J ] I i i / ZIMBABWEAN » GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Piihlishi'ti hy Aiillinrily U,.' I, - Vol, LXXXIl, No. 29 9th APRIL, 2004 [’rice $4 200,00 General Notice 236 of 2004. members of the Council of Land Siii veyors lo serve for a period of .STATE PROCUREMENT HOARn- two years is about to be held. Nominations to fill the vacancy arc invited. Tenders Invited F.very nomination must reach the Registrar of Council of Land Surveyors, I'.O. Box 7282, Harare, on or before 15th March, 2004. Tcnder.s nnist.be cnclo.scd in scaled envelopes, endorsed on ilic oulsidc with ilie which is the datc'appointed for receipt of nomination forms. advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be postet! in time to be % sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway tir ricliverettby tiand to the Nomination forms may be obtained from the Registrar. Principal Officer. .St.atc Procurement Board. I'iflli Flooi.OItl Reserve Bank tfiiilding. T. MARAMBA. 76, .Samora Machcl Avenue. Harare, before Itl.OO a nr on Ibe closing tlaic. 9-4-2004. Registrar of Council of Land SurveyiSrs. li. M. II.Sllb;Wt)KtlN/,l;, 9-4-2004. Principal ttffieei. .Slate Proeureinent Boanl. General Notice 239 of 2004. Tender number SEEDS ACT\aiAPTER 19:13] POSB.OI/2004. Consultancy services for the design of a high level information systems and communication technology (ICT) Designation of Certify.ingiAgency architecture and formulation of a strategic and operational ICT plan. NOTICE is hereby given, lin terms of subsection (3) of section 4 POSB.02/2004.Supply of corporate wear (uniforms) to PO.SB staff.i of the Seeds (Certification Scheme) Notice, 2000, published in Samples of the uniforms ean also he inflected from the Statutory Instrument 213 of 2000, that the Certifying Authority marketing department in Fifth Floor of the under-mentioncti designates Agricultural Seeds and Services to be the certifying building. j agency in respect of maize, cowpeas, sunflower and sunhemp seed, Documents for the tenders are obtainable from the Adminis­ B. MPOFU, tration and Procurements Manager. People's Own Savings 9-4-2004. Head of Certifying Authority. vsrr Bank (POSB) Head Office, Office 5N4, Fifth Floor, corner Central Avenue and Third Street, Harare, upon payment of General Notice 240 of 2004. anon-refundable deposit of $10 000,00 per set. Closing date is 11 th May, 2004.. STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD General Notice 237 of 2004. Tenders Invited I# ] LAND SURVEYORS ACT [CHAPTER 27:06] Tciuicr.s musl be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on ihc outside with ihc advcniscd tender minibcr, description, closing date and imist be posted in time to he Appointment of Alternate Members of Council of Land Surveyors sorted into Post Oflicc Box Number CY 408, Causeway or delivered by hainl to the Principal Olficer. State Procurement Board, I'il'ib Floor. Old Rc,scrvc Bank Building, a IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Lands. Agriculture and 7b. Saniora Machcl Avenue, Harare, bd'orc 10.00 am. on the closing dale. Rural Resettlement, in terms of paragraph 2 of section 4 of the Land M. USHBWOKHN/F.. Surveyors Act [Chapter 27:06], has appointed the following pcr-_^ 9-i-:o(M. I’rincipal OITicci. State PriK-urenicnt OtuKl, j sons to be alternate members of the Council of Land Surveyors for’ • the period from 1st February, 2004 to 31st January. 2006. Tender number ? ■ Name Qnalijlcalion I 7.ESA/PWT/01/2004. Annual supply and delivery of various tele­ Mr. L. Goliath Land Surveyor communications equipment. Documents are obtainable from Powcrtcl, Tenth Floor. Kopje Fla/,a, 1, Jason Moyo Avenue, Mr. T. Muhonde Legal Practitioner Harare, upon pyament of a non-rcfumlablc deposit of N. MASOKA. ZWDS20 000,00, per set. Closing date for the tender is Secretary for Lands, Agriculture Tuesday 1 Ith May, 2004. 9-4-2004. and Rural Development. General Notice 241 of 2004. General Notice 238 of 2004. ! STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD LAND SURVEYORS ACT [CHAPTER 27:06] Tenders Invited Notice of Election of Members of Council of Land Surveyors Tcndcis must he enclosed in se:dcd cmclnjx’s. endorsed on die oulside wiili iho IT is hereby notified, in terms of section 4 of the Land Surveyors ;ul\<y tjsoi^lcnJcr minil'cr, description, closing date and nni.sl be posted in lime lo be Act[Cl!apler 27:06], that an election of registered land surveyors as sdricd inioVost OfTice Box Number CY 4d8, C'au'^c\vay (jr delivered by haiul lo the 324 ZiMiiAfnviiAN (io\^uNMi:Ni Ga/i-iti . ')iii Al'uij. 2()(M ! Principal OITiccr. SlaJc I’rocuremcnl lioaid. I-ilih PIcMir. OM Pcscrw Rank lUiiUltnj!. rilANOi; or- NAMli 76, vSaniora Mat hcl Avimhu'. I laraic. hcloto a.m, on tiu' closinu ila(c, !•;. M. USIII-VVOKUN/.I;;. 'I'AKItnolicc thal, on llic lOlli cl:iy ofMardi, 2004.Clcford Moyo 9-4-2004. PtiiKtpa) OO'iccr. Stale PtcK iirnnoni Doartl. appcarwl hol'orc me. Kohcrl Ntllovti, a legal pratlilionerainl notary piihlic. ami changed his surname (oTshuma.