WNIB Program Schedule March 1970

WNIB Program Schedule March 1970

1 f arch, 1 I I tt - -11 as $149.95 Two For $189.90 48 EAST OAK 2035 WEST 95TH 337-4150 779-6500 Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday 10 AM -6 PM; Monday & Thursday 10 AM - 9 PM MONDAY 2 PROGRAM SCHEDULE 10 AM GIULIANI Guitar Concerto in A, Op. :JO-John Williams, g; English Chamb,'r Orch/ John Williams (Col MS 7327) 97.1 fm March, 1970 DONIZETTI Excerpts from ''The Daughter of the Regiment", Overture; "Ah, mes amis"; & "Par le rang ct par l 'opulenee" - Joan Sutherland, s; Luciano Pavarotti, t; London Sym/Richard Bonynge (Lon OSA 1273) LISZT "Orpheus" (Sym Poem #4) - WNIB Program Schedule is published hy Hsdio Station WNIB, 2G East Chestnut, Royal Phil/Sir Thomas Beecham (Cap GHR 7197) Chicago, Illinois 60611. Phone: 337-5252. Subscription rates; one year $5. 00; two years $9. 00; three years $13. 00, ll AM BRAHl\1S Violin Concerto ln D, Op, 77 - David Oistrakh, vn; Cleveland Oreh/GeonN SzcH (Ang SFO 36033) The 'WNIB broadcast schedule is l\l AM to 11:30 PM, Sunday through Saturday. KODALY Dances of Marosszek - At 11 PM we carry the "Casper Citron Program" of interviews with authors, Philadelphia Orch/Eugene Ormandy (Col 7034) artists, and people in the news. 12 PM RACHMANINOFF Suite #1 for Two Pianos, Op. 5 - Vitya Vronsky & Victor Babin, p (RCA LM 2648) COVER, "Pride" (1905), a bronze statue by Constantin Brancusi, from the GLEBOV Dance from "Belorussian exhibition of works by the artist to be held at the Art Institute of Chicago from Snite''; LVOV-KOMPANEYETS Russian Dance March 14 through April 26, 197{}, Courtesy Art Institute of Chicago. & The Accordion Player; SVIillDOV The Young Fellow with the Accordion; & MOSOLOV Eve­ ning Bells - Osipov Balalaika Orch (Mel/Ang) B0110DIN Polovetzian Danees from "Prince Igor" - Chicago Sy:m/Seiji Ozawa (Ang SFO :J6034) l PM THE 'WNIB LIBRARY #1176 ROSSlNl Introduction & Variations - "Bjoerhng Sings at Carnegie Hall" SUNDAY 1 Gervase de Peyer, cl; New Philh/Rafael Fruh­ BEETHOVEN Adelaide; SCHUBERT bcck de Httrgos (Ang S 36589) Frnehlingslaube; Die Forelie; Staendchen; & lO AM BOISMORTIEH "Daphnis & Chloo" ROSSllil Wind Quartet #4 in Hi> - Die he>E,se Farbe; STRAUSS Traum dnreh die Suite - Chamber Orch/EmH Seiler (Hel 25018) Philadelphia Woodwind <;luintct 1\fombers (Col) Daommerung; Caeei!ie; BRAHMS Serenade; PERC,OLE&1 Flute Concerto fl in G - RESPIGHI "Rossiniana" - Suisse Ho­ MOZART ''Il mio tesoro" from "Thm Giovanni"; Jean Pierre Rampal,fl; Saar Radio Chamber mamle