F r-nierobiologytodcly i W; vol33i oug06 ,: qumrter{y rn{-}#r.}rin*nf thw s**:imty f'*r 6*[":*l"C*l rnicrr:hl*i*E5r I f vcl33(3) [*j'l-l l.-ili:i i" t'.ir'iliL.i i{:}li 90 News 128 Cradline 134 Reviews 122 Meetings 130 Hotoff the press 139 Addresses 124 Schoolzone132 Coingpublic it'l i:)'i-:il;I i i i::ji-i-l:; 117 Usingmicroscopy to enhanceundergraduate teaching 127 Letter 136 obituaries i:l l'Tl{,-li:}S 96 Fluorescencemicroscopy Canyou seethe asa researchtool in bacterial light? cellbiology lain Hagan , AgnesCrallert & Jeff Errington SteveBagley The revolution of new views of the subcellularorganization Simpleand affordable steps to exploitrecent of bacteria. advancesin ffuorescenceimaging. 100 |nvestigating a bacterial killer usingatomic force microscopy 118 HenryBaker: author of the MeganNufiez & EileenSpain first m icroscopy labo ratory Learnabout the secretlife of the predatorykiller, Bdellovibrio. manual Virusesand intracellular RichardBurns This18th century polymath played a big partin popularizing movement earlymicroscopes. TomWileman How do virusesmanaSe to move within and between the cellsof their host? Comment - Openoption for SCM 108 Studyingsingle molecules in journals microbialsystems RonFraser & RobinDunford ChristophBaumann Openaccess demands by grant-awardingbodies Individualmolecules in livingcells can now be observed. arecausing problems for publishers. {ovr:r inoge Microscopelenses. Tony Craddock / SciencePhoto Library Theviews expressed fditr.rrDrCavinThomas[lcii|*riili{l*"lrdDr5ueAssinder'Professor|ainHagan,ProfessorBertRlma by contributorsare not Ile:;ignfr necessarilythose of the SpencersWood,ReadingRCT1AC Tel.01 18988 1809 Fax01189885656email mtoday6sgm.ac.uk webwww.sgm.ac.uk ,^\rju*rtiti*gDavidLancaster,McMillan-ScottPLC, Society;nor Londonoffce,10SavoyStreetLondonWC2E7HRTe|,o2o7B7B2316Fax02073797118emai|david6mcms|ondon.co.ukf*siiari*it1.*rirtag*lpp'91SGM; canthe CollegeLondon/SPL:125 Mauro Fermariello/SPL;127 Photodisc;129,131 Stockbyte;133 Simon Lewis/SPL;135 Tek lmage,tSPL;139 Digital Vision claimsof advertisers {rjl{Xl{t TheSociety for CeneralMicrobiology 1l:5N1464-0570 f'rir"rl+i:lhy LatimerTrend & CompanyLtd, Plymouth, Ul( hp ot taranlepd -l Underthe microscope Microbiology Thetheme of this issue To view thesecheck out the scientificsessions there lostfor words is imaging.lt includes www.sgm.ac.uk/pubs/ will be demonstrationsof lne tortoflalboaro oT articlesdescribing m icro-today/ Yourfeed back techniquesand equipment Microbiologyhas been someof the secretsof on this extrafeature is from a rangeof suppliers. concernedthat manyarticles microbialcells now being welcomeas we will trYto Smallgroups of delegates in the journalwere longer revealedthanks to new providemore animations if will be ableto attendshort than they reallyneeded to technological developments readerslike them. presentationsand alsosee be. Articlesin JCV are already in microscopy,plus a lool< the goodson displayin writlen to strictlength limits, backat a pioneerin the Seemore at York the tradeexhibition. These andthe EditorialBoard of useof microscopeswho Theimaging theme isalso workshopshave been IJSEMhas succeeded in workedwhen the existence continuedin a two-daY scheduledso that everyone recentyears in reducing just of micro-organismswas symposiumat the SCM attendingthe meetingwill the averagelength of beingdiscovered. meetingat York UniversitY be ableto drop in. There arliclesd ramatically th rough Anotherfeature gives in September.lt takesPlace will be somethingof a consistentpolicy of soundadvice on what to on 13 and14 September interestto all, no matler encouragi ng conciseness. lookfor when obtaining andwill includesessions on what theirspecialist field in As an encouragementto equipmentin thisfield. fluorescence and confocal microbiology.See www. brevity,Council has agreed As an enhancementto laserscanning microscoPY, sgm.ac.uk/meetings/ that Microbiologyarticles of (including thisarticle, for the first scanningprobe microscoPY, MTG PAGES/York05.cfm for up to 4,500words time Microbiology TodaYis and electron(cryo) full detailsof the scientific legends,but excluding makingmovies available microscopyand electron programmeand the references)and eighttables or with the web version. crystallography. Between workshops. figureswill be acceptable,but thoseexceeding these limits will be subjectto a chargeof sciencechampion for f.75 (plusthe inevitableVAT SCMwins New where applicable)for every secondsilver Scotlan d additional500 words or parl medal at SCM memberProfessor Anne Gloverof Aberdeen thereofand everyadditional Chelsea Universityhas been appointed Chief Scientific Adviser for displayitem. This policy will Scotlan''d.She has been seconded to the ScottishExecutive come into effectfor articles to provideindependent advice to