - Fee rescue's daughter, Mrs. Thalia : on earth, the Hawaiians. ! two degrees below zero u<. Valen- ' work in flower gardens .it. Dallas, land urging action. Copies **f the os d. I don't want i letters will be sent to both Nevada IN HIGHWAY Massie. tine, Neb. I Tex. •**- husbnnd 'o -ea-n of this." ROTARY H i,vv :tl The grand jury was scheduled to| These noov for centuries n» Heav-' y ****snow al PortlandPortland,, Oi--Ore.:; j CaliforniCaliforniaa orange belt gets oat senators. Oddie and Pittman, ask- STAGGCBS ON STREET consider evidence in the case of of themost rieidlv uDriehtand "x- ' tr-tr,oeraturetenvxeratures in the seventies at j tbthee smudgsmudgee pots. Convict baseball; tag them to exert influence to see Mi's. Foreacue and the three navy | oi tne most rigidly uprignt aidox IAUanla Mcmp!m .,,,,, L|.ll(. Rock. team at Joliet, 111., plays ball. Ithat the debts are paid and con- CRASH The youn a* woman was arrested Las Vegaa Rotary club, under the 1 acyJSjy moriiTnii^'oiMU-e^WU11U wo.™. I ,„ -.-. »«.„_! _ r ,--, --,. ._r: . w H Mathow s of n p w,s ! struction resumed on the building when p**H*e found her staggering men Friday, but John Gilliland, city]leadership of O. W. Yates, program strictlv adher-ne to 'taboos affecting ' - - - »' ""''• -1 s h ad r>f ettuce Qovernmenl weather reports said las quickly as i*o.sibIe. aJona north Broadway. The quality an^d^ county attorney, sai^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^d tonight chairman of the ^day , yesterday i thei„ ' Drivate am] social \yVes and ™' • ? - Planted in A model T Ford sedan was ut- of her .-lothing. expensive beads there was a possibility of postpone- j heard an excellenclient program on L„^„J« „__„-, —_ changed ••"•••* sarrlen last September; Nebras- that almev unprecedented warm! According to the Credit bureau. «,_____ customs, cannot Khave changed so . __.__.__i i_ . ,,;ii, tCT - > *-irrord ear rings, added to ment. community service. ki weather prevailed over most of the i labor claims arc now being pressed i 'y demolished and its two occu- fundamentally, even under the often ; <.
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