A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE NEVE SHALOM/WAHAT AL-SALAM 19 70~76 Founding years on Neve Shalom/ Wahat 1970 ~7 61f: t:.:1. --lj-JH$!lU:: :ff*O)A/.{' :b'~;;j; I) • .::L al-Salam(NS/ vVAS) during whi ch time Father Hussar and a group of lay people ~~.~. ~~~ ~ .~. 1~~k.~~ begin to establish a vill age aimed at bring­ -K~f;:1:m9 .Q~ I8J 1*~ IJ ~o)~h-:b'Ml;;j;.Qo ing together Jews, Christians and Muslims. 19721f: J5l:ff0)j:ili -rm!!!JJ ~ iJl'lMl 9 .Q o After trying to settle at two other places, they finall y settled on the present site in 19771f: 1 ~ ~ :LJl/m~ ;jlH:fo;'fJ.::L~· ~ At 1\1/ ~ 1972. T7 AO)*:Im:b'~ I8J 1*f;:lIif}]O)*HtL.Qo 1977 The beginning of a new period in Neve 19791f: ~ ;7 - Jv • 7 ;t - • t::" - ~ :b' 1 ~ ~ :L Jv~ Shalom/ Wahat a I- Salam as the first Israeli ±:b' i? O).::L 5''' ~ At 1\ 1/ ~ T 7 A:b'~ I8J 1: families(J evvs and Arabs) decide to build their home in the village. t h.Q m~9 .Q.WlmF~ l.- L~ IJ ~~ o 1979 The School for Peace is founded as an 19801f: 5 AO)J,i]%O)t.::I;bO)f*W~:b'~ IJ ~~ h • .::L educational branch of the vill age which ~"~ At 1\ 1/ ~ T 7 AO)1:~HiJ:b'mlli l.- t.::o brings together Jews and Arabs from all over Israel for dialogue wo rkshops. :toll v' o)§~:b'Jffi c: fJ":b' -:> t.:: O)L". ~L 0) 1980 Opens a nursery for its first five babies. ~m~~~h~hO)§~-r~l.-~~. ~O) With an Arab and Jewish nurse each speak­ ~t~ . 1~~:LN-r~-0)~~~1~. ing only her own mother tongue to all of the children, this becomes the seed of the 7~c7~0)=hOO~O).W~~tfJ".Q~ onl y Jewish- Arab bilingual educati onal sys­ ~illi.:Z .Q ~ t f;: fJ" -:> t.::o tem in Israel. 19831f: ~.-r0)3Jo)*.~~h~h~.-r~.Q 1983 Inauguration of the village's "Corner of 13~rttMO)~-7-J~~18J1*0)~~ Silence(Doumia)" around whi ch activities develop concerning the region's three iJl'l~~hko ~~~~~~LO)m~ ~O)tt monotheistic faiths. MO)~D~.~.Q~tl.-LO)rttMO)*J Plans take shape for the construction of a ijI;~~ t ~1*11:; ~ h.Q 0 "House of Silence" as a place of sil ent prayer for people of a ll faith. 198 4~9 01f: ~18J1*O)~f;J:1;~O)t.:: til) O)Ij\#t(:b'rm~~ ~1., 19 84~90 Opens its Jewish-Arab primary school for the children of the vill age. (It is the first 19851f: 2 J 0))( 11:; 0)tJL~ EI f;:5, OOOA O).::L 5''' ~ A. school 1I1 Israel where Jews and Arabs study in Equality, in the two languages.) 1 \ 1/ ~ T7 A:b'~I8J1*"C~~~~Jo These are formative years during which 19871f: Ci ~Jij:ili iz: ~?; ts 1 ~ ~ :L Jv~±:b' i? 20 , 000 enable Jewish and Arab children to learn AO).::L 5''' ~ At 1\ 1/ ~ T 7 A:b ' ~~ ~~J o together in both languages. 19891f: ff~-lj-1r~i?~I8J1*tl.-L~I;b i? h.Qo 1985 Day Meeting in NS/ WAS with 5,000 Jews 10 1 1 1990~ :t!<1I'li*):J:P ~ O):J:ih~i.p i? 12AO) %'£:1J~1<}] 1Ib-C and Arabs for a feast of two cultures. 1987 Day Meeting in NS/ W AS with 20,000 Jews :t!<1I'li*O)1*W I~L IJ \~t5H;::Jffi~T ~ 0 f~tE and Arabs, also from Occupied Territories. -C" f;:!:, :t!<1I'li*O)1*WImL IJ\~~1'·~"}; ~"¥ 1989 Receives official recognition from the ~ 1J~ :PHffl 1J' i? 0) %'£: 1";l) ~ 0 regional council. 199 2~ rtt~O)*J 1J~~Rli:T ~o 1990 The first 12 children from outside of the village begin to attend the school and kin- dergarten at NS/ WAS. 19 8 6 ~ 7-.b.A I'- D '/ ::l'ii (1 A 7.:L)1/) Today(1993) the majority of the children S/)I/ c"7 • A:J - '/'ii learning in the NS/ W AS educational sys­ tem come from outside of the village. 19 87~ "7-71'/ · f-/{- · D-~''/'/.:r.'/:7'' 1992 The construction of the "House of Silence" 'ii ( f'1'J) is completed. 19 88~ f )1/ - / • :7 7 1 A;f- - jJ: (;;t - A I'- 1) 7) MAJOR AWARDS 19 89~ c" 3 / f' • '/ ;;t-jJ: (7;J 1)-JJ) 1986 Receives two awards: Armstrong Prize for Leadership of Israel; Sylvia Stern Memo­ 1\'/"7'/ I'- • S/f D-.b.jJ: (7;J 1) -JJ ) rial Prize. 