Orch/Ernest Ansermet (Lon CS 6542) GIORDANO "Amor ti vieta" from "Fedora"; Orch/Karl Histcnpart {Epic LC 389:,1 BIZET Flower Song from "Carmen"; MASSE­ VIV ALDI Concerto in Hb for Two NET ''Le Reve" from ''Manon"; TOSTI Ideale; Orchestras - Les Solistes de Bruxelles & I So­ 5 PJ\J CHOPIN Piano Sonata 12 inbo, Op. ;;5 PUCGNl ''E lncevan le steHe" from "Tosca"; listi di Milano/Angelo Ephrikian (Ser S GOU&) ("Funeral March")-Emil Gilds,p (Sor 6001()) TOSTI L 'alha separa della Juc,e om bra; & FOS­ COUPERIN Selection of Harpsichord BELLINI Exceqits from "Norma": TER I Dream of Jeanie with the Light Brown Pieces - Sylvia Marlowe & Kenneth Cooper, Overture- Bavarian StatcOperaO t'Ch/Giuseppe Hair - Jussi Bjoerling, t; Frederick Schauwec­ hpsd (Dec DL 710159) Patane (Cap SP 867 l): "Casta diva" - Zinka ker, p (RCA LM 2003) Mil.anov, s (Vie VIC 1805): & "Mira, o Norma" -Rosa Ponselle, s; Marian Telva,ms (RCA6705) 2 PM DVORAK Sym !IS in E~, Op. 10 - 11 AM CHICAGO TEMPLE SERVICE DVORAK Waltzes, Op. 54 (#1 ln A & London Sym/Istvan Kertesz (Lon CS fl525) Dr. Robert Bruce Pierce, pastor 114 in D)-Dvorak Quartet (Cr 22-16-0089) LISZT Liehcstraeumc #3 in Ab; CHO­ 12:30 MUSIC FROM GERN!ANY PIN Etudc in E, Op. 10#3; & HACHI\IANINOFF FASCH Trumpet Concerto in D; & 6 PJ\1 OFFENBACH/Arr DORATI "Helen Prelude in et, Op. 3#2 - Aldo Ciccolini, p (Cap SP 8f\51) PICHL Violin Concerto in d of Troy" Suite - BaH,,t Theatre Orch/;Joseph Levine {Cap P 8277) l PM CONCERT FROM RADIO ITALIANA :JPM 1V!ASSKNFT Arias from ''JVlanon": OFFENBACH "Tun'esµasbeau"from MERCADANTE "The Last fieven ",fo suis encore tout etourdie'': ''Voyons, Manon, "LaPcdchole"; & MESSAGER "Petite dindc" & plus rlc ehirneres": "Adieu notre petite table''; Words of Chri&1: on the Cross" for Soloists, "Ma foi, pour vcnir" from "Veronique" - Mar;­ Chorus & Oreh - Angelica s; & ''Obeissons, quand h•ur voix appelle (Gavotte) Tuccari, Luisa gic Teyte, s (Loa 5889) Discacciati Giarrni, ms; Carlo Franzini, t; Ce­ -Bidu Sayao, s {Od :12 16 0377) sare de Leon, ht; Scat'latti Orch & Cho of 11Al, SAL'\iT SAENS "Wedd.lag Cake" Ca••, BIZET "La ,Jolie Fillc de Perth" Naples/Luigi Colonna (39') price Waltz, Op. 7f - Gmnt ;Johannesen,µ; Suite - Suisse T!omande Orch/Ernest Ansermct London Sy:rn/Lawrencc Co!Hnr;wood (Cap G 71 :l2) HAYDN Quartet ind, Op. 51/11 ("The (Lon CM l!272) Last Words of Chrisl''j-"Pro Mu:sicti'' (Jaartet BERLIOZ Hmmmcc, fkveric & Cll­ GOUNOD ''Il sc fail Uinl, udieuj" ef Home {5;;') prkc, Op. H - Yehudi Manurlia, vn, Philh/Jolm from 'TmJat.'' - Pierrette