Light Stops from Seiberg Duality Csaba Cs´akia, Lisa Randall,b and John Terningc a Department of Physics, LEPP, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 b Department of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138 c Department of Physics, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Abstract If low-energy supersymmetry is realized in nature, a seemingly contrived hierarchy in the squark mass spectrum appears to be required. We show that composite supersym- metric theories at the bottom of the conformal window can automatically yield the spectrum that is suggested by experimental data and naturalness. With a non-tuned choice of parameters, the only superpartners below one TeV will be the partners of the Higgs, the electroweak gauge bosons, the left-handed top and bottom, and the right- handed top, which are precisely the particles needed to make weak scale supersymmetry breaking natural. In the model considered here, these correspond to composite (or par- tially composite) degrees of freedom via Seiberg duality, while the other MSSM fields, with their heavier superpartners, are elementary. The key observation is that at or near the edge of the conformal window, soft supersymmetry breaking scalar and gaug- ino masses are transmitted only to fundamental particles at leading order. With the potential that arises from the duality, a Higgs with a 125 GeV mass, with nearly SM production rates, is naturally accommodated without tuning. The lightest ordinary superpartner is either the lightest stop or the lightest neutralino. If it is the stop, it is natural for it to be almost degenerate with the top, in which case it decays to top arXiv:1201.1293v1 [hep-ph] 5 Jan 2012 by emitting a very soft gravitino, making it quite difficult to find this mode at the LHC and more challenging to find SUSY in general, yielding a simple realization of the stealth supersymmetry idea. We analyze four benchmark spectra in detail. 1 Introduction Supersymmetry potentially provides a complete theory of electroweak symmetry breaking, eliminating the hierarchy problem for the Higgs mass. But in a way supersymmetry is too efficient in suppressing the Higgs mass: the natural mass for a SUSY Higgs is often below 100 GeV so that large radiative corrections become essential. The simplest versions of the supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (SM) are now being severely challenged: the Higgs sector must be fine tuned at the sub-percent level in order to push the Higgs mass sufficiently far above the Z mass, and the non-observation of missing energy events at the LHC [1, 2] puts impressive bounds on squark and gluino masses. In popular versions of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) with degenerate squarks, these masses are now constrained to be above 1 TeV. Minimizing fine-tuning in light of this data requires that the stop squark is lighter than the first and second generation squarks [3{6], leading to yet another hierarchy within SUSY models. The aim of this paper is to present a model where both the squark mass hierarchy and the little hierarchy are solved naturally via compositeness. Compositeness is an intriguing idea for electroweak symmetry breaking: strong dynam- ics could either directly break electroweak symmetry or produce a composite Higgs boson without a hierarchy problem. Flavor poses the biggest challenges for such models, but com- positeness might actually explain the much greater mass of the the top quark: if the t and Higgs are composite while other quarks are not, then their Yukawa coupling is generically order one, while the other Yukawa couplings must be generated by higher dimensions oper- ators. A fully composite SM (like that proposed by Abbott and Farhi [7]) is not expected to yield weakly interacting W s and Zs. However we have learned from warped extra di- mensional models (which may be duals of approximately conformal 4D theories), like the Randall-Sundrum (RS) model [8], that large anomalous dimensions can save the composite Higgs scenario at the price of having both an elementary and a composite sector present, and having the t quark only partially composite (along with the W and Z). Even for these models, some fine tuning is nonetheless required to make the composite Higgs much lighter than the composite W 0. Since the problems of SUSY and of compositeness are complementary, it seems natural to try to combine the two to produce one complete, natural model of EWSB at the TeV scale. In general this might seem artifical but existing Seiberg dualities automatically feature both. We will see in the models we consider that not only do we get the best features of both models, but also that supersymmetry breaking decouples at leading order from the IR composite states, somewhat analogously to what happens with UV supersymmetry breaking in RS-type models, leading to a natural hierarchy in the superpartner