15380 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS July 1, 1999 federal sources, and now the airport can ac- ities and started creating a peaceful European A TRIBUTE TO KIRK THOMAS commodate larger aircraft for a local firm that Union; struggles, which boiled over into con- BUECHNER; FOR HIS PROMOTION overhauls jet engines. flicts all around the world, from Korea and TO THE RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT The road leading to the airport was relo- Vietnam to Afghanistan and El Salvador, and cated as part of the improvements. It will be threatened the nuclear annihilation of the en- HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ named for Neosho Police Officer Terry John- tire human race ended without that horrible OF TEXAS son who was killed earlier this year in a flying outcome; the potential for a truly global econ- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES accident at the airport. omy where the potential of the entire human Thursday, July 1, 1999 The celebration in Neosho will be marked race is available for the first time in the history Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today by hot air balloons, a Civil War living history of mankind was opened; and the American to offer my sincerest congratulations to Kirk display, an air show, ground displays of the people and economy, long tied to the costs Thomas Buechner, Boy Scout, from San Anto- Confederate Air Force and military aircraft, and commitments of defending the Free nio, TX, upon the notification of his advance- and, naturally, fireworks. Music, crafts and lots World, were unleashed resulting in the second of friendly Ozarks people should make this a ment to the rank of Eagle Scout. longest period of uninterrupted growth in U.S. Boy Scouts are awarded the prestigious wonderful weekend to visit Neosho and to history. rank of Eagle Scout based on their faith and honor the work of Hugh Robinson. (1882– During the Cold War, there were moments obedience to the Scout Oath. The Scout Oath 1963) of great fear. We all remember the sealing of requires members to live with honor, loyalty, f the western sector of Berlin and the threat of courage, cheerfulness, and an obligation to PERSONAL EXPLANATION starving an entire city; the launching of Sput- service. nik with the realization that the Soviet Union In addition the rank of Eagle Scout is only HON. JOSEPH M. HOEFFEL was a determined, resourceful foe; and the bestowed once a Boy Scout satisfies duties in- Cuban Missile Crisis which led us to the brink cluding, the completion of 21 merit badges, OF PENNSYLVANIA of war. performing a service project of significant IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES value to the community, and additional re- There were also moments of great stress Thursday, July 1, 1999 quirements listed in the Scout Handbook. and despair in our own nation. We went to In receiving this special recognition, I be- Mr. HOEFFEL. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall vote battle for our beliefs. In the war in Korea, we lieve that Eagle Scout Kirk Thomas Buechner No. 259, H. Con. Res. 94, I erroneously voted lost more than 50,000 Americans. The war in will guide and inspire his peers, toward the be- ‘‘aye.’’ My vote should have been in the nega- Vietnam tested America’s resolve. Our nation liefs of the Scout Oath. I am proud to offer my tive. was torn apart so badly that some scars have congratulations to Kirk on this respected ac- f yet to heal. complishment. COMMEMORATION OF THE VIC- But there were also moments of pure mag- f nificence. The Berlin Airlift and Inchon were TORY OF FREEDOM IN THE COLD EDEN UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST WAR ACT great military successes and added to the honors of Armed Forces. Americans landing HON. JOHN SHIMKUS HON. RICK LAZIO on the moon, the first safe return of the Space Shuttle, and the creation of the Internet are OF ILLINOIS OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES symbolic of an explosion in the development IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of useful technology. Thursday, July 1, 1999 Thursday, July 1, 1999 Now, it is time to demonstrate our great re- Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, I would like to Mr. LAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I come to the floor spect for men and women who actually carried take this time to commend the Eden United of the House today to introduce the Com- the burden of the policy of the United States Church of Christ in Edwardsville, IL for their memoration of the Victory of Freedom in the during this Cold War. This bill, which would unparalleled contributions to the community. Cold War Act, a bill to recognize the accom- authorize the creation of a Department of De- The church has joined hands with Habitat For plishments of the American people in winning fense Cold War Victory Medal and create a Humanity to form the Vacation Bible school the Cold War. Commission to plan for our celebration, is de- who’s mission is to build a better foundation On September 26th, 1996, this House de- signed to do just that. for life by learning the lessons of the Bible. bated and approved without dissent, House Children join together to build toolboxes, picnic Concurrent Resolution 181, which I offered to This recognition is long overdue. Last week, tables and other odds and ends to grace begin the process of national recognition for in Hauppauge, New York, at the annual cere- homes built by Habitat For Humanity. the tens of millions of citizen-patriots, who had mony which commemorates the beginning of Cory Luttrell, a 7-year-old participant in the participated in our 46 year Cold War struggle. the Korean War, Korean Americans and rep- school, is having a great time. ‘‘It gives people In 1997, both Houses of Congress amended resentatives of the Korean government spent a place to put their tools after they build the President’s proposed fiscal year 1998 Na- 90 minutes thanking Americans for what they houses. They worked hard, so we should be tional Defense Authorization Act to authorize a sacrificed for their people and their nation. helping them,’’ Cory said. There are currently Cold War Certificate of Recognition to honor While some Americans may not realize the 1,700 Habitat For Humanity affiliates in 62 the more than 22 million veterans of the Cold significance of their accomplishments, the countries and they are responsible for the con- War. In that act, we established the date for people of Korea do. So have the people of struction of more than 100,000 homes. The the start of the Cold War as September 2d Berlin and the people of the Federal Republic cooperation of Eden United Church of Christ 1945, to coincide with the signing of the of Germany who thanked America for saving and Habitat For Humanity is a great example Peace Treaty with Japan, thus ending World Berlin just a few months ago at a ceremony at of how organizations can come together so War II and our alliance with the Soviet Union. Ronald Reagan Airport. that they can better serve the community. In that act, we also established the date for As the tenth anniversary of the fall of the f the end of the Cold War as December 26th, Berlin Wall approaches, and as we begin a REPEALING THE ANTI-CALIFORNIA 1991, to coincide with the end of the Union of series of tenth anniversaries of critical events PROVISION OF THE CLEAN AIR Soviet Socialists Republics and the birth of the which led to the final end of the Cold War, it ACT Commonwealth of Independent States. is appropriate that we act now to thank those The people of the United States of America generations of Americans who gave the world should recognize and celebrate the grandeur peace. And there is an urgency! Many who HON. CHRISTOPHER COX OF CALIFORNIA of this historic accomplishment: served during the last days of World War II IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Four hundred million people in Europe and have already departed for a better place. We Asia were liberated from Soviet communism; need to move on this quickly to ensure that Thursday, July 1, 1999 Germany was united peacefully; the states of this nation extends its thanks to as many patri- Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, currently, California western Europe buried their historic animos- ots as possible. is arbitrarily limited to no more than 10% of VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:09 Oct 04, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR99\E01JY9.000 E01JY9.
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