Rhode Island College Digital Commons @ RIC The Anchor Newspapers 9-11-1939 The Anchor (1939, Volume 11 Issue 01) Rhode Island College of Education Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ric.edu/the_anchor Recommended Citation Rhode Island College of Education, "The Anchor (1939, Volume 11 Issue 01)" (1939). The Anchor. 47. https://digitalcommons.ric.edu/the_anchor/47 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ RIC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ RIC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Greetings , lanket Tax Payable Class of 1942 ! THE ANCHO Today RHODE ISLAND COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Vol. XI, ::--Jo.1 PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1939 Price 10c Repainted College Interior Barnard Practice Trustees Expected to Name Greets R i c_e_a_n_s__ T _o_d_a----=--y Assignments Made College Head in October Guide Editor Dean Lists New Students in Shower Repairs to Commence Preparatory Course Board Pays Honor ,Professor Brown President in October Until Appointment The list of students who will prac­ to Attainments Much discussed plans for altera­ tice at Henry Barnard School from The new President of R. I. C. E. tions in the physical aspect of Rhode September, 1939 to February , 1940 of Dr. Alger to take the place of Doctor John Island College of Education ha'Ve in preparation rfor spring state train­ Lincoln 1A1ger, ,who resigned in Aug­ finally been partially carried into ef­ irug assignments was made •known by Declaring that '"Doctor John Al­ ust, will not 1be named until Octo­ fect. The entire interior has been Dr. Clara Craig today. Sixty-five ger 's opinion on teacher training 1Was ber, it is expected in the executive painted; the roof has been complete­ undergraduates , 64 of them Juniors sought and recognized by leadin g ed­ offices now. Professor R obert M. ly repaired; and the shower room is and one Senior, will begin teaching ucators throughout the country and Brown, head of the geology and soon to be remodeled. at the laboratory school this month . that his accomplishments here in geography departments, and acting Rhode Island ,were envied iby educa­ Riceans retumjng to college today Elizalbeth Breaden is the memlber president of the Co llege in the inter­ tors in genera l," the College Board will be greeted by an almost dazzling of the Class of 1940. The Juniors im, is taking charge of all arrange­ of Trustees at the August 14 meeting sight. The interior of the building , listed are Emma ::vi. Ander son Le­ ments attending the opening of col­ paid tri1bute to Doctor John L. Alger , from 1basement to roof, has taken on ora A. Balkcom, Ellen E . Bliven, lege. who, July 17, on his own request, a new s'heen. The corridors and Banbara E. Blotcher, Ruth 'Bowen, The Board o•f, Trustees , in whose retired as President of !Rhode Island classroom ,walls and ceilings, long Margaret Briggs , Robert T. By- hands lies the selection of a succes­ J. College o,f Edu cation after 31 years disfigured bv dust and soot the au­ ron, Jo sephine Cala,bro, Margaret sor to Doctor Alger, will meet some­ as head of the institution. djtorium an<l the libraries , black no Castaldi, Lucille Chauvin, Carolyn time this week but is not expected longer, have been cleaned and re­ Cohen, Edna lVI. Conlin , Catherine On accepting the resignation of to name the new president at this painted for the first time in 12 year s. M. Conway, Eleanor H. Crandall , Doctor Alger as active president, the meeting . Memibers of the governing Even before the disastrous hurri­ Board made him Pre sident Emeritus . body are busy going over the rec­ DOROTHEA QUINLAN Elizabeth F . Crook, Virginia Crowell , cane of September 21, 1938, the Lucille Daigle. This action gives the ex-President ords of possible candidates for the roof of Rhode I land College of Edu­ Student. Council Revises :\1ary D avey, Agnes D . DesGran­ the honorary status for life , thus office, but whether their selection will cation had lbeen in need of repair. penpetuating without authority or re­ rest on a local educator or on one Freshman Handbook ges, Eleanor D odsworth , Ann F. Th Big Wind merely precipitated the Emond, :\fary E. Fa gan, Mar ion A. sponsibility, a relationship affording from out of town, no one yet knows. inevit aible renovation of the leaky him the sense of continuing in spirit Professor Brown is planning in For the first time in eight year s, Fanning, :\fary