E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 145 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1999 No. 119 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Wyden amendment that will be voted called to order by the President pro The Honorable LARRY CRAIG, a on in about 1 hour. The other is cloture tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. Senator from the State of Idaho, led on the Hutchison amendment. There The PRESIDENT pro tempore. Fa- the Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: was a vote on that cloture last night. It failed, but it seemed to have failed pri- ther Paul Lavin, pastor of St. Joseph's I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the on Capitol Hill, Washington, DC, will United States of America, and to the Repub- marily by reason of absent Senators. now offer the prayer. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The majority leader moved to recon- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. sider and, of course, can bring up that f motion at any time. PRAYER As manager of the bill, I do not know The guest Chaplain, Father Paul RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING of any other amendments that will re- Lavin, offered the following prayer: MAJORITY LEADER quire rollcall votes. It does not mean The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. there might not be one or two, but I do In Psalm 113 we hear David sing: VOINOVICH). The Senator from Wash- not know of any others. We now have Praise you servants of the Lord praise ington. two managers' amendments ready: one the name of the Lord f dealing with legislative matters and Blessed be the name of the Lord both one dealing with money matters, but I now and forever. SCHEDULE hope we will have settled all other out- From the rising to the setting of the Mr. GORTON. Mr. President, today standing issues in connection with the sun is the name of the Lord to be the Senate will immediately resume bill. In any event, if there are Senators praised. consideration of the second-degree who wish to bring up amendments that High above all nations is the Lord, Bryan-Wyden amendment regarding they reserved way back in August with above the heavens is his glory the Forest Service budget. By agree- respect to the bill that are not settled Who is like the Lord, Our God, who is ment, a vote on or in relation to that in these two managers' amendments, I enthroned on high amendment will take place at 10:30 certainly urge them to come to the and looks upon the heavens and the a.m. Further amendments to the Inte- floor and to be prepared to present earth below? rior appropriations bill are expected them immediately after the 10:30 vote He raises up the lowly from the dust; throughout today's session. Senators, on the Bryan-Wyden second-degree from the dunghill he lifts up the therefore, can expect votes throughout amendment. poor the day in anticipation of completing With that, Mr. President, I see Sen- To seat them with princes, with the action on the bill. It is expected that ator WYDEN present, I see Senator princes of his own people. the Senate will have approximately 2 CRAIG present, and so we are ready for Let us pray: hours of debate on S.J. Res. 33, with a debate. Almighty God, we give You thanks vote on final passage during today's f for the many and varied ways You have session, with the time to be determined DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR blessed the men and women who serve by the two leaders. AND RELATED AGENCIES APPRO- in the Senate. We ask now, Lord, that For the remainder of the week, the PRIATIONS ACT, 2000 Senate is expected to begin consider- they may do Your will in all things and The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under so remain close to You. ation of the Transportation appropria- tions bill. the previous order, the Senate will now Lord, Your presence is found where resume consideration of H.R. 2466, f unity and love prevail; grant that they which the clerk will report. may strive to work together in har- INTERIOR APPROPRIATIONS The bill clerk (Mary Anne Clarkson) mony and peace. Mr. GORTON. Mr. President, I just read as follows: We acknowledge that God is the read a text that was submitted to me. A bill (H.R. 2466) making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and re- strength and protector of his people; I am going to offer what I hope is a grant, Lord, to the Members of the lated agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- slight correction to that for the benefit tember 30, 2000, and for other purposes. Senate the strength and courage they of all Senators. I believe, as manager of Pending: need to serve the people of the United the bill, it is highly possible there are States. Gorton amendment No. 1359, of a technical only two other unresolved matters in nature. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. connection with the Interior appropria- Hutchison amendment No. 1603, to prohibit Amen. tions bill. One is, of course, this Bryan- the use of funds for the purpose of issuing a · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10793 . S10794 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 14, 1999 notice of rulemaking with respect to the well as focusing on the environmental version of that impact statement valuation of crude oil for royalty purposes principles pursued by Senator ROBB. would be published by February 14 of until September 30, 2000. One of the reasons I so strongly sup- 2000. Bryan amendment No. 1588, to make avail- port the Bryan-Fitzgerald-Wyden So this gives us a chance, I say to my able certain funds, by reducing the subsidy for the below-cost timber program adminis- amendment is we have seen in past colleagues, to make sure the work that tered by the Forest Service and for the con- years that throwing money at the tim- was promised actually gets done. We struction of logging roads in national for- ber sale program does not make things fund the timber sale program at the ests, for other Forest Service programs in- better. Each year, since 1996, this Con- levels called for by the administration. cluding road maintenance, wildlife and fish gress has authorized more money for We have a chance to learn from years habitat management, and for threatened, en- the timber sale program than the ad- past that just throwing money at the dangered, and sensitive species habitat man- ministration has asked for. So we have, timber sale program does not solve agement. in effect, shoveled more money out the things. Bryan/Wyden amendment No. 1623 (to I hope our colleagues will realize that amendment No. 1588), to make available cer- door for the timber sale program. tain funds for survey and manage require- The fact of the matter is, in spite of this bipartisan approach is a chance to ments of the Northwest Forest Plan Record the fact the Congress keeps spending solve problems, which is vitally impor- of Decision. more money on the timber sale pro- tant to rural communities not just in AMENDMENT NO. 1623 gram, the problems in these rural com- the West but across the country, while The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under munities, particularly the rural West at the same time honoring the impor- the previous order, the question is now Ðand these are economic and environ- tant environmental obligations this on amendment 1623 on which there mental problemsÐkeep getting worse. Congress has set out for the Forest shall be 1 hour of debate which will be So the notion that throwing money at Service and other agencies. equally divided. the timber sale program is going to I do hope that however colleagues Mr. WYDEN addressed the Chair. solve these problems is simply not cor- voted on the Robb amendment, what- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- rect. The Congress has continued to ever they think with respect to the ator from Oregon. spend money. The problems are getting original language proposed by Senator Mr. WYDEN. I thank the Chair. I worse, both from an economic and an GORTON, they will look anew at the would like to take just a few minutes environmental standpoint. And that is Bryan-Fitzgerald-Wyden amendment now to speak on behalf of the Bryan- the bottom line. because what we are seeking to do is Fitzgerald-Wyden amendment and try So what Senator BRYAN and Senator build on the important principles em- to offer up to colleagues on both sides FITZGERALD and I are seeking to do is bodied behind both of those positions. My two colleagues are here from the of the aisle why Senator BRYAN, Sen- to link the money that the Forest Northwest, the distinguished chairman ator FITZGERALD, and I are trying to Service needs for these important pro- of the subcommittee, Senator GORTON, incorporate some of the important gramsÐnot just in Oregon but across and the chairman of the committee on thinking that has been done by the the countryÐto a new focus on ac- which I serve, Senator CRAIG. They are chairman of the Interior Sub- countability. absolutely right; the Forest Service committee, Senator GORTON, as well as What our legislation does is earmark has lacked direction. Under the Bryan- the work with respect to forestry done resources for the important environ- Fitzgerald-Wyden amendment, we put on the floor of the Senate over the last mental work that needs to be done and in place that direction and real ac- few days by Senator ROBB of Virginia.
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