h D20-2019-034 APPENDIX A to REPORT CoAaoi4'oi4 Geographic Township of Fenelon FILE r'ro. D24:39!3:g3tt Lot 22 'Fenelon Falls' SUBJECT LAND -c f o Lot 21 a U) +ta 0) = Wychwood Cres Concession 9 Concession 10 ,ffi. Grntv'i/\rt{s li',,\ \l : iii l,tL:'i il h t\4 rr ll-al\:r-.i'r' $.viepptiue 563 GKL Road 12ft, Fes?e$osn -.I i LilL/14 B iJ s Cgaaea:-e55 :iLH {ffi:} iio. D2g &' ti [-egend t .il , r I Property ROLL# Road Centreline (2016 Needs pc 'i Ef i d,. * rEl Notes 2013 Orthophoto 011 This map is a user generated static output from an lnternet mapping siie and L is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not be Kilometers figEiH WGS,l 984_Web_l\4ercator-Auxil iary_Sphere accurate, current, or otheMise reliabie. O Clty Of Kawartha Lakes THIS I\4AP IS NOTTO BE USED FOR CCI\IMERCIAL OR TEGAL PUPOSES APFENDiX (,. to REPcRT qF'wn-os* j'h UCJL I t I I I E I I I I /n-,rarn- /\mrot- Arrr,'E- @++**'** I(TY PLAN IOPOGMPHIC PART OF LOT 4, IN BLOCK W REGISERED PN No. 1 CII Of SWNTAA UKES 4: w a : !fiF ---:El - ..*- LINOSY FEflELOX F LLT €a --___t' t!m /i\ru APPFi\JDIX t) iU REPORT c€,A?Oiq_ osrt tri 'zD- 4&-1 t# # i-i =i !!4.g!.e!D G FDENEENTRE u ul :i:+=;.F-E: 'TFGi tEl !:. +---+ r-------t_ lr6rl I laEll*{ RNRD N TIR E@ llln I ffi-,-- # {fik- ......"..#---# fiurotENrnE-- --r n tth-r --Blll r@ T|inF ,"s;fu* aa nlnlnE ry!@r ll,t !!4*,s@ APFENDiX E I to '!. ti ---o + O ..REPCR OI o ol _f R1 000 OI 1 13 12 ol tilr o, + PARKING SIGNS BARRIER-FRTE PARKING SIGNS FAMILY PARKING FAMILY PARKING SPACES SIGNS I ECOMM PARKING ECOMM PARKING I SPACE )00 6000 b 6000 6000 TYP TYP ilP L (.oo) PARKING o o, \ (, NTW LIGHT (j ROUTE STANDARD c o SIGN c. z. z. o o o_ J 6 a U1 c\ F . CJ O oz. oz. PAINTED (J O LINES t! )E z.= @ @ <- uo CB5 r)(o c -( R1 000 @ + (Ju @ fo Gq R2000 STEEL ACCESS AND LANDING 7 MH4 \ c ,V OTTOM ]F.SLOI E. 70q0 1,".",t R1 6 @ CTG FENELON FALLS STORE No.OO3B Panking lllustnation Fond F I 50 A,PPENDIX tr t to | 9,Lt REPORT Ctw*ll-g6g trILE NIO. Dzo-zrld:a34---=-*+=+Ji"L EOTLARD SAIETY il I lt I I lt il SiEEL PAIN]ED SAFETY OFFICE AREA SlEEL R0,IE UNES -10-d-t$Dt 14 12 13 12 ON PARKING SIGNS PARKING SIGNS TO FAMILY PARXING FAMILY PARKING I SPACES SIGNS ECOMI, PARI(IN6 I SPACE 6000 L TYP @o &cto l. o I I ^#d I t a l ROUIE I I I I -lt ils CURB -[ .J $ o cB5 c fr t E ASPHALT = -E0E-91-EUSI.JSJ[ALT_: _ __* OF EXISI ASPHALT STTL ACCEss ND TANOING TO, \ NEIY RIP RAP : NEW 0ulul NEIV OVIAHEAD PUMP HOUSE TnbFEFf ur[r- -ft6$ 4n- F+;i- STOP SIGN CONC. ISLAND EXIS]ING HYIRO POLE - BAR EXISIING GUY r/tlRES r0 BE 8Y OIHERS --.IE G,- APPENDIX l to i t> l-l I8I GROUP REPoRT @2g$:q5'{ 200 East Wing-360 James Slreet North Hamilton ON LBL 1H5 Canada .4r.r.iiL tBt tel 905 546 1010 FILE NO. ueo->m=gg.i tt lblgroup.com June 10, 2019 RECEgVFD Chair and Members of Committee of Adjustment c1o Mr. lan Walker Jt",fil 1 J- Z0?9 Planning Officer - Large Development City City of K;rwart h.t Llkor of Kawartha Lakes Developntent 26 Francis Street liervices Piarrnirrg Division PO Box 9000 Lindsay, Ontario KgV 5R8 Dear Chair and Members of Committee of Adjustment: APPLICATION FOR MINOR VARIANCE I60 LINDSAY STREET, FENELON FALLS On behalf of the owner, Canadian Tire Corporation Ltd., we are pleased to submit the enclosed application for Minor Variance, as part of the proposed expansion to the exisling Canadian Tire located at 160 Lindsay Street, Fenelon Falls. The proposed expansion will see the store increase in size from approximately 2,230 m2 lo 5,4O2m'. The increase is a mix of retail space, warehousing, automotive repair centre, and garden centre. The increase will allow the store to better serve the community going forward. As part of the Site Plan Application, a Minor Variance to the Township of Fenelon Zoning By-law No. 12-95 is required, in order to permit the proposed expansion. The variances are as outlined below. 1 (d) Minimum RearYard 12m 7.0m 3.14.'t.2 Minimum Number of 1 space per 30m'of gross 1 space per 37mz of gross 2 Parking Spaces Commercial floor area (180 spaces) floor area (149 spaces) Use 334.1.5 Minimum Parking Stall 2.8m (width) (width) 3 2.8m Size 6.0m (lenqth 5.5m (lenqth Minimum Handicapper 4.0m (width) (width) 4 4.0m Parkino StallSize 6.0m {lenqth) 5.5m (lenqth) Planning:Act Section 45 (1) Comoliance Section 45(1) of the Planning Act permits the Committee of Adjustment to grant Minor Variances from the Zoning By-law provided they are meet what is known as the four (4) tests. The four tests are: 1. ls the variance minor in nature? 