SEPTEMBER 24,2009 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION *WWW.PIONEERLOCALCOM * $2.00 WEEK TAKING YOUR LUMPS Easy potato gnocchi make n Italian feast. DIVERSIONS ,'-,,-'fr,,0-': , ,' _, -' i 919 LIGHT UP THE FRIGHT The sci-fi thriller "Pandorum" is featured in Film Clips: SEE PAGE BZ PÍØNEER PRESS4 t'' OMP1.ETEA NGO IWE t, }flYtUR CHANCE TO WIN 9/3/0910 1011/09 Chelsea Thvilca and Meegan Early, both eiqhth-qiders at St. John Brebeuf in Niles, SEE PAGE 15 DANCE PARTYget down to Michael Jackson's "Thriller" at the teen dance Saturday night at Fitness Center. PAGE 5 (Eric Davis/For SmC) and yoUr options. o$ûSLS t1O.L)Q i l'1 09ES rN isia.LSIG Ad&1i8i1 Ai1iIr1 UilSfld311811d S31tN Start here. ra00000 I5OOÌ ..5Qe'J9# 6QQ-ZJX.LQ1 Many classes bein later this fall ,\:'''/H. Apply and register onli L www oakton edu Oalctori :L' Des Plaines Skokie . 847.635.1629 community College '/ç-' A PIONEER PRESS PURLICATION www.pioneerlocal.com 3 z www.pioneerlocal.com THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2009 MARINO REALTORS What's Happening with The Helen Oliven Team? 5800 Dempster - Morton Grove (847)967-5500 Over 71 homes SOLD.S env (OUTSIDE ILLINOIS CALL i -800 253-0021) TheGóldStaìzdard www.century2l marino.com "YOUr Best Move° sofar in 2009. Our Recent Listings in Your Neighborhood 00 ,- J_, n - AMAZING VALUE AT S219.000t PRICED SLASHED OVER $20.000.001 GORGEOUS "OPTIMA" CONDOI "FOUNTAIN TERRACE" CONDOL Morton Grove... Lovely 6 mi brick Ranch n Qreat locationGlonviow. Fabalous price on Itrio heaublol brick Ranch Sknkle. .. TIlo Ultimato & Spectacular Couda wills eeery Stehle...PriceSlashudliLovely Feuntais Terrace ooar parir & pooh Largo 55 n 135 Lot. Oalr liners Io llvin on primo cul-de-sac location Io sought-alterSonset ameeityl Pum Lovury & Cnmlortl GramaSe North East & 2 tir-2 balli Condo. Updated kitchen & baths. Nice balcony cm, dining rm & bra. Main floor family roi addition has ParklLIvIng no w/atone FR 34- bra & 2 ½ baths. I-lugeWool Mewal Granite countura & SS appliances. Beaulilol w/South eapasure. Light, bright, airy unit. Large eat-in kit. large sliding glaso windsws overlooking yard. Additionalupdated eat-Icr kitchen wilarge ealing ares opens talaminate wood linero in kit, living & dining em oreas..laundry on sumo Iloor. Pets allowed. 2 parking spsces. 471 2Lilac 4736Lilac 4402 Lainie 251Fernwood walk In closoVstorao & laondry area. Wood cabinet kit19' aunrnom. Mauler DII w/lull bath. Hugo burnt w/FF wetIndoor pool w/spa tubs, sen-deck, lilveos & party snos,Largo storage area. Huge master br + mauter bath W/latgo dinette area. Concrete patin & drive. Poll down bar, bath & entra storage. Attached 2 car garage. Close Intennin courts & morel Irr onit sundry. Lncatod near Oldw/shawor stail. Lecalonl Cluse to ihrary, strops, trans & stairs ta attic storage $219,000everything localionl! $478,850Orchard Shoppingl Ask $2605downtown Skokie. 