Alarie, s; Leopold Pritchard (Cap SP SfG7} bitn oucatt, t. (DGG l.S 59 :J) BERLIOZ "Le Corsair" Oveeturo - 2:35 SCillJHE11T 4 Impromptus, Op, 90 - BAL'ZT SAE><S ''Un dicupluspuis:sant'' Hoyal Phil/Sir Thomss Bcceham {Ser S 60084) Nelson Freiro,p (Col MS 'rn07) frnm "Smrrnon ctDaliln'' - Sandra Wadie!d, os; James fvkGrncken, t {Len OS ~5SS9) 3 PM BEETilOVEN Syn1 #2 in D, Op. SC - S!JNDAY BVENL'IG OPERA Now York Phil/Bruno Walter (Od 32 O(l ◊U!H) GOUNOD "Romeo & ,Juli.ct" - Mirella 4 P!vl MOSONY1 Piano Concerto ill c - Ka- MOZART Concerto in C for Flttto, Freni, s{Julfot); Franen Corelli, t (Rmn u.i); Hen­ rnliu Nmnes,p; Hungarian Radio Orch/Gynrgy Harp & Oreh, K. 299 - Samuel Baron, fl; Mar­ ri Gui, ht (Mercutio); Chmdt, Cales, bt (Capulet}; Lenci {<;luamon LPX 108:J} cel Grandjnny, harp; Musiea Aetcrna Orch/ Xavier Depraz,h;; (Friar l.,;1t1r·cncc): Pnrts BOIELDU:U lfarp Concerto in C - FNXforic Waldmtm {Dec DL 1{)075) Opera Orch & Cho/Alain Lnrnhard (Ang SCL Nicanor Zabaleta, hurp; Berlin Rad.lo Orch/ :J1:l4} ErnAi Maerzenckirier {DGG 18 Gld) 4.:05 ROSSINI "Bianca c ralliero" Over- HOFFMANN Mnndolin Concerto - ture - Milan Sym/Fra.nco Gallini {I Grandi CHICAGO TEMPLE Sl<HV1CE Gcrd Lindm.T-DonelH, inrrndolin; Hadio Leipzig Mutidsti {}7:J) (lmpotl.cd) Dr. Hobc r\ Bt'UCt' Plcret', pllAt.or Sym/Gc.rhard Pfhwger (Unmia UR 7H◊) 3 5 PM BACH "Jesu, JoyofMan'sDesiring"; BRUCH VioUn Coneorlo !Vi in g, Op. 8PM THE: KOUSSEVITZKY RECORDINGS BACH/trans KEMP FF Siciliana from flute & 26 - fon Voieou, v:n; London Sym/Rafael Fruh­ \VEBER "Oberon" Overtnre-Bnston Harpsichord Sonata in Eh; BACB/trans BUOONl heck de Burgos (l,on CM 9450) Sym/Sergl; Kousaevitzhy (RCA 11-0951} (194G) "Nun Komm' der Heiden Heiland"; &, "ich ruf' KHACHATUHIAN M,rnqueradn &'t!ite WAGNER Siegfried Idyll - Boston zu dir Herr Jesu Christ" - Dinu Lipatti. p -RCA Orcb/Kiril Kondrashin (RCA LM 2398) Sym/Sergic Koussevitz..ky {RCA LM 1177) (red (Od :32 l G 032G) April 27, 1949) BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F, Op. l PM TH:C WNIB LIBHARY #1177 Ml.:NDELSSOHN Sym f4 in A, Op. 90 14#1 (trans by BSF:THOVEN or ~he Piano Sm111- SClliABIB Piano Sonata #a inf#, Op. ("Ita.lian") - Boston Sym/Serge Koussevitid,y ts in E, Op. 14#1) - Amadeus String Quartet 2:1; e. W Prehtdes - Vladimir Horowitz, p (RCA (RCA DM 1259) (red Novembtn: 25, 1947) {DGG l[l9 444) LM 2005) ROSSINI "William Tell" Overture - 9 Pl'\1 SCHMITT "Une semaiue du petit elfe London Sym/Pierino Gamba (Lon CM 9'.:\73) 2 PM MAHLER Sym #2 inc ("Resurrection") Forme-l'Oell'', Og, 