ministers,take the lead submittedfrom 1 October ,;;;;;,*;;;;;*;; on co-ordinatingscience policy and work closelywith the 2006. Thelevel of chargewill ,isi*,s, on the accepted .t.ffi'::i{}' sciencecommunity. Anne Cloverwas an electedmember of be assessed SILVERMEDAL SCM Councilfrom 1995to 1998. versionof the manuscript. Address Bool< 2006 ACM 2OO5 A new editionof the AddressBook, containing a listof the cllqlSlA rLowER Sllow 2006 TheACM of the Society fs Gereral Micobiology namesand contactdetails of Societymembers and other Add ro . Society will be heldon Tuesday12 Fy e eshihird lnfomation on dant dheas€s usefulinformation about SCM is beingcompiled and will IN-THELINOLIY RANC4 Septemberat the meeting with the Novemberissue of Microbiology be distributed at YorkUniversity. Agenda Today. TheSCM's display on papers,including reporls let the MembershipOffice have any changesto your microbialplant diseases at Please from Officersand Croup telephone/faxnumbers or emaildetails as soon the RHSChelsea Flower address, Convenersand the accounts possible,but not laterthan 11 August.Send them to Show in May attractedthe as of the Societyf or 2OO5, [email protected] atlentionof thousandsof are in the separatebooklet visitinggardeners. lt also Also,if anyonewishes to havetheir detailsomitted from distributedto all members the Society, with this issueof pleasedthe judges,as You the AddressBook and hasnot alreadynotified canread on p.132. they shoulddo so immediatelY. Microbiology Today. ;.i 90 microbiology today ;i il Staffn ews SCMCouncil May MeetingH igh lights Outgoingand New Council Members ProfessorPeter Andrew, Leicester,Professor Jeff Cole, Birminghamand ProfessorJeff Errington,Newcastle, will sooncomplete theirterms on Council,and their input and contributionswere gratefully acknowledged. There were three nominations so an election was not required:the followingwill becomemembers of Councilat the ACM in September: ProfessorMichael R. Barer,University of Leicester,Dr RichardM. Hall,ClaxoSmithl(line, Harlowand Dr CatherineO'Reilly, Waterford Institute of Technology,lreland. 5CM Prizes2007 Councilwas reminded that nominations are invited forthe SCM Prizes2OOT.the Fleming Award,the PeterWildy ?rizefor MicrobiologyEducation, the Colworth PrizeLecture and Congratulations to Staff the FredCriffiths Review Lecture (see Microbiology Today, May 2006 or the SCM website EditorStefan Sidorowicz for details).The closing date is 30 September2005 and the decisionswill be madeby on hismarriage to Helen Councilat their Novembermeeting. Willison the 3 Juneat All SaintsChurch, Sedgley, SCMAnnual Report 2OO5 WestMidlands. Helen is Officerspresented their draft Annual Reportsfor 2005 to Council.These were acceptedand a PAfor a construction a copy of the entireAnnual Reportis enclosedwith this issueof MicrobiologyToday. companyand over 100 peopleattended the Membership wedding.The reception Councilwas encouraged to learnthat a campaignto enrolnew membersfrom different was held at the Beacon areasof microbiologyis underway.The health and diversityof its membershipare among Institutefor the Blind, the core strengthsof the Society. Wolverhampton,and was followedby a disco. Biosciences Federation TheChief Executive of the BiosciencesFederation (BSF), Dr RichardDyer, was welcomed We are very sorry to by Council.He gavea shortpresentation about the aims,business plan and management announcethe deathof of the BSFand answeredouestions from members.The BSF was founded in2002 and John Brimelow,the former wishesto be an authoritativevoice of the biologicalsciences communitywith a big impact ManagingEditor of Journal on policyand decisionmaking atgovernment level. This it intendsto do with the helpof of 1eneral Virology, who its member organizationsbut without duplicatingtheir efforts.SCM hasbeen a member of workedon SCMjournals 85Fsince it wasfounded, and Councilwas pleased to offeran increasedlevel nf c,rnnnrl- from 1985to 2005.John for the nextthree years, provided certain conditions were met. leavesa wife, lsobel,and two children. Ulrich Desselberger,Ceneral Secretary Newsof Members CeoffreyTalbot Banks(1933-2006), a member since1965. He will be rememberedas a lecturerand fermentation Memberof CouncilPetra Congratulationsto Elected technologistat the Departmentof Biochemistryat lmperial visitingprofessor in the Oystonwho hasbeen made College,London. After a spellat Claxoin BarnardCastle lmmunityand Inflammationat Departmentof Infection, in the early1960s, Ceoff joined ErnstChain's team at the Universityof Leicester. lmperialCollege, where he workedinter alia on interferon TheSociety notes with regretthe followingdeaths. production,publishing several papers in Nature.He retired Dr SidneyR. Elsden,President of the SCM 1969-1972,on
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