© Lonely Planet 195 Index See also separate index for Resorts (p198) A Buddhism 18-19 British Loyalty Wreck 165 Aarah 110 in Ari Atoll 131, 134 Broken Rock 135 accommodation 169-70, see also in North & South Male’ Atolls 124 Colosseum 113 choosing a resort in northern atolls 146 Devana Kandu 156 activities 55-6, see also diving, in southern atolls 162, 163, 165 Dhidhdhoo Beyru 135 kitesurfing, snorkelling, Buruni 161 Dhigali Haa 150 surfing, water sports business hours 170 Ellaidhoo House Reef 134 Addu Atoll 164-8, 165 Embudhoo Express 75, 125, 74 air travel C Fesdhoo Island House Reef INDEX airlines 179 children, travel with 41, 66, 103, 170-1 (W Retreat & Spa) 75 charter airlines 179-80 choosing a resort 53-66 Fesdu Wreck 134 to/from the Maldives 179-80 climate 171, see also weather Filitheyo Reef 159 within the Maldives 181-2 conservation, see environment Fish Head 134 Al Barbary, Abul Barakat Yoosuf consulates 172 Fotteyo 156-7 18, 100 coral 46-8 Fushi Kandu 160 alcohol 40, 173 coral bleaching 48, 85 Fushifaru Thila 153 Alifushi 149 coral cuts 184 Giant Clam 157 Andre, Andreas 19 costs 13-14, 57 Guraidhoo Kandu 125-6 animals 44-6, see also marine life, courses 72, 81, 171 Halaveli Wreck 134 turtles crafts 36-8 Hans Hass Place 102 archaeology, see Heyerdahl, Thor credit cards 174 Helengeli Thila 113 architecture 36 culture 26-34 HP Reef 113 Ari Atoll 134-42, 132 cultural considerations 39, 41 Kakani Thila 150 art galleries, see also museums customs regulations 171 Kani Corner 113 National Art Gallery, Male’ 100 cycling 108, 168 Kuda Giri 125 artificial beach, Male’ 101 Kuda Kandu 75, 165, 75 arts 35-8, see also architecture, crafts, D Kudarah Thila 135 dance, literature, visual arts dance 35 Kuramathi House Reef 133 atolls 45, 47 dangers 171-2 Kuredhoo Express 152-3 ATMs 174 Darwin, Charles 47 Lankan Caves 113 day trips 56 Lion’s Head 102 B decompression sickness 83-4 Maa Kandu 165 Baa 150-2 desalination 50 Maaya Thila 75, 134, 74 beaches 66, 76-7, 76-7 Dhaalu 159-60, 161 Macro Spot 160 Bell, HCP 18, 162, 164, 165 Dhekunuboduveli 158 Madi Finolhu 150 bends, see decompression sickness Dhevvadhoo 162 Maldives Victory wreck 103 bicycle travel, see cycling Dhidhdhoo 143 Manta Point 113 birds 45 Dhiffushi 111-13 Manta Reef 134-5 bleaching, see coral Dhiyamigili 161 Milaidhoo Reef 150 boat travel 182, see also dhoni, dhoni 29, 182 Muthafushi Thila 150 ferries, vedhi Dhoonidhoo 110 Nassimo Thila 113 safari boats 64-5 Didi, Abdulla Afif 22, see also southern Okobe Thila 113 Bodufinolhu 162 rebellion Orimas Thila 134 Boli Mulah 157 Didi, Mohammed Amin 21 Panetone 134 books 14-16, 35-6 disabilities, travellers with 177 Peak 113 bookshops 94 dive sites 70-1, 72, 75 Rakeedhoo Kandu 157 Aquarium 113 Rasdhoo Madivaru 75, 133 000 Map pages Banana Reef 113-14 Rasfari 113 000 Photograph pages Blue Canyon 113 Shark Point, Addu Atoll 165 Bodu Hithi Thila 4, 113 Shark Point, North Male’ Atoll 113 196 Index (D-I) Shark’s Tongue 157 fish 48, 78-80, 86-9, 78-80 see also health 183-4 Shipyard 75, 153, 74 rays, sharks, whale sharks decompression sickness 83-4 Two Brothers 159 fish market, Male’ 100 insurance 173 Vaadhoo Caves 125 fish-spotters’ guide 78-9, 86-9, 78-9 medical services 