THE EVENING STAR f- V * A-10* Washington. D. 0. gjj Robert Moses Resigns MTPMAT, mflr M, I—4 | Religious Books ] Rev. Isaac Sfeenson I Organized Bible Classes I Catholic Youth Work Books dealing with various As Safely Council Trustee St. Anthony's Cruise aspects of religion recently By Howard M. Stackhouse Methodist Church tomorrow re- To Retire After at Sy Aw Aitocioted Pnu Collection St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, ceived by The Star are as fol- Walter D. Eddowes, Jr., direc- 9:45 am. Is Set Bailey’s Crossroads, Va., Evelyn YORK, July 24,—The will lows: tor of music at Drexel Hill Pres- Miss F. Ballou, as- j, NEW A special collectlon-for Catho- sponsor moonlight cruise on sociate teacher Safety : youth in the a Life, Faith and Prayer—-By A. Sermon Tomorrow byterian Church, Philadelphia, of the Class of National Council lost a lie activities arch- the 8. S. Mount Vernon at 8:30 Graham Ikin (Oxford; Friendship of Emory Methodist trustee questioned diocese of Washington will be $3.50). The Rev. Isdae will be the song leader when It p.m., on August 1. Proceeds will a Society— Steenson will for the Church, will be the teacher j taken up at all Catholic masses ' Ethics in Business final Robert Moses’ statement that go to the church school. By Marquis W. Childs and i•' deliver his sermon as min- before the Joint session of the , here tomorrow. \ ister of Clarendon Presbyterian weeding is the biggest cause of Douglass Cater (New American JgPSMp conference of I Adult Department tomorrow at In announcing the collection, Irving Jack- Library; cents). Church, North and the Organized 9:39 a.m. “Growing Through higyway accidents. A. 35 son streets. Arlington, j the Most Rev. Patrick O’Boyle, College • Va., at the Prayer,” Luke, xi.l-13; Philip- Mr. Moses, City ! Archbishop Washington, ORGANIST, EXPR. The Catholic in the 11 am. service tomorrow. New York of asked' World Today—By Edward A. sociation to be | * pians, iv.6-7*. Mrs. Louis Richard- planning commissioner, recently Catholics to be generous and- Avdltable for Position • Fitzpatrick (Bruce Publishing Mr. Steenson is retiring after son, president, will lead. told a White House conference ! help thousands of boys and girls, as Organist or serving Co.; $6). as minister of the church ern Maryland The combined classes of the that speed caused “fullyhalf” of “be better Catholics, firm in the ¦ years. Organist-Director The Monk and the World— for more than 25 During College, Sep- adult department of Hamnne all traffic deaths. The counoil faith, and Americans full of Call Eves., TE. 6-8145 By‘> Walter Dirks (David McKay that time the congregation’s tember 4. 5, 6. < Methodist Church will meet in quickly advised him it had sought courage.” membership grown proof Co.; $3.50). has from 99 John the chapel at 9:45 a.m. tomor- but never found of this. Oiganizations to be are to 550, the present Lightcap, jr aided Ten Words That Will Chal- SBO,OOO row. Frank L. Smith, former When Mr. Moses replied, citing of Washington, the Merrick NATIONAL TABIRNACLi church tfas built and a manse organist of : Insurance lenge Your Life—By Ervin Seale M superintendent of the church same figures, the coun- i Boys’ Camp. Charles County, (William N—Brig. for the minister was bought. the same K lesson, Morrow & Co.; $2.50). CHAPLAJ Gen. school, will present the I cil traffic director wrote bactf the Catholic Youth Organization . Frank A. Tobey has been The clergyman In those years church, will be Hi A superintendent saying, “There many loose “ The Kingship of Chfist—By ap- of the adult'de- | are Maryland; St. da “The Faith 1 the Vincent for G. A. K. Bell. Bishop of Chi- pointed Deputy Chief of has been prominent In numerous i accompanist. HA partment, Dr. T. David Gates, statements being quoted as Paul Camp. St. Marys County.- : facts.” chester (Penguin Books; 50 Chaplains foe tho Army. civic and church activities. He Walter D. Ur„ „ will preside. Maryland, and the Christ Child is in BUekh cents). Chaplain Tobey began his a former president of the Eddowes The Florence M. Brown Class With that Mr. Moses yesterday Camp, Calvert County. Mary-, THE NATIONAL Arlington Rotary Eddowes, military eareer in 1922 as a Club and took and Robert C. trum- of the Calvary Baptist Church sent in his resignation as a trus- land. Nearly 17,000 children last A. m. t. ZION part in many Red Cross peters, will also their father TABERNACLE private in the National Guard enter- Join will have Cannon C. Heame as tee. He also sentLOff a letter year took part in activities of. and transferred to the chap- prises. in the program. Charter bus their guest suggesting that only “a desk the four