VOL. 123 - NO. 20 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, MAY 17, 2019 $.35 A COPY Cardinal O’Malley to Celebrate Mass at The St. Leonard’s Church At Noon on Sunday, May 26th Cardinal Sean O’Malley will with a December 17th Mass cel- celebrate Mass at St. Leonard ebrated by Cardinal O’Malley. of Port Maurice at noon on As it turned out the restoration Sunday, May 26th. He will also project was well received. The bless new wood-carved statues North End remembered more of St. Francis of Assisi and than a century of service by St. Clare, as well as the newly the humble Franciscans with re-constructed organ, which an outpouring of fi nancial sup- was part of the original res- port. This became exemplifi ed toration plan for the parish. with a $1 million dollar gift from Following the Mass, all are the St Joseph’s Society of the invited to attend when Cardinal North End, which met all fi nal O’Malley blesses the newly reno- restoration costs. Beyond that, vated St. Leonard’s Church Hall however, in an agreement with and a Meet & Greet Reception. the pastor and the Archdiocese, Saturday, St. Leonard Church, founded the St. Joseph’s Society went in 1873, is the fi rst church in Cardinal Sean OMalley further and pledged to restore May 18, 2019 New England built by the Italian the church hall, which is now immigrants, which became the From its earliest history, the completed. center of spiritual activity for interior of the church was cre- The newly renovated hall, the fast-growing Italian immi- ated by the Italian immigrants originally St. Anthony’s Hall, grant residents of the North who were craftsmen as well will now be available for a News Briefs End. Yet, as poor as these early as parishioners. Spirituality, variety of community needs. by Sal Giarratani immigrants were, they sacri- fraternity, and deep-rooted Thanks to the special support fi ced a part of what little money tradition continue, even to the from the St. Joseph’s Society, they had for the construction of present day, as the center of life it will also serve as the new That Newspaper Photo their church building. at St. Leonard’s Parish. home for many of the religious From Birmingham in 1963 When the church opened to However, with the passage of societies in the North End and For some reason, I still remember vividly that photo the public in 1891, it already time, the old building was in can be utilized for special youth taken in Birmingham, Alabama during a May 3, 1963 had an estimated 20,000 defi nite need of repair which and resident activities. civil rights demonstration. It showed a 17-year-old parishioners. With continued prompted the present pastor, The community is invited to protester getting attacked by a police dog held by a growth, construction began of Fr. Antonio Nardoianni, O.F.M. participate in the May 26th Mass police offi cer. That photo appeared above the fold of the upper church to accom- to embark upon an ambitious to witness Cardinal O’Malley’s the May 4, 1963 New York Times. modate its many parishioners. and extensive multi-million- blessing of the church hall, as Birmingham had been on fi re for weeks with daily The upper church construc- dollar renovation project. The the parishioners turn a new demonstrations. Starting on May 1st, hundreds of Black tion project, in Romanesque restoration project took about page in the history of the parish kids marched to protest segregation and the city’s Police revival architectural style, was a year to complete until the and look to future ways of serv- Commissioner Bull Connor, ordered his police force to dedicated on November 6, 1899. church was offi cially reopened ing the people of the community. break things up with dogs and fi re hoses. That vile image made the TV newscasts that evening and on the morning of May 4, 1963, that photo ran nationwide in the nation’s newspapers. I saved that photo and still have it today. It is aging and turning yellowish but the image remains as strong as ever regarding the conditions back on my birthday that year when I turned 15 years old. What was my worse thing that happened to me that day? Do I eat the ice cream fi rst or the cake fi rst? Up here in Boston, the TV screen was showing something that seemed to be happening in another country but it was right here in America. As a kid I wondered whatever happened to Please Note that 17-year-old boy getting mauled by a police dog. I hold on to that fading newspaper photo just to North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council Elections remind myself of just how far we have come since then, but also to recognition we still have far to go. The There will not be any election of the hoses and dogs are gone, but injustice still fl ourishes for all of us. We are still trying to make America better NEWNC on Saturday, May 18th than it was and we should never forget our past, our present, and our future as a united nation of people at the Nazzaro Center in the North End of Boston. who have so much more that brings us together than what divides us up. All incumbents are returning with the exception of Democrats and Their Media Allies Are Still Ridiculous Sean Hennessy as he is not seeking re-election. How else do you explain all this crazy stuff with the Democrats sailing right past the Mueller Report, which Michael Salvati “Incumbent” will fi ll the seat as a (Continued on Page 10) new member of the council. THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE HAS MOVED TO 343 CHELSEA ST., DAY SQUARE, EAST BOSTON This offi ce is open on Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information PAGE 2 POST-GAZETTE, MAY 17, 2019 Res Publica by David Trumbull The Story of Taps This Memorial Day we remember and honor the men and women LUCRETIUS who died to preserve our freedom. Even as we enjoy kicking off summer however we chose this weekend, that is itself a testimony During previous extraordinary theory to their sacrifi ces, for we enjoy the cookouts, trips to the beach, issues, we examined of sense perception and so forth because they made it possible. We especially honor the most prominent — claiming that mat- those who died for our country when we decorate their graves or literati of the Early ter is continually participant in patriotic parades and ceremonies this weekend. Age or Age of Greek rising from the sur- At those solemn memorial events in our towns and cities, in Influence in Rome. face of all objects. our churches and synagogues, and in the halls of our veterans This week, we enter This rising matter or other lodges, a familiar, haunting melody will mark the day — the Golden Age, but strikes our senses must note that it is and the immediate divided into two peri- result is perception. ods. The fi rst is called The fi fth book treats The Ciceronian Period of the origin of life and the second is by spontaneous called The Augustan generation and the Period. suicide. His work is entitled De preserva-tion of life in accor- The Ciceronian Period hon- Rerum Natura (On the Nature of dance with the law of the sur- ors Lucretius, the Roman poet Things), an instructive type of vival of the fi ttest. In his sixth who is said to be second only poetry containing about 7,500 book, he attempts to explain the to Vergil. Lucretius is followed hexameter lines. It emphasizes natural phenomena (thunder, The familiar bugle call "Taps" is generally believed to be based on by Cicero, statesman, man of the theories of Greek thinkers lightning, etc.) and magnetic a traditional French call to curfew (from Middle English "curfeu," letters, orator, master of com- like Democritus and Epicurus, power. from Old French "cuevrefeu," meaning cover the fi re and turn in position, and the most upright which deal with the origin of It is said that in his work, for the night). man in all of Roman history. the world and the functions of Lucretius succeeded in pre- According to the United States Department of Veterans Affairs Then came the famous histo- natural forces. His desire was senting the main features of the version of those 24 melancholy notes that we know from mili- rian named Sallust. The com- to free mankind from the fear of the physics and psychology tary funerals was crafted during America's Civil War by Union mentaries of Julius Caesar on the gods and of death, which he of Epicurus in a clear and General Daniel Adams Butterfi eld, heading a brigade camped at the Gallic Wars are included believed to be the main cause of concise manner. His De Rerum Harrison Landing, Va., near Richmond. This music was made as is Varro, the most learned human grief. Natura is considered to be the offi cial Army bugle call after the war, but not given the name of Roman scholars, and most His fi rst book deals with the one of the fi nest poems ever "taps" until 1874. prolifi c of all Roman authors. fundamental truths and that written in the Latin language Veterans Affair also states that: "The fi rst time taps was played The full name of today’s celeb- nothing can come from noth- and is also regarded as the at a military funeral may also have been in Virginia soon after rity is Carus Titus Lucretius, a ing.
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