spectrum that readily accommodates current constraints. Other ideas that have been explored include refs. [9{12], in which strong SUSY dynamics trigger electroweak symmetric breaking by producing a composite Higgs that obtains a VEV. Generically if the model reduces to the MSSM when the strong SUSY scale is taken to be much larger than the electroweak scale then the problems of the MSSM are reproduced. If, however, the model reduces to the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model 1 (NMSSM) when the strong SUSY scale is taken to be large, then the Higgs mass can be much larger [9{12] than in the MSSM or even the NMSSM. This is because the cubic coupling between the composite singlet and composite Higgs doublets, which tends to increase the Higgs mass, can be much larger than in the NMSSM since its Landau pole merely signals the existence of the strong SUSY dynamics that generated the cubic coupling of the composites in the first place. This will be true for our model as well (as in [11]) and allows for sufficiently heavy Higgses. Following the SUSY compositeness idea further, one must account for SUSY breaking. In this paper we show that (perhaps unexpectedly) the composite superpartners can remain light while the elementary superpartners can be heavy. One elegant idea for addressing SUSY breaking is to have strong SUSY dynamics break SUSY as well [12,13]. Such models are referred to as single sector models. In this case however, the composites of the strong SUSY sector have large SUSY breaking masses. Avoiding fine-tuning calls for a light stop, t~, so in these single sector models the t quark must be elementary, and thus the Higgs should be elementary as well in order to get a large t quark mass. Thus if we want a relatively light composite t~ as well as a composite t and Higgs, SUSY breaking must come from outside the strong sector that produces composites. In this case, the leading contributions to the composite soft masses are calculable [14{18] when the Seiberg dual is weakly coupled in the infrared. Generically the results are discouraging [14] since the squared soft masses of the mesons and dual quarks add to zero, so at least some of the composites will be tachyonic. However, at the boundary of the conformal window, the leading contributions to soft masses vanish. This suggests an interesting hierarchy of soft breaking masses: the composites (like the Hig- ~ gsinos, t~L, bL, and t~R) are much lighter than the other superpartners. If the W and Z are also partially composite, then their superpartners can also be lighter than the elementary super- partners. Note that these are exactly the particles that are needed to cancel the quadratic divergence in the Higgs mass. In this case the (approximately conformal) strong dynamics shields the composites from large supersymmetry breaking. On the other hand the little hierarchy problem of composite Higgses is resolved here via supersymmetry: the Higgs is a dual quark of Seiberg duality that can be much lighter than the compositeness scale because of supersymmetry. Moreover, because of the form of the potential that arises from Seiberg duality, the typical mass is of order the Higgs VEV without the usual MSSM suppression by a gauge coupling. Therefore in this model it is possible to accommodate a Higgs mass of 125 GeV without any tuning, while the production and decay rates of the Higgs will be close to SM values. In fact, the recently presented hints for a 125 GeV Higgs from ATLAS [19] and CMS [20] might even be further evidence that a viable supersymmetric theory should incorporate a low-scale cutoff, such as the compositeness scale presented here. The resulting spectrum is reminscent of the \more minimal supersymmetric standard model" idea of [21]. It can also be viewed as an explicit four-dimensional implementation of the warped extra dimensional supersymmetric models of [22{24]. In this paper we analyze such models, which arise as dual composite gauge theories at the edge of the conformal window. These models have (partially) composite Higgs, t, W and Z and can address three problems at once: the hierarchy of Yukawa couplings, the little 2 hierarchy of the Higgs mass, and the hierarchy of the squark soft masses. The same composite states that are needed for a dynamical Yukawa coupling are the ones needed to protect the Higgs mass. Such an unconventional superpartner spectrum has important consequences for SUSY searches at the LHC. A limiting case is a nearly degenerate t-t~ sector [25] that could be naturally produced by compositeness. In this case all superpartners decay via the NLSP t~ and not much miss- ing energy. Models with new approximately degenerate superpartners that end the decay chains of Standard Model superpartners have been termed stealth SUSY models [26] pre- cisely because of this lack of missing energy signatures.
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