8140's L, 'I26Washington 606Clearview -, 3046 Lexfrigton - i 91 'ILinneman HANOYPERSON SPECAUL OVER 112 ACRE ACROSS FROM HREN PARIÇt RESORT SIYLE LIVINGI PRICED TO SELL (01 8269.9001 Morton Groen... Attention: Rehabbers, Handy-Persons, Morton Grove... Rarely available 342'deop weeded lotMorten Grove...Flrst Oltert Spaclosa 2 bedroorrV2Skoklo... New Is thu 8mo to buyll Absolute move-is .To view all of our 200+ listings visit www.helenoliveri.com Builders, Contractors, er anyone looking tor a chalIen9oll(.65 acre) with charming 8 rm Cape Cod! Hordwond 1kobath weil rnaintainod condo In great Iscationl Newer condidonl Impeccable B room BrIck Ranch. Updated Solid Brick and Stono Rambling Ranch! Huge UI/DR & cove moldings. Living rm w/Ffl sop dining rm, main tir kitchen with ceramic tilo. Master suite with lull bath and kitchen with new applisnces, counters, sink, 11001 & cnrobn. Total handicapped access S equipped both tronI tamily Tm ovednnks huge lot. Eat-In kitchen opens to deck.walk-In closut. Bright and neutral living rio w/baw window.lighting. 3 bru & 2 battis. Newly retinistred oak floors. and rear. Split tloor plan w/n,aster br & bath w/ walk-in &3+ brs & 2 lull baths. Feti bomt w/4th br/ottico with EF & Plenty of closets & sterage Opaco. Laundry on same tIser. Freshly painted. New wlsdow treatments. Huge 43' mc Our Recent SalesinYour Neighborhood parqost oak lloor on the east end & 3 brs & bath nn west utility/workshop w/storage. Z car gar. Cul-de-sac street.Move-Is Condstion. Best Lucaliovi Amenities includo pool, room. Lovuly master br w/mas balk. Light & Airy tloor end! Huge bsmt. $224,900 Great Opportunityl $3005heat, water& morell $184,900 plan. New rout. 2 cur gorage. Ash Only..$269,900 . 3505 Highland Ct. .804 Wedel 2848 Central . 241 1 Illinois . 732 Shermer . 1911 Linneman ,.4735Laurel . 3467 Whirlaway 4640 Larch . 710 Rosedale . 305 Fernwood 4' 9243 Harlem SIMPLY SENSATIONALt CONDO LIVING AT ITS BESTI CHARMING 2 FLATI CONVENIENTTO EVERYThING LOCATIONI s' Morton Grove... Contemporary 4 br-3 bath ColonialMortars Grove... Meticulous, light & bright 5 cm CoudeMortov Grove.. , Rare 2 Flat w/gerdnn unit. Many updates ShoNe... New UslioglFabuloso muso-Inconditlos w/gnrgnnuo woodwork throughoutl Solid oak doors &near stropping, bes,tltnnss center &mnrel FabulousIn cads unit. Hardwood lIra under carpet. Oak trim, large Groso Point TuwuraCundo w/golt couroo wooded . 2347 Glenview Rd. 1516 Magnolia . 940 Shermer architecturally designed staircase.Granite llooring &. private balcony w/beautilul 4th hour olewo. Living rmems, huge picture windawa. ist & 2nd fleur units 5 mio, view. New paint & carpet. Purgo tlaero lo loyer, boll & kit. i J, Washington coenlertopo throughout. Huge 27' lie/din mr & largo eat-In opens to balcony termal dining rm & updated eat-In kit2 bra & I bath w/uncloaed pnrch. Garden unit w/4 no Storage rus In unit Laundry en same tloor. Huge balcony. kit. Fu!! tinished bomt wilamily rm, Ft' tul! bath, olfice & w/new cabiveta, counters, appliancea& tloor.Huge 28'2 bro & i bath, laundry, 51055go & olility. Newer root, 3 car Eat-in kitchen. 20' Mas br w/dreso area & walk- In. Heated 4v2306 Oak Ave , 10125 MeadowLn. wnt bar. Now windows. Doll School Dlsliict 07. 2 car gar. mas tIR sude w/walk-in destI, SSP dressing area & newgar, tenced yard: Located near Metra, bas, Harrer Partii garage. Near Skolsie Swill, Bus, 01cl Orchard, Shops & e3714 Capri . 912 Highland Ln. Ask $4400bath. i garspace. $174,500 $3405 Restaurants. $184,900 Visitour website www.ceìi-tur.y21màrino.