The Bulletin OF THE SOCIETY FOR AMERIC A N MU S IC FOUNDED IN HONOR OF OS C A R G. T. SONNECK Vol. XXXIV, No. 2 Spring 2008 SAM’s Mission Statement Rationale and Discussion for recognition, that was enough of a task of South America. Is a study of their tours The Board, taking into account the SAM to contemplate. Over the years, with a not appropriate for a SAM conference? listserv discussion on the new proposed mis- steady growth of Canadian members, the Our current mission statement, while sion statement, has approved a new version that combines aspects of both the current Society quietly redefined the meaning of providing an umbrella for much of what and proposed statements. SAM President “American” to mean “North American” the Society does, relegates South America John Graziano explains the thinking music. This change allowed the inclusion to “cultures everywhere in the world.” This behind the new statement below; selected of Canadian topics. omission has created some concern from comments from the SAM listserv follow. It has become increasingly clear over prospective and current members. In an SAM members are asked to vote for their the last decade that American music is effort to respond to stated concerns, the preference by 15 June, on the SAM web- not limited to North America. As was Board requested our past President to pro- site: http://www.american-music.org/ demonstrated at our last conference, there pose a new mission statement. It is briefer were, and are, many kinds of “music(s) and somewhat more general, and at our Since the inception of our Society, there in America.” Some is from Mexico, and last meeting in San Antonio, the Board felt has been a continuing debate among its some from South America. There are very that it would better serve the Society in its members about the scope and inclusiveness strong musical connections between the future endeavors, by encouraging research of our organization. One indication of our Americas today; for example, jazz musi- in an expanding world culture. earliest grappling with this issue can be cians from Brazil and the States are influ- Several respondents are concerned that seen on the Sonneck Society’s earliest bro- encing the stylistic developments in both papers may not be given in English or chures, as well as in its journal, American countries. Do we not want to be able to that they may focus on topics that do not Music: “all aspects of American music and hear a paper on this fascinating phenom- directly deal with music of the United music in America.” It was clearly the aim enon because it involves a South American States. That is not our intention. As in the of many of the Society’s founders to limit country? During much of our history, indi- past, the mission of SAM is to encourage the meaning of America to the United vidual performers and companies toured research that demonstrates the connection States. And perhaps, in our initial struggle the Caribbean, Central America, and parts between music in the States and other countries. I do not believe that our confer- ences will be open to presentations of, for NEW STATEMENT example, a South American, European, or The mission of the Society for American Music is to stimulate the continued on page 26 appreciation, performance, creation, and study of American musics of all eras and in all their diversity, including the full range of activities and institutions associated with these musics throughout the world. in this issue: CURRENT STATEMENT New JSAM Editor | 29 The mission of The Society for American Music is to stimulate the appreciation, performance, creation and study of American music in all Conference Report | 31 its diversity, and the full range of activities and institutions associated with that music. “America” is understood to embrace North America, Remembrance | 44 including Central America and the Caribbean, and aspects of its [cultures everywhere in the world. ] Book Reviews | 44 continued from page 25 and Portuguese books in our journal and but do not need to exclude what comes accept articles in Spanish and Portuguese from Central and South America. Asian composer or group who has had no as well. There would be similar challeng- I have lived through the development direct and significant connection to the ing issues if we were to be inclusive of of many mission statements, and I find States. Our revised mission statement is an other languages at the conferences held that the broader, more inclusive ones usu- attempt to address our actual practices over in countries where English may not be ally fare the best. Since I was president the past several years. the “official” language. I realize that other when the previous mission statement was societies may hold conferences in other crafted – and as I remember it, it was seen – John Graziano countries and with various tongues repre- as a compromise and a temporary solution sented, but this is more problematic in our (and was also the result of a meeting in The following comments were first pub- Society because of the focused nature of Texas!) – I fully endorse moving on to a lished on the SAM listserv. They appear in the music and culture that is at the core of new one. chronological order and with the author’s our Society’s history and identity. permission; all were written before 27 April. Finally, I have a personal conflict that I From Paul Wells: SAM members are encouraged to join the am unable to resolve at present. I cherish Many thanks to Ron for initiating dis- listserv in order to participate more fully in the cultures north and south of the United cussion on this issue. He provides much this discussion. To join, go to http://list.pitt. States, but I also cherish the origins, his- good food for thought. edu/mailman/listinfo/sonneck. Comments tory, and personality of the Society for All other considerations aside, I feel are archived. Alternatively, you can post American Music. I am afraid that as we that a much higher priority than trying comments on the SAM website. try to expand our notion of who we are, to expand our geographic scope (as is we will lose the distinctive sense of who implied, if not stated, in the proposed new From Ron Pen: we were and who we are. I believe that we statement) is working to do a far better At this busy time towards the end of have managed to negotiate a fine balance job of embracing the musical and cul- the spring semester, please allow me a brief between the United States and other cul- tural diversity within our own borders, and moment to intrude into your lives to note tures by focusing on the ways in which our expanding our membership accordingly. a few of my thoughts concerning the pro- culture manifests itself elsewhere and ways At times it seems as though we are making posed new mission statement. in which other cultures function within good strides in this direction, but at others I endorse the simplicity and directness our borders. I’m not so sure. of the new mission statement. It is very I like the bold new mission statement On the plus side, one colleague remarked difficult to say more with less, but I think that our Society’s mission transcends all that the San Antonio conference seemed that this version succeeds admirably in that time (“in all eras”). However, I fear that if “more like an SEM meeting,” and it was regard. we continue to expand our notion of the wonderful to have the chance to hear so I endorse the “concept” of expanding space that we delimit within our mission, much good music from the local Hispanic the spatial and cultural reach of the Society we will lose the focus of our Society. In culture. But at the same time it seemed to to include our North and South American attempting to embrace every culture in the me to be one of the whitest conferences neighbors. The recent meeting in San hemisphere, we may lose the distinctive we’ve had in a long time. My perceptions Antonio was a most successful bridge to sense of self and identity that has histori- may have been skewed since I missed the an inclusive mission that includes all of our cally propelled our Society. first half of it, but I missed seeing a num- neighbors to the north and to the south. I would greatly appreciate hearing other ber of African American friends and col- On an idealistic level, I appreciate this voices in this conversation. Thank you all leagues. expansion. for your consideration. The number of African American mem- I am afraid that the pragmatist in me bers in SAM remains low, and the numbers observes a tension, however, between the From Anne Dhu McLucas: of Asian and Hispanic members are even concept of the mission and the reality of My theory of mission statements is that lower. I wish I had some brilliant ideas of its implications. If we are to really seek they are the umbrellas – and that who how to accomplish change. Change will, to embrace South and Central America actually gets under those umbrellas is part of course, come only when the academic as well as North America in our Society, of a long process that develops through disciplines we draw on for our membership that implies that we must advocate hold- people knowing people, the development change as well. But it seems to me that we ing conferences in the countries north and of the field of itself, and many other fac- ought to be putting our energies in this south of U.S.
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