REGULAR MEETING OF HE BOARD OF PORT COMMISSIONERS OF Int, CITY OF OAKLAND The regular meeting, was held on Tuesday, December 16, 1997, at the hour of 2:15 p.m., in the Council Chambers, City Hall, Oakland, California, President Ortiz presiding, appropriate notice having been given and posted. Commissioners present: Harris, Lockhart, Loh, Taylor and President Ortiz - 5 Commissioners absent: Cole and Kramer - 2 Also present were the Executive Director; Port Attorney; Director of Engineering; Director of Aviation; Acting Director of Commercial Real Estate, Joyce Washington; Chief Administrative Officer; Director of Maritime, Ray Boyle; Director of Strategic and Policy Planning; Director of Equal Opportunity; Acting Chief Financial Officer, Fred Rickert; Acting Media Relations Manager, Lynn . Joiner; and Secretary of the Board. Certification of the Final EIR for the Airport Development Program (ADP), Findings Concerning Significant Effect of the Project, Adoption of Mitigation Measures of the Project, Adoption of Mitigation Monitoring _.and ..Reporting Program, Statement of Overriding Considerations for the Unavoidable Adverse Impacts, Approval of the ADP was the subject of a memo to the Board from the Director of Engineering notifying the Board that the Port of Oakland proposes to implement the Airporty Development Program at Metropolitan Oakland International Airport (MOIA). The Port, the lead local agency for the project, has prepared, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). A copy of the Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR), including appendices, has been provided to each member of the Board under separate cover. The Final EIR analyzes the potential environmental consequences from proposed Airport development improvements at MOIA. The proposed project requires environmental review of both federal and local actions. Project components which require federal actions require compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The Port's proposed Airport Development Program includes expansion of MOIA's Terminals 1 and 2, construction of the Airport Roadway Project, Augementation of roads and' parking facilities, construction of airline and airport support facilities, relocation of air cargo and facility developments and construction of a remote aircraft parking apron and widening of taxiways. Collectively, these improvements would relieve existing and forecast congestion throughout the MOIA reducing passenger and air cargo service inconvenience and delay: The program elements included in the ADP are planned and designed for the year 2000, for 13.8 million airline passengers (MAP), and 1.0 million tons of cargo. The Final EIR analyzes potential environmental impacts relating to noise, land use, air -- quality, socioeconomics, water quality, cultural resources, biotic communities, endangered and threatened species, wetlands, flooding, coastal zone management, farmland, energy supply and natural resources, aesthetics, light, solid waste, hazardous materials and waste, transportation circulation, parking, geology, and public services. The Final EIR evaluates the following on-Airport project alternatives: the proposed ADP; the Moderate Build Alternative, which provides for a reduced level of development for various ADP components; the No Action Alternative, which would construct none of the projects proposed in the ADP; the Regional Airport System Plan (RASP); and the City of Alameda's proposed "settlement agreement". The Final EIR also evaluates the following off-Airport alternatives: a new Bay Area air carrier airport site; civilian re-use or shared use of military airfields including Alameda Naval Air Station, Hamiltion Army Air Field, and Moffett Field; and alternative technologies including high speed rail services in the "California Corridor", other modes of transport, civlian tiltrotor and vertiports, and telecommunications and telecommuting. On April 15, 1992, the Port of Oakland issued a Notice of Preparation (NOP) of an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) for the MOIA's Airport Development Program. Similarly, the FAA issued a Notice of Intent (N01) on December 29, 1992 to prepare a joint EIR/EIS for MOIA. Subsequent to the issuance of the NOP and NOI, the Port and FAA held a joint scoping meeting for federal, state, and local agencies and the general public on January 27, 1993. The purpose of this meeting was to provide an early and open process for determining the scope of issues to be addressed related to the proposed action, the ADP. Comments made at these meetings and written December 16, 1997 -2- comments received by both the Port and the FAA on the NOP and NOT, respectively, are included in Appendices A and B of the Final E1R. Between 1992 and 1994, the Port and the FAA made the