-Çorn . To view ALL of ourSOLD listings visit wwwhelenoliveii.corn warecfroe.4 cxu1lxtndueie-AUioerOOies r,rsureli 0800E less WPJvIEJP - tares - OraLly bui 3 br-I a baSisp6-hTmI neorpohuar2 brsasbau-Durcruuerr tknPue-uaraie rniiun'lIuv , UNCOLSI - $I2O,95 - tdns IOl 4 rami Coio-Frnsv virninoodno limPien ISle Gar-NceivesW 5440 MO - g3sb.oai-welma,aWeni a 0.30ev b/cC racel- anua rvIuiwtOv-glav.cnO-2fr-2baocccniu-7111 ranimes loilt riva Peaxuoc - 0309mi -sold brek urasrac ce Fuse 72 Mbvcrlw/talyImuicIbath.2no5cnQe FelaPius Piblouce-F'suleazrme im-Gaue grau loosen - $2aes - Itidaled pesase 3 fr2 bath Codo- , uNC&v-$l353-FicOo ursa e124iv-Wrapiroerddecb GOumrCIkuI Priamrin llteueip-gaus's-nenrdnied nacehwfle5eblw/FP-Maarfr400unerjewnv-Ur44,oai-Fameethlmrre-Twnesnannrwce Venid peal-Divano Idd/Toole,riene&5S-Gar oa24Itnoaus-a3w,mi-3nehWei5Zn5s11OWubO- tiOlifiT Oaorwlieosep slewer550eRs o ar cnie-upeaelearevure-oaiconyuaase List with the BEST... Sell Before the Rest! cveayaOmrkew/Ge 7048 IIiJILEM . gOel,nne - cimenTano r en Sieh Rado Heere welmcerac-eni-1 cicir-CiiIacmrese1i gI25ev1as-suws-2rIaIWTmstesu2bwcrus-Kew/cu lei ruvuv ou - gieo.eOo - 2 te-2 beetrrberrncncobea- uhu bleheicpeisrsrrrei Ve iTaly err-S cesan ' WAuKuGAN . gt4ss - nuasy updaled 4 Im cwdo-oat Ltnrereonufrel4ba52c.aOoarase . oawebl4acr We-I Oee spice oo4lIoEouAtu-g42os-specuoniaracloylrece-ausuua rativrw/auss appiaanes/VA/ens ellmse rioereofleon sWNiXt0trl-$lOOs-up'v5thOcerlrsOnoseCwio2 biOs-Hen Piaceu54aaleiv-Mamtelicrno its lonanisa.$iu9acn-luatn-2bath1m.TrVeracoela- patnuscub/nrniw/iVcnldoonpiciumene arbal cuNcovsub-sa45-paieheelr-Is u2benc.Ncists&sansi 7mooavs-144os-ncuayupdi:edooraraeeccecnl-seer-sa aor4vsarati-sspu-e-uearoereeopauuped l*Imaiceamed newl-abtstabaurr-2 car alaciad gouge Mith 'ww'w.helenoliveri.com sur uNcous.srosmi-oucoe/1 ceQa5esed mas bcw/rF&iccurolÇaw/iriice-Iiena tcekuucoabw.SepO.ron.Fìcbsml ura5e 245GLues/la - g2iO.0v- 30t141a140x111 ici-Gel-de sao boeTmic hnaIdhi-mdeorSicattic-Ci2 ri arrio HELEN OLIVER! r7'uwev-Nee:cckisi-ealcacv 0544 lOUSE! .Pir4mi- 4 Ors-3 a lracrb-lewl-arerniynos. prn .335 . wc yspm Omrpiine his been wwrwheleno1iverìteam.com In WAIJKI5SN - $lO5OuO-Mee 2 02 biOs Cwdo-Ncwupdaledtrrhen-79 Pi-Spi wbePi,ucl-ev pnid tnorndekrl-Porodar err 0v 0v-Gar HIsHLaulo PeRK rilo Mr ptuasyun - aslr,mi - oriel nthaln-New Kur ar/ Cede cabe.btrahrd-&euimr-OIdpilarr-Uriivy &4c-iiiOury Oicecy anaur 7932 osseo - g40vs - liv 44' Lu-Pivekrlurrd-Cai tenid 2 644o ousueni - 04mo - Ednebrici nach reT lune Id Em-C Id 22Db KFUNG tO - gurio.eai - Pipero 'Hr OniQela nr #1North Shore Region; KWRP /eosrsceOhO.7nvnnoh-AddcnOoIdw w/rapheaics.1fiw/rP-MOnicsrd-Onoeac iron novnuueut . ss4su - 2 bi-5 brim Civolo oren a umide Ir avcuLu-$23nmi-Fceapceard2 br2buJclocatrd cua-2uytser-narwId-eaarPiFRfnbnre - ww'nchelenolìvcrìrea1tycom ieaiMe5i e-cnr ucrely-fldeeroeaoe rari escuela -54005- updates a slacycorovçorarpleme-5 ease evsoee - go4omi - nuoti inuIdIC O cnl iccQ-2/5 lLr41lIJ;I* #1North Shore Region; listings sold, volume & GCI; KWRP unoa IvJ'Jmit-$245s-Uamewwiioeuweabe.Hacdwooduse ta barns Ferniimw,TP-IaT bccnl.2wgur bs.3/2Enr/r uums.callcnnmemmaroarrac IifllllEl!/ra lino aniwluns - gsno.sue - oensareeal 4 Irr hick tiareli ce ris cwu,cum.rcensuuuec-nsru 0528 MAiali - gasesm- licbue bi Ore lirel.09'x r24' tuEae lees ivre .$aws -Mal OtiS ½b e-do eareb an coree www.helenoliverihomes.com lcl*tiviOU. aperos acre-cd-de.sachc-GrmlcIdSesn - mio cuaje - $aas.orfj-rvtp O yeas cee.tocscmet h1c W/ MurIacPiovetccitmr-7 noflavth w/updaies HI-hi bondies rnrg vie bar-2 cii asadmard por #4 Mid-American Region; Top 114% Nationally snow - siruwo-eu a a z bah Cecil mie-iv ar/VP- suie misuo - 080es - aicrm.
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