—KobcrtNdlovu, legal Tender iwmher praelilioncr, 484294f UDCORP/1/2004. Tenders are invited from Civil Engineers who are members of either CIFOZ or ZBCA for the construction CIIANGR OFNAMF of water reticulation, roads and stormwater drainage for 198 low density residential stands in Seke. Chilungwi/a. A TA Kli notice that, by notarial deed executed before me, Graciano compulsory site visit will be held on Frid.iy. 16th April. Chtipnpu Manyurureni. Clifford Gomo (born on 16th March, 1983) 2(K)4. The tender documents and drawings may be inspected changed his name to Clifford Mariwo, by which name he shall at the offices of the consnitiints, Messrs li. Chifamba and henceforth be known for all purposes. Partners, .Second Floor. Ariven Mouse, 21, Inez Terrace. Dated at Uindura this 12th day of March, 20(14.—Graciano Harare, where one set of documents may be obtained upon Chapupu Manyurureni. c/o Manyurureni & Company, legal payment of a non-refundable deposit of .$ I d."! ()()(),0(). Closi ng practitiyners, P.O, Box 24, Bindura. 484450f date, Tuesday, 4th May, 2004. ) CHANGE OF NAME General Notice 242 of 2004. NOT K'F. is hereby given ibat Harold Tikai appeared before me, LABOUR ACT |C//A/»r/;/( 2S:0I\ Arkisayi .lames Dbliwtiyo, a legal practitioner and notary public, at Mutate, on this 28th day of May, 2003, and changed his name from Notice of Accreditation Proceedings; Harare Mimici|tal Harold 'fiktii to H.-imld Tukai Madiro.—Arkisayi James Dhliwayo, Professional Workers Union c/o Muvingi and Mugad/.a, legal practitioners, P.O. Box 1522, Mutate. 484540f IT is hereby notilled, in terms of section 42 of the Labour Act I [Chapter 28:01], that accreditation proceedings are pro|ioscd to be I held forthe purpose of determining whether or not Harare Municipal CHANGE OF NAME <1 Professional Workers Union should be registered. The application NOTICE is hereby given that Bennie Sekelti appeared before-nie, for registration was notified by General Notice 563 of 2003 in the C Shel Mulungura. a legal piiictitioncrand notary public, atMutare, on I Gazette of the 14th November, 2003. this 24lh day of November, 2003, and changed his name from The accreditation proceedings will be held on 20lh May. 2004, at Bennie Seketa to Bennie Madluiku.—Shel Mutungura, c/o Mugadza L B 10.30 a.m. in the boardroom on the Fifth Floor of Coiiipensation Mazengero&.lTliIivv'ayo.lcgarpractitioners, P.O. Box l522,Mutare. House, at the corner of Fourth Street and Central Avenue, Harare. 484541f , Any interested person w'ho wishes to make representation in the matter shall lodge them, in writing, with the Registrar of Labour, at CHANGE OF NAME the above address, or post them to him at Private Bag 7707, Causeway. Ki TAKE notice thal. on the 18lh February, 2004. before me, Tendai Gq Anyone who lodges or posts representations should advise .the CIclos Masawi, a notary public, at Kwckwc, Raviro Nancy aig Registrar whether or not he/she will be attending the accicdilalion Zviiioilavamvve changed her name to Nancy Zvinoitavamwe and the proceedings. she shall utilise this name in all documents, actions and transactions be C. Z. VUSANI, of whatsoever nature from this dale forward. ocC 9-4.-2004. Registrar of Labour. Dated at Kwckwc on this 3rdday of March, 2004.—Tendai Cletos t Masawi. legal praclilioncr/notary public, c/o Makonese& Partners, Lai General Notice 243 of 2004. First Floor. Nelson Mandela House, R. G. Mugabe Way, Kwekwe. Bo> 484603f LABOUR ACT [CHAPTER 28:01] CHANGE OF NAME Application for Registration of a Trade Union: Zimbabw'c Stale Universities and Allied Workers Union T, NOTTCI; is hereby given Ibat. by notarial deed executed before Ndk me. S. B. A. Longhursl. a notary public, on 23rd March, 2004, TT is hereby notified, in terms of .section 33 of the Labour Act on hi Chejika Ababu Phiri ebanged her surname to Pillovv.—S. B. A. [Chapter 28:01], that an application has been received ftrr the to K: regisIratioH of Zimbabwe Stale Universities and Allied Workers Longhursl. notary public, c/o Ben Baron & Partners, First Floor, legal Salaamal Mews, Ninth Avenue, Bulawayo. ' 484624f Union as a trade union to represent the interests of non academic employees in Slate Universities. Any interested person who wishes to make rcprcsenlalioiCl, in CHANGE OF NAME relation to the application is invited to lodge such representation, TA TAKE nbl ice that, on the 25lh day of November. 2003, Siphosethu with the Registrar of Labour, Private Bag 7707, Causeway, within NdabI Hanyane Ndlovii (born oii I2lh July, 1978) appeared before me, guard: 30 days of the publication of this notice and to stale whether or not Kossani Ncube, a legal practitioner and notary public, and changed he or she wishes to appear in support of such rcprcscnialions at any the 28 her name to Siphosethu Hanyane.
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