decision to include the Airport Roadway Project in the ADP and changed portions of the ADP project description. To allow the public to comment on these changes, the Port issued a Supplemental NOP on November 11, 1994, and the FAA issued a Supplemental NOI on December 16, 1994. The supplemental NOP and NOT and subsequent written comments are also included in Appendices A and B, respectively, of the Final E1R. In September 1996, the FAA and Port issued a Draft EIS/E1R, The public comment period ended on December 30, 1996. The Port and FAA received over 500 comment letters on the draft document from public agencies, businesses, organizations, and individuals. Two public hearings occurred on November 6, 1996, at which written and oral comments were received. The comment letters ranged from one page letters to multi-volume comment reports from agencies. The Port, in consultation with the FAA, prepared written responses to the comments received, as well as modifications to the DEIS/E1R. The written responses to the comments received, as well as modifications to the DEIS/EIR. The written responses to comments are contained in an appendix to the Final E1R. The Port issued a Final EIR for review by interested persons and public agencies on December 3, 1997. The requested action before the Board includes: general findings and overview which include the purpose, description of environmental impact report, consideration and certification of the environmental impact report, changes to the environmental impact report and severability; recommended findings relating to mitigation measures, environmental impacts and alternatives which include findings relating to mitigation measures, adoption of mitigation measures, adoption of mitigation monitoring and reporting program, findings regarding modifications to mitigation measures made by the Final EIR, findings relating to alternative which include moderate build alternative, no project alternative, and other alternatives evaluated in the EIR; statement of overriding considerations; and approval of airport development program. It was recommended that the Board adopt a resolution certifying that it has reviewed and considered the information contained in the Final EIR for the Airport Development Program, that the EIR has been prepared in compliance with the CEQA, the State CEQA Guidelines and the Port CEQA Guidelines and finding that the Final EIR reflects the December 16, 1997 -3- independent judgment of the Board; adopting the mitigation measures set forth in Appendix 1 as conditions of approval of the Airport Development Program; adopting the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program set forth in Appendix 2; adopting the CEQA findings regarding mitigation measures, project impacts, and alternatives; adopting a statement of overriding considerations finding that the benefits of the proposed project outweigh the project's significant adverse environmental impacts; and approving the Airport Development Program, including the Airport Roadway Project, and committing to the Port's pro-rata local match share of the eligible project costs for the Airport Roadway Project. The following individuals appeared before the Board to comment on the proposed Airport Development Program: Councilman Ignacio De La Fuente; Bernard Collins of United Parcel Service; John Esplana of Southwest Airlines; Zack Wasserman of Alameda County Transportation Authority; Jennie Mitchell of Alaska Airlines; Ralph Appe77ato, Mayor of Alameda; Sandy Waters of Kaiser Air Inc.; Vice-Mayor Garry Loeffler and June Catalano of City of San Leandro; Melody Marr of Airport Area Business Association; Ann Broadwell of Steamfitters Local 342; Tom Guarino of San Leandro Chamber of Commerce; Ellison Folk of Shute, Mihaly & Weinberger representing CLASS; Bob Canter of Fly Oakland Forum; Sue Markland Day of CAAlliance for Jobs; Barbara Tuleja of CLASS; Tom Flimmelberg of San Leandro Unified School District; Linda Perry of San Leandro Unified School District; Ester Holcomb of San Leandro Unified School District; Paul Fettig of San Lorenzo Unified School District; Mark Clement of Oaldand Airport Hilton; Brian Wiese of East Bay Regional Park District; David Johnson of Oakland Commerce Corporation; Joe Haraburda of Oaldand Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce; Greg Rowe of Oakland Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce; Jon Rodgers of Aircraft Pilots of the Bay Area; Mason Rashid of Davis West Homeowners; Richard E. Winne of Oaldand - Sharing the Vision; Russell Moran, Bus owner, Oakland; Howard Beckman of San Lorenzo Homeowner; Francis Gallo of Neighborhood Aviation Advisory Committee of San Leandro; Thomas Jordan, Community of Harbor Bay Isle; Howard Ransom;
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