tSA^Ost-tM/ tCtryuPisTi- ^ Jir* ?ut*6u *J ^ Af> THE FUSTIAN JACKETS, BLISTERED TO ' AGENT S AND BOOKSELLE RS HA^BS, AM) UNSHORN CHINS Star, and Will please to notice, that orders for the ¦ *• Come-one, come all—this rock shall fly advertisements, must be addressed as under :— Trom its firm base as soon as I." " Fearous O'Conxor, Esq., ¦Mi Beak Fktexds,—Here I am in the midst of Northern Star Office , 340, Strand, London," «g grand army of piOagere, after Iming skinnisbed -with, -whole corps of peculators. Remittances, whether bj Bank or Post-office Money- %g seren jears the orders, must also be addressed in the same manner ; £z& to Jon, "who "were my first clients, and -whose in- and the orders made pav-able to 2fir. O'Connor. has ever been my most anxious care, 1 address Post-office Orders must be payable at the Charing- terest 5 ' letter. Some hare told me that it would be cross Branch Othce. Attention to these instruc- hit first tions will prevent disappointment and save much interestto moderate the principles and to subdue AND NATIONAL TRADES JOURNAL. Taj- trouble. {!# tone of the SorikeniStar ; but my answer i& -gut inv principle is jnv life—and 3 spade, 1 call a VOL. YIII. NO. 368. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 30, 1844. ^e «uu™^d V™t^?<£L™. CORRESP0XDEXTS AND CONTRIBUTORS sjasie. You "wtII not expect to see in this -week>s *r<j requested to send their communications, addressed— " Mb. Joshua Hobson, £$? a specimen of "what tout paper shall henceforth the uncertainty of tenure, and enforces the necessity of the amended information was handed Editor NorthernStar ,m' matter to publish a paper on WELC OME TO THE ME TROPOLIS . up, when it was " l^. It is not an easy long leases. Now 1 tell you these things, that you may found to be worse than the other. They then begged 340, Strand, London. - as early ia the week as gjje Saturday at Leeds, and upon the following, to ^fc— further time, whith was granteii, and the ease will possible. Reports of meetings have -a practical illustration of the fact that I have and othrr transactions occurring an Sunday or Monday A PUBLIC SOIRE E t.. -Wc-loo:;.*- Labour's Or-an-the yoh'THEIiX STAB-to th« Metroi .U-, wi\l be hfcW nt come on again next Friday. On the same clay, jure all the arrangements completed for brinsring it been before you. Add to these things, I have been - Mr. wj'?.-¦< V in London on Wednesda -rx, f-'e L»<?rary and Scie;itfic Institut!..-:;, John-str.'et , Tof euham-court-road , on Tuesdav eveuin" Dec 10th Tea Roberts proceeded to Wigan to attend a ease then y morning ; the news of oat ia London. inces-antly dinnins into your care the absolute ne- on the Table at SLx o'clock precisely. ' ' ' Tuesday and Wednesday must be posted off on Wednes- Feavgv* O'Co.v.vor, Esq., Iff. Joshca Hobsox <i . before the County magistrates,, which aro^e out ot ifiht "ff e hare all done our part -. and upon me lias de . :\wl Mr. 3- Habxev , have been incited , and w ill attend on the following circumstance. day n : the news of 'fhurxday. on. Thnrsdy night ; and ^ cessity of hnvir.2 all the machinery ready to meet the ocasion. —According to the con- the new* Friday, on i-rid-n/ Editor, compiler. scLs-ors-man, Ticket^ Xineppnce ¦ stitution of the Minei-s ' .\s-Micj.ition , "f night. These isstscc- -roiled the dirties of which Ea^-h. to be obtained of the Mcfroi-olitan Delegate r..uncil of Mr Cleiivo Shoe-lane . all workmen sMi ,t <uch an assault a- that with labour is again Fj e. t--tre.i-t - - ' noN. s ue stiuctly \BiDED ii\ bj the regular corre- . of M. T. Mr. Whi-eler. .'4:'?. Strand ; of Mr. Simpson , Elm-i'oftaprc , Cainberixell - Mi- Arnott Mid<lle- engaged about the pits are at liberty to become mem - reader, i-orre>ponili-2t—in short all safe that of «« ¦ ., ¦ spnndeuts ui' the .etor. Xo excuse will be received tor clerk- threatened. 1 do i: to protect Duneunibe, to prot 'i sex-pbu-e > >,i- -r-t/nvn : ifr. P.u-kt-r. Xeii s A . -.-nt. Jlarrou-i.«td : Mr. Dr.ike, Standard of Liberty Brick-lane Mr. bers ; this being il -Ul the case , many engineers have joined bvt •< ( duty or ...* >!.¦-. KH-stickcr and printer's Ui^ . And thank ^<k] 1 , your friends. Pvemember the M. wood, Little \ alf-plac,-. Haniiuer-miili : Mr. Tillman' > Ci.lfi-c H«m.,c. Tottenliani-i-ourt-road Mr .1 r. J) ron-. iii'g ^ul y pcrttirmaiice of it. It is 2ivself and to protect ' the association. A >lu>i1 tiine ;igo, a vomit: i-.ia n. :>.i < .»aklvy -street . I.