groups. <440 Piney JOHN WESLEY teacher tomorrow at Branch Rd. N.W. laincy in 1938. He has served A native of Belfast, Ireland. service is available to and from 10 a.m. Rev. Arno Pagel, presi- statistician and mathematical Rev. DeLosa M. Scott, Potter A. M. E, ZION CHURCH Baptist congregations in Mr. Steension is a graduate of the conference. Reservations dent of the Christian Endeavor hair-splitter” could deny that ICenleuiing made in speed causes more Presbyterian must be advance both SUNDAY SKRVICIS National Church of Zion Methodist Massachusetts, Connecticut College and of Union of Germany, will be the accidents than Willis Player Named ATA; || _ 14th an* Corcsran Sts. N.W. i and Tennessee McGill University. He held for the conference and trans*- guest speaker before the Vaughn : anything else. E. Franklin Jacksan. D.D.. Minister and during the portation; they 9:45 o.m. —Bible School. 11:00 a.m.—“THE PROMISE OF THE ministries In New York State are available. Class at 10 Korean campaign was Chap- requests a.m. tomorrow. Public Relations Director i _ KINGDOM.” Dr. Jacksan. coming Address all to the 9 11:00 o.m.—Morning Wor- 8:00 P.m.—' JACOB’S LADDER.” lain for the Bth Army. He before to Clarendon ofllce. Claude H. Richardson, class pres- ship. Dr. Jackson. Church In 1929 from the First Room 539, Washington Build- ident, will preside. Willis Player, well known in lives with his wife and ing, YMCA Will Dedicate circles, Presbyterian Church, Charteau- Washington 5, D. C. The Trihity aviation public relations Sermon: daughter at 5001 North Men’s Bible Class been named r Pastor’s gay, N. Y. Lloyd M. Hampton, assistant of Trinity Methodist has director of pub- Thirty-fourth road, Arling- Church will New Cabin at Camp Letts Trans- Mr. and Mrs. Steenson will live promotion manager of The Eve- meet at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow with lie relations for the Air “The Worth of a Soul" ton. ( Association, Metropolitan African in Orlando. Ha. They Arthur L. Hayford j The YMCA will dedicate a port 1107 Sixteenth H 7:15 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. have a ning Star, will be the guest presenting I daughter, Mrs. Vance Cansbale, the lesson. new cabin at Camp Letts, Edge- street N.W. Methodist Episcopal teacher Bible Mr. Player, is special H|j 7:45 p.m.—Gospel Service of Fairfax, Va., and two grand- of the Harrisorf pm. who a and 1518 M Street N.W. Sermon Topic Picked The A. B. Pugh Class of the water, Md., at 4:10 tomor- assistant the Sec- Rev. G. Dewey Robinson, Minister children. Class of St. Luke’s Methodist to Assistant Mount Vernon Place Methodist ! row. It will be dedicated to the of the Navy Air, will; WANTED 1,000 AT The Rev. Arthur Fletcher Church tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. Church will retary for Ordinaneo of VISITORS have their associate : Reserve finish a special assignment with Elmes, People’s Con- C. Toby Chandler, past president Seabees of the Potomac OUR 11 O'CLOCK SERVICE minister of minister, Rev. Vaughn Moore, as the Navy next month and join Boliovtr’s Baptism Wesley Methodist Sermon of the class, will preside. Rudolph guest teacher River Naval Command- who n.m.—Church School. gregational Church, will preach! in the lower audi- ATA on September 1. 9:30 The Rev. Klein H&ddaway Cole read the lesson. helped spring. I Wednesday Eve., p.m. n.m.—Morning Worship. Midnight Hour” at K. torium tomorrow at 10 am. build It last Before Navy assignment, 8:00 11:00 on “At the will preach on “Man Choosing The his to Rev. Glenn Gillette will Miss Florence Wormser, returned Camp Letts will take care of Mr. Player vice Prayer, Praise and Bible Study. 6:00 p.m.—Allen C. E. League. 11 am. tomorrow in the church, ; Be Saved” at 9:30 a.m. guest was president of 7:00 p.m.—Evening Worship. tomorrow be the teacher of the missionary from Tura-Assam, 600 boys -during its camping pe- public relations for Northwest” N.W. at Wesley Methodist Church. Calvary Men’s Class of 4704 Thirteenth street i Calvary India, will be the guest teacher riod from June 26 through Au- Orient Airlines. Before that he OTHER DENOMINATIONS of Harlan the Class at 10 am. gust 21. Another 1,600 young was lor many years public rela- METHODIST METHODIST METHODIST METHODIST Mrs. will speak people THE NAVY CHAPEL SESS3SSSSS===SSSSaSS&SS=SSSSSSS===K=S===mSSS Ashlan Harlan from church and school tions director of Pan American to the Graham Couples’ Class at groups will use the camp before Maryland N.E. World Airways. HEADQUARTERS—METHODIST BUILDING, 100 Ave. NORTHEAST 10 am. on “Why Worship in and after the regular season.
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