58 - Robert&, Gahy Casa­ OOSSINl Arias: "Bel raggio lusin­ -Edith Mathis, s; Nonna Procter, ma; Bavarfan desus, p (Col ML 5259) ghier" from "Semiramfde" - Joan Sullierinnd, Radio Orch 6 Cho/Rafael Kubelik (DGG 139 GLAZOUNOV b'ym #4 in Eh, Og. 48 - s (Lon A 4241); & "Vegliar mai sempre" from 332/3) Kansas City Phil/Hans Schweiger (Urania US "fl Conte Ory" - Norman Treigl.e, bs (West iH:.Jl) WST 17145) 3: 30 BRAHlVIG Viola quintet itl in F, Op, 88 - Cecil Aronowitz, va; Amadeus &'trlng quar­ 9:50 DVORAK Vlelin Conce1w in a, Op. 6 PM SHOSTAKOVICH Ballet &'\lite #3 - tet (OOG t:J9 430} 5::l - Isaac Stern, vn; Philadelphia Orch/Eugene Bolshoi Theatre Orch/Maksim Shostakovich Orm.nndy {Col MS 6876) (Mel/ Ang SR 40115) 4 PM SCHARWENK.A Piano Concerto itl in ELGAR Enigma Variations, Op. 38 RACHMAi"ilNOFF Vocnl.ise - Anna bk, Op. 32 - Earl Wild,p; Boston Gym/Erich -London 5lm/Pierne Mnnteux {RCA LM 2418) Mof:fo, s; American Sym Oreh/Leggold Stukow­ Leinsdorf {HCA LSC 303!l) ski {RCA LM 2795) GLINKA ''A Life for llie Tsar" Over­ TCHAIKOVSKY Serenade Melanc°"' ture - Suisse Romande Orch/Ernest Ansermet lique - Jaseha Heiietz, vn; Los Angeles Phil/ (Lon CM 9291) WEDNESDAY 4 Alfred Wallenstein {RCA LM 28(Hl) HEROLD "Zrunpa" Ovorture - New WAGNER Prelude to Act l of "Die York Phil/Leonard Bcrantein /Col ML 5143\ 10 AM BIZET L' Arlesienne Suite fl - Phlls- Meistersinger" - Berlin Phil/Otto Gerdes {OOG ROSS.Ni ":Eduardo e Cristina" Ovvr­ delphin Orch/Eugene On:nandy (Col MS 7517) 139 42:1) tu·re - Milan Sym/Franco Gallini (1 Grandi Mu­ GOUNOD "11 etait un Roi de Thule" WAGNER Arias: "Morgenl.ieh leueh­ sieisti 072) & Jewel Song from "Fsnst" - Mirella Frem, s tend'' from "Die Meistersinger" -Jess Thomas, (Ang S 36527) 5 PM D,tOZART Fa:ntnisie inc, K 473 - t; & "In fernem Land'' from "Lohcngrilt'' - San­ CHOPIN 3 Nocturnes, Op, 9 - Alexis dor Konya, t Lili Kraus, p {Od S2 16 0380) Wciesenhcrg,p (Ang SB 3747) SCHUBBliT Italian Overture in D - SCHUBERT Overtn.re in D - Menu­ Menuhin Fertival Orch/Yehudi Menuhin (Ang NEW CLASAICAL RECORDINGS hin Festival Oreh/Yebudi Menuhhl (Ang 36809) S 36609) WEBER Adagio & Rendo ~ Lorne 8PM MUSIC FOR EASTER 11 Ah1 BEET.HOVEN string Quintet in C, Og, Monroe, 'c; Philadelphia Oreh/Euge!l◊ Orman­ CHERUfllti1 Requiem in c - Santa 29 - Cecil Aronowitz., va; Amadeus String Qu.nr­ dy (Col ML 4629) Cecilia Oreh & Cho/Carlo Marfa Giul.ini (Ang tet {DGG 1.39 444) 35042) WEBER Fantasia & Rondo - Jack MOZART Sym #41 in C, K.

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