-.md.-ih : Mr liuu!;.!iH^, i!31. r..lli<-r-striv-!. IViitonvJl],. : Mr; S)i, i r.nd .SeereM.rv Weavers , uur wish tn make tin- >'<« .-an i-ffii kiit urgan oi the orl' 'a- ¦jess al>ie to tio it. Next week 1 chilli have hit s^i-ond- adase, "" - tim] hi ps tluxe who 3:...-hi tliemselves :" and to the engineer , empjoved at ;i colliery in Pembertou, n< -ar ' ' -' AbU¦ -y ->tr.-et. li.-thnal-irr.-i-.il t M r. Mover. Pa-el-]'la (v. \V ;,t.-r:oo-road : Mr. Abbot, ll ano\ ei -,tieet I.owisham • Mr. Mow-mi ut Tarty : to a>v"inplish this we will do oua ( ¦if.;\ . 4it!t . Mraud ; Mr. Fu.-s.41 :;« ; -iri-t-s Mi- Wigan . joined the association. iTliis no Midner came 5c-h". ll- 1-^^". v.Ijo ha? 5Iixh] )>y in? thruHHlmut " my 1 iri) v .»;; ;; i.vi ilui ; an «-)tv-t'»n <;n ; i!'il ?>e vpry far off. Ma r-. tr.-.;t. n.-rksiiwell ; . V. l\,k.-.. :!:;, l) ,-\.. ushiiv-tiv. : 1. '- -o m- tart, and must <!< -h-. - others to do theirs. Let us iri-o^f ; Mr. PaTtoiid. -u ' ' ¦ imJ wh<> ha^ . Shoemaker. iio.-.t<>ii-|i lace. Mury iclione Mr. Parke.. J.iul,. \\'in:!i iiill- »fi-et • !I;u M' .'irk. ! Mr. to the knowledge of the Coal Kit: ;; than be was dis- have the matti-rv- /I'i.trK supplied, and there shall be n_ ttLki' i-anvj-si^iu cheerfull y i-^t-ilsau'd and that it is your duly i n cvi-i v l>ort)i! ^h , inwi> . and r" ¦: -.!. lliirli-roatl . Kui-la-i'iid- e ] ', «ti vct ' ' - .' . Mr Whheiio« . , .N -wlnii'l- . Keiisi n^ft.n : ' .Mr. Skclton ri.,il ,. ..Hi-t aii 1 .it charged , an d' a " .Johnnv Whaiii- t r.-iw " was put into cause for complaint t¦ .- iioii .ir.sertiini. Secretaries of TiU -., .uvrful r.;J in any dej-smm-nt when* it was rv- }y* vor.r niachmeiT m«t iv th. I- !-ritii -_i..ii . .' .}-,:;->tre. -*. " e:ti . l«> I'TTMm! with . and tlie situation , who kn vw nothing of the business . In l-odi. -s of• Morkiiij; me n, \ , ln-thcr banded together as ! _ ; ;i t he morning, win j i , jjuin'i-Tvrjri'lafrH-cO H:imey_iocLli3> 'X*ei: i . -ii. uic wait t:31 O..<- «lav o) ^tniif ^'i- . i >>u ^lioaKl y- the men went to work arid found Cha rtists or us Tratu.-, will aid much in serving tlieni- ¦ at they had to trust their lives in the liands. of tlii* in- },i-removal. ~<> that we hare '^eers all >ixt^ ar;<5 >- -.-.-us. tiecv in e>-.-n" tn % vn in The memorial moved by Mr. .l ames, -eeuud.-d l»v Vr-;w>s.-d im<l carried In ae. - •)„• , m4\ i-k and Labour 's o ;;.-<< • il tbi-v act on the instruc- 1'iuia coiiinii - Kn^imul. laiiiatioii to !, a ir. I experienced man , . of Mr. Carlet . and suniiorte.l by Wm. Dixon of Ma-i- H1S lhc *"•¦¦ s)»-aKrr , ji nd they refused to venture down the tions then aUiu' . and send siu-h matters of news as liere 1 am ibm, in the mi^-i the triniw«T>. t:u- to c-ominunieate with liiomlx".-- i.t' I'-srl uum-nt i»l aii -" jiroi.iiiM.il tin- f..riu;itii>n of shaft , rhe.-Ter. was agreed to w.'3». r,,,, i if-tion i-,,minittees, unless a proper engineer fats engaged. " Oh !" « ill !»c inrt-j- t- .<!i)i jj h >crlbl»luis }>oliUi-iaii~, wi-:< > the raisin- fit mi d.-ctioii fund , says Johnny, .u :<- ' !ln- rradt-r i-nerallv , and of ser- j setap ysicians. and tLe ac- politics, and espct-ialiy ti>< - Free Traders, whom you Mr. -'ohn Lomax moved, and Mr. John .(;une- se- ai.l the gettins up " in order to prove my efliciciK-y, I will vice to tlieir own bvd\ We of auotlu-r National pKition. In mc- wind the empty particularl y. also invite all fcno-jrl etLre and deimaJiiv tb^ i-xistence of srl^ranevs wll} iind foremost in the enemy'> rank-. A r-entra) conded.— " That in the . opinion of this me-etinir, a ci rdiince Hth these tubs up and down ," and accordingly friends-to tli i i'aisi1 ' views, Mr. James Atlanis hiovci) he did so ; but of Labour Jo render their assistance th^ ppwer special memorial to her Maje.-ty, on U'half of Wm. a i- .-olutiou. pled in so doing he pulled the tub into the to enable us to u.akt the ,- bat would "withhold fr-.»ni y^n of c-orreciii:2 committee will shortl y W- e>tablished in London, and ging the meeting to assist the e.\.•- geari n gs, •>(« an organ that will bear Ellf> .
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