183 Vaagali Caves 125 fishing vaccinations 183 Vattaru Kandu 157 commercial 51 Heyerdahl, Thor 14, 18, 21, 98, 147, Velassaru Caves 125 recreational 56 159, 162, 163, 164 Divehi language 185-6 FIT 15 Himmafushi 111 diving 55, 69-85 flora 46 Hinnavaru 152 courses 72, 81, 171 Fonadhoo 162 history 18-25 dive safaris 69-70 food 39-42 2008 elections 25 dive shops, Male’ 106 food glossary 42 Black Friday 24 emergencies 84 resort food 59-63 British influence 21-2 equipment 81-2 vegetarian food 41, 65 conversion to Islam 18-19 health considerations 82-4 football, see sports Indian Ocean tsunami 24-5 INDEX insurance 84 Friday Mosque, Isdhoo 162 Portuguese influence 19 responsible diving 84-5 Fulhadhoo 150 Protected Independence 19-20 seasons 72 Fulidhoo 156 Republic 22 documents, see passports, visas Fully Independent Travellers 15 southern rebellion 22, 162, dolphin-watching 49, 59 Funadhoo, Male’ 110 163, 164 drinks 40, see also alcohol, water, wine Funadhoo, Shaviyani 147 Hithadhoo, Laamu 162 Funamudua 162 Hithadhoo, Addu Atoll 166-7 E Fuvahmulah 163-4 Holhudhoo 147 economy 28-9 holidays 172-3 ecotourism 16, 55 G Hondaafushi 146 education 27-8 Gaaf Alif 162 honeymoon 53, 54-5, 63 Ekulhivaru 149 Gaaf Dhaal 163 hotels, Male’ 103-4 Elaa 161 Gaakoshibi 147 house reefs, see snorkelling, diving electricity 175 Gaamaadhoo 111 Hukuru Miskiiy, see Old Friday embassies 172 Gaarfaru Falhu 125 Mosque, Male’ Embudhoofushi 160 Gaaundoodhoo 149 Hulhudheli 160 emergencies 95, see also inside Gadhdhoo 163 Hulhule’ 108 front cover Gan, Laamu 162 Hulhumale’ 109 endangered species 45-6 Gan, Gaaf Dhaal 163 Hulhumeedhoo 167 entertainment 63-4 Gan, Addu Atoll 165 Huraa 111 environment 43-52 Gan Memorial 166 Huvandhumaavattaru 149 environmental issues 50-2 Gasgandufinolhu 162 Huvarafushi 143-5 Eththigili 149 Gasveli 158 Eydhafushi 150 gay travellers 172 I exchange rates, see inside front cover Gayoom, Maumoon Abdul 11, 22-5 Iguraidhoo 149 geography 43-4 illicit drugs 173 F atoll formation 47 independent travel, see Fully Faafu 158-9, 161 geology 44, 47 Independent Travellers Faridhoo 146 giris 71, see also dive sites inhabited islands 8, 170 Farukolhu 147 global warming 12, 51 Innamaadhoo 149 fauna 44-6, see also marine life Gnaviyani 163-4 insurance Felidhoo 156 Goidhoo 150 travel 173, 183 Felivaru 152 Grand Friday Mosque, Male’ 99 diving 84 Fenfushi 134 Gulhi 125 internet ferries 182 Guraidhoo, South Male’ Atoll 125 access 173 Feydhoo 166-7 Guraidhoo, Thaa 161 resources 16 Isdhoo 162 000 Map pages H Islam 30-4 000 Photograph pages Haa Alif 143-6 Islamic Centre, Male’ 99 Haa Dhaal 146 island tours, see day trips Index (J-S) 197 J getting around 108 O jewellery 38 getting there & away 107-8 Old Friday Mosque, Male’ 97-8 information 94-7 Olhugiri 161 K islands around Male’ 108-10 Olhuveli 160 Kaadedhoo 163 sights & activities 97-101 over-water villas 54 Kaashidhoo 124-5 shopping 106 Kalhufahalafushi 161 sleeping 103-4 P Kambaalifaru 147 Manadhoo 147 passports 179 Kandholhudhoo 149 manta rays, see rays people 26-8 Kanditheemu 147 maps 173 permits 176-7 kandus 71, see also dive sites Maradhoo 166-7 planning 13-17, 53-66 Kelaa 145 marine life 46-9, see also fish, rays, plants 46 Keyodhoo 156 