1991 ~ "7 - ;f- :2 '/ A • S/.:r. 7 jJ: (1 A 7 .:L)I/) 1987 Receives Buber-Rosensweig Medal of Ger­ ,/" 7 V /71/ Mf1IjJ: (1 :J 1) 7) many. 1988 Receives Burno Kreisky Foundation prize 7-lzT-V · 77 • ~ -A jJ: (1:J 1) 7) of Austria. / -«)I/'¥tD jJ:~;:: 1989, 90, 91- 92~/ :::. .:1,- I'- ~ h~o 1989 Receives two awards: Beyond War Award <:~1j~~7' )~ - / • t:~ - -fj-)~Mi~I!V of USA; Ahavat Shalom Congregation of San Francisco award. (.:1, - f · S/ -t, D - .b. / '7 1 \ '/ I'- · 7 )1/ . -Ij- 7 -.b.~:lI ;j; 1'0) 1990 Receives The John Lindgren Foundation 1911 ~ .:LV/ I'- • -JJ1 D~;::j:;j;h~o xj~~f;:!:/\/ avvard. jf 1) -A, Pl~f;:!:7 7 '/AA o 1991 Receives three awards: Marcus Sieff Award of Israel; Foundatione S. Valentino m1 (.xttlJlf.*~1&, 1:J 1) 700~~lIiZf~'o award of Italy; Arsenale dell a Peace award 19 29~3 6 ~ 77/ A • 1\ 1) ~;::Ii!f{::Eo 1\ 1) O).:L:J - V • of Italy. -lz '/ I'- 7 )1/ 1":J5ZUJ ~ $\Z!5$o 12 13 1 936~42fj:: :JsZVlliog t 0 L ~ i ~" i t:t. 7' 0 :J .I. ;; r f;: V:t: 1 989~92 Receives 4 consecutive Nobel Peace Prize nominations. ~o A BRIEF HISTORY OF FATHER HUSSAR 1936fj:: ~ r 1) '/ ;; ~i'$tt L ~jl:vt ~o (UP TO THE ESTABLISHMENT OF NS/ WAS) 1937fj:: 7"7 YAOO~~1&~~o 1911 Born in Cairo, Egypt to Jewish Parents­ Hungarian father and French mother. The 1945fj:: r ~ =~{~~~f;:A~o Whole famil y became naturali zed Itali an 1 946~53fj:: 1$~, m-~~~~o citizens after World War 1. 1950fj:: 1$)0;: {=f1f[J ~ n ~ 0 Settled in Paris and studied engineering at 1 953~59fj:: 1 A "7 .:L Jv f;:1li ~, .:L Jv-lj- V A "t'.:L;7" t'1Vf the Ecole Centrale de Paris. Worked on various projects as an engineer. ~~k~~r~=~~Y;7-~~~*.~ 1936 Father Hussar is baptized a Catholic. 1& I) :jt~7J' ~ 0 1937 Receives French citizenship. 1960fj:: Iffifffi.:LJv-lj- v A f;: 1 -if t' ~* ~~~o 1945 Enters the Dominican Order. 1 946~53 Studies theo logy and philosophy at the ~~OO~2J~*~~~m~~~9~~t Studium "Le Saulchoir" and is ordained a ~§~~0kr~=~~~.:LYt'1Vf~M~ pri est in 1950. ~ 1J ~o Goes to Israel and begins to prepare the foundation of Dominican center for Jewish 1962fj:: .:L.:f-.2.J =~ Jvt:t.X;ll~~#i'"J"t·~ IJ ~o Studies in Jerusalem. v1Y~- · ~~-7'~.:L.:f-.2.J=~~T 1960 Founds the Isaiah House in West Jer­ ~~~t:t.~~~~~1A"7.:L~~*~~t:t. usalem; a Dominican Institute for Jewish ~ IJ ~X;Il~11:;f;:§.:tJo Studies aimed at improving understanding between the churches, on one hand, and the 1964, 65fj:: /~' 7- ~ Y0~~fH;:~;lJo 0, ~F.:f- 1) A r ~{§ Jewish people and Israel on the other. og~~9~~~~.m~OO9~W~~0~ 1962 Co -founds Jewish-Christi an and Ecumeni­ f;: {if, h ~o cal Associati ons: The Rainbow Group, the Ecumenical and T heological Fraterni ty, 1966fj:: 1 A"7 .:LJvOO~~1&~~o and The Associati on fo r Interfaith Rela- 1967fj:: 6B.$~~~m~nkOO~~~~, 1A tions in Israel. "7 .:L Jv~fi[j ~Il'ir",~ t 0 L I±l 1m 0 1964, 65 Participates in the Vatican II Ecumenical 1 968~70fj:: 1 A "7 .:LJv~:W/J§'~~fi[j f;: i'"J1''T 0, ~U¥:, Council , and was instrumental in the prom­ ulgation of the "Declarati on on the Atti­ 3 - 0,/ / ·q;:1li <0 ~i!.f t .:L;7"t' . .:f- 1) A tude of the Church towards the Non­ r ~OO{if,~ffi\J~ t>mUd.~o Christian Reli gions." 1966 Receives Israeli citizenship. 1967 Immedi ately after the Six-Day War, Par­ ticipates in the General Assembl y of the Uni ted Nati ons as an advisor to the Israeli delegation. 1 968~70 Goes on missions fo r the Israeli lVIinistry of T ourism, to North America and Europe-as well as for lecture tours on the Bible and Jewish- Christian relations. 14 15 .
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