V. Fannin g, Irene covering. When ,work was finally as a member of the college faculty. the meantime to take one of his a Freshman Class will enter R. I. Gallo, Fr ances R . Gar,vey, Elaine begun, it was decided to repair not lt is lhe fast time such an honor has classes in addition to his duties as C. E. with the advantaae of havin a Guny, Banbara Henrie s, Anthony only those parts damaged by the been bestowed on one who was head acting president, but until the presi­ a Handbook to auide them over Jasiello , Frederic \V. King, Virgini a hurricane, but the entire roof as well. th; of R . I. C. E . <lenl is name<l, Mr. J. "\Yarren ~ys­ difficult orientat ion period. Th e r ~ii Kie':sk_i, -:iefmaKn i/n~w, :'lleu o Newer and safer skylights also hav e The full text of the resolution trom will take the rest of the aeoo-­ lbook will be distributed sometime l-..wasmck1, Hel en Lafi emere , Ger­ 0 replaced the old ones. passed by the Board of Tru stees is raphy and geology classes . l\i°r. today by the cla s advi -ers. D orr- trude Laurienz o, Katherin e Lech, Shortly after the !beginning of the as follows: ::--Jystrom was ,granted a leave of ab­ the a Quinlan, '40, edited the !rnide. Thom as V. Lowery, Leonard H. semester, perhaps the fir'lt of Oct o­ "It is ifitting at this time that the sence last June to prepare for his ber, work will be started on the re­ The staff of th e II and bo~k has ?11ailloux. Doctor 's Degree at Clark University, tried to include all information that Eleanor L. :\IcAuliffe , Bertin a R. Board of Trustee s in acceptin g the modeling of the ba sement shower but because of the event of the sum­ new student s will want to know: it :\Iiller , Francis S. Milligan , Barba ra resignation of Dr . J ohn Lincoln Al­ room The new showers, in individ ­ mer, he will return to 1R . I. C. E. until has endeav ored to anticipate ques- :\Ioore , :\l ichael A. :\lorry , :\1ary G. ger, as Pre sident of the Rhode Is­ ual compartments, will extend his work at Clark 1begins next month. tions that will rise in the mind of i\Iunson , John C. :\<lurray, Claire C. land College of Education, spread throuah the middle of the enti re Who will take Professor Brown 's Freshmen and lo answer these clear- Olivier , Virginia A.. Palmer , Ri ta upon its records an official tribut e length of the present •basement show­ place as chief adviser to the tudent ly and comp letely. Since the pro- Perre ault , Jane Place, Al:ce C. Rey - lo him who has served the state so er room. The room will be divided, Council is not yet decided but there posed revision of the Studwt Coun- Contin ued on Page 4 Continu ed on Page 3 through the width, int o two equ:t lly cil Constitution has not yet tak ::n ------------------------------ is a oossibility that he. himseli. may large sections. A partition will sep­ retain that position during his period arate the men's from the women's place, the Handb ook will not n n­ Miss Thorp on Leave from Barnard; as acting president. showers. tain thi , important articl ~ but su~­ Place Taken by Miss Gleason ,geslions adva nced in the spring Continu ed on Page 3 Juniors to Display Council meetin gs on the main points Mr. Gomberg to Teach of revision have been inclu ded. The Student Body to Social Studies Anchor Today Raised Blanket Tax Freshmen may insert mim eographed Continued on Page 1 Convene in Auditorium Payable in Two Several changes in the faculty of Laughing at any and all attempts Installments One hun dred and twenty-five Henry Barn ard School have been by members of other classes to wrest S op h s to I ntro d uce announced. :\1iss Winifred E . Glea- from them the symbol of collegiate members of the Class of 1943 an d h h h s I s superiority, the Juni or Class pla ns at Fete son, w o as taug t ocia tudies An incre ase of the blanke t tax to Freshmen more than four hundred upper ­ in the junior high division of to show the Anchor sometime today. $7.50 was approved by the Board classmen ,will be welcomed ,by Pro­ the school, will be acting princi­ The Anchor was awarded to the Jun­ of Tru stees at the Au~ust 1 meetinis. Inaugunting th e socia l eason at fesrnr Robert :\I. Brown , acting pa l during the absence of l\foss iors by last year 's eniors at the The tax is payable in two install­ the College, the Sophomore Class president o-i R . I. C. E., at the first :\Iary Tu cker Th orp. Mi ss Thorp is Cla s Day exercises in June .
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