) SPECIAL RAMO-TV AWARDS ISSUE MIRROR Mi Frank Parker Marion Marlowe JACKIE GLEASON :W! Romance of Helen Trent oh Edwards He and Desi f. radio, 4 listings - 25* MARTHA RAYE / [\lo ijovide/L /so \v\Qmu ujov*&hs ate ckoMtfiv^ 4o- CcU*0>Lf I T H E R COLD CREAM CAMAY WONDERFUL WAY TO PAMPER YOUR COMPLEXION ...BRING NEW LUXURY TO YOUR BATH! Beautiful women everywhere tell us they love the added elegance of cold cream in Camay— extra luxury at no extra cost. And Camay W. a. -6ecutfif £oap!* is the only leading beauty soap that contains this precious ingredient. Mrs. Norman C. Wilson, a lovely new Camay Bride says, "I tried Camay WHETHER YOUR SKIN IS DRY OR O I LY — new Camay with with cold cream the minute I heard cold cream will leave it feeling exquisitely cleansed and refreshed. about it, and I'll never again use am You'll enjoy, too, all the things you've always loved about Camay other beauty soap. It's so luxurious! !" Mild and gentle, too . that skin-pampering mildness, satin-soft lather and delicate Camay fragrance. There is no finer beauty soap made! NOW MORE THAN EVER THE SOAP OF BEAUTIFUL WOMEN A Now. a tooth paste that protects your teeth from sweets Enjoy sweets... then use new Ipana with WD-9 to inhibit tooth-decay acids'' Now you can eat the sweets you like — Ihe sweets you *To get the best results from new Ipana, use it regularly need for a balanced diet-— and stop worrying about un- after eating — particularly after sweets. Thus it acts before necessary cavities. tooth-decay acids can do their damage. Now, with new white l'pana containing acid-inhibitor Brushing with new Ipana after eating really works. A WD-9, you can guard your teeth against decay acids — 2-year clinical test with hundreds who ate all the sweets formed when sweets and other carbohydrates team up they wanted proved that brushing this way can prevent with bacteria in your mouth. most tooth decay. For WD-9 in Ipana's exclusive new formula is one of So remember, while no dentifrice can stop all cavities the most effective ingredients known to prevent the for- — you can protect teeth from sweets with new white mationm of these tooth-decay acidsacids. Ipana containing WD-9. Enjoy your sweets and protect your teeth with Ipana® PRODUCT OF BRISTOL-MYERS Your youngsters will love it, too. Ipana's wonderful new minty flavor actually encourages children to brush New white /PAN teeth. No strong, medicinal taste. But new Ipana with WD-9 makes your mouth so fresh and clean that even one brushing can stop most unpleasant mouth odor with Acid-Inhibitor WD-9 all day long. NEW! RADIO-TV MAY, 1954 MIRROR VOL. 41, NO. 6 Doctor's deodorant discovery* safely Ann Higginbotham, Editor Ann Mosher, Executive Editor Jack Zasorin, Art Director Teresa Buxton, Managing Editor Frances Maly, Associate Art Director SIORODOR Ellen Taussig, Associate Editor Joan Clarke, Art Assistant Betty Mills, West Coast Editor All DAY Fred R. Sammis, Editor-in-Chief KING people on the air What's New from Coast to Coast by Jill Warren 6 Attorney at Sports (Mel Allen) 10 New Mum with M-3 He's Not Just Acting! (Roy Rogers) 12 won't irritate normal skin The News About John Cameron Swayze 14 Lux Radio Theater (pictures of top personalities in the drama series).. 18 or damage fabrics The Cowboy and His Lady (Gene Autry) 20 Life Is So Worthwhile (Bill Stern) 21 Search For Tomorrow (Mary Stuart as Joanne Barron) by Alice Francis 22 Report from the Heart (Edward R. Murrow) 24 Giving Is Living (Ralph Edwards) by Bud Goode 34 The Romance Of Helen Trent 42 Thanks for the Memory (Bob Hope) by Jack Hope 44 Have Faith in Yourself by Loretta Young 45 Many Happy Returns (The Kate Smith Hour) by Frances Kish 46 "Grand Guy" (Jackie Gleason) by Eleanor Pollock 48 Hero of Dragnet (Jack Webb) 50 Our Miss Brooks (Eve Arden) 51 Young Dr. Malone (picture story, featuring Sandy Becker as Jerry Malone) 52 New Mum with M-3 Toast Of The Town (Ed Sullivan) by Ed Meyerson 56 tested under this Deodorant without Mr. And Mrs. North (Richard Denning and Barbara Britton) arm. Still active tested under M-3 against odor bac- by Betty Mills 58 this arm. Active on- teria after 24hours. Knkla and Ollie Go to Town (Kukla. Fran And Ollie) 60 ly lew hours ogainst Break The Bunk (Bud Collyer) 61 odor bacteria. Two Is for Luck (Bert Parks) by Jeanne Sakol 62 1,001 Nights—Plus (Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour) by Jerri Sloan 63 Love That Girl! (Martha Raye) by Philip Chapman 64 ' Everybody's Neighbor (Paul Dixon) by Helen Bolstad 66 / No Time for Tears (Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz) by Peer J. Oppenheimer 68 Gay Troubadour (Frank Parker) 70 Actual underarm tests by doctors prove new Lovely—Lonely (Marion Marlowe) 71 against bacteria Mum with M-3 protects There's No One Like Him (Arthur Godfrey) 72 that cause perspiration odor — far longer than the ordinary deodorant tested. features in full color 1 *Exclusive deodorant based originally on doc- Radio TV Mirror Awards for 1953-54 29 tor's discovery, now contains long-lasting M-3. Happy Is Their Day (Jan Miner and Terry O'SulIivan) by Gladys Hall 32 2. Stops odor all day long because invisible The Guiding Light by Dr. Dick Grant 36 your keeps on destroying M-3 clings to skin— Strike It Rich! (Warren Hull) by Mary Temple 38 odor bacteria a full 24 hours. Prince of a Fellow (Garry Moore) by Martin Cohen 40 3. Non-irritating to normal skin. Use it daily. Only leading deodorant containing no strong your special services chemical astringents— will not block pores. What's Spinning (news and views on records) by Chuck Norman 4 4. Won't rot or discolor fabrics — certified by New Designs for Living 8 American Institute of Laundering. Information Booth 26 Listings 5. Delicate new fragrance. Creamier texture— Program 78 new Mum won't dry out in the jar. Cover portrait of Frank Parker and Marion Marlowe by Ozzie Sweet 6. Gentle, safe, dependable — ideal for sanitary napkins, too. Get new Mum today. buy your June copy early • on sale May 7 PUBLISHED MONTHLY by Macfadden Publications, Inc., New- but publisher cannot be responsible for loss or damage. It York, N. Y. is advisable to keep a duplicate copy for your records. Only EXECUTIVE, ADVERTISING AND EDITORIAL OFFICES at those manuscripts accompanied by stamped, self- addressed NEW Street, York, Y. Editorial Branch return envelopes or with sufficient return postage will be MUM 205 East 42nd New N. Offices: 321 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, Calif, and returned. 221 North La Salle Street, Chicago, 111. Harold A. Wise. FOREIGN editions handled through Macfadden Publications cream deodorant Chairman of the Board; Irving S. Manheimer, President; International Corp., 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17. Fred R. Sammis, Vice President; Meyer Dworkin, Secretary N. Y. Irving S. Manheimer, President; Douglas Lockhart, and Treasurer, Advertising offices also in Chicago and San Vice P^sident. with long- Francisco. RE-ENTERED as Second Class Matter, Oct. 5, 1951, at the S3. one year, and Posses- Post Office at New York. N. Y. , under the Act or March 3. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: OO U. S. 1879. Authorized as sions and Canada. $5.00 per year for all other countries. Second Class mail, P.O. Dept.. Ottawa, CHANGE OF ADDRESS: 6 weeks' notice essential. When pos- Ont.. Canada. Copyright 1954 by Macfadden Publications, Inc. sible, please furnish stencil -impress ion address from a re- All rights reserved under International Copyright Convention. lasting M-3 All rights reserved under Pan-American Copyright Conven- tion. Todos derechos reservados segun La Convencion Pan- Americana Propiedad Literaria Artistica. Mirror. 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. de y Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office. Printed in U. S. A. bv An A PRODUCT OP BRISTOL-MYEM MANUSCRIPTS: All manuscripts will be carefully considered, Color Printing Co. Member of The TRUE STORY Women's Group Did he have a right to suspect her? Dunbar was in .1 troubled state of mind. The honeymoon was scarcely over, but, lately, his wife was acting strangely in- different. She responded reluctantly to his affectionate advances and seemed repelled by his kisses. Was she tiring of him? Was there another man? He suspected every- thing . everything that is, but the truth. One of the worst things about halitosis is that it is so easy to offend without even it. realizing Halitosis comes and goes . absent one day, present the next . and you may never know when. So why rely on lesser precautions when Listenne Antiseptic offers such a record of proven performance. No Tooth Paste Kills Odor Germs Like This . Instantly Listerine Antiseptic does for you what no tooth paste can possibly do. Listerine in- stantly kills bacteria — by millions — stops bad breath instantly, and usually for hours on end. You see, far and away the most com- mon cause of offensive breath is the bacterial fermentation of proteins which are always present in the mouth. And re- search shows that your breath stays sweeter longer depending upon the degree to which you reduce germs in the mouth. Listerine Clinically Proved Four Times Better Than Tooth Paste No tooth paste, of course, is antiseptic. Chlorophyll does not kill germs— but Listerine kills bacteria by millions. Is it any wonder Listerine Antiseptic in recent clinical tests averaged at least tour times more effective in stopping bad breath odors than the chlorophyll prod- ucts or tooth pastes it was tested against? LISTERINE STOPS BAD BREATH 4 times better than any tooth paste LISTERINE ..
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