politics 30 sharks, turtles, whale sharks INDEX Kibidhoo 161 population 30 markets, Male’ 100 Kihavahuravalhi 151 Portuguese influence 19 marriage ceremonies 173-4 Kinolhas 149 postal services 175 kitesurfing 128, 150, 153 measures 175 produce market, Male’ 100 Kodey 162 Medhu Ziyaarath, Male’ 99-100 Protected Marine Areas 49 Kolhuvaariyaafushi 157 media 30, 175 Ari Atoll 134 Kondeymatheelaabadhu 162 medical services 183, see also health Male’ 102 Kudabandos 110 Meemu 157-8, 161 North Male’ Atoll 113 Kudahuvadhoo 159 metric conversions, see inside northern atolls 153 Kudamuraidhoo 146 front cover South Male’ Atoll 125-6 Kudausfushi 158 money 174-5, see also inside southern atolls 156-7, 159, 160 Kudhoo 162 front cover Kulhuduffushi 146 ATMs 174 R Kumundhoo 146 cash 174 Raa 149-50 credit cards 174 radio 175 L international transfers 174 Rakeedhoo 156 Laamu 162 tipping 174 Randheli 149 lacquer 37-8, 98, 150 travellers cheques 174-5 Rasdhoo Atoll 131-4 land reclamation 51, 97, 109-10 Moresby Channel 149 Rasgetheemu 149 Landhoo 147 mosques, Male’ 100 rays 49, 80, 88, 80 language 185-6 Mudhdhoo 151 Redin people 18, 162 legal matters 173 Muleeaage, Male’ 99-100 religion 30-4 lesbian travellers 172 Muli 157 resorts 53-66, see also Resorts subindex Lhaviyani 152-5 museums resort meal packages 62-3 literature 14-16, 35 Meeru Island Resort museum 116 resort ratings 60-1 Lundhufushi 149 resort types 53-9 National Museum, Male’ 98 responsible travel 16-17, 43 M restaurants N Maafilaafushi 152 at resorts 59-63 Naagoashi 146 Maafushi, Dhaalu 160 in Male’ 104-6 Maafushi, South Male’ Atoll 125 Naifaru 152 Ribudhoo 160 Maalefushi 161 Nalandhoo 147 room types 57 Maamigili 134 Narudhoo 147 rubbish island, see Thilafushi Maandhoo 162 Nasheed, Mohammed 11, 25 Maanenfushi 149 National Art Gallery, Male’ 100 S Maavelavaru 149 National Museum, Male’ 98 sailing, see water sports Magoodhoo 158 national parks 49 safari cruises 64-5, 170 Mahadhdhoo 162 Nilandhoo 158-9 seaplanes 7, 58, 181-2, 7 Mahibadhoo 134 Noonu 147-8 sea travel, see boat travel Male’ 8, 93-108, 95, 98, 8 North Male’ Atoll 111-24, 112 sharks 6, 48-9, 80, 87, 184, 6 see also eating 104-6 northern atolls 143-55 whale sharks entertainment 106 northern tourism zone 148, 148 Shaviyani 146-7 198 Index (S-Y) shipwrecks 71-2 tipping 174 RESORTS British Loyalty 165 toilets 176 Adaaran Club Bathala 135-6 Corbin 150 Tomb of Mohammed Thakurufaanu 100 Adaaran Club Rannalhi 128 Erlangen 125 tourism 51-2 Adaaran Prestige Vadoo 130 Fesdu wreck 134 tourist information 96, 176 Adaaran Select Hudhuran Fushi 119 Halaveli Wreck 134 tours, see day trips, safari cruises Adaaran Select Meedhupparu 149-50 Hayston 146 travel 179-82 Alila Villas Hadahaa 162 Kuda Giri wreck 125 independent travel 15 Alila Villas Lonudhuahutta 163 Lady Christine 125 safari cruises 64-5 Alimatha Aquatic 157 Lagan Bank 162 travel agencies 96-7 Anantara Dhigu 129-30 Liffey 159 travel permits 176-7 Anantara Veli 129-30 Maldive Victory 103 turtles 45-6, 80, 80 Angaga 136 Persia Merchant 146 Angsana Ilhuru 121 SS Seagull 125 U Angsana Velavaru 160 Shipyard wrecks 153 Ugoofaaru 149 Asdu Sun Island 115 INDEX Utheem 159
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