E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2016 No. 109 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ing but cause greater harm for our watershed. Researchers expect that for called to order by the Speaker pro tem- planet and future generations. Each every degree of Celsius of global warm- pore (Mr. WEBSTER of Florida). day that passes without action on cli- ing, the amount of water that gets f mate change is another day we are evaporated and sucked up by plants wreaking havoc on our world. from the Colorado River could increase DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO I think President Obama said it best 2 or 3 percent. With 4.5 million acres of TEMPORE when he stated: ‘‘If anybody still wants farmland irrigated using the Colorado The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- to dispute the science around climate River water and with nearly 40 million fore the House the following commu- change, have at it. You’ll be pretty residents depending on it, the incre- nication from the Speaker: lonely, because you’ll be debating our mental losses that are predicted will military, most of America’s business have a devastating impact. WASHINGTON, DC, As the West continues to experience July 7, 2016. leaders, the majority of the American I hereby appoint the Honorable DANIEL people, almost the entire scientific less rain and an increase in the sever- WEBSTER to act as Speaker pro tempore on community, and 200 nations around the ity and length of droughts, greater im- this day. world who agree it’s a problem and in- pacts on drinking water supplies are PAUL D. RYAN, tend to solve it.’’ projected. Speaker of the House of Representatives. It is hard to believe that some of my Unfortunately, it is not just the f colleagues are so determined to deny western U.S. that is in danger. In my own region, the Great Lakes are under MORNING-HOUR DEBATE climate science that they are willing to sacrifice the health and safety of threat as they are warming at rates The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Americans. faster than the world’s oceans. It is ex- ant to the order of the House of Janu- Nowhere is the sacrifice more evident pected that the Great Lakes region will ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- than in our waterways. We use water grow warmer and probably dryer dur- nize Members from lists submitted by for everything, from drinking and ing the 21st century, with tempera- the majority and minority leaders for bathing to growing crops, shipping tures in the region warming anywhere morning-hour debate. goods, generating electricity, and from 5 to 12 degrees Fahrenheit. The impact climate change has on The Chair will alternate recognition recreation. But climate change is cre- the five lakes will have serious impli- between the parties, with each party ating profound changes to this precious cations for aquatic life, as well as high limited to 1 hour and each Member commodity, threatening water avail- other than the majority and minority economic costs for our communities. ability, access, and quality. Several different climate models for leaders and the minority whip limited Many areas of the United States, es- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- the Great Lakes region all predict that pecially in the West, currently face lake levels will decline over the next bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. devastating water supply issues. The century. Within another 30 years, Lake f amount of water available in these Superior may be mostly ice free in a areas is already limited, and our de- CLIMATE CHANGE AND WATER typical winter and has already experi- mand will continue to rise as the popu- enced increased water temperatures. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lation grows. Lake Erie water levels, already below Chair recognizes the gentleman from One of the greatest examples of this average, could drop 4 to 5 feet by the Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 5 minutes. is the Colorado River system, a major end of this century, significantly alter- Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, when it source of water supply for the South- ing shoreline habitat. comes to climate change, the data is in west. In recent decades, water flow We are at the tipping point, and in- and the science clear: Our world is through this important river system stead of addressing the root of the shifting. Sea levels are rising. Glaciers has been lighter than expected given issue, climate change, my colleagues are shrinking. Oceans are becoming annual rain and snowfall rates. Not continue to deny the science. more acidic. surprisingly, studies show that rising Our waterways are national treas- What is more? The Intergovern- temperatures and climate change are ures. They serve as the backbone for mental Panel on Climate Change is 95 the cause of this decreased water flow. our health, economy, ecosystems, and percent certain that humans are caus- As greenhouse gas pollution con- recreation. We cannot simply stand by ing the current climate change trend. tinues to pile up, it traps more heat, while the course of the world is altered. To sit here and deny the science simply continually raising global tempera- The science is clear, the data is because it inconveniences us does noth- tures, and parches the Colorado River pointing us in one direction: Now is the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4471 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:12 Jul 08, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07JY7.000 H07JYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H4472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 7, 2016 time to act on climate change. We are in there going to Afghanistan. This is owners, support universal background not given a planet with unlimited re- OCO funds, it is slush funds, and it checks for all gun purchases. The prob- sources. It is our job to protect our can’t even be accounted for. lem is that our present background waters and the people that rely on The taxpayers are frustrated with check system is rife with loopholes. them, and that begins with finding real both parties and fed up because we are Background checks are not required for solutions to our climate crisis. not doing our jobs. We are not doing private sales at gun shows. They are f what is necessary. We ought to be de- also not required for Internet sales. bating Afghanistan on the floor of the Bipartisan legislation has been intro- STOP SPENDING BILLIONS IN House and we ought to be saying, ‘‘Is it duced by Representatives PETER KING AFGHANISTAN worth it or is it not worth it,’’ and and MIKE THOMPSON that would finally The SPEAKER pro tempore. The have an up-or-down vote. No, we just close this egregious loophole. It is an Chair recognizes the gentleman from let it continue to go down this road entirely sensible reform that would North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- with no end to it. have a measurable impact on the safe- utes. Mr. Speaker, I close this way, be- ty of our schools, homes, and neighbor- Mr. JONES. Mr. Speaker, I am on the cause to me this tells you more about hoods, without preventing law-abiding floor again today with a prophetic po- Afghanistan than anything I could say citizens from using guns for self-de- litical cartoon. In the cartoon, Uncle today. Afghanistan is known as the fense or recreational purposes. Sam is in a wheelchair, and he is at the graveyard of empires. Well, I know one Despite attracting 186 cosponsors, in- edge of a cliff that is known as the fis- empire that is headed for the grave- cluding several Republicans, the back- cal cliff. Then, he has President Obama yard, and it happens to be the United ground check legislation has never pushing him in the wheelchair; and States of America. And if we continue been brought to the floor or even re- then the donkey, representing the to fund and waste the taxpayers’ ceived a hearing in committee. It has Democratic Party, is pushing Mr. money in Afghanistan, then I hope that been languishing for more than 15 Obama. And then the elephant, rep- graveyard will have a headstone, and it months. Meanwhile, the shootings and the suicides and the massacres con- resenting the Republican Party, is will one day, that says ‘‘USA,’’ because tinue to accumulate. pushing the donkey and President we will be in the graveyard of Afghani- stan. My colleagues, we must do better. Obama to push Uncle Sam off the cliff. Our fellow citizens are totally fed up, What is ironic is that Uncle Sam is f both with the unspeakable killing and yelling like he is excited: ‘‘I can see GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION suffering and with a feckless Congress Greece from here.’’ Well, we know what The SPEAKER pro tempore. The that hasn’t lifted a finger to prevent it. has happened to the economy of Now, this week, after intense public Greece. It is in total collapse. Chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. PRICE) for 5 min- criticism and a historic protest by Mr.
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