2. ls the variance desirable and appropriate? 3. Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan? and, 4. Does the variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law? lBl Group Professional Services (Canada) lnc. is a member of lhe lBl Group of companies l< ZlLL IBI GROUP 2 Chair and Members of Committee of Adjustment - June 10, 2019 The following will provided an analysis of the proposed variances against the four tests. Variance 1: Minimum Rear Yard Setback The current zoning by-law requirement is 12.0m to the rear lot line, while 7.0m is being proposed 1. ls the Variance Minor in Nature? The determination of minor is not a matter of the quantum of the variance but rather a consideration of the overall impact of the proposed variance. At this time the lands to the north have not been developed. However, it is our understanding that there is an approved Draft Plan of Subdivision for a residential development proposed to the north. Considering this future intedace, the 7.0m rear yard setback will be augmented with the planting or landscaping in the form of coniferous trees adjacent to the proposed building. Further, there is an existing slream located north of the subject lands, this will act as an additional buffer between the subject lands and the future residential lands. ln consideration of the foregoing, it is our opinion that there is no impact associated with the requested variance. 2. ls the Variance Desirable and Appropriate? The proposed reduction to the minimum rear yard is desirable and appropriate, as it will allow for the relocation of the loading dock which is currently located on the western side of the building, to the front of the building, blocking it from view from the adjacent lands to the north. This relocation will also allow for the building to act as a buffer for the loading area, from the residential lands. Further there will not be any commercial business activity going on behind the building after ihe expansion which allows for more privacy for the proposed future residential, from what is existing today. As such, in our opinion, the proposed reduction to the rear yard setback is desirable and appropriate. 3. Does the Variance Maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan? The subject lands are designated as Urban Settlement Area in the City of Kawartha Lakes Official Plan. This designation permits a variety of uses, including commercial uses. The proposed variance to the rear yard setback will permit the expansion of an existing commercial operation and meets the intent and purpose of the Official Plan. 4. Does the Variance maintain the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law? The purpose of the rear yard setback is to ensure that there is adequate separation between the development and the adjacent lands. The proposed reduction maintains separation between the proposed building addition and the lands to the north. The lands to the north are proposed to be developed with residential dwellings. lt should be noted that there is also a regulated natural heritage feature which runs adjacent to the north lot line, which will provide additional buffer between the residential lands and the subject lands. Further, the rear of the property does not have any proposed use other ihan emergency access and landscaping, as such there are no privacy or overlook concerns from the commercial lands to the residential lands. Given the above, it is our opinion ihat the proposed reduction to the rear yard maintains the purposed and intent of the Zoning By-law. Variance 2: MiFimuq ,Reouirgd Parkinq The current zoning on the subject lands requires commercial developments to provide parking at a rate of 1 space per 30m'z (181 spaces) of gross floor area. The proposed variance is to provide a rate of 1 space per 37m" (149 spaces) of gross floor area. G 3i(L IBI GROUP 3 Chair and Members of Committee of Adiustmenl - June 10, 2019 The existing commercial building is approximately XXm'z in size and currently operates with 97 parking spaces.
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